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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 7, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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the united states became accomplices in the attack on a bakery in lesichansk, which killed 28 people. russia announced this at a meeting of the un council and called for condemnation of the terrorist attack. representatives from china, latin america and africa say the bloodshed must be stopped. famous american journalist tucker karl.
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stated that he will soon interview vladimir putin, the recording will be published in full without editing. according to carlson, washington repeatedly tried to disrupt his trip to moscow. joe biden named the position of kiev troops in the zone the svo is desperate due to the lack of weapons. the us president spoke to reporters with a badge in the form of the ukrainian flag on his jacket. the head of the white house fears that congress will not approve the bill to support ukraine. regions of the north caucasus. stomping in the snow, a powerful cyclone hit ingushetia, dagestan, kabbardino-balkaria, as well as north ossetia and adegea. in the stavropol region , the storm wind left hundreds of residents without electricity. record snowfall is also expected in moscow today. american journalist tucker carlson confirmed that he will take interview with vladimir putin. he emphasized: the full version of the conversation with the russian president will soon be published on his website, and without editing. carlson noted that the preparation of the interview took several months, and
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washington tried to disrupt the journalist’s trip to moscow. in just a few hours, the announcement of the interview on carlson’s social network has already received more than 40 million views. alka komarova will continue the topic. the sudden confession of american journalist tucker carloson provoked a scandal on social networks. tucker finally confirmed the rumors and stated: the purpose of his visit to moscow is interview with russian president vladimir putin, because western media cover the global agenda too one-sidedly. free speech is our birthright, we are born with the right to say what we believe and that right cannot be taken away no matter who is in the white house, but they try anyway. about 3 years ago , the biden administration illegally spied on our communications, and then leaked them to their minions in the news media. they did this in order to prevent our planned interview with putin. we we believe that last month they did the same thing again, but this time we still flew to moscow. this announcement.
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watched by tens of millions of users in a few hours, tucker turned to his colleagues, accusing them of violating journalistic ethics and propaganda when covering the conflict in ukraine. they are like fans encouraging their favorite zelensky so that he can demand more and more money from the united states to get more and more involved in this eastern european war. this is not journalism, this is state propaganda, and the most disgusting propaganda, the kind that causes people to die. after such statements, the audience of social networks. was divided, some called this the most anticipated important interview in the last 10 years, others accused carlson of treason, although he emphasized that he arrived in moscow entirely at his own expense and not out of love for putin, but out of love for the united states. however, supporters of the idea of ​​betrayal were immediately criticized. this is only a problem when tucker interviews putin because they don't want him revealed the truth about the biden crime family's dealings in ukraine, money laundering and nato expansionism. no inconvenience.
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on the pages of the main western publications there is not a word about the journalist’s upcoming conversation with the russian president. however, carlson thought about this in advance and agreed with elon musk. the entrepreneur promised not to block the interview with putin on his resources when it is published. alika komarova, lead. the international community must condemn the terrorist attack in lesichansk. the kiev regime deliberately hit the bakery, the most crowded place in the city on a day off. our permanent representative vasily nebenzya made such a statement at a council meeting.
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security, which russia urgently requested. olga panomaryova will tell you what the reaction is at the un. the united states acted as an accomplice in the ssu strike on a bakery in lesichansk, where he died... we heard information that they shot at the bakery, we could not independently confirm the information, but the united states regrets and
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expresses condolences. but no formal manifestations of sympathy stopped us representatives from making yet another baseless accusations against russia. also in washington can only counter the facts that russia is conveying to the world community with the example of the investigation into the downing of an il-76 by kiev, which was carrying ukrainian prisoners of war for exchange. traces of hexogen with impurities containing up to 10% octogen, which is typical for foreign- made explosives, were found in washouts from fragments of hulls and mechanisms from the crash site. today we have irrefutable ones. commented, hypocritically suggesting that representatives of kiev do this. vasily
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gosdeb did not provide this information in any way nebendya called on members of the security council to immediately condemn the terrorist attacks in kiev, which are carried out by western weapons, otherwise the nazi regime will continue. kill civilians . representatives of china and parts of latin america and africa called on the people to stop the bloodshed. in the kupinsky direction, russian tankers destroyed important enemy positions. the location was found out by scouts using drones. the crew of deeply modernized t-80 tanks immediately went to the firing line. the direct fire was successful they destroyed the network of trench dugouts that were used for torture in iisu.
