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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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despite all restrictions, russian energy resources remain in demand on the world market, including in europe, which, as it turns out, again cannot survive the winter without ours. in january , gazprom's pipeline supplies to european countries increased by 41%, amounting to more than 2.5 billion cubic meters; they transit through ukraine, as well as through the turkish stream. the onset of cold weather has significantly increased the demand for fuel in the eu and led to a sharp reduction in reserves in storage facilities. if at the end of autumn they were filled almost to capacity, and european politicians confidently stated that there is no need for russian gas, but now.
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more than 30% of the reserves have already been spent, today they amount to 75.9 billion cubic meters, and the united states has also shown itself to be an unreliable supplier. at the end of january, joe biden unexpectedly announced the suspension of the issuance of lng export licenses. in this situation, european companies again began to increase purchases from gazprom. the countries themselves have companies with their own interests. these companies did not say anything against russia. gas is sent specifically. buyers who have not quarreled with gazprom and who buy gas within the framework of the ruble scheme, please note that they have now begun to submit orders in large volumes, that is, they need more gas, oil exports from russia also remain stable, despite foreign sanctions, most of the supplies, 85%, now go in the eastern direction and only 15 in the western direction; in general , last year the volume of exports amounted to 200...
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good dynamics are noted at the beginning of the year. the beginning of 2024 showed good dynamics, both in terms of export supplies and income from oil and gas export activities. accordingly, for oil we see an expansion of supply markets, that is, the goods are supplied to neighboring markets not only through the schemes that existed in 2023, but logistics for oil is changing, this... and amounted to 675 billion rubles, says the ministry of finance report. the agency expects these revenues to consistently exceed the baseline in the coming months. at the same time , income not related to the export of oil and gas has increased significantly. rub. federal income
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the budget in january increased quite impressively by 7.7% compared to last year. and here the main driver was the so-called non -oil and gas revenues, that is, related to non-resource taxes, for example, including such a fairly large-scale item as vat, where revenues increased by almost 40% year on year. total budget expenditures. january amounted to 2.7 trillion, which is 13% lower than the previous year. thus, taking into account high incomes, the budget deficit decreased more than five times, to 308 billion rubles, which is 2% of gdp. eat if this dynamic continues, then this year the budget, contrary to previous forecasts, may become surplus, experts believe. well, this week the russian ministry of finance is returning to purchasing foreign currency and gold under the fiscal rule. total.
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russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia.
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nato lives according to the cold war models, why the united states needs this, this is understandable. in germany there was a truly unprecedented surge of this russophobia. the collapse of russian-polish relations occurred in the spring
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of 1914. this is, in general, clear evidence of the failure of american policy. new management. russia in the international arena. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. exactly 300 years ago, on february 8, 1724, by decree of peter the great, the academy of sciences was established in russia. and today it is the oldest institution in our country that has preserved. functions and tasks in the form that were prescribed to her by her creator. what distinguished the russian academies from european academies was the combination of scientific research and teaching. it also included a university and a gymnasium, as well as full government funding. all employees of the academy received salaries, scientists,
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clerks, and bookbinders, and conducted research at public expense. the first academicians, of course, were foreigners, but they immediately began to grow their own cadres. and soon the french physicist janjak. already wrote: the st. petersburg academy, right from birth , rose to the outstanding heights of science, to which the academies of paris and london achieved only after 60 years of hard work. the first great russian scientist, mikhail lomanosov, played a huge role in the history of the academy and russian science. the academy of sciences also had its own printing house, which published all literature in the country, except church literature, so the academy of sciences began to play a leading role in the overall development of russian culture. on february 1817 , josé san martin's army completed the historic crossing of the andes. there was a war of independence waged by the peoples of latin america against the spaniards. and the liberation of chile became its important stage, the leader of the rebels, jose san martin, was an argentine.
