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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 6, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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dick is from this country and what could be the economic consequences and iron battle, how are the robotics team preparing for the games of the future and how are they going to surprise the audience? well, let's start with the news of the last minutes. the armed forces of ukraine struck the village of butovo in the luhansk people's republic, the fire came from an american-made hymer missile system, as a result of the shelling behind... the gas station , employees of the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of internal affairs and the district administration went to the scene. the fire was quickly localized. a nearby bakery was also damaged. according to the latest data, there are no casualties. the consequences of a new attack by the ukrainian armed forces in donetsk are being eliminated. a shuttle bus came under attack; ammunition was dropped on it from a drone. at about the same time , enemy artillery fired a salvo into the west of the city. and ekaterina shintina will tell you the consequences. she works in donetsk and has now gone live. ekaterina, hello, what? last information. hello
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yuri. ukrainian militants continue to attack the civilian population of the donetsk people's republic and were released this morning from the armed forces of ukraine more than fifty different ammunition. including with a cluster warhead. nationalists attacked the region with attack drones. at 9:50, information appeared that an explosive object had been dropped in the kiev district... at the moment, fortunately, there is no information about casualties, but we all understand perfectly well that the strike was carried out on an absolutely peaceful area, where there are no military facilities, that is, the nationalists continue their criminal actions, but more detailed information about attacks by armed groups ukraine, i suggest listening to the representative of the investigative committee. military investigators of the investigative committee of russia record the crime. and military formation
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of ukraine against civilians of the donetsk people's republic. currently , ukrainian militants using 155 mm caliber artillery, including a cluster warhead, fired at the petrovsky and kirovsky districts of donetsk, as well as the nikitovsky gorlo district. in addition, two cases of explosive objects being dropped from bukul were recorded. in the kievsky district of donetsk. a car and a bus were damaged. information about victims and damage is being clarified. i want to note. that a drone attack on the territory of the donetsk people 's republic is not the first, judging by the data of the federal security service of russia in the donetsk people's republic, over the past three days about a hundred enemy drones were intercepted over donetsk and makiyevka, nine of them were carrying explosive objects, they were intercepted and destroyed, among them there is also the infamous babayag drone, but as already said a representative of the investigative committee, it is not only kievsky that is being attacked by militants.
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connection with the special services of the kiev regime, he agreed to carry out terrorist attacks on russian enterprises for a reward, as noted by the fsb, this is not the first criminal case against him. the man also admitted to committing arson of transport infrastructure. for this, according to the suspect, he was promised from 10 to 120,000 rubles. and the crimes, the investigation believes, were committed by an organized group. today, fsb officers arrested on charges of high treason of a resident of kamchatka, according to operational data, had previously been suspected for a long time.
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the militants rotated units in the area that had been abandoned by civilians. the enemy's coordinates were transmitted from the air. the rszzo grad crew hit the enemy's infantry with precise blows. but in the meantime, in the southern donetsk direction, the artillery is honing its skills at a training ground in the toll area of ​​the northern military district. the military has just returned from the front line and has more at its disposal.
