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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 7, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am MSK

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an ordinary house, this is the gavrilovs’ apartment. mom, look, mom katya is a teacher. papa maxim is a fireman. the gavrilovs honor traditions; their new neighbors are modern people. yura is an it developer, alena is a designer. gavrilov , the guys, have a dog. hello, kirill byshinsky is here, and this is the program is typical of novorussia, our name says it all, we say it. about the
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territory that has returned to its historical roots, about novorossiya. with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, find typical features, recognizable signs of the past, that’s what we’ll talk about today. novorossiya, how the borders changed, but the spiritual community remained. what... managed to create on these lands, why are they part of russian civilization, conversation with a program expert: cities with names capitalists, enakiev. we never tire of looking to find traces of cultural and social in what in the 17th-11th centuries was called novorossiy, and today has become new russian republics and regions. economic and
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spiritual closeness with greater russia. traces of that commonality that, despite the borders changing many times in history, continued to connect people in new regions with russia. this community has become a catalyst for many of today's turning points and has led to the return of the concept of novorossiya to everyday use. let us remind you that novorosiya is historical name of the areas. century, the russian part reached the moldavian principality. today these are the borders of the odessa and nikolaev regions, an empire following the results of the russian-turkish wars. they stretched along the northern coast of two seas - the black and azov. in the west , in the center in the north, they covered the current zaporozhye, dnepropetrovsk, kirovograd and part of the kharkov regions. in the east are most of the current dpr and lpr. south of course.
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in novorossia, along with fortresses , cities and shipyards were built, ports and factories were built, factories, mines and agricultural farms were created by merchants and landowners who received land on preferential terms. here , nationalities, religions, and ways of life of people who became colonists, settlers and new subjects of the russian empire, the territories in which the main workers were, coexisted and then mixed. the inhabitants of little russia and
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great russia were settled and developed by germans, greeks, armenians, jews, moldovans and numerous immigrants from the balkans. this formed the unique mentality of the inhabitants of historical new russia; it is based on a synthesis different cultures, love of freedom, hard work, economic entrepreneurship and the strong will of those who developed new territories. about how the borders of novorossiya changed, but its spiritual and social community remained indivisible, in the story of anna efimova. novorossiya is a region where the colossal scientific, cultural and human potential of new russia has historically been concentrated. a wild field in record time, transformed into perhaps the most advanced and developed region of its time. novorossiya has an exact date
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birth. april 2, 1764. in fact, this year it turns 260 years old. the formerly small colony of novoserbsk settlement was transformed into... a russian province. by decree of catherine the great, it also included the neighboring slavic-serbian province, the ukrainian fortification and the bakhmut cossack regiment. for ease of administration, the empress divides the region into three provinces. these territories become a kind of springboard for the further expansion of the country to the south. after a series of russian-turkish wars and the annexation of crimea, taman and kuban to russia, novorosiya already extends over a vast territory from the southern bug to the north caucasus. in 1783 the province. the ekaterinoslav governorship is abolished in its place, it will not last long, already in 1796, by decree of paul ii, the novorossiysk province will be recreated, but within slightly different boundaries. now it will be divided into nikolaev, ekaterinoslav
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and tauride provinces. we can even trace how the capitals of this novorossiysk region changed, first it was the fortress of st. elizabeth, elizavetgrad. uh, how is he was called in the russian empire, then the capital moved, the administrative center moved to kremenchuk, then to ikaterinoslav, then kherson, odessa, and, as it were, depending on how the new cities grew, the administrative structure of the novorossiysk region changed. novorossiya reached its maximum borders by the mid-19th century during the reign of alexander i, when the novorossiysk bessarabian governor-general was formed. over the years , the vast... region was led by such prominent political figures as the duke of darishelier, it was he who turned odessa into a flourishing, rich city, prince vorontsov, who was called nothing less than the good genius of new russia and bessarabia, during his tenure the ports of berdyansk were founded, trade in nikolaev and taganrog noticeably intensified. finally,
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count stroganov, he headed voros during a very difficult period after the end of another, this time unsuccessful for russia , crimean war and, as a result , territorial losses. within the walls of the state public historical library there is a book that was boldly can be called a real chronicle of novorossiya, the fourteenth volume of a complete geographical description of our fatherland, perhaps the most ambitious and fundamental publishing project of the russian empire, was published in 1910, and it is entirely dedicated to the region. geography, climate, cultural characteristics of local peoples, economic development, infrastructure projects, all this is in...
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the historical heritage of, so to speak, all of russia, but on the other hand, it was such a popular science genre, because its used on their travels. novorussia is a multinational region, here are bulgarians, germans, greeks, kolmyks, and even kurds, unique traditions and culture, on the one hand, and a frantic pace of urbanization, on the other. from the beginning of the 19th century in this region there was the most unique experiment in the formation of capitalism, so to speak, that is, what was previously called capitalism, that is , the capitalist mode of production and trade, and almost all southern cities grew so rapidly that the rest of europe, so say or there is russian
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empire, i would simply envy, that is, well, for example, odessa grew almost 30 times, and although by 1874 the novorossiysk general government was like...