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he studied in spain, had great military talents and had already defeated spanish troops more than once. forcing them to retreat. after the liberation of the capital of chile, santiago, san martin was offered to become supreme. ruler of the country, but he ceded this post to his comrade-in-arms, the chilean bernard ohiggins, he himself began to fight armed gangs in the mountains to establish stability within chile, but during this time higgins was able to form the chilean fleet, after which the chilean military also helped the neighboring country of peru get rid of spanish rule. in general, the armed struggle of chilean creoles against spanish colonial rule lasted a decade and a half. spain officially recognized the independence. chile only in 1844 and diplomatic relations were established between the countries. on february 8 , 1915, one of the most controversial films of all time premiered in the united states. pictures of the birth of a nation by american director david griffith. this is the first such
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large-scale film and lasts 3 hours. here many innovative film techniques, for the first time up to a thousand people in the crowd. but the film did. about 7 million people entered. the film is based on the novel by thomas dixon the younger, a member of the clan. this is the story of the lives of two american white families, from the north and south of the united states, during the period before and after the civil war. there are many black characters here, almost all of them are shown as evil savages prone to violence, but they are played by white actors in make-up. but white-skinned heroes are always kind and noble. president at the white house screening
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wooden has been called the most disgusting film in hollywood history. on february 8, 1988, mikhail gorbachev, general secretary of the cpsu central committee, announced the withdrawal of soviet troops from afghanistan. this was before the start of the next round of negotiations in geneva, between afghanistan and pakistan through mediation the usa and the ussr agreed that the withdrawal of troops would be completed within 10 months, about which corresponding agreements were signed in geneva in the spring. the ussr fulfilled its part of its obligations, but the usa and pakistan did not. the president of pakistan, zia ulhaq, even... called these agreements a fig leaf. during the ten-year operation in afghanistan, the soviet
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union lost, according to official data alone , more than 15,000 people killed and 53,00 wounded, without achieving peace on this land. and washington and islamobat continued to support the opposition in afghanistan. usa actively sent money for weapons. a few years later, the government of the democratic republic of afghanistan fell, and majahed seized power. like this. this day in history , what happened here on february 24-25, social networks, calls , sending out fake news, go to a rally, all the pr agencies tied to the west joined in to encourage regional local riots, the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically, to bring confusion and confusion into his soul, this is the surest path to victory in apart from war
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, we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same aspiration, a diverse and open world for everyone, every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival, let's start the future together, find out more at, the terms of preferential mortgages changed at the end of last year, there are several such programs. in this issue of instructions , in 5 minutes we will figure out where, what has changed, and what points you need to pay special
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attention to. and let's start from the beginning contribution, it has been increased from 20 to 30%, but only for preferential mortgages for new buildings. as part of the changes in the city mortgage lending program, which took place in december of the twenty-third year , program mortgages were available to citizens at a rate of no more than eight. percent per annum the initial depreciation was increased to 30%. for all other programs, the down payment has not changed, because the family mortgage, the far eastern mortgage and another change for the same preferential mortgage for new buildings: the maximum loan amount has been equalized for all regions, now it is 6 million rubles, even in moscow, st. petersburg in their regions, there used to be 12 million, and adding a loan at
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a market rate to these 6 million, as before , will not work, but please note, only applies to one program, for family mortgages and mortgages for it specialists, the possibility of such a combination remains and do not forget that there is a preferential program for which the ceiling of the amount has been increased, this is the far eastern and arctic mortgage, to get under it maximum 2% per annum, not six, but 9 million rubles. you need to buy or build housing with an area of ​​60 km. there are also common to all programs: a limit of one preferential mortgage in one hand, even if you come forward with the borrower or guarantor, a second similar loan will not be issued, but here there are nuances, indeed such a limitation on one loan in one hand was also introduced in the december government decree , and it affected absolutely all programs, but
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it is important to note that these changes apply only to loans issued under... 23 december, that is, loans that were issued under preferential programs before this date are not taken into account when assessing the second third loan, and for a family mortgage there are indeed additional exceptions, if a citizen had another child after the first mortgage loan, then when purchasing a home there is more space and, subject to repayment of the previous loan, you can take out - and here is another important point: the duration of the programs. from july 1 this year , preferential mortgages for new buildings and family mortgages, an exception for families with a disabled child. for them, the preferential program will last until december 31, 2027. from december 31 of this year
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, the preferential program for it specialists will end. far eastern and arctic mortgages are the most long-term. will be valid until december 31, 2030. so, let's repeat the main conditions; preferential mortgage programs have changed. it is no longer possible to take out more than one mortgage loan. an exception was made only for family mortgages under special circumstances. the tightening of requirements mainly affected preferential mortgage up to 80% per annum. the down payment on it increased from 20 to 30%. the maximum loan amount has become the same for all regions - 6 million rubles. and it was prohibited to add a mortgage to it at the market rate. if you have any questions, if you want to know how to improve your living conditions with the help of the state, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, we will disturb the relevant ministries and specialists and will definitely tell you about this in one of the next
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editions of the instructions. the fourth annual forum: strong ideas for new times. forum aimed at supporting and implementing citizens' initiatives for the development of the country. the forum is implemented by the agency for strategic initiatives by decree of the president of the russian federation together with the roscongress foundation. over the entire duration of the forum , over 450 thousand citizens took part. more than 90,000 ideas were submitted to the forum. the forum is a place for ideas of citizens' initiatives to formulate the strategy and development of the country. on february 19 and 20 , the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow the forum news on idea. rosscongress. rf.
