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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 6, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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the next round of primeres is taking place at univada today. state voters will be able to vote for president joe biden from the democrats and former un ambassador nicky haley from the republicans. but former president donald trump's name will not appear on the ballot. artem krosulin will tell you why. victory in the primary with the democrats. guaranteed, but that
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won’t stop the criticism any less. american media write that the participation of the only rival of the current president, writer merien williamson, is rather a formality. the head of the white house is causing him much more problems own statements and reservations. speaking in las vegas, joe biden said he recently spoke with the late president of the fifth republic, francois miran. immediately after the elections, i went to the so-called meeting. g7, meeting of all nato leaders. this was in the south of england. i sat down and said, “america is back.” and then meteran from germany, that is, from france, looked at me and asked: “you know what, how long have you been back?” the media suggested that biden was referring to a meeting with french president emmanuel macron. it's interesting that the embarrassment occurred at a time when the current president was just talking about the dangers of the potential election of donald trump to a second term. that's it for the head of the white house.
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did not stop, enthusiastically talking about investments in the construction of a high-speed railway to los angeles, biden again misspoke. $3 billion for the nation's first high-speed rail, $3 billion, it will take you from las vegas to las vegas in two hours instead of four by car. if harmless slips made viewers remember their age again their leader, then biden's position on one of the most pressing domestic issues. migration is already causing anger among many. we don't have enough people on the border, we need help. why hasn't congress given me help all this time? the situation at the border is out of control, and this bill gives me control while meeting the needs of people who can legally come to the united states. we are talking about a comprehensive bill on additional financial assistance. democrats expect to receive $118 billion, with a large part will go to support ukraine and...
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israel, only 20% will go to fight illegal migration. the house of representatives has already made it clear that the document is doomed to failure. it didn't take long to realize that this bill was dead. we in the house of representatives are not going to pass it, as the senate expects. the bill, in fact, only stimulates illegal migration and does not solve any of the problems; it does more harm than good. the entrepreneur thinks the same. commenting one of the podcasts, he agreed with the opinion of experts, stated that the american administration is literally rolling out the red carpet for migrants. volunteers working at the border agree with this, and they know first-hand how ineffective the current control system is. this situation we are seeing would end tomorrow if they allowed people to claim asylum at the crossing points. they don't. but
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they are still allowed in, for what? this is a waste of time and resources for me, border patrol for everyone else. biden's main rival, donald trump, is taking advantage of the situation. in an interview with fox news, he said that if re-elected, the first thing he will do is close the border and begin the mass deportation of illegal migrants. as for the nevada primary, former us vaughn post-press nicky haley will be the top republican favorite. trump declined to participate, preferring caucuses, traditional gatherings of outsiders.
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vladimir volk. dad said following the pinnacle of the master's creativity. and even more he painted the temple of the archangel michael with six dozen picturesque icons and mosaics, it became a pano. this exhibition is a retrospective of the creativity of the words: “i am sick with art, sick day and night, with it my life is longer, with it my life is shorter.” and you know, throughout his life he was looking for subjects for his paintings, when he found them, he would begin work on the painting, when he finished it, then he would frantically begin to look for subjects for his next paintings. vladimir alekseevich could be inspired by any detail, events, landscape in his works, power construction of the moscow metro and the deep silence of zalesky’s beloved pereslavl. instead of the strength of artists, here is love for the homeland, love for his homeland, love for the homeland of the people he knew and saw, this is love for the environment, this is love for people, these crows should have frozen in the moment, the artist did not prepare
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the canvas , drew them from life on a small piece of newspaper, a special attitude towards paper was brought up by his childhood, which just happened to be during the great patriotic war, he then drew on some scraps of paper. the creative heritage of vladimir alekseevich volk includes more than 400 works. people in belarus know his art, they value him very much, they love belarus very much. we are thinking about how to organize such an exhibition in a large format in our republic, in a certain sense, on a par with chagall, with malevich, we also perceive him as our artist. a person who lived by art served him, the artist did not belong to any one movement, he considered himself a nonconformist, but respected the classics and experimented, painting, graphics, even coinage, vladimir volk created a whole series of illustrations for bulgakov’s novel, the master and margarita in the style of afort and engravings, some of his works are kept in the apartment of
