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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 6, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

9:00 pm you are the best cigardan let 3 coming soon. the automated russian justice system processed 11 billion requests during the year, and the consideration of court cases via video link and web conference was carried out over a million times, the chairman of the supreme court vyacheslav lebedev looked at such statistics today at a working meeting with vladimir putin, but however, the president was not interested only the use of digital technologies, what else will natalya solovyova tell. the focus is on the development of the russian judicial system.
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600 thousand a year, yeah, this is a very big help for the work of the court, reducing the load, but in addition, the system works well, the state-controlled gas-justice system, so the appeal of users per year is about 11 billion, 11 billion, 11 billion, then there is a population, citizens are actively taking advantage of this opportunity to convert. with a request through this system and
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get answers to the questions that arise when preparing an appeal to the court, so it is very effective, making the courts effective is the most important task, only for over the past year , over 39 thousand cases were considered in the first instance, optimization of work is a necessary stage, for example, a significant step has already been taken to relieve arbitration from bankruptcy cases. this is a simplification of the procedure.
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to humanize the procedure for the release of seriously ill convicts; such a document will also be discussed in the state duma. vyacheslav lebedev told the president about this today, not a single order of whose orders , of course, passes by the highest court. in the end, all three branches of government, according to the constitution, work for protection of the rights and freedoms of russian citizens. natalya solovyova, lead. 75,000 participants , almost 200,000 families who received assistance, are just some of the results of the work of the united women's movement. russia, activist organizations shared their experience of humanitarian missions at the all-russian forum, which was held in moscow. what other topics are relevant for the women's movement, as well as the main political news of the day about the presidential election campaigns in the material of varvara nevskaya. each of them is someone’s mother, daughter, sister, spouse, more than 140,000 activists throughout country, in each of its regions. for the second year now , these strong and, most importantly, loving women have been helping the front. today there are 300 of them in moscow.
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met at the all-russian forum of the women's movement of united russia in the central executive committee of the party. the women's movement of united russia in the literal sense of the word protects, feeds and warms our people. fighters. as part of the humanitarian mission, you brought together more than 750,000 participants, volunteers, voluntary associations, women's communities, non-profit organizations, and covered over 195 people with your care. thousands of representatives of the families of our military personnel. they help soldiers on the front line in the rear, directing humanitarian convoys, taking care of their families and caring for wounded defenders of the homeland in hospitals. they carry out social rehabilitation of those who returned from the front. vladimir. chairman of the central campaign headquarters of presidential candidate vladimir putin, called this work invaluable, it seems impossible to argue with him. everything you do for our great country, everything you do for
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our great people is truly very important and truly priceless. what you do requires unwavering attention. therefore, you are brilliant, you made your choice, you gave your attention, all your strength, all your feelings and emotions in order to help. help is the main goal of hundreds of volunteers in the rostov region, students of universities and institutes, those who made their choice and joined public organizations that help svo participants and their families, as well. one of the points during the visit to the rostov region of artyom zhoga, co-chairman of the central electoral headquarters, presidential candidate vladimir putin, headquarters of the humanitarian mission of the popular
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front. and i am sure that the residents, receiving this help, will remember these kids with a kind word, yes, who, in principle, do not spend their personal time at gatherings somewhere. gazebos or there in personal companies, precisely for a good, good cause, and this is part of the patriotic education that our president is talking about, the election campaign of the presidential candidate from the ldpr party is actively underway. leonid slutsky at with the participation of the regions, he held an extended meeting of the election headquarters, during which he spoke about the preliminary results of the all-russian survey of citizens, tell sludsky the truth. there are already more than 126 thousand surveys. our buses, and in fact a mobile reception, are now operating in different regions of the country. the three main concerns that come to me as a presidential candidate from the people are prices, roads, medicine, these issues
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become key points of my election program. a person could address his problem, and there are a lot of problems, not only in the far east, throughout russia, these are housing and communal services issues, environmental issues, issues, well, there are a variety of issues related to mortgages, loans, so it is always important to be in touch, and we try to make sure that every person
