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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 7, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm MSK

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it’s easy to imagine an ideal home, so just imagine, and the rest will be done by the house click from dream to...
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hear irina bought french fries at a delicious point, scanned the code into the application and won an apartment from the group airplane, believe it or not, an apartment and 36.5 million other prizes under the stickers in the app are delicious period, this is an ordinary house, this is the gavrilovs’ apartment, mom, look, mom katya is a teacher, dad maxim is a fireman. gavrilo respects traditions, their new neighbors are modern people, yura is an it developer, alena is a designer, at gavrilov’s the guys have a dog. they are so different, but there is something that unites them. vtb, everything will work out. this is the same smartphone, the top smartphone. top grill. and also top choice, top quality discounts up to 50%. everyone. traventa with
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50% discount for only 3.499 in infidio and eldora. appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. good afternoon. my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season. and these months passed my business by. but this year everything is different. i connected to megamarket. has already broken the record for monthly sales in just one week, the sales season is starting, don’t miss it, join the megamarket, megamarket - just grow with us, hello, we found out, why did i tell you a thousand times about sbp, now i’ll get out and tell you about sбpay , download the sbpay app, link your bank account and you can pay for anything. through an nfc sign in one touch or
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using the sbp qr code, thank you, it’s easy to find, but if you’re too lazy to go somewhere, there’s an sbp button for online shopping, and more see you, i saw a sign in the sky, in the harsh winter, it will appear here, which has never happened, the stars of the mer will converge, where they meet. east and west, big and small , people and robots, deft eyes, precise hands, but who will take the heavenly trophy , no one knows, games of the future, subscribe, watch the broadcast on social networks, two big hits at a bargain price, only tasty, period, this is the usual house, this is the gavrilovs’ apartment, mom, look, mom katya is a teacher, dad maxim
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is a fireman, the gavrilovs honor traditions, their new neighbors are modern people, yura is it-developer, alena - designer, gavrilov - they are so different, but there is something that unites them. vtb, everything will work out. by march 1 , the government must make changes to the terms of the far eastern and arctic mortgage program. all participants and members of their families will be able to take out a loan at a reduced rate. in addition, increased limits. rubles will be extended to secondary housing in single-industry towns; stanislav bernwalt will tell you in the program instructions about what has already changed under the conditions of preferential mortgage programs. conditions of preferential mortgage changed at the end of last year, there are several such programs. in this issue of the instructions , in 5 minutes we will figure out where, what has changed,
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and what points you need to pay special attention to. and let's start with the down payment, it has been increased from 20 to 30%, but... only for preferential mortgages on a new building, as part of the changes in the ready mortgage lending program, which took place in december of the twenty-third year under the preferential mortgage program, which is available to citizens under rate of no more than 8% per annum, the down payment was increased to 30%. on all for other programs, the down payment has not changed, because the family mortgage, the far eastern mortgage and the optical mortgage. another change for the same preferential mortgage for new buildings: the maximum loan amount has been equalized for all regions, now it is 6 million rubles. even in moscow, st. petersburg in their regions,
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there used to be 12 million. moreover, adding a loan at a market rate to these 6 million, as before, will not work, but please note, this is only applicable. programs for family mortgages and mortgages for it specialists, the possibility of such a combination remains, and do not forget that there is a preferential program under which the ceiling for the amount has been increased, this is a far eastern and arctic mortgage, in order to receive a maximum of 2% per annum, not six, but 9 million rubles must be purchased or build housing with an area of ​​60 km, there are restrictions common to all programs: one.
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that is, loans that were issued under preferential programs before this date are not taken into account when assessing the second or third loan, but for a family mortgage, they actually are additional exceptions, if a citizen has another child after the first mortgage loan, then when purchasing a home with more space and subject to repayment of the previous loan, you can take out a personal loan under the program. and here’s another important point: the duration of the programs. from july 1 this year, preferential mortgages for new buildings and family mortgages, an exception for families with a disabled child, will no longer apply. for them, the preferential program will last until december 31, 2027. from december 31 of this year
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the preferential program for it specialists will end. far eastern and arctic mortgages are the most long-term, they will operate. until december 31, 2030. so, let's repeat the main thing: the conditions for preferential mortgage programs have changed. it is no longer possible to take out more than one mortgage loan. an exception was made only for family mortgages under special circumstances. basically, the tightening of requirements affected preferential mortgages up to 8% per annum. the down payment on it increased from 20 to 30%. maximum amount. credit has become unified for all regions - 6 million rubles. and it was prohibited to add a mortgage to it at market rates. if you have any questions, if you want to know how to improve your living conditions with the help of the state, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, we will disturb the relevant
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ministries and specialists and will definitely tell you about this in one of the next editions of the instructions. february 8 marks the 190th anniversary of his birth. the great scientist made an incredibly large number of discoveries and inventions in various branches of science. it is interesting that the author of the well-known periodic law did not like being called a chemist. he valued his work much more. for the benefit of the maritime department. watch the report by zinaida kurbatova, immediately after the advertisement. that's it, we're not going on vacation. yes, i won in stickermany, it was all for plus points. lisa, i bought a chicken example in a delicious one. i scanned the code in the application and you...
