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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 6, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, for free, without registration, in the application or on the website. during the year, 11 billion messages were received through the automated justice system. 500 thousand court cases are considered annually via video link and the same number with assistance.
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web conferences. such figures were announced at a meeting between vladimir putin and the chairman of the supreme court, vyacheslav lebedev. in addition to the use of digital technologies, they discussed measures aimed at humanizing legislation. natalya solovyova will tell you more. the focus is on the development of the russian judicial system. its most important point is the electronic format of working with appeals. it was in this digital form that courts of various instances received 9 million documents last year alone.
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in addition, the system works well, the state-controlled gas-justice system, about 11 billion 11 billion 11 billion users turn to it per year, that is, the population, citizens actively use this opportunity to address request through this system and get answers to the questions that arise during the preparation
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of the supreme court discussed the humanization of legislation, this is a permanent issue on the agenda. vladimir putin has repeatedly spoken about how important it is to make russian justice softer. back in december, at a meeting with members of the human rights council, the president. noted the need for a decision on amnesty for certain categories of women in prison, and today i heard what was done on his instructions, we introduced such a bill that the measure of restraint against women with young children who have committed a crime of minor gravity, for such a measure should be prohibited, and if the maintenance of detention, yes, yes, the maintenance of detention, and... if we are talking about
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crimes of medium gravity , but not violent, as regards preventive measures and also measures in the form of imprisonment by guards are not applied under this bill; it is now under consideration in the state duma. the supreme court asks deputies to humanize the procedure release of seriously ill prisoners. such a document will also have to be discussed in the state duma. vyacheslav lebedev told the president about this today.
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exclusively in electronic form, we are already accustomed to this, taking into account the changes in the geopolitical situation, it was not so recently, the president identified six most important priorities for the development of russia, they spoke about this more than once, including the strengthening of technological sovereignty and the movement towards leadership. in the main areas, the response to new challenges was the formation of a national project “data economy”, it is so cross-cutting, comprehensive, unites the interests of very different sectors of the economy, social sphere, technology and solutions within its framework will be universal for application throughout
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the country. so, news feed, two tu-160 missile carriers completed a planned flight. in the offshore area of ​​the arctic ocean and the laptiv sea, reports the ministry of defense of the russian federation, there is a video and the recording shows how the plane rises into the sky, now filming from the cockpit. well, we continue: implementation is critical
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important domestic technologies in russia are still progressing at an insufficient pace, secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev stated today at a meeting on national security issues. in the ural federal district. according to him, russian companies continue to focus on purchasing ready-made foreign goods using the parallel import mechanism. instead , it is, of course, necessary to work towards import independence of the economy. patrushev recommended that the urals regions interact more actively with federal authorities authorities to achieve this goal in the shortest possible time. the secretary of security also named the shortage of scientific and engineering personnel.
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the economy most often becomes the cause of serious problems for the population; all current roads are now characterized by an increased accident rate, which urgently needs to be corrected. in addition, patrushev called for strengthening the protection of critical , potentially dangerous facilities in the urals. the safety
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of fuel and energy complex facilities must be ensured without sparing any means, since they have an important strategic meaning. tina stated this. at a meeting of senators with deputy prime minister alexander novak, who oversees the energy sector in the government. the conversation also focused on the social program, social gasification, initiated by the president. the speaker of the federation council called on the participants of the special operation to become more actively involved in it. it is necessary to work more actively to include four new preferential categories of citizens in the gasification program; this decision was also made by the president. for which compensation of costs for gas equipment is provided, not only to carry gas to the site, but also compensation for expensive, so to speak, gas equipment, these are participants in a special military operation, members of their families, disabled people of the first group, as well as persons caring for
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disabled children. alexander novak, in turn, noted that the needs of the domestic petroleum products market. thank you, colleagues. according to our plans, we should reach somewhere around 30 million tons of additional production of highly environmentally friendly diesel fuel, and somewhere around 5 million tons of automobiles. gasoline, that is, in this way we will cover all our current and future needs for motor gasoline with gasoline, but today we have twice as much for diesel fuel. more is produced than consumed in the domestic market, this will allow us to improve the quality
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of our products. so, tomorrow the next presidential elections will take place in azerbaijan, what forecasts will we learn from my colleague leyla alnazarova. leila, over to you, tell me the details.
