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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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by any means to drag moldova into the war, only recently weapons have been brought into moldova with an insane amount of money. moldova is a kind, peaceful country that just wants to live peacefully and well. i wish you success, thank you for your struggle, and you can always count on the fact that we here in russia will at least always respond to your sound thoughts. in sochi they laid the foundation stone for two. 2014 olympic champion alexander tretyakov and head of the krasnodar region kondratev. the deputy prime minister notes how important it is that the younger generation is honing their skills. sports facilities in sochi, which
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were called reference ones back in 1914. and now there is nothing more joyful and exciting to see that it is on this infrastructure, on these wonderful sports facilities, made to the highest standard, that today girls and boys are setting new records. the richness of the olympic heritage gave impetus to the development of winter sports in the region. today the infrastructure of sochi helped.
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understand what needs to be done, both of these to make wonderful young sochi residents into wonderful athletes who will defend in honor of our region, our country, on the territory at all competitions. at the end of the visit , there was a presentation of the book the attraction of sochi, dedicated to the anniversary of the olympic and paralympic games. a copy of the book with words of gratitude from all sochi residents will be given to the president. this olympics will remain not only in the memory of the athletes, participants, volunteer builders, but on the pages of the book. today, relying on the past, we write history.
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sesame street, two cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers , legendary pita, this is a big hit, big hit, only in tasty things, period, in a magnet you can... win your own smart prize, for example, the one that boils itself, with a desire to help, give time to your loved ones, buy with a card from the magnet application, play and win smart equipment, magnet, indian pava-pava from the ecologically clean region of russia, recommended for children, for headaches there is askafen p, at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines . askafen - when headache. this is an ordinary house, this is gavli’s apartment. mom, look, mom katya is a teacher, dad maxim is a fireman, the gavrilovs honor traditions, their new neighbors are modern people, yura is an it developer, alena is a designer, gavrilov has a hot dog, the guys have a dog, they are so different, but
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there is something what unites them is vtb. everything will work out. holiday discounts on your favorite products in a magnet. briquettebir. magnet - the price is what you need. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season. and these months passed my business by. but this year everything is different. i connected to the megamarket in advance and already broke the record for monthly sales in just one week. the sales season is starting. don't miss it. join the megamarket! megamarket - just grow with us! if things become faded after washing, use weasel gel, it maintains the strength of the fabric and restores light. things like new for three times longer, new? no, i erase with affection. on
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fire, tastier, burger king, burger king, millions of prizes in the mobile application! download, buy with a card from the application, play, get instant prizes , win smart home appliances and give time to lyubin magnet, for dad, for mom, for brother, for grandma, for a navigator in the car, for a tablet, for a smart watch, for home security , behind the gate in the garage, it’s dad who plays like that, it ’s dad who has everything in the general balance, you can really forget about paying for different numbers, add them to the general balance, top up only one number, all the rest will be... it’s just space, the real taste of smoked , meat from our own cherkizovo farms, cosmically delicious, cherkizovo,
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issue of instructions, in 5 minutes we will figure out where, what has changed, and what points you need to pay special attention to. and let's start with the down payment, he increased it. from 20 to 30%, but only for preferential mortgages for new buildings, as part of changes in the preferential mortgage lending programs, which took place in december of the twenty-third year under the preferential mortgage program, which is available citizens at a rate of no more than 8% per annum, the initial depreciation was increased to 30%. for all other programs, the initial depreciation has not changed, because the family mortgage, the... mortgage and optical mortgage, and the special program for it specialists, for them the initial payment remained without. another change for the same preferential mortgage for new buildings: the maximum loan amount has been equalized for all regions, now it is 6 million
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rubles. even in moscow, st. petersburg in their regions, there used to be 12 million. and add a loan at a market rate for this 6 million will no longer work as before, but... please note, this only applies to one program, for family mortgages and mortgages for it specialists, the possibility of such a combination remains, and do not forget that there is a preferential program: under which the ceiling for the amount has been increased, this is a far eastern and arctic mortgage, in order to receive a maximum of 2% per annum, not six, but 9 million rubles. you need to buy or build housing with an area of ​​60 km. there are also restrictions common to all programs: one preferential mortgage per hands, even if you speak with the borrower or guarantors, a second similar loan will not be issued, but there are nuances here too. indeed, such a limitation on one loan in one hand was also introduced in
