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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 7, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

2:30 am
dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.
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well, we have a slightly different structure of the atlantic council. example, no, no,
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the fact is that they have a machine gun of the wrong system, of course, not the same, the simple fact is that when we say, for example, there in the state, yes, in the deep state, you ask me to name it, name the names, organizations that represent this state, staff members will name them right away, but there is no evidence it’s necessary, but they will demand from me, you agreed on what you agreed on the document, with us it’s a little different, send someone, if he appoints you to clean up, you’ll be exiled. therefore, here we have a slightly different organization of science and , in principle, all analytical activity, with us, with us it still comes from the soviet union, when a note, a note is written internally, but they don’t, they have the task of any scientific, research and media center is, firstly, to prepare these analytical materials, some of which, by the way, do not appear, and secondly, to conduct propaganda, thirdly, to train personnel, that’s for sure.
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the soviet union is not needed here, because the soviet union published scientific journals, where serious articles were very helpful and which were read and circulated in quite a large circulation, so excuse me, of course, and in many languages, in many languages, excuse me, of course, that’s why this there were very respected tolstoys, that’s what i’m talking about, but now there are these journals, the simple fact is that we have these journals, well, how can i say, our science is poorer than just american science. for example, they have the opportunity there, but where are they there are in french, in english , in arabic, who will translate, we have several magazines that are being translated, mathematics, for example, is translated into english, here is the bulletin of moscow university, a series of mathematics is published in english, because it interesting academies, in addition, well, yes, our mathematics is good, our physics is good, there is no doubt about it, they are good, the same, the same, the same institute in the usa and canada, they publish a us magazine. nothing,
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a normal magazine, you can see what about the events of fifty-four, no, why are you only taking historical ones , not only not only historical, modern facts, please, in the public domain on the internet, world economy, international relations, imo, don’t touch it, i worked there, i i say that they have a magazine and they are given opportunities, but they have it in the public domain, the last three issues are by subscription, the rest are all open. he doesn’t walk around to see us, he doesn’t respect us, he despises him, he doesn’t consider it necessary , this is please, all the time, this is please, him position, well, people come from the institute , people come from the institute, but he himself doesn’t, well , yes, the director, well, i worked there when bylovovich pryamakov was there, so he somehow didn’t hesitate to express his point.
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not at all embarrassed, we are not embarrassed either, here are several representatives, well, no matter how you are an academic, i am not an academic, for sure, i am not an academic, but in our own way , when will america fall apart? but in our country, unfortunately, unfortunately, we did not pay attention to this, we have not created the tools when we can influence who must create tools without being able to create at the beginning of the last decade there in 1910, they tried to carry out one project with the nixon foundation, well
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, that is, payments through ours, this is serious, but one project with the nixon foundation, well, i know , it’s just the wording itself , we decided to carry out a project in america with the ni foundation. oh, we jerked and got hit in the head. well , of course not, the simple fact is that if our state established such a level of protection, i would be pleased. those people who made this recommendation did not understand and did not knew, those people who created the bologna system, those people who set us up
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for science, these are people, no, they are from the state, we are state, these were not people from the academy of sciences, not only from the academy, not only, that means from there too. i see, i want to show you a certain biden , his last name is biden, he really likes ice cream , donald trump is ready to debate with you right now, you accept it, immediately, sir, immediately, i would also like to enter into a debate with me, and that’s right, he is the president, and who is donald trump, oh my god, malnik. well, as for the debates , to be honest, i strongly doubt that they will take place in this election cycle, well, joe biden, as we know, flatly refused to hold debates in the democratic primaries, he had such a right, given that he is the incumbent president, and these primaries are largely formal in nature, so, but as for the main presidential race, here, frankly speaking, i have great
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doubts that donald trump will agree to these very debates, even though they claim that yes he is ready to debate to carry out, but we know that the republicans officially withdrew from the debate commission back in the twenty-second... of the united states and even non-state ones, that is, here, of course , this is the very half-life of state institutions because the debate itself has always been such an unofficial institution, it is really happening, as was correctly noted here, but this can continue for quite a long time, because after all , a certain... institutionality in america remains, yes, inertia still continues, although i think that within two or three electoral cycles, we will really see certain radical scenarios that are being realized within america, what it will be, well, it’s difficult to predict, but it’s like a split in the united states, it doesn’t just