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in the studio my digital one did the work for me the double, of course, can’t laugh sincerely like i can yet, but who knows,
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it may soon be almost impossible to distinguish a digital copy from a person. rating agency moody's has downgraded new york community banker's status to trash. as a result, shares fell 16% on the new york market. is now trading at its lowest level since 1997. looking at this figure, it’s hard to believe that nycb is one of the winners of last year’s wave of regional bank crises. then he bought out the bankrupt sigmachu bank, as a result total assets exceeded $100 billion. last week, the bank cut its dividend and increased reserves to prepare for tighter capital rules, but muda believes an additional $500 million will be needed. still not enough to cover potential loan losses. new york community banking is heavily focused on rent-controlled multifamily real estate, a segment
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that has historically performed well . however, this period may end. npls jumped 48% in the last 3 months of 2023. although nycb is a mid-sized bank, these losses raise concerns about potential defaults in the market. real estate. the index of regional banks, which includes 24 organizations, showed the worst performance since the collapse of silkonveli bank. last year, the troubles of svb and other banks were associated with mistakes made in internal asset management. they had a very large amount of funds during the pandemic, and some banks did not understand what to do with by these means. svb and a number of other banks invested them in super-profitable government bonds and mortgage bonds, which in fact do not necessarily need to be in the portfolio. the bank was taken by surprise by the situation when the fed raised rates, which it had not done for a very long time. this situation worries me more because it is related to the direct functionality
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that we expect from the bank, that is, real estate financing. the fact is that the us commercial real estate market is under severe pressure from the federal backup system. from march twenty-two to july twenty-three, the regulator increased the key rate from almost zero to 5.5%. all for the sake of fighting inflation. in the conditions of this inflation and restrictions, changing the interest rate does not give a quick result, in such a situation, of course, the economy finds itself in a certain trap, it consists of this: on the one hand, high interest rates do not allow the economy to develop, on the other hand, high interest rates do not give the desired result. from the point of view of combating high inflation, rates are rising, borrowers are struggling to repay loans and cannot refinance them, which leads to defaults,
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regional banks are more exposed to industry influences and may be hit harder than their larger competitors, they do not have large portfolios to protect them , bank shares around the world fell amid the collapse of ny community bankcorp, but analysts do not expect a continuation of last year’s crisis. it is premature to talk about trends in a new wave of the banking crisis in america; the reporting of the largest banks, which is now it goes and reports on the results of the year, talks about strong balance sheets, says that banks are making good money even in the current conditions, the gravity of rates is pulling some balances down, given that long-term treasuries were purchased, which were requested, but at the same time. ..
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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you all looking at? maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter? and do you know who the killer is? yes, look, but without amateur performances.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv, i hope you will remember them and enjoy them.
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3 years soon.
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the west is afraid of the truth, moreover, it hates it. another evidence was the streams of dirt that have been pouring on atakeran since his move to moscow and meeting with vladimir putin. it's much easier for the white house to blame everything.


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