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their task is to practice gun aiming skills in difficult weather conditions, which change here daily. thousands are set, that is, a ruble, a kopeck, you set these numbers and aim your sight at the aiming point. the aiming point can be anything, it is a stop, a building, a tree, an abandoned car, that is, any. you have to calculate at least of course it’s difficult to calculate in principle it’s not very difficult it’s not considered very very high higher mathematics there is no well at school you probably didn’t have any a’s but how you mastered it forced life forced the gun commander came here from transbaikalia in civilian life he
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he graduated from technical school with a specialty as a locomotive engineer, but in the thirteenth year he decided to sign a contract and become a military man in a special operation. from the first days, he was repeatedly wounded; it was a fire wound. burns last year on raisins in the urals dlinnomer i ran into an anti-tank mine, received three degrees of burns, three degrees of concussion, still returned here, yes, i returned, because duty, the homeland is calling, especially since you can’t retreat, now is the time that who besides us, the combat crew of the rapier anti-tank gun is working next door, this is a weapon called a barrel artillery sniper rifle. the rapier or mt-12 is a development from the soviet era, but still meets all modern requirements. its main advantage is its high rate of fire up to 14 rounds per minute, unpretentiousness and accuracy of hitting the target. these artillerymen have also just
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returned from a combat mission and are studying the capabilities of new shells, more powerful and longer-range. the crew recently came under return fire, but none of the fighters were injured. panama was processing hail at 4:00 morning. the most dangerous, we were just on vacation, it turns out they started taking aim, fired three missiles, initially at us, they were, well, sort of far away and after these three shots they started working directly on our dugouts, well, we took cover, put on armor and sat and waited. vostok group fighters undergo additional training at the training ground regularly during breaks between hostilities, the course lasts several days, after which the soldiers are sent back to the front line. edward. local residents told the servicemen about hidden ammunition. in the basement there were 2,500 rounds of ammunition, more than 40 grenade fuses for them, as well as
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gunpowder charges for anti-tank grenades. the found arsenal was destroyed. no one is immune from western banditry in the economy, foreign minister sergei lavrov stated this at the meeting.
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man, where he again called on the european union countries to support ukraine at all costs, in particular, he proposed to stop the export of shells to a third of the country in order to provide them to the zelensky regime. barel also threatened sanctions to companies in different countries. the world, which help russia bypass restrictions. these measures will be included in the thirteenth anti-russian package, which is currently being prepared in brussels. the car with the equipment of american tv presenter tucker carlson left the moscow hotel where he was staying, rasha today reports. earlier, the media wrote that the journalist came to russia to interview vladimir putin. the kremlin has not yet confirmed this information. now there is a short advertisement and we will continue, do not switch. pentalgin extragel against
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you it is profitable, that is the point of business. vtb is a bank for your business. it has become known who will head the new government of kazakhstan. the lower house of parliament approved the candidacy of alzhas biktenov. previously, he headed the administration of president takaev. and now the head of our central asian bureau, robert frantsev, has come into direct contact with we know the details. robert, greetings, tell us how the voting went and what expectations are associated with the figure of the new prime minister in kazakhstan. hello, yuri. well, the government of kazakhstan was headed by forty-year-old general alzhas biktenov. and here it must be said that renewal is the course that the president of kazakhstan, kasym zhumar takaev, consistently follows , the construction of a new kazakhstan, in this sense, takaev is consistent in his decisions, including personnel decisions. and it must
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be said that they have been predicting a change for a long time cabinet of ministers, all political scientists gave. their layouts are like those on tarot cards, but with approximately the same effectiveness, none of them mentioned bektenov’s last name, in this sense , takaev’s proposal is a very strong move in terms of interaction with the elites. biktenov is indeed a new face, but not just a new face, firstly, he is the youngest prime minister in the history of kazakhstan, he is 43 years old, for comparison, he is younger than the previous prime minister, who was previously the youngest by 8 years. also, for the first time in the history of kazakhstan. the government is headed by representative of the security bloc , as i already said, biktenov, lieutenant general , for most of his career, he was involved in what is commonly called the fight against corruption, in particular, for quite a long time he served as head of the anti-corruption agency, during which time the committee carried out several high-profile