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because well, of course, what if invest more in processing, in technological cooperation, then this will be a larger volume of trade turnover, and the quality of these trade and economic indicators will increase significantly. voting starts
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tomorrow at 8 am local time, will last until 7:00 pm, the first preliminary results are expected. the central event was the forum of national achievements - digital economy with details maria ivalieva. at the international exhibition forum russia, there is always a full house, there are always a lot of people, because there are programs every day very interesting and eventful, and today is the day of the digital economy, the regions are presenting their it products, next to us is the stand of the tambov region, look at what
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development the students and teachers of the tambov region are showing us...
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when making socio-economic decisions based on reliable information, feedback from people and business. the development of digital technologies is significantly changing the world around us, for example, school lessons are becoming more interesting, medicine, more accessible and efficient, is increasing in our country level of digital maturity, life becomes
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more comfortable, thanks to the fact that many problems can be solved with just... one click and without leaving home, for example, more than 110 million people use government services, and the state key application is available to everyone, any user can use it get absolutely free, great progress has been made in terms of connecting budgetary institutions to the internet, that is, almost all schools, which means public centers, libraries, museums, local police stations are all connected to high-speed internet, many regions... we have completed the transfer of basic services into electronic form, now they can be obtained without the need for any trips to some departments, authorities, you don’t even need to go to the mfc, everything can be done from home. today , the governor of the region, andrei vorobyov, also spoke at the plenary session; he said that previously it seemed incredible that multifunctional
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centers would soon appear everywhere, where it would be possible to solve almost any problem and obtain the necessary documents. so now the attendance at the mfc is decreasing, because all services are basically they are trying to provide online services; digital services are developing. our joint project with moscow, with the mayor, is all about the digital profile of a migrant, this presupposes his id at the entrance to our country, today we have a decision on a single patent, no matter what. in their expectations from working with government agencies, leaders in this industry also talk about artificial intelligence, prompt engineering, the development of drones
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, and how to build a dream career. the program today includes interesting lectures and master classes. maria valieva, vladimir shabalin, andrey melnikov and maria medvedeva, lead. russian winemakers are increasing their production capacity, and yulia makarova visited the wine section of the exhibition. prodexpo will tell you the details. the first major exhibition of the year, and the prodexpo for winemakers is a platform on which they make plans and set trends for the year. perhaps the main thing we are watching in 2024 is the growth of russian wine production. the main market players talk about this. myshak winery near novorossiysk will add a third of finished product output this year. we've been since 201 we started investing in development and we are not standing still, every year 150g. we are laying it down, we are planning to produce fruiting raw materials. myshak in 2018 started with a million bottles of sales, now we have summed up the results for 2023 - that means
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4.8 million sales, but in 2024 we plan 6.5 million. the company plans to modernize the winery and reach full capacity of 32 million bottles in a year in a few years, winemakers note. sparkling trend russians are buying champagne more and more often, so the production of just such drinks is growing. olympus has been increasing production, in principle , every year since 2016; we are annually increasing the volume of grape processing and the volume of product production. this year we are planning to additionally produce sparkling wines and, accordingly, we are increasing our capacity for production, processing, and production of wine materials for sparkling wines. the largest russian winery. wine, which produced 95.5 million bottles of wine at the end of last year, has planned a new project for this year, designed for the long term, it will allow
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to provide the industry with seedlings, this will be simply a colossal achievement, in science from the point of view of science in production, yes, it will be a federal center for viticulture, which will include a full range of services, that is, a person who comes to us, contacts us, can receive a full range of services not in the form of just a seedling, but in the form of a whole program from planting to harvesting. another trend is the emergence of new small farms; this year, according to forecasts, they will collectively produce a million liters of wine and form a separate cluster in the wine industry. this year we have exceeded the bar, well, actually , according to the results of last year, there are already more than sixty licenses, and despite the fact that - about 2 years ago there were 15 of them, yes, that is , four times, last year we had a boom real imports, at some point this
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led to the fact that pressure began to be put on the production of russian wine, so the government decided to increase the duty on the import of wine from unfriendly countries, now we expect that russian producers will increase the volume of wine production, it’s interesting that despite the sanctions already...
