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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 6, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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they won't forgive you if you stay away. serve under contract. you are the best, city, ice three, soon. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. they perform special tasks on the right bank of the dnieper. they masterfully sneak into the operational rear of the ukrainian armed forces, depriving the enemy of communications and observation posts, the work of our soldiers in the first person. revelation of the vysushnikovskys. they burn brightly, so they take care of it
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with all their might, keep it as far as possible from the front line, avoid direct collisions with russian equipment, the dnieper is close, but not get drunk, in the spring the water for kiev residents will become golden, the tariff will immediately increase by 34%. interestingly, the ukrainians really thought that officials and deputies would pay for european financial assistance, escaping from nazism and the mobilization of ukraine. they escape to slovakia along forest paths, share their experiences in chats, what to take with them and how to even get to the neutral zone, they see the winners like this: ukraine sends performers jerry hale and alena alena to eurovision, they have a great chance of winning. disembark from boats
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in the deep twilight, carefully planning every step and almost for the first time they show their difficult work in the first person, unique footage from the right bank of the dnieper, where russian specialists of a special profile are testing the situation, we are talking about operatives who cross the river straight into the territory temporarily controlled by the kiev regime, that is, they perform various tasks literally under the nose of the enemy, dispelling the stereotype of ukrainian propaganda that the ukrainian armed forces have everything there, on... the fighters are supposedly sitting on the defensive, not even thinking about forays to the other side. actually, one short video is enough to prove the opposite. moreover, if the kiev regime straightforwardly drives its paratroopers to slaughter under artillery fire and drops from drones, then the russian military constantly shows ingenuity, acts much more subtly and, most importantly, more effectively. anton potkovenko was convinced. anton, hello, do you have any idea what exactly they do? i welcome you, of course, there is some understanding of the range of tasks, of course, there’s not much to talk about, understandable secrecy, let’s take a look. our
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fighters on the right bank of the dnieper, brilliantly performing reconnaissance, sabotage and assault work , groups of professionals, the observation post of the armed forces of ukraine can eliminate officers, take prisoners and adjust our artillery. here is a unique video. well, brothers, we are on the right, wish us luck. i accepted and went. the video is very concise, but extremely informative. it begins with footage of the landing, but if you look closely, you can clearly see the boat, an ordinary rubber boat with oars, used by special forces because it is silent. it is known that in the area islands and the right bank of the dnieper, the dominance of enemy drones and fpv reconnaissance strikes. how to land unnoticed without losses, ours use mobile raps, electronic warfare equipment, including portable ones. let's take it this way, a box, yes, a box.
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here is a plastic box, so you open it, turn it on, everything, that is, the direction , for example, you are to the north, for example, 60 degrees, it, for example, covers completely, it jams everything and radios, and radio stations, drones must be immobilized, we call them dogs, there is a dog in the yard, for example, a dog in the yard, there are two dogs, there are three dogs, you already understand what this is, a fighter with the call sign mestizo knows firsthand what it means to perform a point shot. tasks on the dnieper islands on the right bank, for example , how to destroy an enemy cell phone tower, with small arms you will simply damage it, we had to destroy it, so we had to go there and it with grenade launchers, as they say , in everyday life with flies, with flies they shot at it , destroyed the group that was there, there were about 30 of them in the area, then we left her without... any connection at all, but
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without connection - that’s all. actually, this is what filigree combat work looks like: this is the direct opposite of the ukrainian armed forces’ meat assaults on the water when they are swimming.