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the december government decree, and it affected absolutely all programs, but it is important to note here that these changes apply only to loans issued after december 23, that is, loans that were issued to preferential programs before this dates are not taken into account when assessing the second, third loan and for family. there really is additional exceptions, if a citizen has another child after the first mortgage loan, then when purchasing a home with more space and subject to repayment of the previous loan, you can take out a suitable loan under the family program. here is another important point: the validity period of the programs from july 1 of this year will cease to apply preferential mortgages for new buildings and... family mortgages are an exception for families with a disabled child. for them, the preferential program will last until
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december 31, 2027. from december 31 of this year the preferential program for it specialists will end. far eastern and arctic mortgages are the most long-term, they will be valid until december 31, 2030. so, let's repeat, the main thing is that the conditions for preferential mortgage programs have changed. more than one mortgage loan will no longer be possible, an exception was made only for a family mortgage under special circumstances, mainly the tightening of requirements affected preferential mortgages up to 8% per annum, the down payment on it increased from 20 to 30%. the maximum loan amount has become uniform for all regions - 6 million rubles. and it was prohibited to add a mortgage to it at a market rate. there are still questions. if you want to know how to improve your living conditions with the help of the state, subscribe to our telegram channel,
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ask, we will disturb the relevant ministries and specialists, and we will definitely tell you about this in one of the next editions of the instructions. the fourth annual forum: strong ideas for new times, the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens’ initiatives for the development of the country. the forum is implemented by the agency for strategic initiatives by decree president of the russian federation together with the roscongress foundation. over the entire duration of the forum, participation was received from above. more than 90,000 ideas were submitted to the forum. the forum is a place for ideas of citizens' initiatives to formulate the strategy and development of the country. on february 19 and 20, the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow the forum news on ideia.rf. large-scale projects, modern technologies, new horizons. russia of the present and future. touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions,
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business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything that russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride. for your country, come to the russia forum exhibition. the office of dmitry ivanovich mendeleev in the building of the twelve colleges of st. petersburg state university, the clock indicates
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the time of death of the russian scientist who made a phenomenally large number of discoveries and inventions in a variety of branches of science, 500 fundamental works in chemistry, physics, economics, meteorology, agriculture and even education . not a single scientist there are so many legends, one of them concerns the periodic law, chemical elements. the table, supposedly known to everyone since school years, was seen by its author in a dream. mendeleev discovered the periodic law, the law of nature, and he had many graphic expressions. about 200. we are now in the oldest chemical auditorium in the city of st. petersburg. here is a huge table, which was created according to the design of dmitry ivanovich mendeleev in 1876 . in 1867 mendeleev began teaching at
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the university of st. petersburg. then he thought about classification of chemical elements. an intermediate version of the system dates back to march 1, 1800. 69, in may mendeleev published an article about this, it was translated into german, with an error, the key word periodic was translated as stepwise. a german chemist, lothar meyer, was simultaneously struggling with the same problem. in his article, he was the first to use the word periodic, but as a result , mendeleev finalized the law and proved his authorship. lautermeyer thought much more simply. he did not feel this deep systematicity of the periodic law, and he did not felt the law itself, therefore, let 's say, mendeleev, on the basis of the law, he made predictions, he predicted the existence of, well , a total of 19 unknown elements throughout his life, but he described in detail three of them, these are the future galli, scandium and
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germany. in a private letter, which he never sent to finance minister sergei witte, he talks about his three services to his homeland: the first is science, the second is teaching, the third is for the benefit of russian industry. inventors of practices, mendeleev proposed distilling oil through pipes, designed a device for the complete distillation of oil and figured out how to process it into various useful products. this is his famous phrase: you can drown with banknotes. mendeleev finishes teaching at the university and devotes himself entirely to work in the old chemical laboratory, here in the building of twelve colleagues. then he received a task from the naval department to create smokeless gunpowder, in fact, such gunpowder already existed, it was produced in st. petersburg, here it was necessary to make smokeless gunpowder for large ship guns, the main requirements for this gunpowder are good ballistic characteristics and stability so that the gunpowder does not
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explode in storage. a black column of smoke pointed the enemy to the place from which they were shooting. there is a legend about the creation of smokeless gunpowder on both sides of the ocean. mendeleev was engaged in espionage in order to understand the recipe for good gunpowder, went to france, hid in a secluded place and counted how many wagons of cotton fabric, how many tanks of sulfuric and nitric acid were being transported to the gunpowder factory. the principle diagram of what to make smokeless gunpowder from was known.
