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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 6, 2024 7:00am-7:30am MSK

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in kamchatka , a local resident was detained on suspicion of treason. according to the investigation , the russian, on instructions from the sbu, collected information about the work of border guards, as well as about the participants in the ied, then passed the information on to the kiev regime. us attacks on iraq and syria are fueling conflict and threatening international security. russia announced this at a meeting of the un security council. our country called for condemnation of such actions. tallinn expels the head of the estonian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate. the authorities did not extend metropolitan eugene residence permit. the priests considered him a threat to national security because of his support for the svo. turkey remembers the victims of the devastating earthquake. large-scale events are taking place across the country. exactly a year ago , tens of thousands of houses collapsed in the southeast of the country, killing about 53,000 people. on myself. direction of the special operation
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, russian artillerymen destroyed a group of the ukrainian armed forces. air reconnaissance detected a large concentration of nationalists. the militants rotated units in the area that was abandoned by civilians. enemy coordinates transferred to the command post. the crew of the rszzo grad moved to a firing position and hit the enemy infantry with precise blows. after successfully completing the combat mission, the artillery went to a safe area. well, as goals come, so... we work, well, in general, well, every day, that is, well, there is no such day that we do not work. fsb officers detained a resident of kamchatka for treason, it was established that the man collaborated with the ukrainian security service, according to the investigation after the start of the special operation, a russian who lived in ukraine, was recruited by the sbu. after that, he returned to his homeland and began collecting information about the work of the grant service participants in the special operation and transferring it to the ukrainian one. side, the investigation
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into the case continues, the accused has been arrested. the man agreed to provide foreign intelligence services with information about the work of the border service of the fsb of russia, participants in a special military operation and other information about the armed forces of the russian federation. the man collected information on the territory of the kamchatka territory, using relatives and acquaintances, including including transmitting information about them to the sbu. another fsb operation in crimea made it possible to prevent a terrorist attack; it was prepared by three russians on instructions from the same sbu, who wanted to donate a car to one of the leaders of the region. two homemade explosive devices were seized from the suspects; they were going to be detonated using a mobile phone. the detainees admitted this during interrogation. the court has already arrested them for 2 months. zinaida kurbatova will tell you the details. fsb officers in crimea detained three russian citizens. all of them were recruited by the sbu.
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subsequently transported her to the republic of crimea. later, on my car, i cut out a gas cylinder with a volume of 70 liters, placed this mine in a gas cylinder, wrapped it there in a rag, and thus brought it through customs to the republic of crimea. in the apartment of the spouses of vladimir bodnar. an improvised explosive
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device made from an anti-tank mine with a charge of hexogen-based tarpaulin weighing 1.9 kg, a radio transmitting device, a tripod machine for placing the mine launcher in the direction of the target, remote fuses that connection to a mobile phone, an improvised explosive device with high-explosive fragmentation action. january to february 1 we were preparing for a terrorist attack. that is, they looked
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at the route of movement of this motorcade on the phone. the third detainee was ananyev, a man of considerable age who walks with a cane. the investigative department of the federal security service of russia for the republic of crimea and the city of sevastopol initiated criminal cases based on crimes under the article of attempted terrorist act and the article of illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation, forwarding or carrying of explosives or explosive devices. security authorities are continuing activities aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the illegal activity. zenaida kurbatova, lead. in the republic of mordovia. the plane skidded off the runway when landing; the plane was flying from moscow. investigators are looking into the circumstances of the incident. as rossiya airlines reported, the incident could have occurred due to a discrepancy between the actual state of the runway declared parameters. there were no injuries among the 87 passengers and crew members. on board
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were honored coach of the ussr tatyana tarasova, as well as coaches alexey tikhonov and svetlana sokolovskaya. they flew to the city to work at the russian figure kata junior championships. us president joe biden will veto a bill to provide financial assistance to israel if it does not include support for ukraine, the white house reported. let me remind you that this week congress is considering a compromise document on the allocation of funds for defense american borders and financing of israel and ukraine. if the document is not approved, then europe will have to increase support for kiev. are you ready for this? olga panomaryova will tell you.
