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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 6, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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it’s easy to find, and if you’re too lazy to go somewhere, there’s an sbp button for online shopping, and see you later. hello, live broadcast of a legal program, hosted by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. the chairman of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin , instructed him to report to him on the investigation into the attack on police officers in kusbas. let me remind you, the day before, the traffic police crew stopped the car, suspecting signs of intoxication in the driver. while the inspectors were drawing up a protocol, about 15 people arrived at the scene in several cars at once . the apartment of a resident of kiselevsk, in kemerovo . special forces soldiers fly into
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the area without knocking on the door, after a few seconds he is already lying face down on the floor, listening attentively to the operative and clearly responding to his questions, rested, had a good rest, let's move on. rest, the rest will be active, the citizen will have to often talk with the investigator, and yet a few days ago, perhaps, this same person disobediently answered questions, brazenly put forward his conditions to the police. in the recording , a man very similar to the detainee, his comrades surrounded the traffic police inspector, judging by the footage, the dialogue was conducted on emotions, they were clearly trying to convince the employee of something, and later they began to threaten. armed with an object similar to a pistol, he pointed it... to the cage of a twenty-five-year-old police officer, voicing a threat of violence, and grabbed the holster with his hand, which contained a stable weapon. weapon. afterwards, one of the companies took a sawn-off shotgun from the car and defiantly shot into the air, another tore the police officer’s chest recorder from his jacket. this is how a group of eight people tried
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to resolve the issue of their comrade, whom traffic police inspectors detained for driving drunk and without a driver’s license. while the men kept the employee in a ring, the detainee got into his car. afterwards , the friends disappeared, although not for long. in relation to six violators, the police drew up reports under the article minor hooliganism. as punishment, each of them was sentenced to 14 days of administrative arrest. the detainees are between 18 and 28 years old. during the court hearing, where we were collecting a preventive measure, some complained that at that moment they were in an inadequate state. nevertheless , two representatives of the aggressive company had to go to pre-trial detention. they were charged with assault on the life of a law enforcement officer. and this is very serious. those involved in the case could even face life imprisonment. driver, because of which supposedly everything happened. they were also detained. as it turned out later,
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he had already driven drunk. true, this time he set up not only himself, but also his friends, who allegedly came to protect him. ekaterina lekhamanova, lead: duty department. courts are moving into the digital sphere, more than 9 million documents have been filed electronically with courts in various instances, and citizens are increasingly using internet services. chairman of the supreme court of russia vyacheslav lebedev spoke about this at a meeting with the president vladimir putin. thus , about 5,000 cases a year are considered via videoconferencing, and 6,000 videoconferences are held to discuss various judicial issues. the president asked how this is ensured. security of electronic data, here, of course, questions arise related to the protection of this information, the protection of the laws of the rights and interests of citizens, how is this work developing today in the system as a whole? in general, this work is developing
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positively in the system, dear vladimir vladimirovich. moreover, the supreme court, as said vyacheslav lebedev, supports the humanization of legislation. the topic of serving a sentence was touched upon at the meeting. seriously ill convicts, a corresponding bill is being developed by the judiciary, if by a court decision a person is recognized as sick and in prison, he must be released immediately, today there is still a certain procedure that is formally necessary in order to release and execute the decision court for release. vyacheslav lebedev also reported that the state duma another bill has been introduced to eliminate such a measure as detention for women with young children, but only if they have committed a non-violent crime of minor or moderate gravity. the court
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reached the deputies in barnaul , the trial in the case of the former deputy prosecutor of the novosibirsk region lyubov kuzminok began. she is accused of receiving. listened to the verdict, he was accused under the same articles. report by olga zhurenkova. former first deputy prosecutor of the novosibil region lyubov kuzminov in courtroom in the unusual status of a defendant. she was charged with two counts: abuse of power and receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. she left her post in the prosecutor's office of her own free will back in 2018. around the same period , investigators began asking questions to senior employees of the regional supervisory agency. she disappeared from view for some time, when she was put on the wanted list, kuzmi nok recorded a video message to investigators. i didn’t
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go to spain, i didn’t have any property there and i don't have to be there. later, the former deputy prosecutor herself came to moscow and appeared for questioning under escort; she was taken first to the novosibirsk pre-trial detention center, and later to the trial in barnaul. considering my state of health after suffering from the coronavirus, i may not be able to stand being in the season. according to a number of authoritative sources, mme.