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so to speak, the housing of scouts, something like a marching camp, 3, 5, 6 people, that is , they can pass unnoticed in the rear, they reveal the location of some key military installations, the enemy’s logistics systems, systems, as planned for them there supplies and so on, you need to constantly, constantly not give the enemy peace, space delivery of food bull , rotation sites are constantly pressed with artillery, this is demoralizing, rapid special operations in the operational rear of the enemy on the right bank
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of the dnieper, on the islands are carried out precisely for this purpose, so that the enemy painfully wonders where our star landing will land , the last evening will come for the next one. .. ukrainian armed forces outposts. atom potkovenko and the road across the dnieper. let me add that within 24 hours , up to thirty ukrainian militants were killed in the kherson region; in the donbass , the enemy’s losses traditionally number in the hundreds. in in particular, in the krasno-limansky section of the ukrainian armed forces , about 240 personnel were lost. 290 were eliminated on the donetsk front and up to 195 on the yuzhnodonetsk front. in addition, in each of these three directions, russian troops were able to improve the situation along the front line. about the situation, report by ruslan bikbulatov. guns! the true sign of a special military operation is coming true, if the sky is clear like today, then our galubians will have a lot of work, right now our scout birds
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are working on enemy territory, looking for targets for our artillery. there is enough work day and night, so a ukrainian armed forces serviceman hid in the ruins of a building, but even in the dark he clearly does not suspect that already in the lens of our intelligence, an attempt to lift a drone into the sky was suppressed by an instant artillery strike, in these frames they are destroying a hidden one there is a mortar in the forest belt, the ukrainian armed forces crew is scattering in panic, it is clear from the enemy ’s work that... his strength is running out, he doesn’t respond to our, so to speak, volleys so often, but you still can’t relax, don’t, the enemy doesn’t dozing, the gun commander went to the northern military district zone with his brothers, when partial mobilization ended, and the summons were never received, they themselves came to the military registration and enlistment office,
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three brothers volunteered to go to the front, they were slightly wounded, and now they must return to duty literally any day now our unit will be here again. at the firing positions of the third crimean reconnaissance and assault brigade there is always a good mood; when the target is hit, all that remains is to carefully camouflage the guns and shells. we are engaged in camouflage of shells, landscape design, we put a twig, well , so that it is not visible from above. the brigade is entirely made up of volunteers, the gunner with the call sign dream, served in the special forces, and has combat experience. in 1414, in the house of trade unions, my friend’s year-old son was burned and now we need to go to odessa, that is, such a path should be, under the control of artillery and the dnieper group of troops, the entire line of combat contact behind enemy lines tens of kilometers deep. ruslan bigbulatov, andrey potapov, conduct
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the kherson region. even though the tank moves to the pividon, flies directly to the stern , stops the vehicle, turning it into a convenient target for our artillery. this is a video from one of them. special operation sites in the donbass, where russian drone operators were again able to demonstrate the highest professionalism. in turn, the drying crew managed to retreat only at the very last moment, and even then not in full force. the tank was obviously finished off by the aircraft without much difficulty, and what is characteristic is that there is another episode when the enemy is trying to attack old soviet reserves, accordingly, a logical question arises: where did the western prodigies suddenly go, in particular the modernized leopards or the vaunted british challengers, because all of them, not to mention the abrams, were positioned as the most reliable and formidable equipment that the kiev regime would use literally non-stop, however... now the ukrainian militants themselves admit that nato feeders rarely go to the front line and work from
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closed positions, what is the reason, evgenia understood, nipot, evgeniy, hello, come out in direct clashes with our tanks, they, in principle, do not participate. alexey, hello, now there are tank duels, but it is extremely rare that nato equipment is protected from these meetings. tank duels happen, i repeat, rarely, the ukrainian armed forces try to protect western equipment from direct clashes with russian equipment, they hide it. yes, there are 2,600, one might say, closed positions, then they were correcting us with a drone, they
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were landing on us, they were shooting at us, well , they were correcting us, well, they were correcting us with a drone, after a failed counterattack they are trying not to pull tanks close to the line of combat contact, because the myth about the invulnerability of nato equipment was debunked from the very first frames, when artillery strikes, drones, minefields and anti-tank systems burned everything that was so diligently... collected by all alliances for kiev, trying to reduce the use these tanks on the front line to a minimum, and accordingly, this is due both to the increased attention to these vehicles, then perhaps their western owners were counting on the fact that the russians would run at the sight of western tanks, the russians ran, but not from these tanks, on the contrary, towards them, and we see a massive desire of many units to hit. the target is certainly not easy to hit, and
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there are no easy ones at the front, challengers 2 have serious weapons and armor, but it’s not for nothing that they are called hannibal’s elephants, the tanks are really heavy, the sight of the destroyed british raised a lot of questions in london, somehow even behind the crown became inconvenient, requests poured in from parliament to the local ministry of defense, military officials responded, the challengers opened the way for deliveries of other equipment and... because the weight there is under 70 tons, and the bridges do not support such weight, now even in the west
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they admit that the supply of tanks to the situation at the front in favor of the kiev regime has not turned the corner, moreover, foreign experts are completely calling for the preservation of equipment until next spring for the future phantom contour offensive, what happened, the damned russians, along with armored vehicles, set fire to the reputation of the western military-industrial complex, which supposedly produced the best product in the world, a product that had a hard time in ukrainian realities. we see that damaged vehicles, they are forced to transport to poland to the factory for repair, even those one-piece samples, there are not many of them, several dozen machines of each type, there is no material and technical base for large-scale repair of this equipment. the interview about the challenger went well with another information source, a picture of an american who allegedly travels around avdeevka.