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this captured pole is now ready to fight for donbass after the ukrainians left him to die on the front line. after the ukrainian army and military threw me under the covers, i made the decision to fight the nazis on the side of russia. i believe that today russia is fighting nazism
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around the world, protecting not only its own interests, but also the interests of all europe. moreover, apparently, they are better than european politicians who are deaf to the aspirations of the people. here is another farmers' strike, this time in bulgaria. food producers are on the verge of ruin due to cheap ukrainian imports and exorbitant expenses on arms supplies to kiev. our interests were not protected even within the country when we were flooded with ukrainian goods and no compensation from the budget for the losses we suffered due to the conflict in ukraine. imagine how our interests will be protected within the eu then. but brussels has no time for farmers; it is trying to agree on the thirteenth package of sanctions by february 24. even the western media consider it a symbolic zilch, but the glue of russophobia cannot hold back the european split due to the replenishment of the so-called peace fund for armaments for ukraine. and now barel is indignant at how eu members dare to export weapons for money when
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ukraine does not receive the promised million shells for free by march 24. a significant part of our products is exported to third countries. as i have already explained to my ministerial colleagues in recent days, the most fast. a cheap and effective way to increase the supply of ammunition to ukraine is to stop exporting to third countries, and this was my request. meanwhile, germany not only refuses to replenish the peace fund until it is compensated for berlin’s personal parcels for the needs of kiev. judging by press publications, dissatisfaction with the financial burden from ukrainian refugees is growing in the country. only 25% of them work, and the rest live on benefits. the issue is being posed even more harshly in the netherlands. while the government is reading kiev six more fighters, in addition to the eighteen previously promised, representatives of the people have a different opinion. it’s time for ukrainian refugees to go home,” said mp from the farmer-civil movement mona keyser, although, in her opinion, those who have found work can stay for now,
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provided they pay for housing and medical care on their own. apparently, neither europe nor the usa are ready to sponsor ukraine. republicans in congress continue to block the bill. until i become president, but a compromise is the only chance to improve things, without allocating aid ukraine may disappear, but do ukrainians really care about the democrats about the leadership of biden? he himself admitted that supplying american weapons to kiev is a profitable business project, since 90% of the money remains in the united states and goes to the coffers of the defense industry. at the same time , the state debt department on monday refused to comment on the data on the destruction of il-76 using the american patriot air defense system. disowned. there and from the khaymars, with which kiev hit civilians in lesichansk, explaining that they cannot
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independently verify how the armed forces of ukraine uses american weapons? olga panomaryova, evgenia zemtsova, lead. a russian citizen, detained in argentina at the request of ukraine, asked for political asylum. this allowed the extradition request to be suspended, the lawyer said. he emphasized: ukraine brought too vague charges against our citizen. the consular department of the russian embassy in argentina has already announced its readiness to provide legal assistance to the detainee. us strikes in iraq and syria are aimed at further fueling the conflict and pose a threat international security. this statement was made by our permanent representative vasily nebende at a meeting of the un security council. russia urgently requested it after the united states and allies attacked 85 pro-iranian targets on the territory of sovereign states. nebendze called on the international community. condemn the actions of the coalition, which grossly violate international law.
