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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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there are only a few countries in the world capable of producing a line of modern aircraft. russia is one of them, and we have impressive plans in this area. new domestic airliners became one of the main topics of the meeting between the president and the government. vladimir putin instructed to monitor their timely transfer to airlines and prevent unjustified increases in ticket prices. we also discussed social support measures, which should at least partially compensate for the rise in prices. alexey will continue. one of the main
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topics of the meeting between the president and the government is social payments, which, starting from this year and until 2026 inclusive, were decided to be indexed according to the level of actual inflation, and this measure has already come into effect. since february 1, more than forty different payments for almost 20 million people have been indexed by 7.4%, this is maternity capital for the first child, it has now become 630 rubles. for the second child 833,000 rubles. anton olegovich, all this really worked, it is being implemented, payments have been made. funds are already transferred in an increased amount according to the usual delivery schedule; traditionally our delivery dates are from the second to the twenty-fifth day of the month, and accordingly people are already receiving these funds. in addition, since the beginning of the year , the minimum wage has been increased by 18.5%.
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old-age insurance pensions increased by 7.5%, to 14,900 rubles. the unified allowance for children and pregnant women has increased. since the new year , a norm has been introduced that allows you to maintain child care benefits for up to one and a half years, even if the mother went to work. tens of millions of families receive government support in one form or another. the main question which the head of state discussed today with ministers and deputy prime ministers, the development of the country’s infrastructure.
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electrification takes place in the most difficult conditions, frosts, inaccessible terrain, difficult terrain, ninety-meter power lines have to be built to cross some rivers, but these capacities work not only for the railway, cities and enterprises of eight regions of the far east are connected to them. the work done allows us to increase, significantly increase capacity and improve the reliability of power supply settlements in all these regions. how much do you have now? well, in the morning it was -20,
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now it seems warmer, but -15, probably somewhere like that, i understand that people worked in difficult conditions all the time, so many thanks to them, all the best, success. the development of air services for a country with a territory such as russia is an equally important issue. at the end of last year, airlines transported 105 million people, 83 million of them flew domestically. the industry has recovered ; it is important to maintain this momentum while respecting the interests of passengers. let me emphasize it is important to prevent excessive increases in ticket prices while unconditionally ensuring the quality of passenger service and flight safety. these issues should be a priority for both carriers and the ministry of transport. the focus is on the development of the domestic civil aircraft industry.
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foreign components, the final ones are now modernized and do not depend on the testing of the latest ms21 airliner and aircraft for small arctic airports and... only a few countries in the world are capable of producing a line of modern aircraft and russia is among them. we have drawn up large-scale plans in this area. russian aircraft must meet all requirements for quality, comfort and flight safety. to be truly globally competitive in terms of technical characteristics. and their transfer to airlines must take place within the agreed time frame without delays. valet tourism allows more and more russians to see the country’s historical cities, small settlements are now actively improving the comfortable urban environment under the program, there are many applications from new regions, plans include new modern parks in krasnodon, stakhanov, volnovakha and berdyansk. alexey glovko, natalya
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lundovskaya, anna kolk, kirill zotov, natalya gubina. news. well, here is a last -minute message about a package bill on assistance to israel, ukraine, as well as on tightening control measures. on the southern border of the united states, the first procedural vote in the senate of the us congress did not pass. largely due to the absence of such a bill , military assistance to ukraine was suspended, and a confrontation began on the border in texas state authorities federal authorities. the initiative provided for the allocation of additional budgetary allocations in the amount of more than $118 billion, of which $60 billion was proposed by the senators to be used to support ukraine. shock, as a reaction to... outrageous courage, delight mixed with criticism, reaching accusations and even threats, and this against the backdrop of tens of millions of views on social networks. all this is about the reaction of western media politicians to the announcement of tucker carlson’s interview with vladimir putin, which, perhaps, one can say without exaggeration, the whole world is waiting for.