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the bulgakov museum on bolshaya sadovaya, he has very interesting works related to abstraction, and he simply sometimes reduced his such a skill, a love for active drawing. to the sign, to there, i don’t know, some kind of portal, to the circle, to the outline of the head. the exhibition will last 10 days, anyone can get to it, you just need to make an appointment in advance by calling the cultural complex embassies: oksana maksimova, yuri zabolotnikov, ignatiy sokolov and maryana pepanyan, news. and now to the economic news: magnitogorsk iron and steel works increased its net profit by almost 70%. last year it exceeded 118 billion rubles. this is stated in the group’s ifrs reports. revenue grew by 9%. in addition, the company reported payment of excess profit tax. it exceeded rub 3,200 million. the european union fears the negative consequences of the seizure of russian assets in favor of ukraine. the political publication writes about this. the main one
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they may become a mirror response from russia. then european assets will be under attack. the second threat is the loss of attractiveness of the eu as a platform for investment. the kremlin previously noted that the west. undermines the foundations of the global economic system, attempts at confiscation will be challenged in the courts. the british company bp ended the twenty-third year with a catastrophic drop in profits. in the last quarter, it decreased 30 times to $370 million, and a year earlier it was almost 11 billion for the same period. but here's the paradox, the result the whole year turned out to be the best: the company managed to come out of losses plus, with a net profit of more than 15 billion. in connection with this, the oil and gas giant accelerated the buyback of shares. and from 2025 there may be a gas shortage on the world market, this was the forecast given by state minister for energy katra at the forum. according to him, gas will be the most in demand resource, so its shortage may be felt until 2030. he also noted that europe’s refusal of russian
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supplies had a negative impact on the market and led to changes in supply chains. on the background changes in supply directions, sharp price increases occur, which are also destructive for the market. this would be economic news, in short. i thank maria slobodenskaya, and we continue. vladimir putin sent condolences to the president of chile in connection with the consequences of forest fires in the country. the death toll there exceeded 120 people. hundreds more remain missing. over 15,000 houses burned down. there are still more than a hundred active fires in the valparais region. the authorities declared a disaster in the zone, an emergency position and curfew. at the same time , the number of people dissatisfied with the actions of the country's leadership is growing. they believe that the search for the missing, as well as the identification of the dead, is being carried out too slowly. and at the same time, the local population receives complaints about robberies and attempts to seize the lands that belong to them, which is why residents are forced to go on night shifts. among the causes of large-scale fires , the version of deliberate arson is also being considered.
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they told me that you will dance with this house of culture. well, let’s dance and dance together, everyone will sing in the renovated house culture in the city of orekhovo-zuevo and another one thousand two hundred renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. it’s easy to imagine the ideal house, but it’s not always possible to build it, so just imagine, everything else from selecting a site to choosing it will suit...
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gudobny, what do you think? what will the younger generation say? cool! vtb is your bank for every day. the exposition of the walk of fame was opened at vdnkh today, the event is dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the 2014 winter olympics in sochi. our correspondent stas razikultsev will tell you what is presented in the exhibition. at the grandiose exhibition at the russia forum, unique exhibits, real olympic medals behind armored glass and the main one, of course, are medals olympics in sochi. 10 years have passed, but as if... the memories seem like yesterday, and they talked about this today, including the olympians who brought their medals here to vdnkh,
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anyone who is interested, a visitor to this exhibition, can come, take a photo, and scan qr code, the knowledge society posted, read the biography of the athlete, but who doesn’t remember and doesn’t know alexander legkov, our olympic champion in sochi, winner of the royal marathon race on the last day of the olympics on february 23. the best olympics, so there is no complaint, agree, these are people's medals , they are people's, so they need to be shown, they need to be talked about, talk about the olympics in sochi, because it was really our common medal together with our b... the games in sochi opened on february 7, 2014 on athletes from 88 countries took part in the best olympics in history, and the overall medal count was won by athletes from the russian national team, and today dmitry chernyshenko, deputy chairman of the government of the russian federation in 2014, who headed the organizing committee of the olympics in sochi,
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reminded me of how the legacy of that olympics works; now it is one of the most developed. tourist sports centers of our country, where the huge heritage of the games is the center, the federal center sirius, where thousands of our boys and girls, inspired by the victories of our athletes, take the first steps to also become champions in the future. the walk of fame of russian sports at the russia exhibition at vdnkh, this is an initiative of the all-russian knowledge society, is here. personalized steles, about 90 athletes, nine more new ones have appeared, these are the winners and medalists of the winter olympic games in sochi , we take it in our hands, this is the gold of sochi, and it’s such a feeling that it’s just a time machine, as soon as you take it in your hands, you immediately go back 10 years ago, you remember this olympics, which
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was definitely the best, yes, this is unity, this is all athletes from all countries. may it live in the children who come to classes, inspired by your victories, and who also strive to win gold medals. the walk of fame of russian sports at the grand exhibition russia at vdnkh, of course, could not help but appear in sports, we also, of course, have something to be proud of, our outstanding athletes and their achievements, and of
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course, our sochi olympics, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary. stas ridiku.