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there are enough cases against such significant figures for the political and economic life of kazakhstan, but the main direction... thanks to which the biktenov surname generally found its way into public, broad public discourse, is a return to kazakhstan illegally transferred assets abroad. biktenov has been engaged in this activity since january twenty-two after the unsuccessful coup attempt in kazakhstan, and he was quite successful in this work. it is reported that so far the anti-corruption agency has managed to return approximately a trillion tenge worth of illegally withdrawn assets to kazakhstan. that is, biktinov is such a rather tough person who was engaged in precisely the audit of the old oligarchy of kazakhstan, so to speak, and here it should be noted that this direction was just called one of the key priorities by the president of kazakhstan kasym zhamar takaev and his famous phrase “whoever didn’t hide, i’m not to blame”, it was biktenov who acted as such a watchdog, if i may say so
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, and quite effectively in this role carried out, perhaps that is why this also explains his... a sharp career leap in april last year, he headed the presidential administration and here tokayev saw in him not only a security official, but also a statesman in the sense that that the need to engage in reformation fell on his shoulders, and apparently he carried out this work quite successfully, since now there is a new appointment, and it must be said that the advances are being given quite serious, by a majority... of the deputies , his candidacy was approved, only seven people abstained, and biktenov has already outlined the priorities that the cabinet of ministers under his leadership will deal with, in particular , it is reported that the emphasis will be on the economy; it is necessary, as biktenov himself said, to give a new impetus to development economy of kazakhstan, an emphasis on industry, the oil industry,
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including other sectors, and biktenov promised that the government would find measures to... stimulate domestic production, well, again, he noted that the fight against corruption, ensuring the rule of law is also not going anywhere will go away, such serious, quite broad tasks fall on the new cabinet of ministers, the composition of which will now also be revised, in the near future we will find out how portfolios will be distributed in the already updated government of kazakhstan. yuri, yes robert, well, together with you we will watch with interest, i thank you, i will remind you that the chief of our central asia bureau was in direct communication. robert frantsov. there was a shooting outside the courthouse in istanbul. men and women opened fire on the guards. according to the turkish ministry of internal affairs, five people were injured, including three police officers. both attackers were eliminated. the motives for their actions are being investigated. it is already known that the perpetrators of the attack were members of the revolutionary people's liberation party, recognized as terrorist in turkey.
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us strikes in iraq and syria are aimed at further fueling the conflict and pose a threat to international security. such a statement. made by russia's permanent representative vasily nibenzi at a meeting of the un security council. moscow urgently requested it after the united states and allies attacked 85 pro-iranian targets on the territory of sovereign states. nibenze called on the international community to condemn the actions of the group's coalition, which violate international law. victoria koroleva will tell you what other statements were made. after so-called retaliatory strikes against syria and iraq, washington cannot decide. how can i express myself more correctly in front of the international community?
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as soon as bravura statements by the american military about successful attacks began to spread in the media, the white house hastened to explain that they had informed the iraqi government of their intentions before the attacks, but journalists found out that this was not the case. at the same time, pro-iranian formations became the targets of attacks in iraq and syria, the us department of defense confirmed. white house. insists that it is iran that contributes to the escalation of tensions in the region, and retaliatory strikes are allegedly aimed at resolving the conflict without direct confrontation. the pentagon actively denies casualties among
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the iranians themselves, but admits that other losses are likely. it's fair to conclude that these strikes likely resulted in casualties, but please give us time to ensure we provide accurate information. meanwhile, the world community is concerned about the rapid increase in tension and possible... victims among civilian population. china's permanent representative stressed that the security of one country cannot be achieved at the expense of the security of another, and called for compliance with the un charter in resolving the conflict. the middle east is on the brink of extreme danger; reducing tensions and preventing conflicts are pressing challenges facing the international community. recent us airstrikes on multiple locations in syria and iraq have caused numerous casualties. these. actions constitute a gross violation sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries. everyone involved in aggressive policies in the region will have to answer, niebenze said. he recalled that neglecting
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the norms of international law in a modern multipolar world is unacceptable. london has yet to answer for its zeal in supporting the purely provocative actions of its older brother in washington. like the ongoing attacks against yemen, the actions of the anglo-saxons pose a direct threat to the international. the pentagon never tires of repeating that the states do not need a war with iran, but with their reckless actions, the united states and its allies risk dragging the entire region into armed confrontation. amid the aggravation of the situation, the head of the state department, anthony blinken, as usual, went on another middle east tour. such a symbolic jump into the last carriage. in hopes of mitigating the effects of bombing on sovereign countries. victoria koroleva, lead. the houthis said they attacked two merchant ships in the red sea with anti-ship missiles.
