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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 6, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] a man was detained on suspicion of treason in kamchatka; he was collecting information for the ukrainian special services. hello, dear fellow countrymen, this is the last video, and since you are watching it, it means only one thing happened. farewell video of the hero, died saving wounded comrades in the north military district zone. we met his family. inciting conflict. us strikes on iraq and
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syria represent. always so that she gets to the direction she needs to go and returns safely. suppress the enemy in such a way that when our assault aircraft enter groups, there was no one ready to provide them with even the slightest resistance. fsb officers detained a resident of kamchatka for treason; it was established that the man collaborated with the ukrainian security service. according to the investigation, after the start of the special operation, a russian living in ukraine was recruited by the sbu. after that, he returned to his homeland and began collecting information about the work
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of the border service. participants in the special operation and transfer them to the ukrainian side. the investigation into the case continues and the accused has been arrested. the man agreed to provide the foreign intelligence service information about the work of the border service of the fsb of russia, participants in a special military operation and other data about the armed forces of the russian federation. the man collected information on the territory of the kamchatka territory, using relatives and acquaintances. including transmitting information about them to the sbu. another fsb operation in crimea prevented a terrorist attack. it was prepared by three russians on instructions from the same sbu. they wanted to blow up the car of one of the regional leaders. two improvised explosive devices were seized from the suspects. bring them in the actions were collected using a mobile phone. the detainees admitted this during interrogation. the court has already arrested them for two months. zinaida kurbatova will tell you the details.
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fsb officers in crimea. explosive device, homemade elements from a hiding place in the garage , security officers in these frames take out the suspect, gives a confession, i was told to place an american or german-made mine explosive device on the territory of the city. i brought it in a gas boiler and later transported it to the republic of crimea. later, on my car, i cut out a gas cylinder with a volume of 70 liters, placed this mine in a gas cylinder, wrapped it there in a rag and
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thus through customs. took me to the republic of crimea. the apartment of spouses vladimir bodnar and oksana shevchenko is being searched. these are the terrible contents of the caches. a radio-controlled improvised explosive device made from an anti-tank mine with a charge of hexogen-based tarpaulin weighing 1.9 kg. radio transmitting device, tripod machine for placing a mine launcher in the direction of the target, remote fuses that require connection to a mobile phone. an improvised high-explosive fragmentation device in october 23, volodya received a new assignment from his curator to carry out a terrorist attack on a motorcade of two cars by detonating this explosive device in one of the cars of the motorcade from
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january 26 to february 1. we were preparing for a terrorist attack, that is, we looked at the route of movement of this motorcade on our phones. a man of advanced age who walks with a cane. investigative department of the federal security service of russia for criminal cases have been initiated in the republic of crimea and the city of sevastopol based on crimes under the article attempted to commit a terrorist act and the article illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation, forwarding or carrying of explosives or explosive devices. security authorities are continuing activities aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the illegal activity. zenaida kurbatova, lead. the story of a hero, a farewell video of a volunteer with call sign rostov. it was posted by the widow of the deceased at his request. the fighter sent a message six months ago, soon died while saving wounded comrades, evacuating them from the front line when
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an enemy drone hit the car. report by veronica bogma. hello, dear fellow countrymen, this is the last video, and since you are watching it, it means that only one thing happened, out of nowhere. me reasons, i died, continue without me, but the rest i wish victory to everyone , happiness, that's it, goodbye, victory will be ours, mikhail petrenko recorded this video and sent to his wife back in april, insisted that she publish it in the event of his death, anya fulfilled her husband’s will, sent the video to the zernograd group, you just need to have a lot of, well, spirit, speak so calmly, well
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, he. direction, where he died heroically, his call sign is rostov, among the front-line brothers , russians, chechens, dagestanis mourn, but remembering, they smile, where he knows that his help is needed there, he always flew there,
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everything needs to be helped, everything needs to be there, help is needed guys, go ahead, he was a very good friend, i would even say a close friend, brother, you can call it, it is possible, but it is necessary, my brother, i was always in a good mood, always. mikhail died in october 23 , when he was going to the front line to pick up the wounded. this is mikhail’s watch, it was with him at the moment when the ukrainian armed forces drone hit the field where the wounded were being transported. colleagues handed them over to the family, they are in his house and continue to walk. it was already the last flight, they should have left already, yes, that’s how it happened. they were driving, a drone flew in, a baba yaga, a cassette drone, and he was wounded, he was immediately wounded, and the driver, and the driver was shell-shocked, until they didn’t put the driver in order