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i could at least get an answer to my question, and preferably also a solution. meeting with local residents and supporters of visiting regional headquarters, largest industries, memorial and tourist places. campaigning for presidential candidates is constant hard work. often without specialists from the central election commission are also working during these busy pre-election weeks. according to the results of the checks, as stated here in the cycle, the number of marriages for candidates boris nadezhdin and sergei malenkovich amounts to 15%, of which they were notified in accordance with the law two days in advance. nevertheless, in the central election. the commissions went to meet them. the final meeting on the registration of the remaining candidates was postponed from february 7 to the eighth. minutes of the meeting of the working group on the results of verification of submitted documents documents were submitted by an unregistered candidate on the eve
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of february 5, but the cic understands that it may take more time to thoroughly review them and is ready to give it, even despite the fact that the candidates did not take full advantage. the opportunity to be present during the process of verifying signatures, there was a process of active round-the-clock verification of signatures, and well, if malinkovich’s team, in general , for some time... was present at this, then there was not a single person from nadezhdin’s team, during all the days when was walking signature verification. however, we, since we are interested in maximum openness, we are interested in ensuring that no one has any doubts about the quality of the work done, we are interested in providing all the information to the candidates in a reasoned manner and at the same time hearing their
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arguments, we're going for it. almost the entire working day, representatives of the russian communists, together with the working group of the central election commission, studied the complaints against the commission regarding the subscription lists. the party agrees with most of the errors identified in the signatures. we tend to, we tend to agree that unfortunately, unfortunately, there really is such a problem. first of all, these are technical errors here. unfortunately, these are performance defects, that is, somewhere in the issue or series of the sport one digit is missing, but it is clear that, unfortunately, this signature flies out, and indeed there are quite a lot of such errors. there is a little more than a month left until the single voting day; the presidential elections of the russian federation will be held from march 15 to 17. varvar nevskaya, news. today's youtube has ceased to exist. the pages of several dozen
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regional branches of vgtrk are available, including gtrk st. petersburg, rostov, belgorod, chitam, murmansk, pskov, vologda, dmurtia, adegei, tomsk, and many others. at the same time , neither the video hosting itself nor the management of its parent company google sent any warnings about blocking, and accordingly did not voice the reasons for such a decision, that is, in fact, there is no justification for censorship. the head of the estonian orthodox church was forced to leave the country today. local immigration authorities metropolitan eugene was denied a residence permit renewal, and his service was recognized as a threat to national security. the prime minister of estonia hastened to assure that this decision is supposedly not connected with tallinn’s attitude towards the entire orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, but it is difficult not to draw parallels with the persecution inflicted on christians by the kiev friends of the baltic states. with details margarita semenyuk. in this footage, metropolitan of tallinn of all estonia, evgeniy , crosses the border on foot through ivangorod in the leningrad region. today he was forced leave the country. in his parting speech, essentially a farewell speech to parishioners, metropolitan
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eugene of tallinn of all estonia recalls the persecution of christianity in the first centuries, speaks of god’s will, and how persecution is repeated in the seemingly civilized world. today i am performing my last services in this cathedral. i have to leave estonia due to the decision made by the authorities. today is february 6, the head of the estonian orthodox church, metropolitan. churches irritated and unnerved estonia. synod and then council of the estonian church
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the moscow patriarchate opposed the expulsion of the priest and condemned the actions of the authorities, the estonian, latvian authorities, the moldovan authorities, in the baltic states in estonia in particular, the russian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, this is the last center, the last platform for the consolidation of the russian population. metropolitan evgeniy was elected primate of the estonian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate on may 29, 2018, since then his residence permit has been renewed twice, now the police have said that the hierarch poses a threat to the national security due to principled and public support for the special operation. the decision of the estonian authorities, as they themselves explained, was motivated by the fact that the values ​​preached by metropolitan eugene do not correspond.
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from each parish , so it is this body that must decide whether i can continue to be here, i cannot, i am leaving, but i am staying, the creation of pro-russian citizens is already an indispensable tool, and the reason is a threat to national security, like a gear that starts the political engine of deportation. boris kotkov, an eighty-two-year-old military man
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pensioner, expelled from latvia with a lifelong entry ban and added to the list of undesirable persons. archimandrite... vasian did not even have time to transfer his powers before he was expelled from bulgaria, forcibly taken out of the russian church of st. nicholas, where he conducted the liturgy, as soon as it got dark, he was taken to the border along with his things, and the reason for the expulsion of the priests of the russian orthodox church - the basis of some classified intelligence report. the russian side helped a lot, ambassador lenura valentina mitrofanovna, consul vladimir chertkov, they were right to the last moment they supported us, i’m in moscow...