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well, you know, i have the feeling that it didn’t really improve, there was only a short respite. olga rushes at a speed of more than 50 km/h. the kaliningrad region is already in its power, and tomorrow morning it will be over the smolensk region. in the first half of the day , traffic inspectors closed some passes in dagestan due to a complete lack of visibility. it wasn't even a blizzard, it was a real blizzard. according to the weather station, wind speed in the republic reached 31 m/s. to buran without there are dozens of lights left. thousands of residents of 12 districts of dagestan, as well as makhachkala and kaspiysk. energy workers restored power supply without waiting for the weather to improve. the car was literally swept off
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the roads in the stavropol region by squalls. some trucks drove off the roads into a ditch in a snowstorm due to lack of visibility, others preferred to stop on their own and wait for the weather to improve. the wind in crimea increased to hurricane force 32 m/s. in yalta alone, more than 200 calls have been received for fallen trees and from... the center of one will circle in the south of the sverdlovsk region, heavy snowfalls will cover the urals and southern urals, more than 10 cm of snow will fall in the west of perm, the edge of bashkiria and the orenburg region. the second whirlwind is quickly moving towards us from the baltic, carrying heavy precipitation deep into the russian plain, and let’s not forget about the wind, its gusts in the center of european russia will exceed
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15 m/s, along with heavy snow. this will lead to snowstorms with significantly reduced visibility. the new active whirlwind olga will move from the baltic sea to the novgorod region during the day on thursday night already will reach the volga. as it approaches , precipitation will intensify from the kaliningrad region to the capital region, the phase of precipitation will be different. in its southern part, the vortex carries warm air and it will rain south of the bryansk-volgograd, astrakhon line. to the north , snowfalls and blizzards will begin to lower temperatures. it was snowy in kazan in the last 24 hours: the height of the snow cover reached 82 cm, in the morning the roof of the metal receiving point collapsed due to the weight of the snow. the publication managed to evacuate 39 people; one person, a thirty-four-year-old man, unfortunately died. in the volga and cis-ural regions experienced a thaw. in orenburg alone, two snow avalanches fell from the roofs in one day, miraculously not burying people under them. and the following shots are from samara.
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orenburg after the warm part of the cyclone with today's thaw to +1, tomorrow there will be a whirlwind in the rear part and the temperature will rapidly drop, by the morning the temperature will be -9, the cooling will be accompanied by snowfall, blizzards, wind in the area of ​​18-20 m/s, well and of course the formation of ice. tomorrow the weather will remain like this. on thursday night when clearing to -14, but in the afternoon there will be a thaw again +2 snow mixed with rain, starting from friday the temperature will steadily drop below zero. in moscow there are snowfalls all day long, but the most important thing is the temperature drop, in the evening -4, and next night to -9°, so tomorrow morning it will be very slippery. well, during the day there is another cyclone in the capital region. snowfall will begin in the middle of the day
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and continue overnight. for that. up to 11 mm of precipitation may fall, that is, about a quarter of the monthly norm, and the height of the snowdrifts will approach half a meter. frosty since thursday will begin to intensify, on weekends at night up to -20, during the day about ten below zero. today in moscow , a new passenger lobby opened at the belarusian railway station, which became the final stage in the formation of one of the oldest popular transport hubs in the capital. the mayor came to the ceremony.
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of course, everything has changed significantly, today it is done according to the standards of moscow city stations, a comfortable environment, vestibules, underground passages. so, the belgorod city of gubkin was attacked by a ukrainian drone. the device fell and exploded, fortunately there were no casualties, but several residential buildings were damaged. our film crew visited the site; alexander korobov has all the details. the white snow on the property adjacent to the house turned black from flying clods of earth and soot. the snowman standing by the road was not...


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