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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 7, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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russian judokas are ready to compete at the olympics in a neutral status, according to the vice-president of the russian judo federation and the head of the st. petersburg judo federation mikhail rakhlin, in some weight categories there is competition for a place in the national team, while the question of neutral status is not raised by russian judokas they are discussing, as rakhlin emphasized, we must be ready to go on the mat at any moment when such a decision is made, this is what the coaches are working on. at the asian cup. there was a loud sensation in football. team jordan beat the south korean team to reach the final. at the same time, the jordanians played for the first time at this stage of the tournament and won 2:0. both goals were scored shortly after the break. the national teams of qatar and iran will meet in the other semi-final today. at the asian cup, the match for 3 places will not be held, and the final will take place on february 10. let me remind you that the asian cup was originally supposed to take place from july 16 to july 16 last year in china, but in may 20.
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with the card, it doesn’t matter whether you spend or save, in any case, incredible benefits are with you, ural sib bank. collective west set a goal to inflict a so-called strategic defeat on russia, social demonstrations are constantly taking place.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.
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the news from the middle of the hour is short: the united states became accomplices in the iisa attack on a bakery in lestechansk, which killed 28 people. russia announced this at... a meeting of
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the un security council and called for condemnation of the terrorist attack, representatives of china, latin american and african countries they say the bloodshed needs to stop. famous american journalist. stacker carlson said that he will soon interview vladimir putin. the recording will be published in full without editing. according to carlson, washington repeatedly tried to disrupt his trip to moscow. joe biden called the situation of kiev troops in the northern military district zone desperate due to the lack of weapons. the us president spoke to reporters with a badge in the form of the ukrainian flag on his jacket for credibility. the head of the white house fears that congress will not will approve the bill to support ukraine. regions of the north. the caucasus is buried in snow, a powerful cyclone hit ingushetia, dagestan, gombardino-balkaria, as well as north ossetia and odegea. in the stavropol region , storm winds left hundreds of residents without electricity. record snowfall is also expected in moscow today.
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valuable cargo left the port of st. petersburg for uganda. this is a mobile laboratory for testing infections. it is designed to quickly respond to outbreaks of particularly dangerous diseases. russian specialists. will arrive to africa on site will help in organizing research. igor pikhanov with details. multi-ton tractors delivered a mobile laboratory based on kamaz to the port of st. petersburg. the ship's crew is conducting an operation to transport valuable cargo to the ship. the cargo ship will deliver unique equipment to east africa by sea. already in early april , a mobile laboratory for infection testing was handed over by rospotrebnadzor specialists. will be in uganda. the laboratory is mounted on the base of a kamazu cross-country truck. not scary either african heat, no off-road conditions. the machine includes two modules that can be used simultaneously or separately. modern equipment will allow
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ugandan doctors to conduct various studies. in this case, the station can be used to organize mass testing or work in populated areas where there are no stationary laboratories. the topic of biosafety is more relevant than ever today, because the coronavirus pandemic has shown us that infectious diseases are not have boundaries. the unique laboratory was assembled by specialists from the samara microbe institute, and they also trained their ugandan colleagues. in addition, russian specialists will arrive in africa and provide local support in organizing research until the end of 2026 on the initiative of president vladimir putin; up to ten mobile laboratories will be installed in africa and more than 350 specialists will be trained. african colleagues are trained both at our base and at their home. in particular, in april of this year it is planned
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holding a major conference on the fight against infectious diseases, just in uganda, along with on-site exercises based on the supplied mobile laboratories. expeditions and exercises are held annually. during our cooperation, we organized more than 30 expeditions to kazakhstan, armenia, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and... in 2023 alone, we conducted 10 expeditions, thanks to which new data was obtained on the activity of natural plague foci. experts from different countries share their experiences. the joint work of specialists from different countries will allow stop outbreaks of infection and protect the lives and
