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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 7, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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at a meeting with the federal cabinet of ministers, where the topic of the domestic aviation industry became the main one. however, the head of state also touched upon many other issues, from the indexation of social payments to the state of the railway infrastructure. alexey golovko has the details. one of the main topics of the meeting between the president and the government was social payments, which, starting this year and until 2026 inclusive, were decided to be indexed according to the level of actual inflation, and this measure has already come into effect. from february 1st. 7.4% more indexed 40 different payments for almost 20 million people, this is maternity capital for the first child, it has now become 63,000 rubles. for the second child 833,000 rubles. anton olegovich, all this really worked, it is being implemented, payments have been made, funds are already being transferred in an increased amount according to the usual...
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delivery schedule, traditionally we have delivery dates from the second day of the month, and accordingly people are already receiving these funds. in addition, since the beginning of the year , the minimum wage has been increased by 18.5%, old-age insurance pensions have increased by 7.5%, to the unified allowance for children and pregnant women increased by 14,900 rubles. since the new year , a norm has been introduced that allows you to maintain child care benefits for up to one and a half years. even if the mother went to work, tens of millions of families receive government support in one form or another. the main issue that the head of state discussed today with ministers and deputy prime ministers was the development of the country’s infrastructure, in particular, the so -called eastern testing area, bam and transib. under western sanctions, it is they should become the basis of a new eurasian path. you and i must achieve an increase in transportation figures in... in the far eastern direction this
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year it should amount to 180 million tons, and by the end of the thirtieth year it should reach 210, but in order to solve these problems, we need to address a number of issues, including including electrification of the railway eastern range. almost one and a half trillion rubles have been allocated for this most important task of the state. the work is divided into three stages. in the first stage, which ended at the end. last year the company has built 14 large power grid facilities, these are eight high-voltage power lines with a length of 2,700 km, as well as six powerful transformer substations. electrification takes place in the most difficult conditions, frosts - inaccessible terrain and difficult terrain. to cross some rivers , ninety-meter power lines have to be built, but these capacities work not only for the railway, cities and enterprises are connected to them. for eight regions of the far
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east, the work done allows increase, significantly increase capacity and increase the reliability of power supply to populated areas in all these regions, what is the temperature now, what is the weather like there, well, in the morning it was -20, now it seems warmer, but -15, probably somewhere like that, i understand that people worked in difficult conditions all the time, so many thanks to them. and all the best, success. the development of air services for a country with a territory such as russia is an equally important issue. at the end of last year, airlines transported 105 million people, 83 million of them we flew domestic flights. thus, passenger traffic exceeded the figures for 2019 before the covid year. the industry has recovered; it is important to maintain this momentum while respecting the interests of passengers. let me emphasize that it is important not to allow ticket prices to rise excessively. while
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unconditionally ensuring the quality of passenger service and flight safety. these issues should be a priority for both carriers and the ministry of transport. the focus is on the development of the domestic civil aircraft industry. the sukhoi superjet is now modernized and does not depend on from foreign components. the latest ms-21 airliner and the il-114 aircraft for small arctic airports are undergoing final tests. only a few countries in the world are capable. as a line of modern aircraft and russia among them. we have drawn up large-scale plans in this area. russian aircraft must meet all requirements for quality, comfort and flight safety. to be truly globally competitive in terms of technical characteristics. and their transfer to airlines must take place within the agreed time frame without delays. the development of domestic flight tourism allows more and more russians to see. the country's historical cities
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and small settlements are now actively improving the program for a comfortable urban environment, there are many applications from new regions, there are plans for new modern parks in krasnodon, stakhanov, there are also many who want to completely ban both of them against the backdrop of carlson's trip to russia, will confirm our correspondent in the usa valentin bogdanov. if the view counter on tucker carlson's page were animated, then after these words spoken against the backdrop of evening