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think? fast. what will the younger generation say? cool. vtb. your bank for every day. a smart choice is when you compare offers for a product directly in yandex search. bank for business, what is it like? suitable scale of my business. and for a smaller business, fits? of course it does. and it's beneficial for you. this is the meaning of business. vtb is a bank for your business. they told me that you will dance with this house of culture. well, let's dance and dance together. and everyone started singing in the renovated cultural center in the city of orekhovo-zuevo and another 1,200 renovated and new cultural centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia by decision of the president and '. the petrovs have holidays ahead of them, valentine's day for repairs, putty day, and international wallpapering day, don't
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3:52 pm
active developments and growth schedule, the product portfolio is developing, a large family is like a large organization, and its development requires support, a national demography project by decision of the president, all measures to support families with children, it’s easy to imagine an ideal home. but... it’s not always possible to build, so just imagine, everything else from selecting a site to choosing a contractor, trust the section build a house for
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a house click. bank for business, what is it like? suitable for the scale of my business, and for business is smaller one suitable? of course it’s suitable, but for you? profitable, that's the point of business. vtb is a bank for your business. voting at home. eh, no time, i’m sick, i’ll have to miss the elections. why? will you vote at home? how is it? if the reason is valid, you can invite members of the commission home. to do this, you need to submit an application to the precinct commission. written.
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fresh boxes. that's good, and i'll vote. there are new rules for calculating child care benefits. what and how to receive payments now, maria kudryavtseva will tell you in the program instructions. the rules for assigning benefits for child care up to one and a half years old have changed this year. how exactly, who can receive it under what conditions, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. so, with 1 parent also able to work and receive benefits, new rules came into force in january, they allow you to leave parental leave full-time and not lose benefits. until he was twenty
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, he could only work on a shortened working day. this is the rule now gone, and the parent can go full -time and still receive child care benefits. monthly benefits will continue to be paid, regardless of the size of the salary and type of employment. the federal law emphasizes that this applies to all types of work, full-time with part-time work, remote work, and even part-time work with another employer. how is the benefit calculated? will they pay 40% of average earnings? the amount of child care benefits depends on the parents' salary. check benefits come from wages for 2 years of the previous year when the parent is going to go on parental leave, and if in these two years
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the parent is also... on maternity or child care leave, then he can upon application, change the period used for calculation, and the benefit, of course, will be recalculated upward. once a year, from february 1, the minimum benefit amount is indexed. how much does the government determine? from february 1, 2024, the amount looks like this: 9,227 rubles per month. maximum the amount this year is 49,100. 23 rub. if there are two or more children under one and a half years old, the payments are summed up, but the total amount of the benefit cannot exceed 100% of average earnings. where to apply for benefits? the benefit is paid on the basis of an application for child care benefits, which the employee brings to his employer along with an application for leave to care for a child up to one and a half years old. the employer has 3 days to transfer the certificate to the social fund, and...
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the social fund has 10 days to assign payment of care allowance a child under one and a half years old. the social fund will pay this benefit monthly, without a reminder from the employer, and until the child turns one and a half years old. working parents are provided with benefits not from the state budget, but as an insurance payment, it is secured by mandatory social insurance contributions from employers, so they can... for example, a single benefit for children under 17 years of age. the social fund will assign it if the monthly income per person in the family is not higher than the regional subsistence level, and the family meets the criteria comprehensive needs assessment. what about those who don't work? they are also entitled to benefits, but this will be a measure of social support from the state budget. you can
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only count on minimum payments and... another important point is that if the child was born on january 1, 2023 later, the monthly income per person in the family should be below the average per capita subsistence level in the region. an exception is made for full-time students, they are entitled to an independent allowance. from the income of family members. let's repeat the most important things. working parents now may return from maternity leave full-time. they will continue to receive benefits until the child turns one and a half years old. the amount is calculated based on 40% of average earnings 2 years before parental leave. non-working parents also have the right to payments, but as a measure of social support with incomes below the subsistence level. remained.
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questions, if you want to know what other help young parents can receive from the state, subscribe to our telegram, ask, and we will ask questions to the ministries and will definitely tell you about everything in one of the next editions of the instructions.
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vladimir putin sent condolences to the president of chile in connection with the consequences of forest fires. the text of the messages was published on the kremlin website. the russian leader asks to convey words of sympathy and support to the relatives of the victims, as well as wishes for a speedy recovery to all
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those affected. let me remind you, the number of forest victims. fires in chile are already familiar.


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