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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 7, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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the news in the middle of the hour is short: the united states has become an accomplice. attack on a bakery in lesichansk,
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which killed 28 people. russia announced this at a meeting of the un security council and called for condemnation of the terrorist attack. representatives from china, latin america and africa say the bloodshed needs to stop. famous american journalist tucker carlson said that he will soon interview vladimir putin. the recording will be published in full without editing. the video announcing the interview received more than 50 million views within a few hours. and joe biden named the situation kiev troops in the northern military district zone are desperate due to a lack of weapons. the us president spoke to reporters with a badge in the form of the ukrainian flag on his jacket. the head of the white house fears that congress will not approve the bill to support ukraine. regions of the north caucasus are buried in snow. a powerful cyclone hit ingushetia, dagestan, caporgino-balkaria, as well as north ossetia and odegea. in stavropol, storm winds left hundreds of residents without electricity. it is also expected in moscow today. us election scandal,
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what political strategists used there the neurally generated voice of the current president of the country; philip trofimov, the leading programmer, will tell you the details. philip, greetings, let me remind you how they used it, what will happen to them now? good afternoon , well, regarding the sanctions, there is no clarity , no official charges have been brought, at least not yet, but investigations have begun, it turned out that the generated pseudo biden called up to...
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rubles for hacking a smart speaker, yandex today calls on the so-called white hat hackers to search more actively vulnerabilities in their devices are we talking about the program or how it is in the search engine they call it in an import-substitute way, bug hunting, this is an ongoing project that offers bonuses for security holes found by third-party specialists. in general , yandex once again recalled that over the past year it invested more than 6 billion rubles in the cyberspace of its own services. this really happened after a series of leaks, this also concerned... including user data, for example, yandex food, as a result of the largest incident, at the end of january twenty-third, about 45 gb of the source code of many services appeared on the network search engine, since then there have been no serious incidents in the software part of yandex, but now they have actually doubled the premium for vulnerabilities found in the company’s hardware products, they say that there are fewer people willing to deal with physical devices than just with program code, so they are... attracted increased
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bonuses, however, a million for a vulnerability is not a record amount; until march 2, the russian application store for smartphones on the android rustor platform promises to pay for identified critical problems in its security, well, almost up to 2.5 million rubles. well, in general, the back bounty program is a generally accepted thing in various forms, it believes that white hat hackers help protect networks and gadgets, including large gadgets, from black hackers. so the other day in tokyo there was held, as it was called, the world championship in hacking cars and electric charging stations paw to own. specialists, by the way, were invited to it even without prior registration, come whoever you want, break whatever you want. as a result , the winning team, for example, hacked a tesla car twice, gaining full access, including its modem and gateway, which isolates user applications from critical vehicle systems. in total , 3 days of events in cars. unknown
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vulnerabilities, for which white hat hackers were paid a total of 1,300. potential customers of such equipment liked the idea so much that the logistics corporation ups became one of the largest investors in the project. the project was also supported by automakers and investment funds. and riray entered the stock exchange just a couple of years ago, its capitalization was more than 13 billion dollars, but then financial
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difficulties began, mass production of electric vans never started, the company’s assets depreciated to $9 million, and now external management with the prospect of selling off intellectual property. however, all this concerns the british division, there is also an american division, which raival began betting on 2 years ago. another question, as they say, other vans are needed for the american market, their development could again take years. well, good news: manuscripts are burning, but this fixable if the neural networks are properly trained, we are talking about scrolls that burned more than two thousand years ago during the eruptions of vesuvius. what was left of them was found. century, an excavation in the city of herculanu, not far from the more famous pompeii, since then about a hundred artifacts ready to crumble at the slightest breath were carefully stored without much hope of restoring what was written in them, however, first, with the help of x-ray tomography, they were able to illuminate the pictures and find traces of ink in thickness of burnt
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papyrus, and then in several stages through the combined efforts of three groups of scientists from germany, the usa and switzerland, they managed to create a neural network that virtually... there and more, immediately after advertising in the economic news block. for headaches there is ascafen p, at an affordable price, and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen -
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when you have a headache. this is an ordinary house, this is the gavrilovs’ apartment. mom, look, mom katya is a teacher. dad maxim is a fireman, the gavrilovs honor traditions, their new neighbors are modern people, yura is an it developer, alena designer, gavrilov has hot, the guys have a dog , they are so different, but there is something that unites them, vtb, everything will work out, it’s me, irina timofeeva, i’m developing new methods for environmentally friendly analysis of food products, and this is... my teacher chemistry, it was she who made me friends with science, develop an interest in science from childhood, enroll in scientific specialties nauka.rf. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order a free