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region in the altai territory, this was done for the purposes of objectivity, taking into account the status of the defendant, the judicial investigation has just
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started and promises to be difficult, the kuzminok denies the charges. olga zhurenkova, mikhail shirin, andrey ivlev, victoria makarova, lead the duty department. your ski holiday didn't go according to plan. a major accident occurred on the cable car in sochi. there, four closed cabins collided on the landing pad, and the windows of some were broken. the work of the lifts had to be stopped, everything happened at an altitude of 960 m, none of the passengers were injured, the circumstances of the chip are being clarified, as some media reported, the cabins could have stopped due to adherence to because of the snow, for some time the vacationers remained blocked on the mountain highway. a tourist feature or a potential danger, in the city of suzdal, vladimir region , the semi-criminal business on horses continues to flourish. in pursuit of a long ruble, cab drivers forget about the rules, knock down pedestrians, and then, as
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if nothing had happened, they again give rides to city guests, in whose pockets the profits from the illegal transportation of tourists end up, who risk their health and even their lives every time. our correspondent andrei romanov went to suzdol to figure out on the spot when cart rides will become not only colorful, but also safe. in the center of suzd. behind the shopping arcades it’s like tsarist russia, colorful sleighs, horses of different breeds , cabbies in boyar fur coats from enot, colorful gentlemen are guarding tourists to give them a ride through the ancient city, for services they ask not for a coin, but for paper 5.00 rubles or a bank transfer, you you’re like a boyar, yes, yes, i drive like a lord, in the front row of this spontaneous carriage house is a strong driver, appears to be an unusual name for suzdal , robert, and offers walks around the city.
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robert talks about the sights of the pearl of the golden ring of russia, every now and then he turns to the passengers and stops watching the road, either he trusts the horse so much, or he feels like a master in the city, but in general , is it possible to ride a horse anywhere in the city? essentially, yes. suddenly, robert wonders if the reporters would like to ride on his cart. recently , this driver has had a difficult relationship with the press. he was recently released from administrative arrest. the coachman served five days in jail for hitting our colleague, vesti correspondent igor ogeenko, and then fled the scene of the accident. i don’t understand why i end up on the ground, that is, something blows me away from behind. i stood up, this part of me was filled with blood, that is , everything was pulsating very strongly here, i felt something hot. the film crew worked in
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the city during the january holidays. our colleagues were filming a report about folk festivals. this year suzdal was the new year's capital. russia, despite the severe frosts, more than a hundred thousand tourists visited here, people visited temples and museums, drank mead and rode carts. our colleague, like the legendary ostap bender, was run over by a horse in the city center and did not escape with a slight fright. the movement of horse-drawn carts near the walls of the suzdal kremlin on january 4 was prohibited by a decree of the city administration, but surveillance cameras captured how they were mixed together. horse people. in these shots , two carts are rushing towards igor ogeenko at once. one goes around, and the one that goes then he knocks you down. my hand hurt the most, because when i arrived, an ambulance arrived, they made a splint out of wire for me, then the police gave me documents to sign, i couldn’t even pick up a pen, i was just screaming. doctors diagnosed the reporter with a fracture in the area of ​​his right hand, a hematoma under the eye and several bruises.
