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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 7, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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i can’t even imagine what will happen if it’s not in my pocket. the majority, 243 people's representatives, voted for tightening mobilization, and even those who did not intend to do so voted. the commissioner for human rights in ukraine, lubenets, noted that the law contradicts the country's constitution, but a few hours later he suddenly changed his mind. this evening an urgent meeting was held with the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umerov, at which we discussed an important bill for ukraine on mobilization. as a result of the meeting, i came to the conclusion that this bill must be adopted by parliament in the first reading. commander-in-chief zaluzhny did not support the initiative of zelensky and his party until recently. as a result , he never showed up to vote. if the results in the second reading are the same, then with the arrival of spring the life of half a million ukrainian men of military age may noticeably change, not for the better.
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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you all looking at? maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter? and do you know who the killer is? yes. just watch without amateur performances. stay in place, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website.
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in order to find something, you just need fundamental knowledge, from all types of activities, scientific research is the highest sphere of human activity, the russian academy of sciences, created by peter, created the need for learned people, the people call the golden brains, everyone has their own science, but this is a single organism that is controlled from a single center; what yesterday seemed impossible to solve, it is solved here. we are
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competitive in the most complex high-tech areas. the academy of sciences is good because it creates an environment in which people actually live. what i was talking about, russia’s ally is the army and navy, i would add science, our version has come. russia is the largest country in the world, 11 time zones, more than 145 million inhabitants, over 110 million voters who can vote almost at...thousands of polling stations at home or online. every voter’s vote is counted and guaranteed to be protected, and about 1 million election organizers help with this. observers, video surveillance at polling stations, electronic complexes for processing
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ballots, a mobile voter mechanism and remote electronic voting. the state automated election system ensures accurate and fast vote counting. elections in russia are important, fair, convenient! yes, the presidential elections in russia are just over a month away, the election campaign in in full swing, candidates for the main post of the country and representatives of their headquarters meet with voters every day, in which regions they work now, varvara nevskaya will tell you about this. students of the north caucasus federal university are planning new ideas and ambitious projects. shared with artyom zhoga, co-chairman of the central election headquarters of presidential candidate vladimir putin. youth is the expression, it is our future. no, youth is our present, because exactly what will be embedded in them now is what they adults will now learn from us, this will be
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the key to the future of all our generations, the security of our generations, a happy, bright future. communist party presidential candidate nikolai kharitonov was asked to visit the central market as part of his visit to krasnoyarsk. locals, how much is an egg? 200 rub. how many? 200, 200 rub. homemade, not store-bought. prices are high, as kharitonov concluded, businesses should not profit from essential products. our faction, i, together with my comrades, we literally just recently introduced a bill so that the trade margin on social goods was no more than 10%, i repeat, no more than 10%, because well... it feels expensive. the candidate had a busy day in krasnoyarsk. kharitonov visited the legendary krasmash, russia’s leading plant where rocket and space technology is manufactured, and also held a meeting with residents of the region and its neighboring regions. the candidate from the new people party,
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vladislav davankov, also continues his far eastern tour. istomina street, the very center of khabarovsk, it seems incredible that people live in one of the houses without basic amenities, forced to heat their apartments. that the area is good, it is right in the very center of the city, the city of khabarovsk, but the problem needs to be solved systematically, it has not been solved for, well, 25 years. at a meeting with governor vitaly khatsenko as part of a visit to omsk, the presidential candidate from the liberal democrats came wearing a scarf from the local hockey club. this is
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a landmark trip for me, and i congratulate, first of all , all omsk residents, in your person, on the stunning victory of the avant-garde yesterday. it’s a shame that i arrived a day later, in the center of the dialogue politicians, regional development, interaction with regional offices and deputies. the next point is school number 151. here, parents and students were waiting for leonid slusky as part of the dialogue; the candidate raised the topic of socialization of migrant children in russian educational institutions. admission to kindergarten, admission to school for children, migrants. must necessarily be based on an interview, an interview whose purpose is to find out the level of knowledge of the russian language, only when this level is serious enough can the child go to kindergarten,
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a child can go to school, this should be a mandatory norm, each candidate plans to visit dozens more cities in the country as part of the election race, there is a little... more than a month left before the presidential elections varvara nevskaya news. could identify the suspects, sweden is closing the investigation into the terrorist attacks on the nord streams, as if nothing had happened, well, the kremlin says that they will monitor what germany and denmark, also seemingly interested parties, say. so, the swedish prosecutor's office stated that sweden or its citizens are not involved in sabotage in its exclusive economic zone of the baltic sea, so the case was closed, all materials. the investigation was transferred to germany, well, in berlin they claim that they are still interested in the results of this