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one of them, according to the command of the asara movement, is an american bulk carrier, which sailed under the flag of the marshall islands to india. the second british cargo ship, which sailed under the flag of barbados from the port of varna, but there is no information about the destination on the maritime cargo website. the fact of the attack on the ship of the british kingdom was confirmed by the country's navy. none of the crew members were reportedly injured and the cargo ship continued on its previous course. the death toll from the worst forest fires in a decade in chile has exceeded 120 people, with hundreds more still missing. over 15,000 houses burned down in the valparais region up to there are still more than a hundred active fires . authorities declared a state of emergency and curfew in the disaster zone. at the same time, the number of people dissatisfied with the actions of the country's leadership is growing. they count. that the search for the missing, as well as the identification of the dead, is being carried out too slowly, while complaints from the local population are being received about robberies and attempts to seize the lands that belong to them, which is why residents are forced to go on night
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watch. among the causes of large-scale fires , the version of deliberate arson is also being considered. ecuador could lose up to 754 million in a year dollars, naturally, if russia completely bans the import of his bananas and carnations. russia has partially limited the import of bananas from... ecuador , a polyphagous humpback fly was found in the latest shipments, and on february 9 , ecuadorian carnations should be completely banned; pests were also found in them. vera moroz looked into how the embargo works and what else rosselkhoznadzor plans to check. there may be fewer bananas from ecuador on russian shelves. rosselkhoznadzor discovered a cholera carrier in them, humpback fly, which infects other products: flour, soybeans, potatoes. since february 5 , the department. suspended deliveries from five enterprises of this south american country to date, effective measures to prevent the supply of contaminated regulated products in russia have not
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been taken, which is confirmed by new cases of detections in the twenty-fourth year. considering this, we appealed to the ministry of agriculture and livestock of the republic of ecuador with a request to suspend the certification of five exporting enterprises, those who committed the greatest number of violations. the measures taken by the russian side affected almost 30% of banana supplies from ecuador, according to richard salazar, head of the banana trade and export association. in general, fruit exports continue.
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supplier of bananas to russia. over the 11 months of last year, imports into our country exceeded 1,300,000 tons. the republic accounted for more than 95% of supplies, but other countries may replace this volume over time. bananas are also imported to russia from other countries; there will be a reorientation of imports to supply from countries such as guatemala, the philippines, vietnam, colombia and custarica. rosselkhoznadzor also found pests in flowers and also dutch peony and ecuador rose, one of the large moscow flower markets, roses from ecuador, carnation chrysanthemums, they say that there will be fewer of the latter on the shelves now. prices, of course, are different for everyone, but ecuadorian carnations are the most expensive here - 40 rubles. a piece, while, for example, turkish competitors have a price of 35 rubles. as the sellers themselves say, the difference is not that big big, which is why there is not
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much ecuador here. rosselkhoznadzor turned to the dome. belarus was summarized in rosselkhoznadzor. it will be much more difficult if the embargo affects ros , they say in the national association of flower growers. this is 50% of sales of all flowers in the territory.
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will ban the import of his bananas and carnations, according to rionovosti analysts. now ecuador is preparing a technical response to the rosselkhosnadzor to restrict the import of bananas and hopes to resolve the situation. in the meantime, rosselkhoznadzor is going to check other products, for example, pineapples. ver moroz, victor prikhodko, alexey koshlakov, lead. “dad and i went here as children, we also lay like this, silent, figure skater, don’t let me skate, just skate, focus on the coaches, how you dreamed of this cup, you can jump, but why don’t you believe it yourself, i i’ll prepare myself, the thirst for victory is in her blood, go ahead, why take such risks, don’t you understand this, i want to be like my mother?” 3 years
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soon, investment rating, economics, through a specific story, we can reach people, we often talk about money, amounts serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, how can you achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you're at the top?


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