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victoria koroleva will tell you what other statements were made. after the so-called retaliatory strikes on syria and iraq, washington cannot decide how to express itself more correctly in front of the international community about the bombing of sovereign states. the us deputy permanent representative to the un assured that the american air strikes were necessary and proportionate. but russia views these provocations as an attempt to flex its muscles and influence internally. will strive to put out the fire with gasoline and exacerbate chronic contradictions in the middle east to the extent that it benefits
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its israeli ally. as soon as bravura statements by the american military about successful attacks began to spread in the media, the white house hastened to explain that before shelling informed the iraqi government of their intentions, but journalists found out that this was not the case. at the same time , the targets of attacks in iraq and syria were pro-iranian formations, the us department of defense confirmed. the white house insists that it is iran that is contributing to the escalation of tensions in the region, and retaliatory strikes are supposedly aimed at resolving the conflict without direct confrontation. the pentagon actively denies casualties among the iranians themselves, but admits that other losses are likely. it is fair to conclude that these attacks most likely resulted in victims. but give us time to ensure we provide accurate information. meanwhile, the international community is concerned about the rapid increase in tension and possible casualties. among the civilian population. china's permanent representative stressed that the security of one country
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cannot be achieved at the expense of the security of another, and called for compliance with the un charter in resolving the conflict. the middle east is on the brink of extreme danger, reducing tensions and preventing conflicts are urgent tasks, facing the international community. recent us airstrikes on multiple locations in syria and iraq have caused numerous casualties. these actions. undermine the world order based on the supremacy of universal international
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law and the central role of the united nations. the pentagon never tires of repeating that the states do not need a war with iran, but with their reckless actions, the united states and its allies risk dragging the entire region into an armed confrontation. amid the aggravation of the situation, state department head antony blinken, as usual, went to another middle eastern tour, such a symbolic jump into the last carriage of hope. mitigate the consequences of bombing of sovereign countries. victoria koroleva, lead. now economic news, maria filippova joins me. mash, good morning, a large-scale construction project is getting ready to start. roma, good morning, will send almost 5 trillion rubles. and details below. investments in the construction of the vust-lugi gas processing complex will exceed 4.900 billion rubles. of these, 900 billion will be financed from the fund. national welfare. the figures are given in the project passport, in accordance with it, from
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january 1, 29, the complex will annually process 45 billion meters of gas, including to produce more than 13 million tons of lng. the launch of the first stage of the complex is planned for 2020. the main markets for liquefied natural gas, polyethylene and other products are china, india, bangladesh, pakistan, malaysia, vietnam, myanmar, as well as turkey and brazil. measures of rosselkhoznadzor to limit the supply of ecuadorian products affected about 30% of banana exports from this south american republic, they said together. trade associations. ecuador sells approximately $3.5 billion worth of bananas abroad each year, with a quarter being sent to russia. 30% of them is a very significant amount, more than $260 million, despite the fact that only five supplier companies are currently limited. if this is a very alarming bell for ecuador, then russia,
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experts are sure, will quite easily be able to find other suppliers of these exotic fruits without risk of price shocks. there may be supplies from china, there may be supplies from africa , a whole number of countries, again bananas are grown, this route is just being worked out, the fact is that ecuador has been doing this for quite a long time , it has been increasing its share in the russian market, in the total volume of production in our country, we borrow 25% from them, that is, a quarter of all bananas produced go to our country. rosselkhoznadzor from monday. stopped supplies of bananas from five enterprises in ecuador; a dangerous quarantine agent was found in their products pest if foreign partners do not take action, the russian department stated that it would be forced to move to the next stage of introducing restrictive measures. in addition, rosselkhosnadzor expressed concern about the increasing number of cases of violation of eac phytosanitary requirements in the supply of ecuadorian carnations. they are also ready
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to apply sanctions if the violations are not eliminated. in europe, new farming. this time, the highways on the border of belgium and the netherlands were blocked; the road was blocked by more than a hundred tractors and other equipment. participants the action demands changing the pan-european agricultural policy, removing numerous environmental restrictions and stopping the uncontrolled import of cheap products from ukraine. bulgarian farmers are also joining the mass strikes. already today they are going to block 80 road junctions. the farmers are demanding compensation for losses estimated at 250 million euros. they also want to achieve the resignation of the minister of agriculture, since he cannot solve internal problems and is more worried about ukrainian agricultural producers. well completion of the course currencies, the dollar today is 91 rubles 24 kopecks, the euro is 98.22 kopecks. roman, thank you, now to the latest message: three accomplices of the ukrainian special services were arrested in crimea, they were preparing an assassination attempt on one