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which contains united uranus for greater strength, on which western partners do not skimp, and the fact that it foils is the tenth thing, of course, the western one. ukrainians technology they are trying to protect by welding special body kits from drones, like this englishman , but this is not a panacea, because swedish tanks are also talking , swedish tanks are burning, modifications of german ones are burning, original leopards are blazing, of which only remnants remain, as well as the reputation of western technology, following the media effect of the destroyed alliance elephants, there was
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a decrease in the supply of weapons, which burn very beautifully, and in order to protect the towers, nato... certain personnel changes, without which support may be delayed. details at elizaveta khramtsova. the head of european diplomacy, in his own words, carefully considers his trips to kiev. at the start of his fourth visit to the ukrainian capital, josep barel said that they would talk about military and financial support, and also about reforms, without which kiev will not see european billions. in
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brussels, this support is increasingly criticized by meps. insisting on continuing the war until the last ukrainian. the head of the european council, michel, even said that calls for peace negotiations shock him, without the help of the european union, the ssu will have to defend itself with water pistols. but washington is calming down. the pentagon said that by the end of the year the united states will be able to fire 70-80 thousand artillery shells a month, which will allow, quote, to more fully support ukraine. they assure that they help kiev not only in word, but also in deed, berlin and paris. you've probably heard our president, he's only been around for a few weeks. france is already supplying kiev with scalp missiles, cesar howitzers, amx10rs armored vehicles and aasm bombs. who will manage this arsenal?
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in kyiv it’s still being decided. there were so many leaks about zelensky’s attempts to fire valery zaluzhny that now the office is still the president. those responsible for zelensky’s image are with the now familiar criticism of the president on the pages of the western press. for the british times, zelensky is now the most effective salesman in the country. it is not surprising, they write in the same material, that they want to fire the more popular commander-in-chief, and the struggle is unfolding against the backdrop of the cancellation of the elections. conditions under which ukraine will return to democratic procedures, the head of the council
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national security issues were voiced such that it became clear: there will be no elections in the country. elections are possible. this time, before may 13, in order to somehow reassure the viewer, the sbu reported that it was able to uncover an entire fsb agent network, which included former and current ukrainian security officials. allegedly, one of the detainees, a former employee of the foreign intelligence department, was recruited by the russian side even before the start of the special military operation. since then, he has been collecting information about the location of the ukrainian military, and after february 24, 2022, he channeled the movement weapons, the same russian agent transmitted secret information to the fsb about the peculiarities of the defense system of the rivne and khmelnytsky nuclear power plants. the sbu added details to the story about the detained agents, there were five of them, without which it would not have amazed the viewer; according to the
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ukrainian security service, russia managed to recruit officers solely through threats. more than forty children died in ukraine during trials of fiizer vaccines. an employee of the kiev branch of the concern told american journalists about this. according to chicago tribune, experiments on children aged five to eleven years were carried out in secret from ordinary citizens and junior medical staff, but the heads of the zelensky administration clinic were aware. in particular , they knew that the second phase of trials revealed a 5% fatality rate. however, the drug was not sent for... development and testing is planned to continue this month. after a short investigation, everything was attributed to improper conditions of transportation of the shipment. we were ordered to continue testing, this violates all existing rules, the ministry of health had no objections also because the project was agreed upon with president zelensky. in the village of volokonovka,
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belgorod region , an infrastructure facility was damaged after an attack by two ukrainian drones, ukrainian militants sent another drone to voznesenovka , shibekinsky district, an agricultural enterprise there was damaged, and early in the morning an enemy uav was attacked. the city of gubkin, there were no casualties, but private houses were partially destroyed, report by alexander korobov about the consequences. white snow on the house the plot turned black from the flying clods of earth and soot, a loud bang, that’s it, the earth was shaking, the house was shaking, so my wife ran out, looked, there was a crater half a meter deep, or something, and well, everything around there was blown apart, well, in general, everyone was alive. eight households received various damages, none of the residents were injured, now they are cleaning up the yards and collecting fragments of the drone stuffing from the gardens. the drone
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fell on the side of the road, an explosive device detonated at the edge of the roadway , and the destructive elements scattered throughout the area, here, literally a few meters away, residential buildings begin, it’s good that it was very early and there were no people or cars on the street. mostly all damage from the blast wave. it bent metal fences and tore roof coverings off houses. despite the large scattering of fragments, the windows were practically undamaged, but the builders will conduct a detailed inspection of each one for hidden damage. our first priority is to measure the extent of damage, order building materials and begin work. i think we will do everything in a day or two. at the scene of the incident, utility workers quickly restored order. the funnel has already been filled in, now it’s time to build.