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this was not so long ago, it was difficult to hit him and he worked with semi-direct fire, but he stood in such a place that only the cut of the turret was visible, but it pinched him specifically, that is, enough spare parts flew off from him there that the enemy with didn’t even take their side, ukraine is in a desperate situation due to a shortage of weapons after the us stopped...
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parked cars turned into huge snowdrifts, roads were covered in snow, in mountainous areas increased avalanche danger, there is a storm wind above 30 m/s. the picture is similar in dagestan, where bad weather left more than 200,000 people and almost 300 settlements without electricity . emergency crews of power engineers spent the whole
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day restoring power lines; only late in the evening were they able to connect all consumers to the networks. there was also snowfall in moscow the night before, but this was only a harbinger. today's record precipitation, cyclone olga is moving towards the capital, the snowstorm will begin around noon and continue until the end days, up to a quarter of the monthly norm will fall, snowdrifts will grow up to half a meter, while... the pressure will collapse into the so-called baric abyss to 717 mm of mercury, and then snowfall will be replaced by frosts, already on friday night temperatures will drop below -20° . hamas representatives responded to the initiative to release the hostages in exchange for a cessation of hostilities on the part of israel; they transferred it to israel through the mediation of qatar and egypt. this was announced by the minister of foreign affairs of qatar on press conference in doha. we have received a response from hamas regarding the framework agreement
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, which contains some comments, but is generally positive, the hamas response is encouraging, however, we will not go into detail now due to the sensitivity of the situation, while hamas indicated that even if a new agreement is reached on -they will continue to seek a complete ceasefire in gaza, it is now unsafe, especially in the south, journalists report new shelling. israeli airstrikes killed both at least 20 palestinians, at least fifteen more injured. meanwhile, the israeli army continues to explore underground infrastructure. hamas has published footage of one of the tunnels, where the headquarters of the leaders of the palestinian movement were previously located. according to the tdf press service , hostages were kept in some tunnels. denmark and sweden may have intentionally botched the nord stream sabotage investigation because they knew who was involved in the bombings. said american journalist seymour hurge. in his blog, he noted that the authorities of both countries were
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aware of repeated us dives in the baltic sea before the pipeline incident. according to the journalist, not a single high-ranking german official also contributed to the investigation into the bombings. and now - i will quote: germany is faced with economic political chaos. earlier , the german newspaper z reported that swedish prosecutors planned to close the investigation.
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off the coast of the japanese island of hakaida , 17 killer whales in a group, both adult animals and calves, were captured in ice; now they are one kilometer from the coast, but due to drifting ice floes prevent people from approaching mammals. in touch with the studio by phone is a senior researcher at the ilyachev pacific oceanological institute, member of the council on marine mammals, sergei rezanov, sergei dmitrievich, hello. hello , do you think it will be possible to save, what needs to be done first now, but if you are saving animals, then first of all, of course, you need to make some kind of passage for them to open water, break through the ice, yeah, but how much, how much time for this there is, but in order to have time to help with precipitation, this is very difficult to assess, it all depends on the weather conditions, if there is a downwind and it will push the ice more densely, then there is absolutely no time, under favorable conditions, if
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the wind, on the contrary, disperses the ice, then a situation is possible will resolve itself, in general , how long they can last in such conditions is difficult to say, it also all depends on the specific situation, in general, if the animals are well-fed, then in principle they can starve even for 2 months, another thing is that... how active they are there they can move and what space they have for breathing, if they cannot actively move , then they can die earlier from hypothermia, and most quickly, of course, they can die if they do not have enough rotation to float up and take a breath and exhale , that is, it means that after all, they are not in danger of starvation, at least yes, that is, you are saying that they can go up to 2 months without food, well , if they were in good condition before they got there into this trap, in general it’s the same quite large animals, but
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it may not be entirely clear from the picture, but adult killer whales are 9-10 m long, and even there they can weigh up to 8 tons, well , that’s right, yeah, that is, they are in such a fairly narrow space, that’s how it is, well, it’s clear that you already said with food there, if they can do it without food, then without air it’s much more difficult in such simple situations. for inhalation and exhalation, then of course they will suffocate, well, here we look, we see this terrifying picture, here, apparently, they can get out of this ice trap on their own, there is no chance, well, either the weather will help them, or people, or they will die, uh-huh, uh-huh, maybe you have some information why the japanese rescue services cannot