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moscow, it would spin faster than the one that counts the amount of the american national debt. the interest is understandable; both the topic and the subject of the interview are always on the front pages in the west. we are here to interview russian president vladimir putin. we are journalists. our task is to inform people. a war has been going on for 2 years, changing the whole world, but most americans are not informed about it. they have no idea what is happening in this region, but they should know it. former presenter fox news channel, whose relationship with the american establishment has long been strained, said that he organized everything himself, did not take money from anyone, access to... the video will also be free, and the interview with putin can be watched in unedited form on his website carlson. elon musk, on whose platform episodes of tucker’s show are aired and who almost immediately reposted the announcement, also promised not to block anything. what
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interview? will we have an interview, i’m going to get coffee, i don’t know what you’re talking about. tucker kept the intrigue until the last, it’s unlikely that this has anything to do with just his superstition. the biden administration, according to. an american journalist tried for 3 years to prevent his trip to moscow, the nsa dug into his messengers, and what they found was passed on to obedient media. in general, the breakthrough of the information blockade, which carlson alone decided to undertake, was a blow to the white house. he said the biden administration allegedly tried to prevent him from interviewing vladimir putin. of course not, i have absolutely nothing to say. period, although no, i would add, this is nonsense, what... real journalism for karina, people like her, this is on cnn, for the third day in a row they have been weaving complex conspiracy theories, hinting that tucker is almost in moscow on a secret mission, and it’s clear from whom. his interview with trump has already received 267 million
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views. in fact, one of the leaders of the republican party is in moscow tonight. carlson has consistently supported putin throughout. spartacus in the bolshoi theater. if you wish, you can see symbols in the title of the performance. spartacus was the leader of a slave uprising, and in his announcement carlson addressed americans, says that you are citizens, not slaves. and this, of course, is addressed not only to the redneck from the outback in a plaid shirt and a big pickup truck.
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millions will watch the interview with putin in the united states. always looked. why was it good when kier simons interviewed putin for nbc in 1921, but bad when tucker. this is a different genre, he is not a journalist, he is a propagandist. we have intelligence officers, they have spies, we have journalists, they have propagandists. the picture of the world of the average american liberal is getting closer to the picture the peace of those who have already included tucker carlson on the odious website peacemaker. the american presenter got there with the wording “accomplice of the occupiers”, who attempted to assassinate...
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took two cheeseburgers, cola and potatoes,
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there is a tasty place where he also stopped, paid for it himself, in no way shows off with putin’s money, at least from the former american congressman adam kiesinger's pages contain just such a survey. he calls tucker a traitor, the main thing here is not to confuse him. zelensky in a yellow block tie demands $60 billion to be given back biden, whose son made money in kiev from corruption.
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news usa. the cic website has published a list of polling stations abroad where russians will be able to vote in the russian presidential elections. earlier, the world stated that all diplomatic presidencies of our country are ready to create the necessary conditions for voting abroad. the final list of presidential candidates should be determined by the center-electoral commission tomorrow. varvara nevskaya is observing the progress of the election campaign. new ideas and ambitious projects. with these plans, students north caucasus federal university. co-chairman of the central election headquarters of presidential candidate vladimir
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putin. youth is an expression, this is our future, no, youth is our present , because exactly what will now be embedded in them, what they will now learn from us, adults, will be the guarantee of the future of all our generations, the security of our generations happy, bright future. ask the communist party presidential candidate nikolai kharitonov to visit the central market as part of his visit to krasnoyarsk. feels expensive. the candidate had a busy day in krasnoyarsk. kharitonov visited
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the legendary krasmash, russia’s leading plant where rocket and space technology is manufactured, and also held a meeting with residents of the region and its neighboring regions. the candidate from the new people party, vladislav davankov, also continues his far eastern tour. istomina street, the very center of khabarovsk, makes it incredible that in one of the houses people live without basic amenities, forced to heat their apartments. it was recognized as unsafe 3 years ago, but no one has yet relocated the residents. century, only electricity works, the authorities the issue of emergency housing is raised at almost every meeting. today we agreed to separately deal with this building and several others that are right in this area. because the area is good, it’s right in the very center of the city, the city of khabarovsk, but the problem needs to be solved systematically,