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after close contact with the horse, the journalist’s glasses broke and became unusable. expensive equipment, igor ogeenko recalls how after the accident the driver briefly apologized and asked not to call the police, but a couple of minutes later he jumped into the sleigh and sped off, but was later detained. protocols on administrative offenses were drawn up against him regarding a traffic accident, and an administrative investigation is currently underway. the coachman continues to give rides to tourists; it seems that he does not consider the accident involving a horse to be a serious incident. it was dark and also. i was traveling with you, i was also telling you the tour, yeah, well, there was a man standing there, you can tell by the average paint job, where did you hit him, with this one? honestly, i don’t even know, i didn’t see how, that is, you were turned away at that moment, well, yes, but you can generally drive a cart when you’re driving and giving a tour, robert is calm, he’s no stranger to problems with the law , judging by data from
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open sources, the producer was previously given a suspended sentence for purchasing and possessing drugs, and... then received a real sentence for robbery, regularly violated administrative legislation, he was tried , among other things, for petty hooliganism, appearing in public places in state of intoxication, surprisingly, kucher’s colleagues almost defend him in unison, you won’t believe it, a horse broke two of my jaws, that is , no matter how much i and you never, well, broke and broke, as if yes, well, yes, i love horses , most cab drivers rent horses, so robert koshelev works not for himself, but for a resident of suzdal, maria anokhina. we found this lady and asked why, after the accident, she did not terminate the lease agreement with the dashing kucher. do you see anything wrong with him continuing to control this horse? well, he knows how to control it, that's all as if, you know, it was just a slight fright, just. i’m telling you that this is not the first time a person is driving, as if he knows how it
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’s done. it’s strange, but for many participants in this story, a broken arm and bruises are something like... a slight fright, which is understandable, because incidents with horses have been a common thing for suzdal lately. almost 2 years ago, the deputy chief of the local police department rammed his car into a carriage with passengers. and here is another case: two tourists sat on a horse, the animal stood on rearing, the woman fell out of the saddle and ended up in the hospital with broken bones. but even despite these incidents, interested individuals do not want the competent authorities to check their dubious business, much less. driven away from the places they have lived for years, the most famous place in suzdal where you can rent a cart is the street behind the shopping arcades, this is what it looks like on weekdays: the cab drivers are bored, the carts stand motionless, and the horses, well, openly doze off and wake up only when someone approaches him,
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the situation suits everyone, the coachmen know the weekend will come, tourists will pour into suzdal again and endure it. citizens or those citizens who want to somehow diversify their leisure time, but it turns out that both the state and the animal suffer from this, we called traffic police inspectors to the makeshift carriage house , they discharged them.
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carts can earn up to 100,000 per day. now everyone involved in this business is in agonizing anticipation; in the summer , the pearl of the golden ring of russia will celebrate its thousandth anniversary. hundreds of thousands of tourists are expected to visit the city. bye drivers are preparing to sew on additional pockets for money; the new mayor of suzdol, alisa beryukova, intends to restore order in this area for the celebrations, making walks not only colorful, but also safe. we are thinking now. about changing the parking location, but we communicate with the community itself, we communicate with the townspeople, we determine this point in the city in such a way that on the one hand it is
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safe, on the other hand it is in the reach zone for city guests, for tourists. the authorities of suzdal are now considering the possibility of taking control of the equestrian sector in legislative level. it would be nice if this business was managed by a single operator with whom the producers could enter into an agreement, then it would be possible to sell tickets at the box office. and the carriages and sleighs will be assigned identification numbers, this will make it possible to finally bring the gray business out of the shadows, while the carts continue to travel uncontrollably throughout the city. hey, boyars, let's go! also, along the streets of suzdolyam, a cart driven by robert koshelev, he seems to have forgotten about the accident, is back on horseback and continues to make money on tourists, but our colleague, igor ogeenko, cannot yet. fulfills his official duties, he is on sick leave and is waiting for a call from law enforcement agencies. andrey romanov, maria bukata, ilya khludov, alexey zernov,
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sergey mukhlaev, lead the duty department. after this story was shown last saturday in the final episode of our program, the security forces turned their attention to the criminal business of illegal cab drivers, created special attention, and also took control of the investigation of the emergency service with our colleague.