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alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. one of my friends can do anything, naked fix the car with your hands, deal with enemies with your bare feet. well, what can you do? and i get gigabytes from a megaphone just like that, naked charisma. megafon takes care of its subscribers and gives up to 20 gigabytes every month, only for megafon subscribers. playite is an unusual payment service in installments. you don't need to apply for a new card to look for a list of stores. plate is available everywhere. playite divides the price into six parts and works with a card from any bank. and there are no interest rates. switch to pla. are you ready to get into the game? ready to rise above everyone else. ready to endure, ready win. are you ready for real hockey? fonbet championship khl. this is an ordinary house, this is
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the gavrilovs’ apartment. mom, look. mom katya is a teacher. papa maxim is a fireman. gavrilo respects traditions, their new neighbors are modern people, yura is an it developer, alena is a designer, the gavrilovs have a cat and the guys have a dog. they are so different, but there is something that unites them. vtb. everything will work out. temperature. take renival effervescent paracetamol. effervescent tablet, acetyl solicylic acid rinival. we trust renival. we choose renival. what's important in business? this is love. sber presents an award for entrepreneurs who are in love with their business. the winners will receive a whole year of acquiring without commission and free account opening and maintenance for 5 years. and all participants receive bonuses from sber's partner company. participate in the favorite small business award. leave a request on
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the sber website. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. you can’t make money on honey, it’s a swarm of problems. but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong. continue. register your business for free with alfabank. and open an account with free service. the best bank for business. voting at home. eh, some time ago i got sick. we'll have to miss the elections. why vote at home? how is it? if the reason is valid, you can invite members of the commission home. for this. do i need to submit an application to the precinct commission in writing or orally, can i do it in person, can i do it through friends or
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relatives, by phone, on the public service portal, when do i have time to submit my application? from march 7 to 14:00 march 17, on the public services portal from march 5 to 11, everything will be like at a polling station, yes, members of the election commission, observers will come, give out a ballot, and they will also bring a ballot box, of course. for home voting they use sealed portable boxes. that's good, and i'll vote. now economic news. masha, the russian economy continues to grow. roma, this is also due to investment activity. the russian economy continued to grow despite a slowdown at the end of last year. business expectations for twenty-fourth overall remained optimistic - informs the bank of russia in its monthly report. the economy, it says, is adjusting to tough monetary conditions. according to central bank analysts, the expansion
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of investment activity will be facilitated by preferential investment lending programs for priority sectors and niches in the goods market that remain after the departure of western companies. in europe, new protests by farmers are caused by the anti-russian policy of brussels. in italy , columns of tractors headed for rome. tomorrow they are planning large-scale protests in the capital's suburbs. half measures announced by the head of the european commission. they were not satisfied, ursula fondern only postponed the program to tighten requirements for fertilizers, but did not abandon it. the german minister of finance, who arrived in lubeck, was also greeted by farmers with discontent, whistling and buzzing. several hundred people took part in the action. in recent days, protests by agricultural producers have only grown in the european union. they demand to change the pan-european agricultural policy, remove numerous environmental restrictions to stop the uncontrolled supply of cheap products from ukraine. ukrainian exports over the past 2 years
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have also had a very negative impact on the development of agriculture within the eu, within the european union, because ukrainian products have essentially poured into the european market, they are cheaper and european farmers cannot simply compete with them, the european union still does not want to use frozen russian assets in quality. to issue bonds to finance the kiev regime, at least that’s what reuters claims, citing european diplomatic sources. using assets as collateral carries the same risks as forfeiture. most legal departments of the group of seven countries take this into account, the agency’s interlocutor emphasized. in addition, during preliminary consultations it turned out that well-known institutions are not eager to issue bonds doomed to default; large investors are not willing to buy them. glavai. does not consider dividends stuck in russia to be a problem. the oil company has production assets in our country. dividends
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accrued accounts are kept in russian banks. i would like to transfer them to india, but because of the sanctions it is extremely difficult, the top manager noted. it must be said that back in the fall, the leading business publication of the republic reported that the largest companies were exploring the possibility of using dividends to purchase russian oil. at that time, we were talking about an amount of no less than $600 million. passenger. people began to refuse flights on booing planes 15 times more often when booking tickets, booking services report this. such the trend emerged after an incident in early january when the emergency exit door of a 737 max airliner was torn off during a flight. prior to this, boeing called on airlines that purchased aircraft of this model from it to look for loose bolts in the control system. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 90 rubles, 68 kopecks. euro 97.44 kopecks novel. mash, thank you, let's continue the release.