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, the second one came to his senses, it’s hard to remember realizing that you won’t see this person again, you won’t hug him, you won’t say, you’re my bear , how are you, brother, well... it just happened that all that ’s left to say is , continue without me, but the rest i wish victory to everyone, happiness, that’s it, goodbye, victory will be ours. mikhail petrenko was posthumously presented to the order of courage, veronica bogma, eduard ilien, vladimir shumakov, conduct the rostov region. the head of the estonian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate is forced to leave country. the priest’s residence permit was not renewed; it expires today, and tallinn is expelling the hierarch. the police stated that metropolitan eugene poses a threat to national security due to his principled and public support for the special operation. in his farewell address to parishioners, the priest called on believers not to despair, and
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called the decision of the estonian authorities politically motivated. the head of european diplomacy, josep barel, arrived in kiev. verkhovna rada deputy aleksey goncherenko wrote about this in his telegram channel. in he is on the list of terrorists in russia. nothing has been announced about the program of the visit or the meetings of the distinguished guest. barel arrived in the ukrainian capital from warsaw, where the day before at a press conference he recalled the next, already thirteenth, package of anti-russian sanctions that are now being prepared. according to a european official. new restrictions will affect companies in different countries that, according to the eu, are involved in circumventing sanctions against moscow. us president joe biden will veto the financial aid bill assistance to israel, if support for ukraine is not included, this was reported in the white house. let me remind you that republicans in congress proposed to consider assistance to these two countries separately. and the democrats introduced another document to congress and combined funding for israel and ukraine’s defense. american borders. donald trump called this bill a disaster for
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american foreign and domestic policy. house republicans said they would not support the measure. us strikes in iraq and syria aim to further inciting conflict and posing a threat to international security. this statement was made by our permanent representative vasily nebende at a meeting of the un security council. russia urgently requested it after the us and its allies attacked 85 pro-iranian fighters. objects on the territory of sovereign states. nebendze called on the world community to condemn the actions of the coalition, which grossly violate international law. victoria koroleva will tell you what other statements were made. after the so-called retaliatory strikes in syria and iraq, washington cannot make up its mind. as if express myself more correctly before the international community about the bombing of sovereign states. the us deputy permanent representative to the un assured that the american air strikes were
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necessary and proportionate. usa. vasily nebenze emphasized that the almost non-stop bombing of iraq and syria by the united states is designed to further inflame the conflict and draw the largest countries of the middle east into it. recent events confirm that the united states is not and has never actually sought solutions to problems in the region. the logic of their actions is necessary seek exclusively in the pursuit at any cost. to maintain its dominant position in the world, so washington sought to extinguish the fire with gasoline and aggravate chronic contradictions in the middle east to the extent that it was beneficial to its israeli ally. as soon as bravura statements by the american military about successful attacks began to spread in the media, the white house hastened to explain that they had informed the iraqi government of their intentions before the attacks, but journalists found out that this was not the case. wherein, targets of attacks in iraq. pro-iranian formations have left syria, the us department of defense confirmed. the white house
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insists that it is iran that is contributing to the escalation of tensions in the region, and retaliatory strikes are supposedly aimed at resolving the conflict without direct confrontation. the pentagon actively denies casualties among the iranians themselves, but admits that other losses are likely. it's fair to conclude that there were likely casualties as a result of these strikes, but give us time to ensure we provide an accurate information. meanwhile, the international community is concerned about the rapid increase in tension and possible civilian casualties. the chinese permanent representative emphasized that the security of one country cannot be achieved at the expense of the security of another and called for compliance with the un charter in conflict resolution. the middle east is on the brink of extreme danger; reducing tensions and preventing conflicts are pressing challenges facing the international community. recent us airstrikes on... multiple places in syria and iraq caused
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numerous casualties. these actions constitute a gross violation of the countries' sovereignty and territorial integrity. everyone involved in aggressive policies in the region will have to answer, niebenze said. he recalled that neglecting the norms of international law in a modern multipolar world is unacceptable. london has yet to answer for its zeal in supporting the purely provocative actions of its older brother in washington. as well as non -stop attacks. against yemen, actions the anglo-saxons represent a direct threat to international peace and security, undermining the world order based on the supremacy of universal international law and the central role of the united nations. the pentagon never tires of repeating that the states do not need a war with iran, but with their reckless actions by the united states, their allies risk dragging the entire region into an armed confrontation. amid the aggravation of the situation, the head of the state department , antony blinken, as usual, went. on another middle eastern tour, such