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happen, but it’s obvious there , that there will be some kind of catharsis, well, a certain rehearsal of such possible big shocks, we are now seeing within the framework of this presidential race, and with the migration crisis, with texas, everything else, well, i think that closer to november the situation can really escalate to the limit, yes, especially if, again , the democrats organize something like this against the republicans closer to the elections, perhaps there is an attempt on trump’s life, or an attempt to arrest trump, or some kind of large-scale falsification, well, that’s all clear, we and you also had a decision on trump today, of course it is far from over, of course, yes, yes, that is, here you still need to understand that yes, this is the court of appeal, there will still be a supreme court after this. well, in fact , trump’s lawyers have some opportunities here winning is not high, well, maybe in the supreme court there is a 20% chance that they will side with trump in this story with presidential immunity, but 80% that they will not, but here the task of trump and his headquarters is somewhat different, yes , that is , what they are striving for is not
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to actually win, there would be a recognition in court that trump supposedly has comprehensive immunity on all issues, so he cannot be tried, well, there is too broad an interpretation and it seems unlikely that the court will take sides. trump's lawyers task is to drag out all these judicial processes, yes, because the supreme court will consider this for 3-4 months, 5 months, maybe by june, there by the end of the current session of the supreme court, they will make... a decision, accordingly, before this time there will be no hearings on the main criminal cases against trump, but they may start in july, august, and then the elections are just around the corner, that is, there is a possibility that there will be some kind of guilty verdict against trump for any reason from criminal cases there is very little before the elections in my opinion, this is of course a good story for trump, because if he does win the election, which is a completely possible scenario, well , he has different opportunities and they immediately appear there, as with these criminal cases figure it out, that is, it is theoretically possible. there, special prosecutor jack smith should be deprived of federal funding, somehow put pressure on the line, pardon himself,
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if it comes to that, that is, opportunities are already appearing, the main thing, again, is that there is no guilty verdict before elections, because this is quite a strong blow, for trump the latest polls show that 30-40% of his voters will think about whether it is worth supporting him if he is already officially convicted of some kind of crime in court, well, here we are we see, after all, it’s not in vain that trump’s lawyers receive tens of millions of dollars, they are trying to do something... something, let’s see, as for another topic, let’s talk about another topic, malik will continue immediately after the advertisement, the fourth annual forum is strong ideas for new time, the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens' initiatives for the development of the country, the forum is implemented by the agency for strategic initiatives by decree of the president of the russian federation together with the roscongress foundation. during the entire forum , over 450 thousand citizens took part, and more than 90 thousand ideas were submitted to the forum. this is a place of ideas and initiatives of citizens to formulate the strategy and development of the country. february 19 and 20: the best
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ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow the forum news at ideia.ross kongress.rf. yes, well, the second topic, which is now being actively discussed in the context of the united states of america - this is, of course, the migration crisis, the migration deal in congress and the future of the ukrainian trenches. well, as we see, in general, here. all the quite obvious predictions were confirmed, yes, this migration deal is dead, but i highly doubt that even in the senate it will be possible to push it through, because the leader of the republicans in the senate, mitch macon, has already announced that there will be no deal, and called on his republican senators to vote against her, democrats need 60 votes to adoption, at least in the senate this most likely will not happen, so the lower house is obviously torpedoing it, this is interesting for us, of course in the context of the fact that the americans tried to tie a big... package worth $ 110 billion to this migration deal tranche to ukraine, israel, taiwan, there to ensure the security of their bases in
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the middle east, and so on. well, well, apparently, this current package is also not accepted in this form. at least now, but we’ve already talked to you about a lot of things, but that there is not such a high probability of its adoption, but we’ll see what they come up with . i understand correctly that biden hates israel and prefers ukraine to israel, because when they offered a separate package of emergency assistance to israel. he blocked, well, here he is an anti-semite, i would not say that he is an anti-semite, he, of course, has a very negative attitude towards israeli law, who are in power now, and in the state, yes, especially to some representatives of the cabinet netanyahu is there, look everyone the rest, of course, biden at one time , when he was on obama’s team, yes, he was rather, well, such a moderately pro-israel apparatchik, yes, that is, if obama had a completely negative attitude towards israel, well, that’s all for you and me. let us recall that biden was still somewhat more neutral, and we see that it is difficult to call
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biden a complete anti-semite, if only because, bypassing congress, he supplies all these military tranches to israel, unlike ukraine, that is, well, he is trying to maneuver, of course in his internal democracy there are lots of shipments there too, everything goes there, but it still goes in much smaller volumes, and basically only what was agreed upon before by congress, but like those same aerial bombs that sony doesn’t tell us, no , well... the opportunity, of course, would have been given more, but here again the question arises of how quickly the americans and europeans will be able to pump up their
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military-industrial complex, because well , you and i just started the program with this, and you also said that the european military-industrial complex has very ambitious plans to produce there 1,4000 shells by the end of the year, the americans have an ambitious plan to produce approximately 60-80,000 shells per month by the end of this year, but as if they had already passed the previous deadlines, they have not yet succeeded, but there are many technical reasons. but there are still reasons, in my opinion, psychological, yes, because, well, if we take even the reporting of some large defense corporations in america, there is the same lohit martin, well, somehow it turned out that they receive...