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come there to help, this is their general area of ​​​​responsibility, that is... no, i don’t know, unfortunately, i don’t know, yeah, in general , how often do such cases occur, you, as a scientist, can tell us in general, this is a natural situation, we understand that this is the north, these are regions equated to the far north, and there is ice there, these are the situations we have just witnessed, because the camera is standing and you can see how often this happens in nature in the wild, but in general it’s difficult from... since such cases are not always easily detected by humans, but colleagues did a review of cases of killer whales being captured in ice in the northern hemisphere with 1840, in my opinion, to 2013, i repeat once again, no one really knows how many of them there were, these are those
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that are known in the northern hemisphere, out of seventeen cases, seven... were just in the sea of ​​ochoz near the island of hakaida, that is this is not a very rare situation, apparently just for this region, well, in most cases , when killer whales fall into ordinary captivity, and most often death still occurs, than they can free themselves, unfortunately, most likely, you think that it will not work, yes, no, if people undertake some necessary actions, i don’t know, some kind of... steamship, perhaps they will break through a channel in the ice so that the animals can get out, they will survive, but either if favorable weather conditions come, but simply even otherwise there is no chance of course, they don’t have much, there’s just such ice cover that it’s even difficult to imagine how you can get there and how to do all this, and so as not to harm the animals there, although
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of course you need to save, well, yes, a similar situation happened on sakhalin in 2016, when killer whales also got caught in the ice. and people were simply busy expanding this space, this hole in the forest, where the killer whales were until natural weather conditions dispersed the ice, yeah, in that case all the killer whales survived, yeah, well, let's hope for a favorable outcome , let's hope, thank you, we were in direct contact with a senior researcher at the ilyichev pacific oceanological institute, a member of the council on marine mammals, sergei. ryazanov. now economic news. maria filippova joins me. maz good morning. the central bank reported a slowdown in consumer price growth. good morning, roma. this was influenced by the strengthening of the ruble. and then all the details. consumer price growth slowed in january. the preconditions for a decline were formed in december, the bank of russia reports in its monthly report, about which
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trends say. the rapid reduction in price pressure, it says, was facilitated by the stabilization and strengthening of the ruble that occurred. largely due to tightening monetary policy. this is especially noticeable in consumer prices, which are highly dependent on exchange rates. in the future, the restraining influence of the regulator’s policy on prices will increase. the bank of russia predicts that price growth, which so far remains above 4%, will slow down even more in annual terms. the federal antimonopoly service announced a significant reduction in the rush demand for gasoline, in particular in february the volume of unsatisfied demand by 90%. the second decreased by more than 40%, and the ninety-fifth by all 80. such results were achieved partly due to the fact that antimonopoly officials suspended three traders who used robots from exchange trading. orders for large quantities of fuel from such electronic systems were received in a split second, and conscientious market participants faced a shortage of gasoline because of this. moreover, immediately after trading, traders contacted
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gas station chains offered to buy gasoline at a significantly higher price than the exchange rate. in europe, new protests by farmers are caused by the anti-russian policy of brussels; greek farmers are expanding their actions. from today, they, like their colleagues from other eu countries, will begin to block roads. next week they are planning a rally in athens. in italy, farmers' tractors set course for rome. tomorrow they are planning large-scale protests in the capital's suburbs. the half measures announced by the head of the european commission are not arranged. ursola fonderlain only postponed the program to tighten fertilizer requirements. but didn’t give up on it. the german minister of finance, who arrived in lubick, was also greeted by farmers with discontent, whistling and buzzing. several hundred people took part in the action. in recent days there have been protests in the eu countries.
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the situation of farmers, who are not really competitive on the world market, will certainly worsen, but will worsen, and this seems to me an indisputable fact. menselkhoz of russia allowed the transport of another 216 tons of chicken within the duty-free quota. this follows from the ministry's materials. in total , almost 4,800 tons were approved for import. there are also new applications. let me remind you that in december the russian government approved the volume of duty-free goods for this year. for chicken up to 140,000 tons. the measure is aimed at reducing the cost of the product by increasing supply on the market. and at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 90 rubles.