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a symbolic jump into the last carriage in hoping to mitigate the consequences of bombing sovereign countries. victoria koroleva, lead. in turkey, today is the day of remembrance for the victims of the devastating earthquake that occurred exactly a year ago. mourning rallies will be held throughout the country. in antalya, local residents have already held a minute of silence in the central square; in ankara , several thousand trees will be planted in memory of the victims. the event is also planned in istanbul. let me remind you. the earthquake killed about 53.00 people. the tremors were felt most strongly in the southeast of the country. there tens of thousands of residential buildings collapsed. people were pulled out from under the rubble by the current. charles iii began treatment for cancer. this was reported at buckingen palace. they claim that the disease was discovered last week; they do not name the type of cancer diagnosed. according to british media, the king will undergo treatment on an outpatient basis. doctors recommended that the monarch postpone his public
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duties, but the press service of the royal family said that despite his illness, charles will continue to engage in state affairs. now there is footage from south africa in the south-west of the country , powerful forest fires are raging, this is footage of eyewitnesses, now i will show another video where the fire is getting close to houses, several villages not far from the capital of the country, capital town has already been evacuated, according to the latest data, the reserve has almost completely burned out , there have been no reports of casualties, now economic news, maria filipova joins me, good morning, a large-scale launch is being prepared. project for the construction of the vostlugi gas processing complex , the volume of investments is already known. good morning, roma will allocate almost 5 trillion rubles. and details below. investments in the construction of a gas processing complex in services will exceed 4.900 billion rubles. of these, 900 billion will be financed from the
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national welfare fund. the numbers are given in the project passport. in accordance with it, from january 1, 2019, the complex will be processed annually. 45 billion cubic meters of gas, including for the production of more than 13 million tons of lng. the launch of the first stage of the complex is planned for 2020. the main sales markets for liquefied natural gas, polyethylene and other products are listed in china, india, bangladesh, pakistan, malaysia, vietnam, myanmar, as well as turkey and brazil. measures taken by the rosselkhoznadzor to limit the supply of ecuadorian products affected about 30% of banana exports from this south american republic, they said. local trade association. ecuador sells approximately $3.5 billion worth of bananas abroad each year, with a quarter being sent to russia. 30% of them is a very significant amount, more than $260 million, and this is despite the fact that so far only five supplier companies are bordering. and if for ecuador this is a very alarming call, then russia -
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confident experts - will quite easily be able to find other suppliers of these exotic fruits without the risk of price hikes. there may be supplies from china, there may be supplies from africa, a whole number of countries, again bananas are grown, this route is just being worked out, the fact is that ecuador has been doing this for quite a long time, it has been increasing its share in the russian market, in the total volume of production in our country, we we borrow 25% from them, that is, a quarter of all bananas produced go to our country. rosselkhoznadzor from monday. stopped the supply of bananas from five enterprises in ecuador, a dangerous quarantine pest was found in their products, and if foreign partners do not take action, the russian department said, it will be forced to move to the next stage of introducing restrictive measures. in addition, rosselkhoznadzor expressed concern about the increasing cases of violation of phytosanitary requirements of the ias during
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the supply of ecuadorian carnations, which also applies to ready to apply sanctions if violations are not eliminated. there are new farmer protests in europe. since the highway on the border of belgium and the netherlands is blocked, the road is blocked by more than a hundred tractors and other equipment, the participants of the action demand to change the pan-european agricultural policy, remove numerous environmental restrictions , and stop the uncontrolled import of cheap products from ukraine. bulgarian farmers are also joining the mass strikes. already today they are going to block 80 road junctions. farmers demand compensation for losses estimated at 250
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million euros. the crew reloads the gun in a matter of seconds and opens fire again. the main advantage of cornflower is, of course. each cassette contains four projectiles that fly out at great speed. the crew works in short bursts for 2 seconds, immediately after which it hides in the forest belt. these mortar men from the vostok group are working on the line of combat contact in the ugledar area. they have just returned to the front line and are now undergoing
