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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 7, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.
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railway, which should go from spain to the south of europe, where do you think, lvov, lvov, lvov, you know, and the tracks and so on, that is, what i’m leading to is all this rhetoric regarding the defense of ukraine, territorial integrity. and so on,
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the period has simply not come when it is possible to sit down at the negotiating table, put ukraine on the table to divide, relatively speaking, as it is necessary for so that a compromise can be found , that it will be divided, i have absolutely no doubts, everything is heading towards this, it’s a pity that it comes with such losses, yes, how many more there will be, i don’t know, but everything must inevitably end it was precisely with this approach regarding krivonos’s statements that i... did not criticize him so harshly, in fact, he is telling the truth that yes, we will fire missiles deep into russia wherever we want, and i apologize, but before that’s why they didn’t fire missiles deep into russia where they want, shot down il - this is not not, not deep into russia, no, but the belgorod region, the voronezh region, and drones are all, this is not stupid russia, that is, well, yes, st. petersburg is there and so on, that is, i am leading to what, that all this western rhetoric regarding any restrictions.
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in relation to the supplied weapons, this is all an attempt to protect ourselves, ourselves, just to protect ourselves from what to say, you know, it ’s not us, by the way, just like what happens with financing in ukraine, they convince us of what, we convinced that the west they are not financing the war with their money, the west is supporting the economy and social sphere of ukraine with its money, that is , they are trying to convince us that all the financial resources, and this is about one...
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i read i read it means information about mobilization, well, that means there is one there in the ruvensk region, the citizen whom they wanted to mobilize, which means he got out of the situation , how, he and he passed a medical examination, said that certain diseases were not taken into account there, says, well, do you want to give it to me, well, let’s judge me and the court decided to give he is 4 years old, 2 years old. conditionally , that is, a probationary period, he says: yes, i ’d rather walk around alive and healthy for 2 years, yes, than in a week they’ll simply, just bury me there, and such people are a small cart, moreover, many people commit criminal offenses, criminals , in order for them to be prosecuted, not only that, but if they don’t
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, well, you can imagine what country, yes, if they don’t prosecute you, it still needs to be decided by a judge, so that you, well, you understand, no, that’s generally it, but then steal money from the judge, which?
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the parliament was still grunting something against this speech charles michel it was the left, the left is the hope of the next elections to the european parliament, this is sarah, vagen knecht, who recently made herself a new party, although of course the alternative for germany is also, in general, a pro-russian force , but here they are, they get it on a pro-german, but rather pro-german, not pro-russian, well, this is orban and pro-hungarian, not pro-russian, but on the other hand , of course, we will change by calling the baltic countries into emirates, partly this is the level.
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in estonia, military service was mandatory for all 30 years. latvia cannot yet. latvia started compulsory conscription only recently. by the way, i couldn’t get 360 people, not thousands, 360, they played the lottery. now summonses have been sent to the addresses. i am not kidding. but i would also like to recall the words of retired, usually estonian generals, who have recently very often talked about mining fields along the border with the russian federation. and there will be mining. and the protocol of the three baltic defense ministers says that at least 60 fortified areas along borders, well, mainly estonia and latvia with russia, because lithuania is in the kaliningrad region, they will also build it, there is of course a question of funding, and the minister of defense of latvia so funny said, well, we know for sure that russia will not attack in the next 10 years , so we can calmly build our fortifications for 10 years, that is, how then
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will russia attack what they were juggling before the start of the special operation on february 24, and another interesting detail in this sense, referring, by the way, to wallstreet... what the authors say: it is necessary, of course, cut off logistics routes russia's supplies in the east of ukraine, it is necessary to keep odessa there as a key port for the ukrainian economy, and it needs to be cut off. supply routes in the west of russia, i wondered if weapons were being supplied to russia from the west from estonia for the russian army in a military special operation, of course not, this is definitely a sign, and these american experts blabbed that preparations are underway in the washington regional committee, preparations for active military action have been agreed upon, and the balts, unfortunately, do not understand that they will be consumed as consumable material for the issue of ukrainization of this policy and my last thesis: about your beloved, in quotes vladimir rudolfovich, president rinkevich , now not only openly gay, but also
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the president of latvia, he is well known to you when he was the head of the foreign ministry, to the question of how a person lies , then he blacklisted you for glorifying nazism, this is the official wording, now he said even before the decision of the eu council that if the european union does not give 50 billion to ukraine, we will allocate it , rinkevich said. 50 billion may not be a very large sum there for russia, for chinese.