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it hasn’t been solved for well, 25 years. at a meeting with governor vitaly khattsenko as part of a visit to omsk, the presidential candidate from the liberal democrats came wearing a local scarf hockey club. this is a landmark trip for me, and i congratulate, first of all, all omsk residents, in your person, on the stunning victory of the avant-garde yesterday. it’s a shame that i arrived a day later, in the center of the dialogue between politicians, the development of the region, and interaction with regional offices and deputies. the next point is school number 151. here the parents and students were waiting for leonid slusky. proposal to force a return to full-day school. those who work the second shift don’t need to think about the child, where is he, and what is he doing? no, it's probably necessary to pay for tutors, there is probably no need to pay for extended periods, especially for those families
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for whom this is not easy. full-day school, new, well forgotten, old. each candidate plans to visit dozens more cities in the country as part of the election race; there is just over a month left before the presidential election. varvara nevskaya, news. ilham aliyev is leading in the early presidential elections in azerbaijan according to three exit polls. according to information from monitoring centers , more than 90% of voters voted for the current president of the republic. voting ended today at 6:00 moscow time. our special correspondent in baku, leila, will tell you the details. nazarova, she is in direct contact with the studio leila, good evening, is there any official data on the voting results yet? alexey, greetings, according to the electoral commission center, the turnout for the extraordinary presidential elections in azerbaijan is record-breaking. it made up almost 77% of voters, which is more than 4,800,000 people.
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according to exit polls, ilham became the undisputed leader of the presidential race by a wide margin. the survey was conducted by a western organization oracle advizer group, as well as two local sociological companies, they announced the results at a press conference. oracle group counted the most votes for ilham aliyev, almost 94%. i note that they had the largest sample in the survey of western sociologists: almost 64,000 voters in thousands of polling stations, including in karabakh. a few weeks ago we conducted a survey among the population, it showed that people support the president. the victory in karabakh gave aliyev enormous support. thanks to her , the people saw how the president cares and protects their citizens, so the exit poll results did not surprise us at all. journalists, local and
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international observers from almost 90 countries , including russia, as well as parliamentary representatives, followed the voting process from the very morning. blay of the black sea economic cooperation organization, they noted that the elections were organized at a high level and took place without violations. during the election campaign, we did not identify any violations; the procedure followed all the rules. i noticed that people really wanted vote. despite the fact that there are no official results yet, the whole country has already begun to celebrate the victory of ilham aliyev. in elections, fireworks and car rallies in baku, nakhchivan, ganja, shusha and khankindi, in many other cities, the head of state was re-elected for a fifth term. at this moment , colleagues from turkey, uzbekistan, belarus and hungary congratulated us. well, all that remains is to wait for the official results from the center of the electoral commission; it is expected that these figures will be announced by tomorrow morning. alexei. yes, thank you, leila
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alnazarova, with news from baku. russian military the historical society handed over to the ambassador of finland a reproduction of the banner of the finnish battalion of the russian imperial army. by decision of nicholas i, this military unit was once awarded a special insignia for its participation in the suppression of the polish rebellion and the capture of warsaw. well, now, despite the difficult stage of relations with moscow, to put it mildly, helsinki receives a gift that is intended to remind us of brotherhood in arms and common history. details from zinaida kurbatova. the third finnish rifle battalion received the st. george banner of the life guards in... poland and finland was part of the russian empire, but after the disbandment of the battalion in 1905, it perished irrevocably. the russian military historical society handed over the image of the banner to the finnish side. there was a finnish lepguard battalion, which was created from ethnic finns, well, there were
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officers, both finns and swedish officers, finnish, which was created in 1818, which fought valiantly on... on the side of the russian empire in all wars and suppressing internal unrest, that's when the polish uprising broke out in 1830-30 the first years, this lepguard finnish battalion, these are the finns, they were called the young guard then, they participated in the suppression in st. petersburg, in the artillery museum there is an exhibition dedicated to the last russian-swedish war and how suomi became part of the russian empire. this war began on february 9, 1808. the swedes surrendered and opened the gates.