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68 kopecks euro 97.44 kopecks. novel. varis, thank you. now to the most recent messages. american journalist tucker carlson said, that he will interview vladimir putin and will soon publish this conversation on his website, without editing. the video announcing the interview gained 40 million views within a few hours. tragedies such as in lisichanski would have occurred every day if russia had not launched a special operation, this was stated by our country’s permanent representative to the un vasily nebendya at a meeting of the security council. according to nebendze, the target time of impact in the esa was not chosen by chance. hamas responded to israel's offer to release the hostages. this was announced by the head of mida gatara. however, he did not give any specifics the palestinian movement said it would continue to seek a complete ceasefire in gaza. there is three days of mourning in chile in connection with the death of the country's ex-president sebastian peñera. he crashed in a helicopter he was piloting. the car crashed into the lake,
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and the driver did not have time to fasten his seat belt and get out of the cab. three passengers were saved. new tennis tournament with fabulous bonuses, where, when and how much? more about this immediately after the advertisement. hello, i am your stress, and this is your energy, i love it when you are exhausted, like a spent lemon, stress leaves you exhausted, elcar contains elcarnitine, a source of additional energy and helps cope with stress. elcar - you can fight stress, this is an ordinary house, this is the gavrilovs’ apartment. mom, look, mom! katya is a teacher, dad maxim is a fireman, the gavrilovs honor traditions, their new neighbors are modern people, yura is an it developer, alena is a designer, gavrilov has a hot dog, the guys have
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not different, but there is something that unites them. vtb: everything will work out. now sports news. the issue will be presented by ilya kazakov. ilya, good morning. a new tennis tournament will be held in ariyad with fabulous bonuses for the best players in the world. what amounts are we talking about? roman, good morning, each player will receive more than one million dollars just for tournament participation. for comparison. his recent victory at the australian open received more than $2 million, and tournament finalist danilo medvedev received more than one and one. let's start with hockey. in the continental hockey league avangard ska scored 14 goals between them, the final score was 9:5 in favor of the amichs, the match became the most productive for both teams in the history of the league. let’s say, for the first time in the history of the khl, we conceded nine goals in one game. dynamo took advantage of the misfire of the army men from st. petersburg. the muscovites beat avtomobilist on their home ice 5:3. hat trick.
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canadian forward of the blue and white jordan will made his mark. nikita gusev scored two assists. thus, he scored 78 points in the season and broke vladimir shepachev’s record for the most points in one khl championship. thanks to this victory , moscow dynamo reduced their father's position in the fight for first place in the western conference to one point. a new failure for cska. the team suffered a third defeat in a row, losing to solovat yulaev 0:2. the opponents could not open the first score for a long time. was packed only in the fifty-fifth minute, when fim striker josh livo scored. the hosts scored the second goal into an empty net, shorthanded, with nikita zorkin scoring from a pass from goalkeeper alexander samonov. the army team was unable to open the gate of samonov, who scored a clean sheet. alexander ovechkin scored his tenth goal this morning in the nhl. washington's crisis continues; in the match against montreal, the hosts
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looked bluff. the capital club's lag behind philadelphia, which is in eighth place its conference is growing, the chances of getting into the playoffs are fading. as for ovechkin, he took part in 45 matches for washington, in which he scored 32 assists, 10 goals and 22 assists. he has 60 besh left on the voenogret's record for goals. lyudmila samsonova beat ukrainian lesya tsurenka in the first round match of the wta tournament in abu dhabi. the russian won in two sets, the opponent.
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skidoists are ready to compete at the olympics in a neutral status. according to the vice-president of the russian judo federation and head of the st. petersburg judo federation mikhail rakhlin. in some weight categories there is competition for a place on the national team. at the same time , the issue of neutral status is not discussed for the russian judaist. as rakhlin emphasized, one must be ready to go on the mat at any moment when such a decision is made, and this is what the coaches are working on. a loud sensation broke out at the asian football cup. the jordan team beat the south korean team and reached the final. at the same time, the jordanians played for the first time at this stage of the tournament and won 2:0. both balls were scored shortly after the break. in the other semi-final today, the teams of qatra and iran will meet. at the asian cup, the match for 3 places will not be held, and the final will take place on february 10. let me remind you that the asian cup was originally supposed to take place from june 16 to july 16 last year in china, but in may it was twenty.


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