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health of local residents and tourists. thanks to research, new vaccine drugs are being created. diagnostic methods are being improved. igor pikhanov, valeria sapegina, lusina akapyan, vesti. there are heavy snowfalls and ice conditions in the european part of russia today. forecasters say that the active atlantic cyclone olga is to blame. more about your mother-in-law, olga mikhailova. olga is already here, the european part of russia is covered by an extremely powerful atlantic cyclone. where to expect the heaviest snowfalls, and where freezing rains will pour like buckets when abnormal frosts return to the center of the country. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia 24 tv channel and the fobu center. i'm olga mikhailova. hello. the atlantic cyclone will return a real russian winter to the russian plain. this is how we go. the tractor makes a path behind it and we slowly move. rescue operation in dagestan: a family of six on tuesday, despite weather forecasters’ warnings, went onto one of the highways and got stuck
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in the snow. i had to dare. this, unfortunately, is not an isolated case. the day before, the republic found itself in the epicenter of a real storm. extremely heavy snowfall occurred in mountainous areas. falls, the wind raged in the cities, more than 2000 people were left without electricity, roofs were torn off in kaspiysk and buynaksk. the weather also caused problems for residents of chechnya and north ossetia. for some time, due to a snowstorm , traffic along the transkam had to be stopped. well, this is a video from sochi. at one of the ski resorts an avalanche descended onto the slope. six riders were rescued. need more of people. we need a lot of people. this is a big volume. but not only the south suffered from the elements: snowfalls covered the middle zone on tuesday. these shots, for example, are from patula. i had to go to the call on a sleigh, the car could not get to the populated area
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, it was also snowing in moscow, by the evening at the sheremetyevo airport weather station, apparently it dropped to 400 m, this is the meteorological criterion for a blizzard. muscovites who closely followed weather news immediately realized what was happening. polmen, maybe i don’t understand something, but in my opinion your olga is already here. we are talking about a powerful atlantic cyclone, to which european meteorologists gave this name. now this vikhol has emerged as its center on the russian plain and has pushed out to the east the predecessor of the one that created a storm in the caucasus the day before. today the central western region of the country will bear the brunt of the disaster. mostly rain is expected in the black earth region and the south. in the zone from smolensk to astrakhan, freezing rains are possible. in smolensk itself it is now about +30. the main precipitation is expected in the first half of the day. the highest probability of formation ice on the streets - around noon. then temperature. will begin to drop and the rain will turn to snow. in the evening there will be a sharp drop in cold to -6, so smolensk residents should
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prepare for icy conditions. the cooling will be associated with the intrusion of icy air, which spreads in the rear of the cyclone. in the coming days it will begin to spread across european territory, at the end of the working week this will lead to the formation of an anticyclone. as a result, thermometer readings in the northern mid-latitudes of the russian plain will not just return to normal, but will become significantly lower average. long-term values, but it will become warmer in the south, which will be protected from the arctic invasion by a system of atmospheric fronts. in some places it will literally feel like spring warmth. there is still rain in grozny today, but after yesterday's +4 the temperature will rise to +12. then until the end of the week in the capital of chechnya there is no precipitation and +14-17°, as if in early april. such weather will contribute to avalanches in the caucasus mountains. well, on the contrary, he returns to moscow. today in megapolis there is -4 heavy snow, more than 15% of
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the monthly precipitation will fall. on thursday, friday, saturday the sky will clear and the temperature will drop to -9:11. at night the air will cool down to -20-21°. that's all for me, goodbye.
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now advertising, then we will talk about the growth of the russian economy in the new year. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season. and these months passed my business by. this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance, i have already broken the record for monthly sales in just one week, the sales season is starting, don’t miss it, join megamarket, megamarket, just grow with us , playt is an unusual service with payment in installments, you don’t need to apply for a new card , look for a list of stores, play is available everywhere, play is the price in six parts and works with a card from any bank, and interest rates, their
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no, switch to pla, things faded after washing, use weasel gel, it maintains the strength of the fabric and restores light, things are like new three times longer, new, no, i wash with weasel, hello, i am your stress, and this is your energy, i love it when you are exhausted, like a squeezed lemon. stress leaves you exhausted. elcar contains elcarnitine, a source of additional energy and helps cope with stress. elcar - you can fight stress.