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the modern finnish state directly grew, before that finland was not exactly a predecessor, from which it did not have autonomy. alexander i, carried away by one pretty resident, he also made a good gift to his new subjects, he allocated a region from the russian empire itself, the so-called old finland with the city of vybork, taken from the swedes. back in 1721 and annexed it to the grand duchy of finland. the principality enjoyed great privileges, it had its own diet, finnish stamp, newspapers, even customs. the principality paid a lot of money so that hot finnish guys would not wander into the russian army, but they still created one battalion to ask for further privileges from the russian tsar. and this one the battalion suppressed the uprising in poland. during the crimean war of 1854-56, the battalion attempted to land english troops on the coast in the baltic sea in ekeness, and the third finnish rifle battalion participated in the russian-turkish war, receiving
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the right of the old guard for these battles. in 1901 , a new statute on military service was approved. finns began to be assigned to regiments on a general basis, and the battalion was renamed. but gelsenforsk, there was a fortress here in september, here they are, the finns, they defended, the english landing force tried to attack gelsonfors, and the finnish battalion was standing right here. the russian military historical society, by handing over the reproduction, wants to remind the finnish poles of the pages of their common history. let us remember that before this, rvi had already carried out similar actions to strengthen knowledge of history, for example, in front of the swedish embassy, ​​it organized an exhibition of photographs reminiscent of how stockholm contributed to nazi germany. zenaida kurbatova, sergei ukhvaryonok, sergei zagadsky, news. they plan to launch in tula school rugby league, as well as 12 rugby festivals. a sport rare for the region began to actively develop after the opening of a modern all-season sports cluster with a football field, and in march a new sports complex will appear at the regional teams in athletics,
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volleyball and basketball from sports tula, reporting by vitaly matorin, hello alexey gennadi, hello, hello , your form is in order, you can run to training, but first. this olympic event is only available in the region a new arena with a modern field, locker rooms, and rooms for coaches is also beginning to develop, which is a serious
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help in this matter. rugby, of course, requires warm weather, here all the conditions have been created for us inside, and we can now raise future champions. now more than 750 children are involved in two sports schools, football and rugby. at eight, sasha is already a real rugby defender. i already have it somewhere. there are seven cups, a lot of medals, yeah, the most spectacular match was when we played against kaluga in the final, at these records will only be set on running tracks, this is a different arena, it is being built in the tula region as part of the gazprom project for children, very soon mini-football, basketball, volleyball, athletics will be practiced here, but for now the builders are at the finish line, the general readiness of the... .at the moment 99%. this complex meets the standards of holding regional all-russian competitions, including certain complexes,
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which means the athletics federation and at the international level. in march, when the object when they graduate, about a thousand children will train here, but this sports complex is suitable not only for amateurs, professional athletes, volleyball players from tulitsa are also welcome here; they will be able to watch competitions here alone.
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the fourth annual forum: strong ideas for new times. the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens' initiatives for the development of the country. the forum is implemented by the agency for strategic initiatives by decree of the president of the russian federation together with the roscongress foundation. during the entire forum , over 450,000 citizens took part. to the forum submitted more than 90,000 ideas. the forum is a place for ideas of citizens' initiatives to formulate the strategy and development of the country. february 19 and 20. the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow the forum news on ideia.rf. what happened here on february 24-25? social networks, calls, sending out fake news, going to a rally, all western-linked pr agencies got involved to encourage regional local riots. the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically, to bring confusion into their soul confusion. this is the surest path to victory in the war. the content and the agenda itself are there.
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