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this is an unusual service with payment in installments, you do not need to apply for a new card, look for a list of stores, play is available everywhere, play divides the price into six parts and works with a card from any bank, but there are no interest rates, go to flight. good day. my name is. victor and i are entrepreneurs. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season. and these months passed my business by. but this year everything is different. i connected to the megamarket in advance and already broke the record for monthly sales in just one week. the sales season is starting, don't miss it. join the megamarket. megamarket, just grow with us. five actions.
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alena is a designer for gavrilov, although the guys have a dog. so different, but there is something that is theirs unites. vtb, everything will work out. it is so pure that it is invisible, but gives incredible power. gas. the ultra-pure rolf ultra engine oil base, synthesized from gas using two innovative technologies gtl and pao, ensures maximum engine performance. rolf ultra is a new erro motor oil. for grandma, for the navigator in the car, for the gate in the garage. it’s dad who plays like this, it’s dad who has everything in the general balance, add different numbers to the general balance,
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top up only one, all the rest will be paid automatically, conveniently, holiday discounts in magnet, teddy bear guys 849, it’s easy to imagine the ideal home, so just imagine, and house click will do the rest, from dream to home, one house click. any business starts with a person. at first i cooked myself, then the team began to expand. but when there are more clients, you can’t always keep up with demand; with support, development does not stop. let's expand further. national project for small and medium-sized enterprises by decision of the president. our job is to support yours. what are men silent about? about life getting out of hand control. fears cease to be a man. these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps
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eliminate the effects of prostatitis. the recommended course is two packs. langitaza against prostatitis. two bikihits at a bargain price. only at a tasty point. this is an ordinary house, this is the gavrilovs’ apartment. mom, look. mom katya is a teacher. papa maxim is a fireman.
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the office of dmitry ivanovich mendeleev in the building of the twelve colleges of st. petersburg state university. the clock points the time of death of a russian scientist who made a phenomenally large number of discoveries and inventions in various branches of science, 500 fundamental works in chemistry and physics. economics, meteorology, agriculture and even education. there are so many legends about no other scientist. one of them concerns the periodic law of chemical elements, supposedly. the table, known to everyone since school years, was seen by its author in a dream. mendeleev discovered the periodic law, the law of nature, and he had many graphic expressions, about 200. we are now in the oldest chemical auditorium in the city of st. petersburg. here is a huge table, which was created according to the design of dmitry ivanovich mendeleev in 1876. in 1867, mendeleev
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began teaching at the university of st. petersburg, then he thought about the classification of chemical elements, an intermediate version of the system dates back to march 1, 1869, in may mendeleev published an article about this, it was translated into german with an error, the key word periodic was translated as stepwise. the german chemist, lothar meyer, was simultaneously struggling with the same problem, in his... lotermeyer he thought much more simply, he did not feel this deep systematicity of the periodic law, and he did not feel the law itself , therefore, say, mendeleev, on the basis of the law, he made predictions, he predicted
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the existence, well, in total , of nineteen throughout his entire life. unknown elements, but he described three of them in detail, these are the future galli, scandia and germany. in a private letter, which he never sent to finance minister sergei witte, mendeleev talks about his three services to his homeland. the first is science, the second is teaching, the third is for the benefit of russian industry, inventors and practitioners, mendeleev proposed distilling oil through pipes, designed an apparatus for the complete distillation of oil and figured out how to process it into various useful products, and this is what his famous phrase means: you can drown it with banknotes. mendeleev finishes teaching at the university and devotes himself entirely to work in the old chemical laboratory, here in the building of twelve colleges. then he receives a task from the naval department to create smokeless gunpowder. actually, such gunpowder is already there was, it was produced in st. petersburg, here
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it was necessary to make smokeless gunpowder for large ship guns. the main requirements for this gunpowder. good ballistic characteristics and stability so that the gunpowder does not explode in storage. a black column of smoke pointed the enemy to the place from which they were shooting. people on both sides of the ocean began to think about creating smokeless gunpowder. there is a legend. mendeleev engaged in espionage to understand the recipe for good gunpowder, went to france, hid in a dark place and counted... how many wagons of cotton fabrics, how many tanks of sulfuric and nitric acid are transported to the powder factory. the concept of how to make smokeless gunpowder was known, it was no secret. the question was different: what proportions will you take, how much, what is the concentration of these acids, what is your temperature regime, what kind of water to take, what
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is the structure of the apparatus? mendeleev created completely independently, went his own way and he created better. gunpowder, smokeless powder - at that time in the world. mendeleev's peracoloid gunpowder was tested in shootings, admiral makarov himself was present. the officers checked with a white handkerchief whether there was any soot in the barrels, which is obtained when using ordinary gunpowder, the handkerchiefs were clean, however, mendeleev’s invention did not come to production, and even the great russian scientist did not patent his discoveries, this is what this led to, in the usa, captain bernado translated. mendeleev's article, making minor changes, and then patented the invention of the russian scientist. during the first world war, russia had to buy mendeleev's gunpowder for foreign currency. mendeleev did not like being called chemist the position of adviser to the maritime department was much more significant for him. he continued to work with the department after