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they checked with a handkerchief whether there was any soot in the barrels , which is obtained when using ordinary gunpowder, the handkerchiefs were clean, however, mendeleev’s invention did not reach production, and the great russian scientist had not yet patented his discoveries, that’s what this led to, usa, captain bernadou translated mendeleev's article, making minor changes, and then patenting the invention of the russian scientist, during the first world war russia had to buy mendeleev's gunpowder for foreign currency. mendeleev is not he loved being called a chemist; the position of adviser to the naval department was much more significant for him. he continued to work with the department even after the creation of perocoloid gunpowder, when he proposed to emperor alexander ii to create an experimental pool so that our shipbuilding would take the lead, the answer
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was the usual, there is no money in the treasury. then, due to savings in funds allocated for creating a smokeless environment. gunpowder, mendeleev was the first to build such a pool in russia. in 1890, mendeleev achieved the construction of a building in st. petersburg on the island new holland secret scientific and technical laboratory. and 2 years later, thanks to his efforts, the first experimental pool appeared here, absolutely unique, where ships were loaded with ice even if necessary. our first one was tested here too. submarine dolphin. in a word, conditions were created for the development of domestic shipbuilding. the experimental pool was located on this site. it was demolished.
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krylov state scientific center in st. petersburg, here is the largest world experimental pool, its length is 1302 m, a towing cart slides above the bowl, a model of a ship is attached to it below, a dynamometer measures the force of water resistance. mendeleev even proposed reforming the army and navy, as a result he quarreled with admiral makarov, one of his famous phrases, which are often quoted by disparate people, they will immediately destroy us, it was ...
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this is electric propulsion, this is now all the most modern icebreakers, all icebreaker- type vessels are working on full electric propulsion, it was dmitry ivanovich mendeleev even then spoke about the need, moreover, he proposed propeller drives, steering wheel drives , actuators, to be electrically controlled, here is a collection of propellers, such are being designed by the krylov center, according to... we still use his reasoning about propellers in our research , for example, he believed that the diameter of the propeller
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should be as large as possible, the pitch of the propeller should tend to the diameter of the propeller, the hub of the propeller should be minimal, and at the same time he writes that the required power will be minimal, and the thrust of the propeller will be maximum, that’s how it is you know, like a tabletop... today for any hydrodynamicist about how to build and how to design propellers, which leningrader, passing by this house, will not glance upward, to where at any moment you can find out the exact time, and if you will have the opportunity to enter the building, visit these laboratories, you will find yourself in the world of the most precise measurements: time, mass, length, light intensity, frequency of electric current, everything in the institute... the history of this institute, its origins, is associated with the name of dmitry ivanovich mendeleev . mendeleev approached systematically
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everything i took on. he created a state system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements throughout the country, a state base of itallons, here are the scales on which the scientist worked, emphasizing that all the measurements were made by him. we ourselves know that he liked to tell young employees that they had hot blood and should not be allowed near the scales. there is such a statement by andrei platonov in the novel happy moscow. even dmitry ivanovich mendeleev, above all the world, fell in love with scales. he liked his periodic system even less, although everything there is based on the same scales. atomic weight, nothing more. this, of course, is a literary image, but nevertheless, it is very correct. the fact is that. even while working as the manager of the main chamber, and that’s what our institution was called under him, he himself worked directly in the weighing department.
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and another legend: allegedly on the train, mendeleev heard a conversation about the sale of an estate not far from klin. in fact, everything was prosaic, the scientist wanted to buy an estate in these places, he did not have enough money, this is mendeleev with all his merits, and he acquired boblov together with the professor. here he gathered his entire family, sent relatives from siberia, since dmitry ivanovich mendeleev was interested in soil science and fertilizers, he put all his research into practice here, and really proved that it was possible to run a successful farm in the middle zone. it was in these places that mendeleev risked his life. science, when he took temperature measurements while rising into the sky in a hot air balloon. the valve turned out to be faulty, mendeleev repaired it and continued taking measurements. in 1919
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the estate was destroyed in a fire. only ilyin’s small house remained, where a museum was opened in 1987. now it is a reserve of several recreated estates, near shakhmatovo, where the poet alexander blok lived, who married mendeleev’s daughter lyubov. now they are going to create a mendeleev center for talented youth here - an analogue of sirius. abstracts have been developed for the mendeleev center, which, according to the developers, should be located on the territory of the bobla estate. on the territory of the revived strelitsa estate, which also at one time was built according to the design of dmitri ivanovich mendeleev and in the village of ivlevo, this is an accommodation for student teachers who can come here for several days or a longer time to develop their creative projects, to immerse themselves in the history of this place and to listen to
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a lecture. dad and i went here when we were kids, we also lay like that, silent, tegorist, don’t push me, just skate, focus
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on training, and dreamed about this cup? what have you achieved? it seems to you that you in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? need to mobilize all resources? here's how to reach the top of the world? he got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change? does evolution occur in any structure?
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only a few countries in the world are capable of producing a line of modern aircraft, russia, including us in this area impressive plans. new domestic airliners became one of the main topics of the meeting between the president and the government, and alexey golovkon will tell you what else was discussed. one of the main topics of the meeting between the president and the government was social payments, which , starting this year and until 2026 inclusive, were decided to be indexed by level.


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