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of the leaders of the republic, they wanted to blow up a car, and during the search they found explosives on the suspects. iraq was prevented thanks to the work of fsb officers. vasily nepenze called us strikes on iraq and syria a violation of international law and a threat to world security. posplet russia at the un made this statement at a meeting of the council security convened at the request of our country. in mordovia, the circumstances of the accident at the airport are being clarified; during landing , the plane rolled off the runway. none of the passengers or crew were injured. on board. there were famous coaches who flew to the figure skating competition. king charles ii of great britain began treatment for cancer. this was reported at buckingen palace. the monarch will undergo therapy on an outpatient basis and, despite the recommendations of doctors, will continue to engage in government affairs. news sports. in the studio alexander abramov, sazh
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good morning, russian minister of sports oleg matytsin announced the prize money for the sports giada, which starts this week. what amounts are we talking about? roman, good morning, the prize money will be at the same level as the prize money for the world championship. for gold at the spartakiad, for example, athletes will receive 358 rubles from the state. let's start with football. st. petersburg zenit started the equality cup with a victory. the tournament with the participation of four teams takes place on a boat these days. in their first match at the tournament, sergei simanok's team played against the champion of qatar club al-duhail. as expected, the game was overwhelmingly successful. zenit st. petersburg won with a score of 2:0, but the final difference could have been much larger. the first goal was scored already in the seventh minute; under pressure from zenit, aldu hal was unable to get out of the defense and claudines lost the ball. scored a beautiful goal into the top corner. zenit scored the second goal in the seventy -second minute. the team's brazilian newcomer , arthur, finished off a cross from the flank. zenit will play the next match at the tournament in the next
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thursday, will play against shanghai-shinhua, leonid slutsky. the khl regular season featured two matches on monday. in one of them, kazan akbars hosted siberia. in this game , kazantsev's three-match winning streak was interrupted. siberia won a major away victory with a score of 4:1. and the siberians were the first to let through. siberian forward georgy belousov was named the best player of the match. he scored the winning goal, his team's second, and provided an assist. siberia continues to fight for getting into the playoffs. eight matches left regular season. novosibirsk are tenth in the east, four points behind the top eight in the cup. the national hockey league resumed its regular season after a break for the all-star game. in the first game after again. artemy ponarin
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is the best in his team this season in terms of goals scored and assists and, accordingly, in the goal plus pass system. artemy's puck helped the rangers beat colorado 2:1. washington forward evgeny kuzentsov left his team for an indefinite period. kuzentsov missed earlier training. according to the nhl press service, evgeny kuznetsov turned to the program to help players of the national hockey league. the program exists to provide primarily psychological support to players who are experiencing a variety of problems. the thirty-one-year-old forward will return to the club only after program administrators clear him to compete on the ice. the day before, a large press conference was held in moscow dedicated to the upcoming winter spartakiad of the strongest. the tournament starts this week on february 9, and will be held in five regions of the country. the program
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is completely the same as the olympic program with one exception: there will be no men's hockey. russian sports minister oleg matytsin announced that prize money for athletes will be at the level of prize money for world championships. in particular, for the gold medal at the winter spartakiad, the athlete will receive 358,000 from the state. the remuneration of the winners will not change compared to the summer sports competition, which took place in the twenty-second year. it is expected that about 2,500 athletes will take part in the upcoming tournament, they will compete for 108 sets of awards in 14 disciplines. in the very near future we will decide on the frequency of the spartakiads, because initially a model was built for the spartakiads movement in general, not just the spartakiads of the strongest, which... taking into account the fact that we need as many
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starts as possible for all athletes, not only national teams, and competitions are needed that would create the maximum possible competition between the strongest and the closest reserve, on the one hand, and motivation, or let’s say, more active work of the regions to form this reserve to create regional ones.
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just last year, interrau allocated 37 billion rubles for the purchase of such companies, most of the money has already been returned in the form of income, in a year more than half of the money was returned, and in the 2nd
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... since the purchase of the engineering and it business, what we spent 47 billion, the total profitability was more than 50 billion rubles, that is, despite all the difficulties with interest rates and the rising cost of equipment, we repaid this in 2 years business, well, for comparison, the payback period for basic generation projects is from 12 to 15 years, and we will further develop these competencies. one of the important aspects of generation since 2009. the group built almost 10,500 megawatts of new capacity and invested 650 billion rubles in it. much attention is paid to the construction of the novolenskaya tes in the sakha republic. the project is due to be completed in 2028. investments 257 billion rubles. as a result, an energy cluster will be created, including the development of a gas field and the installation of an integrated gas preparation. the partner is alrosa.
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200 km of gas pipe will be laid. international activity also continues, despite all restrictions, last year exports amounted to about 10.5 billion kilowatt-hours, historical records for a number of countries, supplies that previously went to unfriendly states are now going to those who really need our electricity, energy facilities for yes, there are also, we are working in a number of countries to
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reach an agreement on the construction of new... electricity consumption is growing in in russia over the past 3 years, the figure has increased by almost 8.5%. consumption increases, which means the economy grows.
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