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the announcement of changes in utility bills for residents of kiev from the local water utility, which is going to raise rates for water use in the spring, but the fact that they plan to introduce new rates from april 1 sounds like a cruel joke: utility workers in the ukrainian press justify themselves, saying that the decision is forced, because vodokanal costs are constantly growing, becoming more expensive everything, reagents... fuel, electricity. meanwhile, the country's population is already preparing for the fact that not only water will become a luxury, but light. deputies are pleased to warn that the price tag for electricity will double. these are the virgin conditions of the white house, which demands reforms and a free tariff market from kiev. all for the sake of continuing financial doping from the west and the comfortable life of the ukrainian leaders, but to pay for the joys of the kiev elite, as ordinary ukrainians are usually offered, vadim zavodchenkov will confirm. vadim, hello, right? ukrainian deputies and officials do not deny you anything. well, of course not, alexey. why else do the rabble need to suffer? there is no water, let
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them drink vodka. a little more and water supply in ukraine will become a luxury service. residents of nezalezhnaya warned of a new wave of tariff increases. striker kiev-vodokanal. now they are asking about thirty per cubic meter. hryvnia, but expects to raise the price tag by about a third to forty, in this case, this is most likely, you know, a demobilization decree, a demobilization decision, guys, collect more money there, they are not stupid, they understand that this year they are unlikely to be mayors and presidents there and rush out of this country, just like before they die they are trying to rob... that’s it, the excuse is the same as always , people say they are fleeing the country , the volume of water supply is decreasing, and
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the prices of electrical supplies and reagents are also rising, in general, get into the situation, however, experts add one more reason to the list of reasons, which neither the water utility itself nor the kiev propaganda will talk about out loud , leaky networks that arise from the emergency use of equipment, precisely on the shoulders of the ordinary population, not on the oligarchs who are the owners of these same utility networks, but on the ordinary population, who are physically forced, you know, like serfs to be on the spot, to pay, to the actual owners of ukraine. water is taking the lead in the big tariff race. since ukraine gained so-called independence , water supply has become literally
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unaffordable for many. in 2014, ukrainians paid about 3 hryvnia per cubic meter; by spring they will pay 13 times more, for comparison, even gas under the strict supervision of the imf has risen in price only eight times over the same period, however, the world will very soon regain its leadership. 10 years ago, kiev residents paid 28 kopecks per kilowatt-hour, but according to plans, the tariff will be increased to 6 hryvnia, twentyfold. growth, if we take, for example, an ordinary regional center with a small private house, that is, a small private house and taking into account gas payments, then the monthly payment is about 5-6,000 hryvnia, while the average pension is about 3.5-4 hryvnia, how people can survive,
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the news adds piquancy to the situation. experts record a record increase in demand for expensive cars, for example, one of the nordeps managed to grab two premium mercedes for 10 thousand hryvnia, did someone really not have enough for a communal apartment and had to spend it on the cheap, real estate is materializing from the services of the people, plus 260 objects for 1 year. in
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the defense budget, and during this same time holes worth billions of hryvnia are discovered that need to be filled, which, by the way, are also offered to ordinary ukrainians, those who have not yet been taken away military registration and enlistment offices, the deputies themselves will not go to the front, because the law is sacred, for the constitution, according to the constitution, a deputy of the verkhovna rada has a reservation, but other persons do not, read the constitution of ukraine.
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operations, the musicians played several field concerts accompanied by a balalaika guitar in the program of original works and improvisations, as the fighters note, this format, when the audience and artists are not separated by the stage , is very helpful in emotionally unloading, so that he wins, so that he returns home and reigns in peace. now there's a short commercial, that's what will be further on our broadcast. escape from nazism and mobilization, ukrainians flee to slovakia along forest paths. they share their experiences in chats, what to take with them and how to even get to the neutral zone.


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