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re-training. there is no higher mathematics here, well at school, you probably had straight a's, no, but once you mastered it, life forced you. the commander of the gun came here from transbaikalia , in civilian life he graduated from a technical school as a locomotive engineer, but in the thirteenth year he decided to sign a contract and become a military man . raisins, on the ural dlinnomer, i ran into an anti-tank mine. received three degrees of burns, three degrees of concussion and still returned here, but he returned because it was a duty,
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the homeland is calling, especially, we cannot retreat, now is the time that who else besides us is working in the neighborhood with the combat crew of the rapier anti-tank gun, this weapon is called a sniper rifle of barrel artillery, rapira or mt-12, a development dating back to the soviet era, but still meets all modern requirements and the main advantage is the high rate of fire up to 14 rounds per minute, unpretentiousness and accuracy of hitting the target. these artillerymen have also just returned from a combat mission and are studying the capabilities of new shells, more powerful and long-range. the crew recently came under return fire, but none of the fighters were injured. panama was dealing with hail at 4:00 am, the most dangerous. we were just on vacation, and it turns out they started taking aim and fired three missiles. initially, according to us, they were, well, sort of far away, and after these three shots they began to work directly on our dugouts,
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well, we took cover, put on armor and sat and waited. additional training at the training ground, the fighters of the vostok group undergo regularly, during breaks between hostilities, the course lasts several days, after which the soldiers are sent back to the front line. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. sports news in the studio alexander abramov. sash, good morning, russian champion zenit has started playing at the off-season tournament in qatar, tell us the details. roman, good morning, the russian champion beat the qatari champion with a score of 2:0. so, st. petersburg zenit started the equality cup with a victory. the tournament with the participation of four teams is taking place in katera these days. in their first match at the tournament, sergei's team semaka played against the champion kater club al-duhail. as expected, the game took place with an overwhelming advantage from zenit. petersburgers. won with a score of 2:0, but the final difference could have been much larger. the first goal was scored in the seventh minute. under pressure from zenit, alduhael was unable to get out of defense,
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lost the ball and claudino scored a beautiful goal into the top corner. zenit scored the second goal in the 72nd minute. the team's brazilian newcomer, arthur, finished off a cross from the flank. zenit will play the next match at the tournament next thursday, will play against shanghai-shinhua, leonid slutsky. the kgl regular season ended on monday. two matches, in one of them kazan akbars hosted siberia. in this game , kazantsev's three-match winning streak was interrupted. siberia won a major away victory with a score of 4:1, and the siberians were the first to concede. siberian forward georgy belousov was named the best player of the match. he scored the winning second goal for his team and provided an assist. siberia continues to fight for a place in the playoffs, with eight matches left of the regular season, novosibirsk is tenth in the east. they are four points behind the top eight. the national hockey league resumed its regular
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season after a break for the all-star game. in the first game after the restart , the new york rangers played colorado. in this match , rangers forward artemy ponarin scored his thirty-first goal of the season. this happened in the third period. in the scoring episode, ponarin circled around the opponent's zone, after which he effectively shot into
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the top corner. the day before there was a big event in moscow press conference dedicated to the upcoming winter spartakiad of the strongest. the tournament starts this week on february 9, and will be held in five regions of the country. the program is completely the same as the olympic program with one exception: there will be no men's hockey. russian sports minister oleg matytsin announced that prize-winning athletes will be at the level of prize money for the world championships. in particular, for the gold medal at the winter spartakiad, the athlete will receive 358,000 rubles from the state. reward. winners will not change compared to the summer olympics, which took place in the twenty-second year. it is expected that about 2,500 athletes will take part in the upcoming tournament; they will compete for 108 sets of awards in 14 disciplines. in the very near future we will decide on the frequency of the spartakiads, because initially there was a model of the spartakiad movement in general, not just
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the spartakiad of the strongest, which was supposed to be held. taking into account the fact that we need athletes, not only for national teams, and as many starts as possible for everyone , competitions are absolutely necessary that would create the maximum possible competition between the strongest and the closest reserve, on the one hand, and motivation, or let’s say, more active work of the regions to form this reserve and create regional branches of the federation, then... of course, we are now thinking about what could be a sports contest will be held more often, there once every 2 years. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour. russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so, different, but dear
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to everyone, all of russia. in front of yours eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, watch, to spend time with children, russian cartoons and children's
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programs, watch, app or on the website. dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and
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enjoy them.


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