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the creation of perocoloid gunpowder. when he proposed to emperor alexander ii to create. experimental pool, so that our shipbuilding would take the lead, the answer was the usual: there is no money in the treasury. then, by saving money allocated for the creation of smokeless gunpowder, mendeleev built such a pool, the first in russia. in 1890, mendeleev achieved the creation in st. petersburg on the island of new holland, a secret scientific and technical laboratory, and 2 years later it appeared here, thanks to him... and the first experimental pool is absolutely unique, where even if necessary, ice was loaded and ships were tested, including our first submarine was tested here. dolphin, in a word, conditions were created for the development of domestic shipbuilding, the experimental pool was located on this site, it was demolished during
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the construction of a cultural and recreation park in the 21st century. krylov state scientific center in st. petersburg, here is the largest experimental pool in the world, its length is a towing trolley slides over the bowl, a ship model is attached to it below, a dynamometer measures the force of water resistance, and wave products create waves of the required height. the krylov center could also bear the name of mendeleev, who made a huge contribution to the development of oceanology, naval strategy, underwater and surface shipbuilding. he even proposed reforming the army and navy, and as a result he quarreled with admiral makarov. one of his famous phrases, which is often quoted, scattered us will immediately be destroyed. it was spoken
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after the tragic defeat of our fleet near the island of tssushima. even earlier, in 1902, dmitry mendeleev submitted a note to the maritime department about the study of the arctic ocean. he was involved in the ermak icebreaker project. profine and zinc models have been tested. in the experimental pool, but the most amazing thing is that when he designed his icebreakers, there were several projects, he proposed electric propulsion as a power plant, now all the most modern icebreakers, all icebreaker-type vessels are operating at full capacity electric propulsion, it was dmitry ivanovich mendeleev who already spoke about the need, moreover, he proposed ... propeller drives, steering wheel drives, actuators, to be transferred to electric control. here is a collection of screws, the kind designed by the krylov center, according to the requirements
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prescribed by mendeleev. we still use his reasoning about screws in our research, for example, he believed that the diameter of the screw should be as large as possible, the pitch of the screw should tend to the diameter of the screw, the hub.
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the history of this institute and its emergence are associated with the name of dmitry ivanovich mendeleev. a system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements throughout the country, a state database of standards, here are the scales on which the scientist worked, emphasizing that all the measurements were made by himself, it is known that he liked to tell young employees that they had hot blood and should not be allowed near the scales. there is such a statement by andrei platonov in the novel happy moscow. even dmitry ivanovich mendeleev, above all the world, fell in love with scales. he has his own periodic table. less loved, although everything is based on the same scales , atomic weight, nothing more, this, of course, is such a literary image, but nevertheless, very correctly, the fact is that even working
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as the manager of the main chamber, and so our institution under him it was said that he himself worked directly in the weighing department, and another legend, allegedly on the train mendeleev heard a conversation about selling an estate not far from klin, but... in fact, everything was prosaic, the scientist wanted to buy an estate in these places, he had no money enough, this is mendeleevo with all his merits, and he acquired boblov together with professor nikolai ilyen. in st. petersburg, mendeleev lived in government apartments, and his first home was the boblov estate. here he gathered his entire family, sent his relatives from siberia, since dmitry ivanovich mendeleev was interested in soil science, fertilizers, and all his research. he put it into practice here and really proved that it is possible to run a successful farm in the middle zone. it was in these places that mendeleev
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risked his life for the sake of science when...
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the same as during the life of mendeleev, one can imagine how the great scientist looked at the fields and copses and thought through a letter to the naval department about the creation of a bottomless organization,
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this is an ordinary house. this is the gavrilovs' apartment. mom, look. mom katya is a teacher. papa maxim is a fireman. the gavrilovs honor traditions. and their new neighbors are modern people. yura is an it developer. alena is a designer. gavrilov has hot. the guys have a dog. they are so different, but there is something that unites them. vtb, everything will work out. hello, did you find out? this is why i give you a thousand i told you about... sbp, now i’ll come out and tell you about sbpay, download the sbpay application, link your bank account and you can pay for anything through an nfc sign with one touch or using the sbp qr code, thank you for being easy to find, well and if you are too lazy to go somewhere, there is a sbp button for online shopping, well, see you later, the first
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rule of the hunt, it starts at any second, the second rule of the hunt: the prey goes to the one who pursues it, new game, hunting, draw every 15 minutes, main trophy from 20 million, hunting, test your instinct, 100 lotto, register a business for free at point follow your dreams, just dare, point bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises, good afternoon, my name is. and i'm an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season. and these months passed my business by. but this year everything is different. i connected to the megamarket in advance and already broke the record for monthly sales in just one week. the sales season is starting, don't miss it. join the megamarket. megamarket - easy to grow with us.
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