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they don’t build, the people who put them under arms, just like the women who are in ukraine, they generally understand what modern war is, no, because that’s why they think that they can win, yes, well, yes, if they understood, then they thought in another way, it’s just crazy, what kind of army is there in terms of size, in latvia, well , 10,000, this is together with the national one, that is, i understand correctly that it is very important that the russians just have the russian army. they didn’t throw neither a hat nor a furashka there, because they would throw them to death, spit on them, drown, well
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we won’t give a damn, but they’ll just really bombard us, amazing people, of course, just amazing, no critical thinking, vasilyovich, you have critical thinking, share your balts, and by the way, i served there, but apparently we didn’t even doubt , and where, where in what place, we had no doubt, in estonia and latvia in latvia the city was called valka. about estonia volga, there are two cities there, and there are their own, so, at first you showed a story where the prime minister of france talked about helping ukraine, in the presence of the german chancellor , what are we talking about, ukraine is asking, not even asking, but demanding, demanding from france and germany to conclude an agreement on security guarantees of the same type. as britain has already done, in ukraine they are saying that well,
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listen, you don’t want us in nato, yes, just like germany and france, you don’t want ukraine in nato, well, let’s hurry, give us guarantees, give us written guarantees, defense minister umerov is going to go to france to discuss details, well, in principle, in ukraine they are waiting for the president of france so that, in fact, one of one of the points, perhaps this very one will be signed. agreement on security guarantees between france and ukraine. today barel, a diplomat and overnight chief defense official, came to ukraine , as i understand it, because he talked about what needs to be decided on the battlefield? there is very little information about that yet, but you see, volodya, the point is that when european bureaucrats, european leaders decided, really made a political decision, give ukraine 50. 50 billion dollars 33 - it
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should have been or there 17 - 33 credit, and 17 this is just from the number of yes - not from the frozen money of the russian federation, dividends should be received and transferred to ukraine, but with dividends as everything is stuck, the europeans are in no hurry. no, they say, every time the belgians and many others say, but we don’t yet have a mechanism, but how, yes, we make a profit, but how to transfer it to russia, because russia, it turns out, has assets on russian territory.
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doesn’t throw away billions too much, okay, we survived the month of january in ukraine, because there wasn’t much money to spend; here ’s february, even though it’s short, but the forelocks in ukraine, the minister of finance, and others are cracking, because there’s no money, well, it’s still good in february to, and march, in the month of march, then april, you, therefore, wait, wait, therefore appears, therefore appears like this.
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your favorite word, ukrainians say, ty, mi such bachili, they will go to some mother, ukrainians will go to die, because of course they have no choice, there is, there is.
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wake up, that's it, khan, to whom , the ukrainian people, no, the ukrainian people have no khan , several hundred thousand men died, women were sent to the front, women were sent to the front, men, women and children rushed out of ukraine, and you seriously think, that now we will tell the ukrainians to the europeans, let 's fight, but they have seen so many of them, you are savages for them, which means you will die, they will enter civil society and say, where are they eating on silver, wake up already. that you , tyusha aristovich, believed in all seriousness, that the ukrainians will be greeted as gods descended, that aristovich was so offended there,
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they took him, he was a fool who thinks that he has outwitted everyone, this fool outplayed himself, this must be understood, this is a typical ukrainian political trait, to think that we are the smartest , the most cunning, we'll fool everyone around our finger and no one will see , they...
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are for the slaughter, that's all, see you tomorrow, what happened on february 24-25, social networks, calls, sending out fake news, go to the rally, everyone joined tied to the west pr agency in order to induce regional local riots, the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically to bring confusion into their souls from... hundreds of professional people from the states
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who spend their entire lives influencing minds. i personally trained in ipso courses. there are chats where we get tasks: today we scare belarusians that the russians will force them to fight, tomorrow against the dagestanis, which means that they will take to the streets. remember when they endlessly explained to us that we have the wrong country. that we should be infinite i’m already ashamed, because we are russians, this was a real hybrid war, my dad and i went here as children, we also lay like that, silent, figure skater, but i’m not just skating, focus on training, you haven’t read about this ?
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explore the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, for free, without registration, in an application or on a website, the collective west has set a goal to apply the so
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-called... com.
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russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes. come to the international exhibition forum russia.
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american journalist tucker carlson confirmed this evening that he will interview vladimir putin, and will do so in the near future. according to carlson, the conversation with the russian president can be seen on his website for free in a version without editing. in addition, the recording will be posted on the x network, its owner elon musk promised not to block the video. the journalist emphasized that he paid for the trip to moscow himself, support
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from any authority. i didn't receive it.


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