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now he is a laureate of the all-russian service award. it is given to those who make life better. helps participants. who introduces digital technologies, is engaged in development education. anastasia ponko will talk about those who help others. how do you feel ? everything is fine? are we starting to study? in the center of the constellation grisha from the age of 3, here he took his first steps, although at first doctors said that the child would never walk. grisha has cerebral palsy. children don’t want to leave here, not from here. for children with special needs, communication is important, good attitude towards them is important, acceptance of such children is important. took grisha for rehabilitation to a center near moscow back when they lived in the dpr, and after the start of a special military operation we have already moved to krasnogorsk, where the center of the constellation is located. eight-year-old grisha is a ward of the andryushka project that was created at the center. the andryushka project helps children from new regions, this is rehabilitation, psychological support, here
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project participants learn to walk, talk, some have bionic prostheses installed, some of the children were sent on vacation, some... saw the sea for the first time, more than 450 children from the zone fighting here received help, children need support in accepting their problems, they are needed, they need to talk through it, so the work is both individual, subgroup, and group work of psychologists, speech therapists and speech pathologists, it is carried out throughout the entire period of rehabilitation, the project became a laureate of the all-russian service award, it is awarded to those who make the lives of people in municipalities better,
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thanks to christina and her project sent 21 cars, two atvs, 500 first aid kits and 10 thousand boxes of humanitarian aid to the front, in return gratitude from the soldiers to all residents who participated in the collection funds, thank you very much, victory will be ours, christina’s project became the best nominee. aimed at helping svo participants and their families. she knows from her own experience how difficult it is to wait for soldiers from the front and how much she wants to support them. her husband himself is now in the zone of a special military operation. words of gratitude with the stage, of course, to him. i now want to dedicate this victory to my husband, who is on the front line. i think he will be
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very proud of me. i, like all residents of our great country, will wait for our heroes from victories. thank you very much, the award is a dozen different nominations for assistance to the participants of the svo, for the introduction of digital technologies, for the development of education in the municipality, there is a nomination for effective dialogue with residents. good evening, dear subscribers, livintsy will conduct another live broadcast today. the head of the city of livnoy , oryol region, sergei trubitsin, goes on another live broadcast with residents, for almost an hour he will answer their questions, and some will be resolved even without a personal reception, immediately during the broadcast in...
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mom, look, mom katya is a teacher, dad maxim is a fireman, the gavrilovs honor traditions, their new neighbors are modern people, yura is an it-developer, alena. designer, gavrilov has a move, the guys have a dog, they are so different, but there is something that unites them, vtb, everything
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will work out, that’s it, we’re not going on vacation, yes, i won tikermania, it’s all for plus points, lisa, i bought a chiiken example in a delicious daughter, scanned the braid. find a property, submit just one
8:52 am
application for a mortgage in the domklik service, my back gets tired on my feet all day, because of work i i lead a sedentary lifestyle, sports on a daily basis, but how to protect joints, thanks to special collagen in the form of a triple helix, artneo helps support health. joints artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine, two bidhits at a favorable price, only at a tasty point, holiday discounts on your favorite products in a magnet, makfa pasta, spaghetti 49.99. magnit, price , what you need, hello, found out, why have i told you a thousand times about sbp, now i’ll get out and tell you about sbpay, download the app sbp. link your bank account and you can pay for anything through an nfc sign in one touch or using the sbp qr code,
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thank you, it’s easy to find, but if you ’re too lazy to go somewhere, there’s a sbp button for online purchases, well, see you later , one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, cool video, how high is the speed, and what is the widest coverage? where are we going to where no one has seen your videos yet, although the megaphone can pick up even there, mobile operator number one in terms of speed coverage, big chicken burger with large tender chicken fillet breast, crispy breading and signature sauce, also try the new big chicken mushroom burger, this is an ordinary house, this is the gavrilovs’ apartment, mom, look, mom katya is a teacher, dad maxim is a fireman, gavrilov. alena is a designer, gavrilov has a hot dog, the guys have a dog, they are so different, but there is something that