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the same dem party, acasio cortez, or hanamar is like a completely third story , which is why, of course, this generational gap can be worked on, but still returning to the ukrainian tranches, in my opinion, now after the failure of this migration deal, the next step that ukrainian lobbyists will take is - this is to try to insert these same ukrainian tranches, well, together with the israeli tranches, into the future draft
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federal budget, which will be adopted until about mid-march, yes, because as we know, you and i also discussed this, and in january they adopted the draft. .. urgent budget for 2 months in advance, until mid-march, that’s where it ends, we need to adopt a new budget at least before september, and preferably before december, well, before september, i hope they hope that this very bill will be adopted, so try dragging some ukrainian tranches into it, this will be, i think, the next stage in which ukrainian lobbyists will work, whether it will work out or not is a big question, because here there is a position of republicans who are indignant at the fact that, for example, in within the framework of this migration deal, there were two things i liked about it, the first was that i wanted to stand out - it was supposed to allocate $650 million to protect the southern border of the united states and 60 billion to ukraine, that is, 100 times more, or 100 times less if we are talking about the southern border, well, it is clear that no matter how the republicans did not agree to this, well, there is also 2 billion dollars in funding, federal funding for various liberal ngos that bring these same migrants to the border, that is, arrange the same migration crisis,
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so it’s surprising why it wasn’t accepted, well, in general, the point is that the next stage is like there will be a big discussion in march. something is quite possible there , ukraine will receive, yes, 14 billion in the form of new military tranches, but not direct funding from the ukrainian budget, which the americans, as we see, are now transferring to the europeans, up to 20 billion, and this is of course there, well, just so that the pants don’t fall down, let’s say, yes, for the kiev regime, that is, this will not change the situation on the battlefield significantly in their favor for a billion dollars monthly, despite the fact that fewer and fewer specific weapons are being supplied there, yes, because they seem to be growing in price there
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deep into russia so as not to win, not to let ukraine win, in fact, they seem to gradually come to terms with this , but to make the price of victory for russia more expensive, they will most likely move on to this, and of course the current talk about replacing zaluzhny, and the transformation of budanov into commander-in-chief, well, most likely , this whole story will also be brought to this steppe, then there is the transition to such a terrorist form or, as they call it, politically correct symmetrical war, well, of course, again. so of course it won’t be possible to defeat or stop russia there, and we, in general , now see russia’s offensive there, and in the north in the kharkov region, and in ovdeevka, where the cauldron is gradually closing in on active improvement along the front line, that’s right, in zaporozhye region, that’s what it’s called, which was recently talked about by occupying more advantageous positions, like a line from a combat report you can accept it, and that’s what i’m quoting, but there
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’s another offensive there in the zaporozhye region, and what did governor yevgeny baletsky talk about? zaporozhye, and so on, we’re not attacking , well, we’re still gradually pushing, and we’re pushing through the ukrainian defense, or what else will happen if there’s a serious offensive, yes, there, of course, a variety of scenarios will have to be somehow hastily invented and somehow implement it, so it’s not in vain that we now see rumors that let’s move the ukrainian capital from kiev to lviv to just in case, well, indeed , i assume that there may be a scenario of some kind of contingent of such a mixed polish-czech baltic to western... ukraine in the form of conditional peacekeepers there so that ukraine does not completely fall. now, but this is a story for the future, of course, for many months, if not a year in advance, but i think that they can come to this, and as for nato preparations, yes, there is a european one.