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i don’t know what to call it, well, freeze off , or something, pretend that nothing is happening, we will continue to monitor this topic, we will communicate with law enforcement agencies, we hope that the investigation of the incident with our colleague will be completed, all those responsible will be punished punishment, and the semi-criminal ride in the pearl of the golden ring of russia will finally become a thing of the past.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. the wedding sang and shot on the occasion of the korochaevo-cherkessia holiday. the wedding is over for the participants celebrations at the police, the guests had gone too far. in this video, smartly dressed citizens fire bursts of machine guns into the sky, fire is also fired from pistols, while the procession blocked the road, local residents were seriously scared. however, by the evening , all participants in the high-profile incident in the same smartly dressed... detainees see
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signs of the crime of hooliganism, that is , a gross violation of public order, expressing a clear disrespect for society, committed with the use of weapons. the sanction of this article provides for the maximum punishment up to 7 years in prison. police seized five pistols, two machine guns and dozens of cartridges from the celebration site. the arsenal is serious, so wedding guests can end up in jail for a long time. in the business cultural complex of the embassy of the republic. belarus, an exhibition dedicated to the eighty-fifth anniversary of the birth of vladimir volk, a member of the union of artists of the ussr and russia, has opened in moscow. the exhibition contains the best works of the author: realistic landscapes, urban scenes made in graphics, abstraction, elegant still lifes. in the grand opening was attended by the artist’s daughter, official representative of the russian ministry of internal affairs, major general of police, irina volk. report by maxim shevchenko. the exposition of this
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exhibition is complete. shining icons, church themes are one of the key ones in the creative career of the artist vladimir volk, and it became the pinnacle of the master’s work. two decades ago, in the belarusian town of tikhinniche, he painted the temple of the archangel michael and the exhibition is held at the embassy of the fraternal republic. my dad said the following words: “i’m sick of art, sick day and night, with it and life is longer, with him a century is shorter." and you know, throughout his entire life he was looking for subjects for his paintings. when he found them, he began work on the picture, when he finished it, he frantically began to look for subjects for the next his paintings . the exhibited canvases are presented by the artist's daughter irina volk. the official representative of the russian ministry of internal affairs emphasizes that his father always knew how to surprise, all this is reflected in his work. the path of vladimir volk can be traced through his works. contemporaries have repeatedly said that in him literally several artists get along, art historians confirm that
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there are many facets in wolf’s work. from ancient images he easily moved to avant-garde and abstractionism, and from experimental genres to classical landscape. although he considered himself a nonconformist, he respected the classics, because seeing beauty in ordinary things is the quality of any artist; the wolf possessed it to the fullest. we can see how he seemed to be looking for his own language, his own style, i think that in general, he remained a multi-artist, because even in in later works, based on... the task, he seemed to change his style. the significance of the wolf’s work is confirmed by his lifetime recognition. the master’s works are kept in the tretyakov gallery, in the house of the bulgakov museum and even in private collections. the legacy of vladimir alekseevich includes more than 4.0 works, which were also visited by famous guests. here is love for the homeland. love for his homeland, love for the homeland of the people he knew and saw. this is love for...
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the environment, this is love for people, an exhibition in the cultural complex of the embassy is available to everyone, it is free and will be open until mid-february; you can get there to see the paintings by appointment. maxim shevchenko, sergey ukhvaryonok and yuri ermakov. news, duty department. in bashkiria, a twelve-year-old boy saved his seven-year-old sister, literally snatching her from the hands of a possible kidnapper. his desperate , courageous act was captured by surveillance cameras. the footage shows how the children are not... again walking in the yard, and a man in a light-colored cap is walking almost behind them. at some point he suddenly grabs the girl by the hand and drags her along. the brother immediately rushed to help, who the failed kidnapper turned out to be and how the children are feeling now. our film crew managed to communicate with them and their parents. right now a detailed report is being prepared on this topic; we will show it on our evening broadcast at 21:30. the entire operational feed
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is legal. the news in telegram channels is kept by the honest detective on duty, follow along with us, that’s all for now, tatyana petrova was with you, see you soon. belgorod city of gubkin attacked by ukrainian drone, the device fell and exploded, fortunately there were no casualties, but several residential buildings were damaged. our film crew visited the site; contact alexander korobov for details.


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