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tucker managed to maintain the intrigue until the last; even today, all day long he politely refused to communicate with the journalists who, since the very morning, replacing each other, had been on duty at the moscow hotel. why are people in the west so afraid? what they are trying to accuse carlson and his film crew of, our us correspondent valentin bogdanov looked into. if the views counter on tucker carlson’s page were animated, then after these words spoken against the backdrop of evening moscow, it would spin faster than the one that counts the amount of the american national debt. let's explain the interest, and topic, and the hero of the interview in the west is always on the front pages. we are here to interview russian president vladimir putin. we are journalists. our task is to inform people. a war has been going on for 2 years, changing the whole world, but most americans are not informed about it. they have no idea what is happening in this region, but they should
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know it. the former fox news channel host, whose relationship with the american establishment has long been strained, said that he organized everything himself, did not take money from anyone, and there would also be access to the video. free and the interview with putin can be viewed in unedited form on carlson’s website. elon musk, on whose platform episodes of tucker’s show are aired and who almost immediately reposted the announcement, also promised not to block anything. what interview? will we have an interview? i'm going to get coffee, i don't know what you're talking about. tucker kept the intrigue until the last, it’s unlikely that it’s just his superstitiousness, the biden administration, according to the american...
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real journalism for karina, like her, is on cnn, for the third day in a row there they weave complex conspiracy theories, hinting that tucker is in moscow almost on a secret mission, and it’s clear from whom. his interview with trump has already received 267 million views. in fact, one of the leaders of the republican party is in moscow tonight. carlson has consistently supported putin throughout this time. no one in moscow would run after ren burnet, as boring as a microphone stand and promoted to the liberal new york times, and tucker
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himself is interesting because he is dangerous. for moving his black minivan in the capital russia is closely followed by the press, photographed at breakfast in a restaurant and at the spartak ballet. in the big theater. if you wish, you can see symbols in the title of the performance. spartacus was the leader of a slave revolt. in his announcement, carlson , addressing the americans, says that you are citizens, not slaves. and this... millions of people in the united states will watch the interview with putin, they always have. why was it good when kier simmons interviewed putin for nbc in 2021, but bad when tucker did it in 24? last thing the key to understanding why so many are so heightened by professional jealousy. carlson's interview is a different genre, he is not a journalist, he is a propagandist. we have scouts, they have them. spies, we have journalists, they have characteristics, propagandists, the picture of the world of the average american liberal is getting closer to the picture
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of the world of those who have already included tucker carlson on the odious website peacemaker, the american presenter got there with the wording: accomplice of the occupiers, encroaching on the territorial integrity of ukraine, curtain , putin has a territorial dispute with a country called ukraine, a territorial dispute, that’s it , of course.
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reports that eu sanctions may be imposed against carlson, european officials call him trump's mouthpiece , are considering introducing a travel ban, were probably offended that tucker went to auchan, where he took pictures with visitors, and personally walked along the shelves with milk, sausage and eggs, he was convinced that western sanctions, to put it mildly... do not work, mcdonald's left, there is a tasty place where he also stopped, took two cheeseburgers, a cola and potatoes, paid for it himself, is in no way showing off with putin ’s money, at least according to former american congressman adam kiesinger on his page, this is exactly the kind of poll he calls tucker a traitor, the main thing here is not to confuse it, 60 billion dollars to zelensky in a yellow block tie are being demanded by biden, whose son earned money in kiev from corruption deals. as for
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further creative plans, carlson does not hide them. we submitted a request for an interview with zelensky. we hope he accepts the offer, but it will not be the interview format that he traditionally gives in the usa, and which are not journalism, but government propaganda. for zelensky, this is like an offer that cannot be refused. will agree, which is also scary , or you will have to answer uncomfortable questions, or you will have to show yourself as weak and vulnerable, both are worse, but there is a third option in stock, you can, for example, convene the verkhovna rada at the legislative level to prohibit yourself from interviewing tucker carlson, therefore moreover, there is experience, zelensky banned negotiations with russia, valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and maria egorova. vesti, usa,
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forte n essentials, tested and ready to action. in 24 hours, available on the yandex market, in tula the head of the region alexey dyumin visited a new football arena, it was built as part of the sport norm of life project, vitaly matorin has all the details. hello, alexey gennadievich, hello, hello, hello. put in order, you can run to training, but first the students have a short conversation, not with journalists, with the head of the region, alexei dyumin. well, how are you three? yes, and the conditions, the tula team sports center, built under the sports,
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norm of life program, began its work in december and has already become a sports house. than for 700 young football players and rugby players, this olympic sport is just beginning to develop in the region and a new arena with a modern field, locker rooms, rooms for coaches, in this this is a serious help. rugby, of course, requires warm weather, here all the conditions have been created for us inside, and we can now raise future champions. now more than 750 children are involved in two sports schools, football and rugby. at eight, sasha is already a rugby defender, i already have about seven cups, a lot of medals, the most spectacular match was when we played against kaluga in the final, records will only be set on these running tracks, this already another manesh, it is being built in the tula region as part of the project