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the holocaust was going on, as i already said, there are certain results, but i understand, i know about that it is necessary to continue these efforts, this is what we are doing, and i wanted to discuss the details of this work with you. these were footage of vladimir putin’s meeting with the chief rabbi of russia berl lazar and the head of the federation of jewish communities alexander boroda, which is now taking place in the kremlin. well, look further continuation of kiril vyshinsky's program typical of novorossiya.
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both little russia and donbass, in general , have laid all these time bombs
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, now we are generally fighting for these mistakes, it seemed that during the years of soviet power and the independence of the republics after the collapse of the ussr, the term navorosiya itself has been forgotten and will never return to circulation , in fact , it arises whenever the region begins to storm, as was the case in transnistria in the early nineties, when continuity and subordination to the odessa military district was referred to fourteenth... military army , later transformed into an operational group of russian troops, that is, into our peacekeepers, this was the case in 2014, when it was the novorossiya project that united the parliaments of the lpr and dpr, it was frozen only because they believed the minsk agreements, what it is there was a mistake, it’s obvious to everyone today, but you learn from mistakes, although learning is sometimes too expensive. anna efimova, valery saviliev, anastasia popova, typical new russia. about what happened to novorossiya
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after the abolition of its name and change borders at the beginning of the 20th century, we will talk with our regular expert, historian and political scientist alexander vasiliev. sasha, good afternoon. good afternoon. sasha, novorosiya has always been a space of great social and government experiment. its borders very often changed into administrative, internal and external. was united into a single general government, why was this so, this was the territory of the warrior’s bridgehead with the ottoman
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empire, yes, so it made sense that the person who is responsible for everything here, yes, for everything, he commands the military, so to speak , is responsible for military development and civilians, and the most famous of these governor-generals is varantsov, but by the seventies, already under alexander ii , after the abolition of serfdom in russia, russia was rapidly changing, everything changed, the authorities considered... that this territory had already been completely developed, yes, that it was essentially no different from any other russian territory, that’s why this institution was the governor general. last administrative a unit that existed with this name, it arose during the civil war, then the novorossiysk region was created as part of the armed forces of southern russia, but the term region itself is an administrative unit, and instead of a province, then for ideological reasons, so to speak, this term was eliminated, but there you can also go on for a long time about how it
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fell out of use for a long time, there are a lot of sources that people on the ground remembered that this was novorossiya during the soviet period.
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the most famous of them is novorossiysk the john hughes coal metallurgical and rail production society, yes , which gave rise to donetsk itself, from which the huge beautiful city of donetsk grew, in fact it began with a working village, and there were, for example, models of plows, some kind of village- weilock, well, agricultural machinery, which was called novorossiysk, and so under this brand it was then distributed and sold throughout the russian empire, the second is literature, we can look at russian literature. and as if in literary works this is often found the term that certain events took place in novorossiya, yes, yes, and so on, in general, moreover, this even migrated even to soviet authors, let’s say, of such an old upbringing, such as valentin kataev, in later stories , novels , the word novoros is used regularly, precisely when he appeals to the events of some of his
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childhood, to his ancestors, about whom he wrote a lot, and so on, that is, we see that in the localities, and of course, any geography textbook.. any geographical reference book we open until the seventeenth year, and even there in the thirteenth year there was published a wonderful illustrated edition of picturesque russia, yes, that is, this term is present everywhere, everyone uses it, everyone knows it, but precisely as the name of a territory, and not as the name of an administrative unit , therefore , to say that when, so to speak, lenin already got to the design of the future republics that formed the ussr, that already...
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changes, transformations, redrawing, not to mention administrative or even state borders, but in general, well, people say, so to speak, there are philosophers there - the world order, so you shouldn’t be surprised that there are some discrepancies, it’s important to say that, yes, that for the first time in this context, in our memory, how they started talking about novorosiya, i want to remind you, yes, when literally the first voting cards appeared in ukraine. this electoral division, when an openly russophobic, pro-western nationalist candidate, yes, yushchenko, yes, was supported by one part of the country, and a candidate who, well, at least he appealed to the russian heritage there, and to russia as a geopolitical vector, in general he communicated with the russian-speaking population of ukraine, yes, yes, and not just
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communicated, if we remember how yanukovych began the election campaign already in 2006, he ... officially started in crimea on russia day, yes, that is, they often forget about it, but that is, it was such a direct appeal, everyone saw this simple electoral map, how the country was divided in such a diagonal in half, everyone saw that this diagonal and this blue one colors, this is, well, not a tracing paper , but fundamentally it is historical novorussia , so this is absolutely a correct term today, and people with this word under this banner, as they say, went into battle and fought with... thank you very much for a very interesting and detailed story. speaking about ukrainian myths associated with novorossiya is difficult. go main, they say, before the emergence of russian provinces there were inhabited lands on which active ukrainian life was going on. in fact