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investigation, and the press secretary of the russian president, dmitry peskov , has already stated that it will be very interesting to see how the german authorities will behave after the actual refusal of sweden. germany is a country that has lost a very important asset. there were german companies that took part in joint venture, which was the operator of the technical tube. which were blown up as a result of this terrorist sabotage against critical infrastructure, a lot of information has been published about who may be behind this, so of course the decision is remarkable, and it is remarkable that it was stopped in this way, of course, now it will be necessary to look at how germany itself will react to this, because the country has lost a lot in connection with this terrorist attack, given up a lot in connection with this terrorist attack, taxpayers in germany are suffering. german firms, companies lose their competitiveness, lose their profitability without this gas, it
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will be interesting how scrupulously the german authorities will approach this investigation. the official representative of the russian foreign ministry , maria zakharova, has already stated that sweden’s decision defies any logic and can only be explained by the swedes’ fear of finding out the truth. and here it is worth noting that sweden was very reluctant to share investigation materials in general. conducted the case as if she was not interested in the result, the same applies to the dane, and this has been pointed out more than once in moscow. today, however, the european media reported that the danish authorities will soon be ready to present some new data on the investigation into sabotage on the gas pipeline. however, what kind of data this will be is still unclear. so far, in the case, which is being conducted by prosecutors in denmark and germany, there are officially no suspects or any specifics. all information about what happened only. in the press, there are two versions: one of them was exaggerated by the german media, which allegedly this is the work of a certain ukrainian
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sabotage group. it’s simply amazing, in fact, the argumentation of the swedish prosecutor , why he is ending the investigation, and because swedish interests were not harmed in any way, and it’s crazy that this happened in the economic waters of sweden and denmark, a terrorist attack occurred right next door, and you understand, what if you don't install it? let me remind you that there is another version, it was published by the famous american investigative journalist, seimar hirsch, according to it, terrorist attacks on the nord streams carried out by the intelligence services of the usa and great britain. and norway and the reason is not so much political as economic. they were afraid that germany,
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and all of europe with it, would become too dependent on russian gas and would leave washington’s subordination. and the reluctant investigations of sweden and denmark fit well into this version. the failure of the two countries to carry out the investigation may stem from the fact that i was told that some senior officials in both countries clearly understood. what exactly is happening. sweden and denmark knew that the us was practicing diving in the baltic sea for several months before the explosions. in addition, there is no evidence that us president joe biden, over the past 16 months since the destruction of the pipelines, has ordered his experts to investigate the explosions. let me remind you that explosions on two russian export gas pipelines to europe, nord stream and nord stream 2 , occurred on september 26, 2022. the operator of nord stream, the company nordstream, then stated that the destruction on gas pipelines
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is so unprecedented that the repair time frame impossible to estimate. the russian prosecutor general's office initiated a case on an act of international terrorism; the russian ministry of foreign affairs said that denmark refused to help investigate the explosions on the nord streams. well, now on to economic topics, the modis rating agency sharply downgraded the rating of the american regional bank new york community. shortly before this , two managers responsible for audit risks left their posts. can we consider this the beginning of a new wave of the banking crisis in... our colleague christina kuruma will tell you in detail. rating moody's agency has downgraded the status of new york communite bancrop to garbage. as a result , shares fell 16% on-market in new york, now trading at their lowest level since 1997. looking at this figure, it’s hard to believe that nycb is one of
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the winners of last year’s wave of regional bank crises. then he bought the bankrupt one. signature bank, resulting in total assets exceeding $100 billion. last week, the bank cut its dividend and increased reserves to prepare for tighter circulation rules. with capital, but muda believes that the additional $500 million is still not enough to cover potential loan losses. new york community bank korb is heavily focused on rent-controlled multifamily real estate, a segment that has historically performed well. however, this period may end. the amount of non-performing loans jumped 48% in the last 3 months of 2023, although nycb is a mid-sized bank, these losses raise concerns about potential defaults on real estate market. the index of regional banks, which includes 24 organizations, showed the worst performance since the collapse of silconvally
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bank. last year, the troubles of svb and other banks were associated with mistakes made in... internal asset management, they had a very large amount of funds during the pandemic, and some banks did not understand what to do with these funds. svb and a number of other banks invested them in super-profitable government bonds and mortgage bonds, which in fact do not necessarily need to be in the bank’s portfolio. and they were caught off guard when the fed raised rates, which it had not done for a very long time. this situation worries me more because it is related to the direct functionality that we expect from the bank, that is, to finance. to real estate. the fact is that the us commercial real estate market is under severe pressure from the federal reserve system. from march 22 to july 23, the regulator increased the key rate from almost zero to 5.5%. all for the sake of fighting inflation. in the conditions of this inflation and restrictions, changes in interest rates betting does not give quick results.