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gazprom for children. very soon there will be mini-football, basketball, volleyball, and athletics here. in the meantime , the builders are at the finish line; the overall readiness of the facility is currently 99%. this complex meets the standards of conduct for regional all-russian competitions, including certain complexes, which means the athletics federation and at the international level. in march, when the facility is completed, about a thousand children will train here, but this sports complex is suitable not only for amateurs, professional athletes and volleyball players are also welcome here. in tulitsa , more than 2,500 spectators will be able to simultaneously watch the competitions here, this is the total capacity of the stands of the complex, according to gazprom. a lot has been done to develop sports in our region, as in other regions, including the construction of two very large focus pools, the construction of an ice arena, and we see how
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hockey is now developing very actively and dramatically in our region. in total, over the past 8 years in tula more than 200 different sports facilities appeared in the region, and a significant part of them were financed from extra-budgetary sources. vitaly matorin, nikita yurkov, andrey. i have said this many times , i will repeat it here with great pleasure, the only salvation is open entry into the eurasian economic union, because
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today it is the eurasian economic union and russia that is the only friend and savior for the republic of moldova. today , our pensioners, our citizens , understand perfectly well that such friendship and such relationships can give, as well as normal cheap resources, but we will not be able to make weapons out of... money from moldova. moldova is a kind, peaceful country that just wants to live peacefully and well. i wish you success, thank you for your struggle, and you can always count on the fact that we here in russia
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will at least always respond to your sound thoughts. the foundation stone for two new ice arenas was laid in sochi. the ceremony was held on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the sochi olympics. about other events dedicated. give an important sports report by inna nikishina. 1 2 3, let's go, a sports festival, just like 10 years ago in sochi. the winners in the mogul discipline, freestyle skiing, are congratulated by the minister of the government of the russian federation dmitry chernyshenko, the 2014 olympic champion, alexander tretyakov and the head of the krasnodar territory, veniam kondratyev. the deputy prime minister notes how important it is that the younger generation hones their skills at the sports facilities of sochi, which were named back in 1914. this is lunar, now there is nothing more joyful it’s exciting to see that it is on this infrastructure, on these wonderful sports facilities, made to the
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highest standard, that today girls and boys are setting new records. the richness of the olympic heritage gave impetus to the development of winter sports in the region. today, the infrastructure of sochi helps the emergence of new stars of the sports olympus. today we are not talking... about preserving the olympic heritage, about its development, it continues to live, from the point of view of events, it lives, and there are a lot of plans, from the point of view in terms of the fact that new sports facilities are being built, and the gymnastics palace, and the sampodo palace, look, when this is the olympic site, today this is the territory of sirios, red polyana, it continues, i emphasize again, to live its promising sports life, and boys train here and girls who are definitely the pride of the country already. but the opportunities, opportunities that are created today in krasnaya polyana, including in sirius, we say, these are opportunities that were primarily created through the efforts of our president
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vladimir vladimovich putin, well, today we are the krasnodar region, of course, we won, we won that we have such a site, this is actually a world-class site, sochi and a world-class mountain-climatic resort, the development of sports infrastructure is confirmed by the opening of new facilities , one of these complexes in matsesta, it will be presented by our olympian ilya. in sochi, schools and kindergartens are being built, these are national projects that today are actually making sochi different, and of course sports facilities, of this level, the highest level. it is planned that the new complex will be built in a year. sports sochi and i am confident
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about the great sports future of sochi, because today a stone will be laid here for the construction of a future sports complex, here will be the site where boys and girls will take their first steps on the ice, i will not improve my professionalism with every year, or maybe this very thing... my platform, the figure skating academy, will reveal great sports names to the world. and it is really very important for us when dear athletes, people who understand what needs to be done, how to turn such wonderful young sochen residents into wonderful athletes who will defend in honor of our region, our country on the territory, in all competitions. at the end of the visit, there was a presentation of the book the attraction of sochi, dedicated to the anniversary of the olympic and paralympic
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games. a copy of the book with words of gratitude from all sochi residents will be given to the president. this olympics will remain not only in the memory of the athletes, participants, volunteer builders, but on the pages of the book. today from based on the past, we are writing the history of the sport of the future. inna nikishin, alexey komarov, lead. alfabank, the first in russia, abolished all commissions for transfers and... order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year, i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season, and these months passed my business by. but this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance and already broke the record for monthly sales in just one week. the sales season has begun, no skip it. join
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