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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 6, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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stretched over 4 years, whether it is a lot or a little, 50 billion euros in the context of this international situation and in the context of the ukrainian conflict, what this decision taken at the eu summit generally means, we will discuss with vladimir dzhabarov, first deputy chairman of the federation council committee on international affairs, now on a video link with the fifth studio, vladimir mikhailovich, i greet you, hello, so, money will still be allocated to kiev, but parts... there is a saying there with the condition that every year they will deserve the report of the european commission on how kiev is fighting corruption is, to put it mildly, an extremely relevant topic for them, yes, how human rights are respected is an equally pressing story, in general, how do you assess this decision to allocate 50 billion euros to kiev? well , as i understand it, kiev is still satisfied, although its request and appetite are not fully satisfied.
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europeans will not simply give away this money without control, especially since there are a lot of opponents who objected to this help, primarily hungary, i think slovakia, i think that for ukraine it will not be the sweetest time, and then 4 years, for example, i don’t know what will happen to the european union in 4 years, what is happening now is a crisis, a crisis of trust among themselves, a decrease in the level of production, recession, somewhere.
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here is one question, the second question i would like to ask in connection with the vote in the hungarian parliament on the issue of admitting sweden to nato. this vote did not take place, they simply did not have a quorum, and well, experts say that it was just a disruption, a deliberate disruption. here please tell us how all this can be assessed. well, as for weapon stands, this is absolutely true, hungary does not want to pay for it. the european union will try to bypass hungary by creating a special fund from which payments for weapons will be made. but all these are just words, intentions, and nothing more, and as for the disruption of the vote in the hungarian parliament on sweden’s admission to nato, i think that this was intentionally made clear, this is such a response on the part of orban to that unprecedented, unprecedented pressure , which the eu countries exerted on him , essentially twisting the arms of the hungarian prime minister, but i think that sooner or later, of course, he will become a full-fledged member of nato, although
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little will change from this, the swedes have been essentially in the ranks of nato, de facto, not even, but de facto yes , they participated in all the exercises, stationed some temporary contingents on their territory, there was transportation of goods through the territory of sweden, well, like during the second world war, when sweden formally was neutral, but all german... i suggest discuss the situation with ecuador, ecuador is transferring to the united states russian, well, that is , soviet, essentially, military equipment, despite the fact that according to the agreements, transfer to third countries is prohibited, nevertheless ecuador does this, under the pretext that it is some kind of military scrap metal, there is exactly this wording, why?
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with the counter-offensive it’s generally a complete ambush, so they are trying with such vile acts, and how to show the west that they have such a combat-ready army, they inflict a blow on russia, damage, well, every terrorist attack there is especially special terrible, and the destruction of our transporter 76, and the missile strike on the bakery, where they died, are not responsible for anything at all. people , and the most interesting thing is that the west is silent, the west does not react at all, as if this did not happen, moreover, our attempts to urgently hold a security council are, as a rule, slowed down by the leaders, now france is the chairman, it is postponed, in particular on the plane,
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you remember, we asked for the same day, we need to postpone the review for two days, i think there is only one way out, that’s what i’m talking about the minister of defense has already spoken about this ... the president of the russian federation has also spoken about this, of course, we must push the enemy as far as possible from soviet, from russian territory, but if this means reaching the western border of ukraine, we must reach the western border border, while zelensky’s regime remains in kiev, essentially a terrorist one, i think the conversation with him should be short, he should be destroyed and, in general, this should be done so that the rest of the inhabitants of ukraine can live a quiet life, because when... terrorist clique in power is, nothing good will happen for the state, so ukraine is now, in general, at the most critical stage of its development, as a state, unfortunately, it did not succeed on its own, and as a terrorist entity, i think
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it will not be able to exist for a long time, well, this is the fate of all terrorist structures. tell me, please, what if we consider these terrorist acts from the point of view of the internal politics of ukraine, if they can be called at all. politics is what 's going on inside, i mean squabbling zelensky and zaluzhny, the possible resignation of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, which is increasingly being talked about, already with reference to the office of the president, including zelensky, maybe this is a reflection, so to speak, of this squabble , such terrible shelling, maybe, of course, the fact is that since such quarrels have begun in the top leadership, the military, including the political one, this suggests that they are now trying to find the extreme...
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you into their own hands, you know me now, that’s why i shut up a little, it’s embarrassing another thing, i am very alarmed by the numerous attempts at terrorist attacks within our country, recruitment of our citizens. from the security service of ukraine, all these small terrorist attacks, minor threats, i think we need to toughen the punishments here, we definitely need to look into the issue of toughening the penalties, still do such trials of traitors to the motherland who betrayed their country, became accomplices of terrorists, do such trials public, so that people can see, and most importantly, i think that we need, in general, well, so that our...