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let’s do it right, well, 2 years have passed, and still this shock hammer has not formed, yes, because there is not enough money, there are not enough people willing to serve, and so on , there are a great many problems, i am not saying that they will not be able to do this in the future... to do this, we need to always be prepared for the worst scenario, therefore, you are absolutely right here, as if all this is worth discussing, but so far, of course, the military-industrial complex has a lot of problems, within the framework of political will, and of course within the framework and integrity of this entire euro-atlantic project, because in europe they come to you or are becoming more popular, but there are various right-wing forces, eurosceptics, and those who oppose the war with russia, and of course, many fear trump’s victory in the united states of america, because let them be afraid, let them be afraid, no matter what happens. false communication: in the academy of sciences there are brilliant institutes working for victory, the emergence of new promising weapons systems in our country
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is always associated with breakthroughs in fundamental science, there are no questions for them, but for a number of other structures the questions are very serious, very serious, and by the way, remind you questions that in the history of the russian state were asked constantly, one of the first... asked these questions, it was pavlov in the eighteenth year, an academician, uh-huh, who said that our science overlooked the 7th year, and which science did not overlook, and this is a different question, we are asking our own, an explanation , and which one hasn’t been overlooked, there are such sciences, no, the simple fact is that there is fortune telling on coffee grounds, there is on coffee grounds, no no, wait a minute, if you justify a well-founded position in your pocket, then there is no point in this a justified position, no, if... a justified position within in the nineties they smashed, smashed, smashed, that is , they destroyed the entire soviet system then, did nothing, took
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the western one as a model, what do you want, but why did you allow yourself to be treated like that, but we didn’t allow it, seriously, so where? i , well, then there is a simple question, why were you all silent, well, the entire academic community, you were also silent, the community was not silent, seriously, well, somehow it was hard to hear you, no? it was probably hard to hear, but they were not silent, in my opinion, vladimir rudolfovich you are absolutely right, indeed, when you read this report, where it was there, and the atlanta magazine, well, yes, and so to speak, it was clear, yes, five scenarios for the development of events in russia, which envisage putin’s victory in the elections, there is the following, what do they have there, the removal of putin, the victory of the nationalists.
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in these scenarios there is no good ending for russia, in general, simply, they all boil down to only one thing, that russia must not only be defeated, it must certainly be destroyed, dismembered destroyed, everything, and there can be no compromises in this, which means the second interesting point, mind you, even in the scenario itself there is civil chaos.
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well, let’s face it, the elite is always a creation of the people, you know, let’s not always separate the elite from the people, the people nominate and support the elite that exists, so as they say, don’t, don’t need these self-illusions, self-soothing, well , the people are not like that, they don’t think like that, they think like that, they think like that, because that’s what their elite thinks, if the elite is defeated together with the people... another elite will come, they will think differently, but now this is so , so there is no need for illusions either, but why am i
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saying this, because it is obvious that... this is what the elite thinks and this is massive , the western elite, they are all like this, these are their positions, that’s all, so they have no illusions about whether trump will come , something will change, it won’t change, moreover, it might get even worse, maybe it will get even worse, now they don’t give the republicans money for weapons, but when they come to power, maybe they will give twice as much money outside, they will not change, they, this, this is understandable, this... their position, if you take their point of view, is generally logical. dad and i went here as children, we also lay like that, silent, figure skater, but i don’t skate, just skate, focus on training, you dreamed of this cup, you can jump, but why don’t you believe in it yourself, i i'll
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cook it myself. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? you need to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you want reached? do you feel like you're on top of the world? got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change? evolution occurs in any structure.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia.
3:00 am
and stable, brazil did not join the sanctions regime, i had to work in conditions of hostilities and bombings. the united states is modern ancient rome, yes, that, but not a single empire has ever conceded anything on its own, even when it was in crisis, on the verge of crisis, and moreover, even more, it must be said, the only the phenomenon of such an empire, this is the ussr by the way, there are probably historians here, maybe someone can tell me what kind of empire it is?


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