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here, divide the ukrainian people, and we have become second-class people, and you promised to remove me, please, it doesn’t matter to me, i was, am and will be with god, at the same time in kiev is considering the demolition of seventy- eight uoc churches. the kiev city council
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is monitored by city councils from other regions, and western ones. region of ukraine, this will be such a negative precedent, that is, if the kiwis will demolish churches, then in ivano-frankivsk, lvov, cherkassy they will be for their dear soul simply, taking by analogy taking all the same wording, quickly and extraordinarily make a decision at home , no matter what repressions are carried out by the kiev authorities, schismatics, nazis, no matter how many churches are destroyed, the faith of orthodox people cannot be taken away. margarita semenyuk, irina zaborskaya , dnepropetrovsk police refused to become stormtroopers of the armed forces of ukraine, the riot of national police officers, whom the new chief tried to force into the trenches, was even caught on video, it turned out that among the instigators of the protest were employees of the former berkut special forces, the same ones who during the euromaidan they tried to resist the civil coup, the topic will be continued by yegor grigoriev. national guard, police, national guard,
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police, border guards in ukraine, who is that? 65 years old, the state absolutely doesn’t care where the national police department of ukraine in we leave from, the deputy chief of the main dnepropetrovsk region is agitating for people to join the assault brigade, gently insisting that we need to go to the front, there is a battalion, there is a battalion of special police, the soldiers of the former berkut special forces are listening attentively , trying to explain that they are taught to protect, not to kill. the safety of people , the safety of people to fight back like a dryer, we are taught differently , these are completely different points, we as police officers are obliged to the people who stayed there, who did not come out when there were assaults, everything else, to provide them with first aid so that they are not killed. berkut has always protected people, even at the end of 2013, beginning of 2014, when on the maidan the radicals beat them with chains, sprayed them with pepper, burned
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them with molotov cocktails, and shot at them with guns. we're on guard here public order. they were waiting for an order to suppress the coup, the blood of unarmed fighters was shed, but this was obviously necessary, later they would be accused of killing real ukrainian patriots, they would be humiliated, forced to their knees, and put in prison. the people of kiev are still being prosecuted; when the new government came, we were recognized as enemies overnight; unfortunately, not everyone had the opportunity to leave. during the 2014 coup , berkut units were brought to kiev from crimea, lvov, and lugansk. first they had to secure people from the antics of the radicals, then sharply the opposite.
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alexey then decided to move to russia, now he serves in the russian guard, this is not an isolated case, there are 20 fighters from the lugansk berkut alone in moscow , of course there are no connections with former colleagues who stayed, but... everyone watched the last video from dnepropetrovsk, these are those employees who saw these atrocities that were happening in kiev, they know the truth, how it happened, what happened, with what slogans, and the truth is that the fighters of the once dnepropetrovsk berkut were not afraid say to your boss’s face, remember what unit you came from, and where you came from, where you came from, the leadership of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine obviously must fulfill the plans.
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they are unlikely to be left. egor grigoriev, why to distribute agendas on buses, and the choice of mikhailkov, sergey kuznetsov. the king of great britain has decided to refrain from all planned public events with his participation for an indefinite period. the reason is that charles ii, as it turned out, needed urgent treatment for cancer. in high spirits. according to doctors, operation was successfully completed. the monarch was expected to return to his duties after a short recovery period. the picture was completely
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changed by a brief message from buckingham palace. during the king's recent examination at the hospital , a separate issue of concern was identified. subsequent diagnostic tests revealed a form of cancer. the royal family decided not to disclose details, limiting themselves to information about what the speech was about. it's not about prostate cancer. some details came from from prime minister sunak, who said that doctors identified the disease at an early stage. like everyone else, i was shocked and very upset by the news, my thoughts are with him and his family. fortunately, the disease was detected at an early stage. the london tymes notes that the line chosen by the palace to limit information about the monarch's health is humanly understandable, but leaves room for speculation. such a strategy is fraught with what many people might assume: the king’s condition is much worse than buckingham claims. palace, or worse, by revealing some
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information, but not all, they are thereby hiding something. it is unknown where and how the king will be identified. there are no plans for charles ii to be hospitalized at this stage, but doctors have advised him not to participate in public events. the monarch will continue to deal with government affairs and work with papers. treatment involves either chemotherapy or immunotherapy drugs. radiation therapy and surgery are also possible . it's a whole complex activities, as far as we know, he will undergo treatment on an outpatient basis. a separate question is who will take on the representative functions of the king. the number of working members of the winser family is limited. at certain events, charles ii may be replaced by his wife, queen camilla. heir to the throne, prince william. was planning to spend more time caring for his wife, who had recently undergone abdominal surgery. now he will have to change his plans. having received news of
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his father's illness, the prince flew to london. meghan markle with remained in america as children, but harry and meghan do not participate in official family affairs. the king's younger brother prince andrew has also been suspended due to a pedophilia scandal. it is known that charles ii considered it necessary to reduce the number of those entrusted with representing the british monarchy. but these plans also included his active work, which is now limited on the recommendation of doctors. alexander khabarov, ilya mordyukov, maxim kolpakchi and evgeny samsonov. news. london, what happened here on 24-25 february: social networks, calls, sending out fake news, go to a rally, all western-linked pr agencies have joined in to incite regional local riots, the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically, to bring embarrassment of confusion into their souls, this is the surest path to victory in the rebellion war,
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