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i want more, you know, on a slightly different topic with to talk to you about the western idea of ​​​​fixation about freezing our russian financial assets, here is one of the versions, here analysts write that - the west wants to finance ukraine in this way through issued bonds, that is, debt obligations, debt securities, which these bonds will be backed by precisely at the expense of russia’s frozen assets, that’s the idea , that’s how you think, how realistic is this, as they say, on their part and whether, so to speak, the united
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states of america, germany and france are bent on this question, because berlin and paris, in my opinion, are not particularly enthusiastic about this idea, this would be a serious blow to their financial reputation, at least such opinions are also expressed, on the other hand, what could be our response to who, so to speak , will fall upon this answer, and obviously not the states, maybe that’s why they are so bold, as they say, only the americans are delighted with this idea, because due to these debt obligations, they essentially withdraw into their favor what belongs to russia, so they will finance, say, western countries, and they will finance ukraine, and ukraine, since it cannot pay off, will therefore pay off with these assets, which will eventually be returned to the americans. why are western countries against it, because our answer can be very harsh, it is no secret that western states. france, germany and many others have many assets that are invested in our economy, their
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withdrawal in favor of ours, in favor of the russian state, could perhaps cause enormous damage, including, i’m not sure, their assets are less than our assets there, but if they follow this path, firstly, it is unclear who will lose even more, and secondly, what example will other states see in this, especially china, which is investing... ... huge capital in the assets of the west, the united states of america, arab countries, i think everyone will think about whether it is even worth dealing with such partners who at any moment will simply steal your savings, your savings and confiscate them for their own benefit. thank you very much, thank you very much, vladimir mikhailovich for your detailed answers, connections with the fifth studio were the first deputy, chairman of the federation council committee on international affairs, vladimir dzhabarov, etc. what we talked about is additional, which is called evidence that the united states
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of america is taking, although not directly, so to speak, but nevertheless extremely closely involved in the conflict in ukraine, this is what is happening in the states themselves, where now quite acute and, one might say, tense political and internal political situation, there is primaris and the history of texas, we talked about this with andrei korobkov, professor of political science... hello, andrei vladimirovich, hello, i would like to start with texas, this topic is now causing lively discussion, the governor of the state, greek abbot, said that after strengthening the border with mexico, and let me remind you, this is the barbed wire , yes, illegal crossing of the border by migrants has decreased from several thousand to three people in recent days, that’s what the governor said, in addition, ebat met in most recently with thirteen governors. republicans, they fully support him, but washington doesn’t like all this, and the us supreme court even ordered
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the removal of the wire fence. in your opinion, how far can all this go, as they say? well, today the situation has worsened, since it turned out that the compromise that was reached in the senate does not receive approval in the house of representatives and may even face opposition. actually in the senate, and since there will be no agreement on changes in immigration legislation in the entire migration system, then naturally the border states, first of all...
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for the first time in history, more than 40% of voters say that immigration is the main problem facing the united states. biden has only 22% of voters approve of his performance on border security, which means that about half of democrats in his own party
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also disapprove of his performance in this area. and so we saw. frantic attempts by both the white house and democrats in the senate somehow push through some measures that would , well, at least stabilize the situation, although it did not solve the problem, but since a stalemate arises again, naturally, the governors of the border states will again begin to take the initiative, entering into conflict with the federal ... authorities, such as border security, customs, immigration, and this will create additional tension. well, in this regard, it’s probably logical to talk about biden’s election prospects and in particular, let's discuss the primaries, in the primary elections in south carolina biden received 97% of the votes, what do you think this
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means, this is one question, on the other hand, please tell me, in your opinion, this is the task now...
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members of the democratic party of their order 60% , that is, there is a clear racial division between democrats and republicans in this state, and biden knew that he would win and win by a very large margin, but at the same time a whole series of problems arise here, everyone sees that the state biden began to deteriorate, well... literally before our eyes, both physically and mentally, he is already refusing any kind of interviews, he is endlessly confused, he is tired.
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change - andrei vladimirovich, yes, you know, of course i can’t help but ask about tucker carlson, this is a media sensation , a kind of sensation and his actions from the outside, from his side as a journalist, please tell me, that’s why in your opinion tucker carlson came to russia, came to moscow, how popular is he now in the states and can he this visit to russia now somehow backfires , as they say, because there already...
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then the size of his audience began to decline, but he is still not only very famous, he is very influential, he is associated with trump and his program, that
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is, such is the right-wing republican program, and he is increasingly perceived not only as a purely journalistic, but also as a media figure, but also as, in general, a political figure closely associated with trump. well, why is he going, it’s clear, he wants to raise his ratings again, it’s clear that in the absence of any real contacts between russia and the west, he creates a new bridge, that’s all, that’s publicity, that’s money, that’s political influence, and he naturally wants to pursue his own line, which is similar to trump, who thinks... the difference from the american establishment is that it is necessary to generally repeat the trick of nixon and kissenger in the second year, they then
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established relations. as the main rival of the united states now, andrei lanevich, yes, just in connection with what you are talking about now trump, what do you see, maybe the future trump team, what can you say about the current team, of the 44 former members of trump’s cabinet, only four have stated that they support his re-election and are ready to work in his cabinet as well, those who are appointed to the white house, they did not...
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andrei korobkov, a professor of political science at the university of tennessee, was in touch with us. this was the fifth studio, see you.
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in kamchatka, fsb officers detained a local resident on suspicion of treason.
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he offered cooperation to the kyiv regime. what information did you collect? us strikes in iraq and syria are aimed at further fueling the conflict. at an emergency meeting of the un council, moscow called for condemnation of the coalition’s actions. what's the reaction? dangerous bananas, why exports from ecuadur have been suspended, how much will the supplier lose and will the ban affect the market? preparations for the games of the future in kazan at the final stage, what will surprise the teams in the battle of robots. in kamchatka , fsb officers detained a local resident on suspicion of treason. before the start of the special military operation, he lived for a long time on ukraine, received a residence permit there. then, according to the investigation, he himself offered cooperation to the kiev regime. he needed permission to return to russia to withdraw money from his bank account and receive it.


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