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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 7, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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sasha, what’s the best way to get there? i've built a route, turn left, you've arrived. sasha, who should i vote for? and you must decide this for yourself. together, we are strong, we vote for russia. “dad and i went here as children, we also lay like this, silent, figure skater, but i’m not just skating, focus on the coaches, i dreamed about this cup, you can jump, but why don’t you believe in it yourself, i will prepare herself, the thirst for victory is in her blood, go ahead, why take such risks, don’t you understand that?” i
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i want to be like my mother. three years, soon. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? need to mobilize all resources? give me a recipe in general, how to achieve what you have achieved? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure.
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we watch educators to learn about the world. programs and documentaries, watch, for free, without registration, in the application or on the website, now is the time for economic news: the russian budget deficit in january fell five times at once to 308 billion rubles, this is a preliminary estimate of the ministry of finance. revenues
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increased by 76%, while expenses decreased by 13. the treasury is filled largely thanks to oil and gas revenues, which are affected by rising prices for russian oil. in russia , university venture funds worth 3.5 billion rubles have been created. this is necessary for support student startups,” said deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko. according to him, the tool will be relevant for the areas of robotics, microelectronics, artificial intelligence and others. it is reported that...
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contrary to us restrictions, the financial times writes about this. we are talking about five nanometer kirin processors. they will be used in new versions of premium smartphones. production lines have already been assembled for mass production in shanghai. american and dutch-made equipment imported before washington sanctions. let me remind you that supplies of semiconductors to china were limited to the united states in october 2022. it was economic news. short. vladimir putin approved the laureate of the russian presidential prize in the field of science and innovation for young scientists for 2023 . they were specialists working in the fields of mathematical modeling, pest control, searching for strategically important minerals , gold and platinum. the decree of the head of state was published on the official portal of legal information. the prize has been awarded since 2008. it is important that the geography is well represented and the different directions are well represented. i'll repeat it again. all specialists are recognized both in
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russia and abroad, in general, each of them did unique work, and is key. performer of this work, if not the only one. susanna gordleyeva, doctor of physics and mathematics, professor of the national research nizhny novgorod state university named after labachevsky. received an award for the development of biosimilar artificial intelligence technologies based on mathematical models of neural networks of the brain. these technologies will help create a new generation of hardware applications, microelectronic neurochips that imitate various brain functions. pavlushin, candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher at the laboratory of environmental physiology of the institute of systematics and animal ecology, siberian branch of the russian academy of sciences, received a prize for the discovery of new mechanisms for regulating outbreaks of mass reproduction of insect pests in agriculture and forestry. the scientist examined the conditions and probability
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of reproduction of the gypsy moth in new habitats and proposed ways to combat these lepidopterans. olga yakubovich, candidate of geological and mineral sciences, associate professor of the department of geochemistry, st. petersburg. state university, received a prize for the development of the isotope-geochemical method for searching for platinum gold deposits, proposed using systems based on radiogenic helium when dating ore formation; the content and preservation of helium in the ore will allow us to determine the most promising for field development. a monument to the first president of bashkortostan, martazi rakhimov , was unveiled in ufa on his birthday; the monument was installed in the lenin park in front of the building of the state assembly of the republic's kurultai. the sculpture was created by the people. artist cherbakov. behind the monument there is a pylon, a banner with a map of bashkiria and the text of the first article of the constitution adopted under rakhimov. the slab depicts bronze reliefs dedicated to the history of the region. at the ends of the composition there are four orders of the republic. let me remind you, murtazy rakhimova passed away a year ago at the age of 88
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. more than 260 thousand people, 178 settlements were left without electricity in southern russia due to the cyclone. according to weather forecasters , during wednesday. sleet, rain and wind gusts up to 27 m/s will continue. avalanche danger will remain in the mountains of north ossetia and dagestan. in the sunta region of dagestan , more than 40 villages were cut off from civilization. now the problem has already been solved and a bypass road has been opened. but traffic on the mozdog-molgobek, khurikau section in north ossetia has been temporarily stopped. with no less bad weather hit the stavropol region with force. there is a storm warning in effect in the region. emergency crews restored the lines uninterruptedly. in ingushetia and chechnya they are also preparing for a cyclone; heavy rain and sleet are expected on wednesday;
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wet snow is expected to stick to wires and trees in the foothills and mountains. and in orenburg, a high alert regime has been introduced; the snowstorm, which is now sweeping the region and will last for several days, has already fallen. precipitation is more than the monthly norm; due to bad weather , traffic on the m5 highway is limited, as well as a number of regional and intermunicipal roads. and cyclone olga is approaching moscow. in some areas the wind has already picked up and snow has begun to fall. towards evening a strong snowstorm will begin. visibility on roads may be impaired. city services are operating on high alert. the height of the snow cover in moscow has already become the highest since the beginning of winter, reaching 53 cm. and tomorrow it will begin in the capital region. cold weather on friday night will hit twenty degrees below zero. to the remains that were captured by the forest in the area of ​​hakaida island, perhaps managed to swim out to the open sea. experts do not rule out this. in one case , a group of animals, including adults and cubs, could have been carried several kilometers away by the current.