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unites them. vtb, everything will work out. russia, traditional. this is the weather, a joint project
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of the russia 24 tv channel and the fobus center, i’m olga mikhailova, hello, the atlantic cyclone will return to the russian plain, a real russian winter. here so we go, the tractor makes a path behind it , we move slowly. rescue operation in dagestan, family of six on tuesday, despite warning. drove out onto one of the highways and got stuck in the snow , had to be rescued, this, alas, is not an isolated incident , the day before the republic found itself in the epicenter of a real storm , extremely heavy snowfalls occurred in the mountainous regions, the wind raged in the cities, more than 200,000 people were left without electricity, roofs were torn off in kaspiysk , buinaksk, the weather also caused problems for residents of chechnya and the northern axis. for some time, due to a snowstorm , traffic on the transcam had to be stopped, but this is a video from sochi: at one of the ski resorts, an avalanche hit the slope,
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six riders were rescued. we need more people, we need a lot of people, this is a big volume, but not only the south suffered on tuesday from the elements, snowfalls covered the middle zone, these shots, for example, from patula, the felcher had to go to the call on a sleigh, the car could not get to the village , it was also snowing in moscow, by the evening at the sheremetyevo airport weather station, apparently it dropped to 400 m, this meteorological criterion blizzards, closely monitoring weather... news muscovites immediately understood what was happening, tulmen, maybe i don’t understand something, of course, but in my opinion your olga is already here. we are talking about a powerful atlantic cyclone, to which european meteorologists gave this name. now this whirlwind has reached the russian plain as its center and has pushed to the east the predecessor of the one that created the storm in the caucasus the day before. today the central western region of the country will bear the brunt of the disaster. in the black earth region and in the south mostly rain is expected. in the strip from
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smoli. freezing rains cannot be ruled out until astrakhan. in smolinsk itself it is now about +30. the main precipitation is expected in the first half of the day. the greatest chance of ice formation on the streets is around noon. then the temperature will drop and the rain will turn to snow. in the evening there is a sharp drop in cold down to -6, so smolensk residents should prepare for icy conditions. the cooling will be associated with the intrusion of icy air, which spreads in the rear of the cyclone. in the coming days it will begin to spread across europe. territory at the end of the working week , this will lead to the formation of an anticyclone, as a result, thermometer readings in the northern mid-latitudes of the russian plain will not only return to normal, but will become significantly lower than long-term average values, but it will become warmer in the south, which will be protected from the arctic invasion by a system of atmospheric fronts, some -where it will literally become like spring warmth. there is still rain in grozny today, but after yesterday's +4 the temperature will rise to +12.
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then until the end. week in the capital of chechnya without precipitation and +14-17°, as if in early april, such weather will contribute to snow avalanches in the caucasus mountains; on the contrary, frosts are returning to moscow. today in megapolis there is -4 heavy snow, more than 15% of the monthly precipitation will fall. on thursday, friday, saturday the sky will clear and the temperature will drop to -9:11. at night the air will cool down to -20-20.
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the world community should condemn the terrorist attack in lesechansk, why is the united states involved in the ukrainian attack? our permanent representative spoke at an emergency meeting of the security council. prevention of a color revolution in serbia, evacuation of russians from gases. how do russian diplomats work under increasing pressure from the west? compensations are falling, pressure is increasing. there are new
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farmer protests in europe. in italy, a convoy of tractors was taken. heading towards rome, greek farmers are also expanding their shares. 6 million tourists annually, 10 years since the start of the olympics in sochi, the games that changed the city. what is your legacy from the competition? republican congressmen called american correspondent carlson's intention to interview vladimir putin real journalism. tucker himself. claims that he will post the full recording of the conversation without editing on his website. preparations for it took several months, according to the american. washington repeatedly tried to disrupt the trip to moscow. it is difficult to overestimate the interest in the interview; one announcement has already collected more than 50 million views. alek komarova will explain why. sudden confession of american journalist tucker carlosan.


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