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, settlements on the border with the wild field appeared only in the second half of the 15th century for the protection southern borders of the moscow state. these were small defensive structures, fortresses, abatis with earthen ramparts. over time , refugees from little russia and foreigners began to settle around the border outposts. and migrants from the center of russia. in the middle of the 18th century, the first agricultural colonies were established here. only from the second half of the 10th century, when more than 150 coal deposits were discovered in novorussia, were military men and farmers replaced by mining engineers and industrialists. their contribution to the industrial development of the russian empire was so weight that cities began to be named after these people. villages. so alchevsk appeared on the map, in honor of the merchant of the first guild alexey alchevsky, yuzovka, present-day donetsk, named after the welshman john yuz. gorlovka - in memory of
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mining engineer pyotr gorlov, and many others. at the end of the 19th century, engineer and industrialist fyodor enakiev built the petrovsky ironworks on the territory of what is now the donetsk people's republic . even during enakiev’s lifetime, the settlement was nearby. with a factory and mines received his name. during soviet times the city was renamed in rykova, then in bardzhinekdze, but already in 1943 its historical name was returned to it. about the contribution of fyodor yanakiev to the development of metallurgy in donbass and about the city named after him. in the story of olga mokhova. golden. the blast furnace on the coat of arms of enakiev is a symbol of the first blast furnace in the south of russia of the experimental iron-smelting plant petrovsky, built back in 1858 near
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the sofievsky coal mine; after 4 years it produced the first cast iron. the enterprise, however, was soon closed only in 1895 at the height of the industrial boom in the donbass, industrialist fyodor enakiev at this in the same place in the village of fedorovka , the construction of a new petrovsky plant began. because the. there was plenty of river water , which was necessary for the operation of steam engines, gas turbines, a large amount of refractory clays, which were laid as the basis of blast furnaces, the foundation, and, of course, a large number of local deposits of coal and ores. fyodor enakiev was born in dinaburg, at that time this latvian city was part of the russian empire. after graduating from the institute of transport engineers in st. petersburg worked at the nikolaevskaya railway.
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was due to the fact that the government of the russian empire began to develop concessions in the donbass, it was a concession boom. by the way, the work of belgian and french engineers at the enakiev plant was captured in his story by moloch alexander kuprin, an outstanding russian writer, who worked here for almost six months as an accountant in the carpentry workshop of the forge; it was 1896, the time of construction of the metallurgical giant. it seemed as if some terrible underground revolution had thrown out these countless piles of rubble, bricks, different sizes and colors, sand pyramids, hundreds of carts and
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thousands of people scurried here like ants on a ruined anthill; in november 1897 , the first cast iron was smelted here, and by 1901 the enterprise began to operate profitably, and the workers’ settlement grew from 300 inhabitants to...
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abandon heating with english coal, annually delivering 100 million poods of donbass to consumers. according to the decision of the congress of miners of the south of russia, fyodor igorovich yanakiv was entrusted with the enterprise for the construction of a railway from the village shterovka to the port of mariupol in order to... sell lugansk coal products both throughout the russian empire and abroad. enakiev also owns the project to expand the mariupol port. in 1911 he became a co-founder of the russian shipbuilding society. in general, the scale of the realized plans speaks volumes about the remarkable talent and statesmanship of this person. for the first time, fyodor egorovich enakiev told the congress
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of architects. in his book that it is necessary to build a metro in st. petersburg, a metro, both underground and above ground, in he was mainly a supporter of the above-ground metro; in 1911, enakiev became a co-author of a plan for the restructuring of st. petersburg; the following year , his book on the transformation of the northern capital was published, its theses are still relevant today. fyodor yegorovich lived in the city on the neva... most of his life, but in his will he asked to be buried in a small working-class village in the south of russia, named after him. in 1928, after the end of the october revolution, the civil war, by decision of the soviet authorities, the st. nicholas church, on the territory of which the yanaki cemetery was buried near her was demolished. in their place , an agla factory was built, which is now one of the main factories of the yenakievo metallurgical plant.
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the metallurgists, without their patron, survived the nationalization of the plant in 1917 and the shock of the civil war; only in 1925 did the village of enakievo receive the status of a city. even before the great patriotic war , the first soviet cast iron casting machine appeared at the enterprise. in total, about ten technological innovations were mastered here, which then all soviet metals were used. in 1949, at our plant for the first time in the ussr.
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he extracted coal in the coal mine and loaded pullmans to the edge. these lines contain all the past greatness of the city of yanakiev and faith in its great future. olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery savelev, typical novorossiya. this is all. what we wanted to talk about today, kirill vyshinsky was with you, see you soon! only a few countries in the world are capable of producing a line of modern aircraft, russia, among them, we have impressive plans in this area: new domestic airliners became one of the main topics of the meeting between the president and the government. vladimir putin instructed
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to monitor... their timely transfer to airlines and to prevent unjustified increases in ticket prices. we also discussed social support measures, which should at least partially compensate for the rise in prices. alexey will continue. one of the main topics of the meeting between the president and the government was social payments, which, starting this year and until 2026 inclusive, were decided to be indexed according to the level of actual inflation. and this measure has already come into effect. from february 1st. more than 40 different payments for almost 20 million people were indexed by 7.4%, this is maternity capital for the first child, it has now become 63,000 rubles. for the second child 833,000 rubles. anton olegovich, all this...


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