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the only way to free killer whales is with the help of an icebreaker, but there are none in japan. russia offered its assistance in rescuing the animals. report by sergei mengazhev. locals all day today. journalists tried to find at least some signs of killer whales, it’s already getting dark now, it will soon become completely dark, despite everything if you want, you won’t be able to see anything, but this point is exactly the place where a group of killer whales that were captured in ice was best seen from the shore, this is the coast of the japanese village of rausu on the opposite side, during the day our island kunashir is very clearly visible from here, the locals residents noticed killer whales the day before, it was clear that they needed help, they would not carry out operations, because this was impossible due to weather conditions. colleagues did a review of such cases in the northern hemisphere, in my opinion, from
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1840 to 2013, they counted 17 known cases, almost half of them, seven of them, were in the okhvod sea off the coast of the island of khakaid, so apparently these cases. falling into ice traps, which is not so rare, is a significant factor in the mortality of killer whales , at least in this area. this is the closest point for killer whale viewing. could be seen from the shore with the naked eye, the last time they were seen was about a day ago, a kilometer from this place, where they are now is impossible to say, of course, everyone hopes that they managed to get out of the ice captivity, but on the other hand, the state of the ice has practically not changed, it is not visible to the eye, but it is moving along the coast, so if, after all, they could not free themselves, then they should have been carried several kilometers to the south, a similar situation in the same area, in the area of ​​the village of rausu in japan was in 2005, then...
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“alexey kazimirovich, hello, good afternoon, hello, yuri, i’m glad to hear from you, yes, mutually allow me, first of all , to congratulate you on the upcoming diplomatic worker’s day, and the first question is, how do you assess the current russian-brazilian relations, thank you very much for your congratulations , this is a professional holiday that we are going to." in the very near future, including here in brazil regarding russian-brazilian relations, strategic partnership , i am confident that they are successfully developing and moving forward, we have established a political dialogue, this political dialogue is being conducted at the highest, high level, you know that last year in april the minister of foreign affairs visited brazil.
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this is a constant constant in our relations, well, as for the economy, over the past year , trade turnover, if i’m not mistaken, almost doubled, it turns out that these sanctions that were introduced against our ... country , they not only do not interfere, but help bilateral relations between russia and brazil? but i would like, if you allow, yuri , to correct you a little, we are not talking about doubling the increase, we are talking about the fact that we have achieved significant success and with amazing statistics, bilateral
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trade exceeded $11 billion, we remain one of the main suppliers... the brazilian market of all fertilizers, all groups of mineral fertilizers, so necessary for the brazilian agro-industrial sector, plus last year trade exchanges on such positions such as the supply of russian petroleum products, primarily diesel, and russian agricultural products , grain, and this allowed us to achieve... not reduce, even increase trade turnover, sanctions clearly do not work here, although we and the brazilians had to reconfigure how financial calculations , logistics, and transport services, this year was marked by the expansion of brix by the first letters of this
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abbreviation, these are brazil and russia, tell me, what in your opinion is the role of our countries in brix and how it has changed in general the importance of the organization in recent times? well , i would like to emphasize that brix, the brix format, has become an authoritative format for international communication; more and more countries of the so-called global yoga are seeking to establish relations with this format in order to resist attempts to return.
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china and india, who actively promoted all ideas related to the formation of alternative formats of international communication, which today is the reality of the new global multipolar world. alexey kazimirovich, here is sergey lavrov recently said that the west is ignoring
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brazil’s proposal to resolve the ukrainian conflict, but could you tell us in more detail what the brazilian initiative is? but we know very well that the current president of brazil and brazil as a whole, which pursues a sovereign and independent foreign policy, have advocated for a speedy resolution of all crisis situations related to the ukrainian crisis through negotiations. naturally, such opposition did not find any understanding among the west, which seeks to inflict defeat.
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that brazil has not joined and, as it seems to us, is not going to join the sanctions regime, defending the principles of an independent and pragmatic foreign policy. regarding foreign policy, global foreign policy and world relations, the brazilian authorities are among those who are actively calling for reform of the un security council. tell me, what is moscow’s position on this matter and can brazil itself become a full member of the security council in the foreseeable future, what do you think?
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there are excellent relations with our compatriots living in this a city that was declared - well, let's say, the cradle of russian culture in this
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country. we estimate the total number of our compatriots living here from 40 to 50 thousand, naturally there are much fewer active supporters or active people, but...
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it is located in the belfort rosu area, this is the first experience, and i will tell you honestly that this experience is necessary, apparently expand, but expanding such interaction will require, let’s say, building relationships in training personnel, primarily language ones, in organizing a financing system, that is
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there are a number of questions here, i hope that the experience of the school in rio dazhanero will be, so to speak, expanded. tell me, how do you generally assess cultural cooperation between the two countries? in my understanding, this cooperation is ongoing, and now it is planned to hold the so-called russian seasons in brazil this year.
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to say that in brazil, there is a project, the only one of its kind in the international arena, this is the bolshoi theater school in the city of zhaidver, which has turned into a very serious educational institution, very serious a cultural and artistic center that not only trains dancers, but also works on... let's say, preparing performances and so on. alexey kazimirovich, i thank you for this interview, thank you for answering the questions, i wish you success in your work.
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the announcement has already collected more than 50 million views, new information has appeared about vladimir putin’s interview with american journalist ducker carlson, what comments did the kremlin give when it can be shown? first snowfalls, and then a sharp cold snap. cyclone olga is approaching moscow, will bring heavy snowfalls; in the caucasus, due to bad weather, electricity will be cut off and roads will be covered. what is the situation at this time? seven politicians are vying for the highest post in the republic, including the current head of state. early presidential elections are being held in azerbaijan. how does voting work? in russia today they celebrate the day of the diplomatic worker, what challenges do domestic diplomats face and what successes have been achieved in the foreign political arena. and the sports anniversary today is exactly 10 years since the start of the games in sochi. how olympic
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venues function now, why sochi. now not only a resort, but with


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