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can change the way things are done. toufon was created to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes. it is recommended to use daily for 3 months, three courses per year. tulfon is now in new packaging, designed specifically for course use. i incorporate bright color with care for my hair. permanent cream paint palette gives rich color, triple care system restores, moisturizes, nourishes hair from the inside. no gray hair. palette is your best color choice. what's a good car for you? escape, condition, comfort, and the smell is like new, everyone has their own good car , find it on the author, this is an ordinary house, this is the gavrilovs’ apartment, mom, look, mom katya is a teacher, dad maxim is a fireman, the gavrilovs
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honor traditions, their the new neighbors are modern people, yura is an it developer, alena is a designer. roma, this is also due to investment activity; the growth of the russian economy continued, despite slowdown at the end of last year. business expectations for 2024 generally remained optimistic, the bank of russia informs in its monthly report. the economy, it says, is adjusting to tough monetary conditions. according to central bank analysts, the expansion of investment activity will be facilitated by preferential investment lending programs for priority sectors and niches in the goods market that remain after the departure of western companies.
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bananas from india will appear in russian stores. the first batch arrived in... month, the next one is scheduled for the end of february, rosselkhoznadzor reports. further , supply volumes will increase; in addition, new delhi is interested in expanding the range of exports of other fruits. on monday, russia introduced temporary restrictions on the import of bananas from ecuador, dangerous pests were found in them. there are new protests by farmers in europe, caused by the anti-russian policy of brussels. greek farmers are expanding their shares from today, like their colleagues from other euro countries. union will begin to block roads. on next week they are planning a rally in athens. in italy, farmers' tractors set course for rome. tomorrow they are planning large-scale protests in the capital's suburbs. the half-measures announced by the head of the european commission did not suit them. ursulovder only postponed the program to tighten fertilizer requirements, but did not abandon it. the german minister of finance, who arrived in lubick, was also
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greeted by farmers with discontent, whistling and buzzing. several hundred people took part in the action. poured into the european market, it is cheaper and european farmers cannot simply compete with it. global gasoline capacity will soon be in... short supply, but diesel capacity has already formed, the head of the british oil and gas company bp warned about this during communication with investors, he noted that oil production capacity
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is now limited against the backdrop of strong demand, and free , except in saudi arabia, there is very little left on the market. as for oil refining, many plants have closed, although he did not specify why. in conclusion exchange rates, the dollar today is 90 rubles, 68 kopecks, the euro is 97, 44 kopecks. novel. thank you, i’ll briefly talk about some of the central themes of the hour. american journalist tucker carlson announced that he would interview vladimir putin; it would be published on the journalist’s website, without editing. within a few hours, this announcement on carlson’s social network received more than 40 million views. the time and target of the shelling of lesechansk were not chosen by chance, this was stated by russia’s ambassador to the un, vasily nebendia. according to him, the international community must condemn the terrorist attack. denmark and sweden. they could have intentionally botched the investigation into the nord stream explosions because they knew who was involved. this was stated by journalist seymour herzh, who commented on the message that the swedish prosecutor's office
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plans to close the sabotage investigation. on the coast of the japanese island of hakaida , 17 killer whales were captured in ice. now they are desperately fighting for life 1 km from the coast. but due to drifting ice floes, people will not be able to get closer to the mammals. all-russian prize service, it is awarded to those who make life better, help participants of the svo, introduce digital technologies, and develop education. anastasia ponko will talk about those who help others. how do you feel , is everything okay? are we starting to study? in the center of the constellation grisha from the age of 3, here he took his first steps, although at first the doctors said that the child would never walk; grisha has cerebral palsy. the children are here, they don’t want to leave here. communication with children with special needs is important, good attitude towards them is important, acceptance of such children is important. mom brought grisha for rehabilitation to a center near moscow, even when they lived in the dpr,
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and after the start of a special military operation they moved to krasnogorsk, where the center of the constellation is located. eight-year-old grisha is a ward of the andryushka project that was created at the center. the andryushka project helps children from new regions, it provides rehabilitation and psychological support. here are the project participants. became the laureate of the all-russian service award, it is awarded to those who make the lives of people in municipalities better. this year almost 18,500 applications were submitted to participate.