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the economy, of course, finds itself in such a situation. in a certain trap, it lies in this: on the one hand, high interest rates do not allow the economy to develop, on the other hand, high interest rates do not give the desired result in terms of combating high inflation. rates rise, borrowers struggle to repay loans and cannot refinance them, which leads to defaults. regional banks are more exposed to industry influence. and may suffer more unlike larger competitors, they don't have large portfolios to protect them. bank shares around the world fell amid the collapse of ny community bencorp, but analysts do not expect a continuation of last year’s crisis; it is premature to talk about trends in a new wave of the banking crisis in america
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; the reporting of the largest banks, which is currently underway, is reporting on the results of the year. speaks of strong balance sheets, suggests that banks are making good money even in the current environment, the gravity of rates is pulling on some balance sheets down, given that long-term treasuries were purchased, which sank, but at the same time it is premature to talk about any destabilization of the financial sector in america, especially considering that everyone is expecting a reduction, not today, but tomorrow - of interest rates - of the federal engineering system. bloomberg analysts say nycb needs $4 billion to $6 billion to meet new requirements for regional banks. lowering the credit rating by two positions at once will create problems for them when selling debt obligations. ukrainian children died due to trials of a western-made vaccine.
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we are talking about a new drug from the american company pfizer. the study was carried out in strict secrecy, even by nurses. they believed that they were simply giving children flu shots. well, how is the head of the kiev regime connected with the deadly tests, and how many children have already died from the vaccine, margarita semenyuk found out. over the course of 3 months , about a thousand children were vaccinated in ukraine with a new drug from the american pharmaceutical company fizer. after 4 days after the start of the tests, the first child died. anna sakhno, senior researcher at the fayze division, talks about this in her video message on social networks. i have no words, we started these trials to help children, not to hurt or kill them, this is part of the documentation of the trial and we can see the mortality chart, as i said, the mortality rate. extremely high in the second stage, but the tests do not stop, this is a fragment of the list of child patients, some of them are already dead. mortality among child victims biological experiment, tends to 5%,
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and hospitalization with hypertension, chest pain and fever to twenty. after a short investigation, everything was attributed to improper transportation conditions of the drug batch, and we were ordered to continue testing. this breaks all existing rules. the ministry of health did not have any. objections, also because the project was agreed upon with president zelensky. the american test drug, code -named c-6160b, according to anna sakhno, was brought to ukraine in november last year. she claims this is the next generation of covid-19 vaccine for children. young ukrainians received it under the guise of a flu shot. for clarity, at the initial stages of the covid-19 pandemic in ukraine, children under 12 years of age were not allowed to get vaccinated, but in 2022 after negotiations. testing this
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experimental vaccine. it was tested in secret from the population and junior staff. the leaders of the clinic and zelensky’s administration know that the second phase of trials killed more than forty children, but they do not plan to further develop the drug. we know most of the scientists that the nazis had. subsequently migrated to the west , namely to the usa, they developed well there, they got jobs, they received good pay, and today the americans are using the same technologies that were left over from the nazis, they may well send them to ukraine. the united states is consistently increasing its military-biological potential in different regions of the world, in the post-soviet space, in particular in ukraine, russian medical defense regularly pays attention to this, as does rospotrebnadzor commented on the situation with vaccine testing.
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or a year before moving on to the next stages. it is known that the next third stage of vaccination will begin on february 12, the drug will allegedly be reviewed during the process, although doctors are demanding that the trials be stopped altogether. margarita semenyuk, valeria sapegina, anna pogonina, stanislav vasilchenko, news! when it seems that things can’t get better, pinoplex slabs provide double benefits,
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provide protection from heat and cold, and help save on heating and air conditioning. penoplex, effective thermal insulation. we, alexander and dmitry koshnin, i calculated a model of a super-hard material for... industry, and i calculated a model for a super-sensitive gas analyzer, and this is grandfather, thanks to his ingenuity, we became interested in science, develop an interest in science from childhood, enroll in scientific specialties. rf, how are you, i have a cold, i have a cold, we can handle it together, but first , booklin in the form of tablets or powder for a warm drink, there are many tasks in the work rhythm, fill your break. one of my friends can fix the car with your bare hands,
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com. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. our bombs destroyed the vampires' nest. the nato installations that hit belgorod will never fire again. accurate and brilliant work of russian aviation intelligence. muscovite political worker takir carlson became a hero memes. all these are.


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