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we are now in makeevski, we have processed 35 applications for our students. and this is kristina filipenko from khantamansiysk in the video talking about her first trip to the combat zone. she personally brought humanitarian aid to our soldiers. when we first arrived for unloading, i saw these dear faces that we had not seen. there for over a year now, everyone came up, hugged you, and said that you were very glad that you came here in person. christina, the creator of a project to help fighters on the front line, she united caring people from her city. together they weave camouflage nets, sew clothes for military personnel. thanks to christina and her project, 21 cars, two atvs, 5,000 first aid kits and 10,000 boxes of humanitarian aid were sent to the front, in return, gratitude from the soldiers. and to all the residents who participated. in collecting funds, thank you very much, victory will be ours. christina’s project became the best nomination aimed at helping svo participants and their families. she knows from her own experience how difficult it is to wait for soldiers from the front
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and how much she wants to support them. her husband himself is now in the special military zone operations. words of gratitude with the stage, of course, to him. i now want to dedicate this victory to my husband, who is on the front line. i think he will be very proud of me. i, like all residents of our great country, will wait for our heroes with victory, thank you very much, the award is a dozen different nominations for helping participants of the svo, for the introduction of digital technologies, for the development of education in the municipality, there is a nomination for effective dialogue with residents. good evening, dear subscribers, today we will spend livintsy another live broadcast. the head of the city of livna , oryol region, sergei trubitsin, goes on another live broadcast with residents. now he will answer their questions, and some will be resolved even without a personal meeting, immediately during the broadcast on social networks, these are absolutely all the areas that can be, these are sports, culture, and...
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healthcare, education, the bulk of questions are traditional - this is housing and communal services, here my deputies who supervise this area, live broadcasts, must join the broadcast take place several times a month, their regularity depends on the number of questions asked at the last broadcast, the head of the city has already conducted almost 50 broadcasts, the number of viewers on them has also increased, more and more often people are solving issues in this modern way. anastasia ponko, alexander makridin, vesti. voting at your location, mobile voter. if on voting days you find yourself far from your polling station, you can vote at your location at any polling station in the country. for this it is necessary, not later than march 11, submit an application to any election commission, or... to the mfc or at
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government services and you can vote at the chosen polling station, my dad and i went here as children, we also lay like that, silent, figure skater, but i’m not just pushing skate, focus. during training you dreamed of being in this cup , you can jump, but why don’t you believe in it yourself, i will prepare myself, the thirst for victory is in her blood, go ahead, why take such risks, don’t you understand this, i want to be like my mother , ice you, soon, investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we... we often talk about
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money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, how can you achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you're on top of the world? he got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change? evolution occurs in any structure.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, free without registration, in the application or on the website.
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became accomplices in the attack by the ukrainian armed forces on a bakery in lisichansk, which killed 28 people. russia announced this at a meeting of the un security council and called for condemnation of iraq. representatives from china, latin america and africa say the bloodshed needs to stop. famous american journalist tucker carlson said that he will soon interview vladimir putin. the recording will be published in full without editing. according to carlson, washington repeatedly tried to disrupt his trip to moscow. joe biden called the situation of kiev troops in the northern military district zone desperate due to the lack of weapons; the us president spoke to reporters with a badge in the form of the ukrainian flag on his jacket. the head of the white house fears that congress will not approve the bill to support ukraine. regions of the north caucasus are buried in snow. a powerful cyclone hit ingushetia, dagestan, kabbardino-balkaria, as well as north ossetia and adegea. in the stavropol region, the stormy wind remained.


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