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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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the west is afraid of the truth, moreover, it hates it, another evidence is the streams of dirt that are pouring on attacker carlson throughout his move to moscow and meeting with vladimir putin, it is much easier for the white house to blame. the united states is doing everything
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to start a world war on foreign territory, now the americans are proposing to transfer nuclear weapons to poland so that it will take the rap for everyone, well, the poles love it, they generally have a hobby of taking the rap for everyone, while history lessons don’t teach them anything, well, apparently they don't like it when... they stay with us historiography on the three partitions of poland, although in reality there were more of them, i feel that they wildly like to share, and they multiplied by division, and the poles themselves, in principle of russophobia, are already encroaching on the kaleningrad region, well, i don’t even want to comment, the europeans are being incited to direct conflict with russia, but they don’t explain that this will be the end for them, there are people in the west who understand this very well and call for listening to all sides, now i would actually like...
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to draw your attention to why, but it would seem that this is not the first interview that the president of our country gives to foreign journalists, that is , there were a lot, a lot of such interviews , moreover, not since the appearance of vladimir vladimirovich putin in the public field there has been interest in him, and i remember , as larry king worked at cnn back then, i think he conducted one of the first interviews, and so on.
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again, cnn anchor abi philip accuses tucker of lying. we are now in moscow, we are here to interview russian president vladimir putin. tucker is not lying less from the streets of russia. not a single western journalist bothered to interview the president of another country involved in this conflict, vladimir putin. this is a lie. serious news outlets, including cnn , have requested interviews with... another lie:
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serious news outlets, including cnn, have, of course, reported putin's slovakian history of the beginning of this war, including one of his baseless justifications for the invasion of ukraine, which he initially claimed it was intended to stop nazism. firstly, because this is our job, we journalists. tycker is not a journalist, not even close, and his former employee in the lawsuit actually agreed that , quote, the overall tone of the show should communicate to viewers that carlson is not presenting the actual facts on the topics discussed, but is instead engaging in exaggeration and unliterary commentary. you see what’s the matter, the point is that he doesn’t know this girl. no one,
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including their own parents. christiano manpor has been in circulation for a long time. cnn as a channel has not been interesting for a long time. but here i am faced with western journalists. i noticed their extremely free manner of working with information, they cut out what they want, and they don’t show what doesn’t fit into their narrative, because even now this girl allowed herself a phrase, an unjustified phrase about nazism, what do you know about the fight against nazism , what do you know, tanned citizen, that’s how you would sit and tell me that there was no puppet klan in america, right now you were thrown up, what do you know about bandera, about...
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because one of the conditions that that's all that there is, then it goes on air, what you are afraid of like fire, you are not able to work live, you do not know how to work live, when the interview is inconvenient for you, you managed to cut out during a conversation with putin, what do you think more liked his answers, and you think that after this someone will give an interview to your agency, but only on the condition that you show the truth as it is, and you don’t...
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alex jones, who, by the way, was with me on the air, i talked to him more than once on nightingale, an amazing guy, he is a close friend of tucker carlson, that's what he said. so guys, tucker announced that he did an interview with putin and he just texted me
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and said yeah, this is amazing, it's 2 hours long, he'll be posting it very, very soon. will go down in history, we're trying to stop world war iii, different sides need to speak out, this is amazing, so obviously tomorrow on my weekday show from 11 am to 3 pm, i'll be covering this, but from what tucker said, and what he told me is obvious, so it's a big, big, big deal, everyone's censored now are in complete and utter panic mode because they don't want the american people... who are not kept in the dark about what's really going on, but freedom of speech is what america is all about, it's our birthright. well, tucker carlson's two-hour interview with vladimir putin is about to air, so screw the new world order,
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take your censorship and get the hell out. when i talked with alex, there were moments when both alex’s life and carlson’s life, well...
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i think that it could well be up to half a billion get there, but let's see, you were right about the threats to takeran's life, once it seemed like something funny, now we understand who is in charge of this and what kind of site this is, in fact, these are open execution lists, that is, takeru a black mark was sent to carlson through the wards of the west, we know the fate of journalists, including our journalists, daria dugina, vladlen tatarsky, who... were killed as a result of terrorist acts of the ukrainian regime, in this sense
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, tucker carlson has, in fact, has about how to worry, yes, now why such hysteria , in fact, has unfolded here, of course, tucker is overcoming the information blockade that they tried to put up, but the main thing is not even this, it seems to me, the main thing here is that he encroached on one of the pillars of today's .
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subject to cancel culture, and what does tucker do, he doesn’t just interview putin, he openly trolls them, he goes, for example, through moscow supermarkets, shows that sanctions don’t work, he clearly shows that there is no mcdonald’s, well, okay, there are delicious ones period, he goes there, takes pictures with visitors, this entourage, yes, this added value to the interview, it is also dangerous for them, because these are not just words, these words will come... what is the difference between tucker carlson and the conventional christian manpour
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, who is as boring and banal as a microphone stand or choking on the liberal new york times, is filled with the fact that he is a publicist, he is interesting in himself, his judgment is interesting, he is not just on a piece of paper, like a beautiful girl , which went to moscow and interviewed him, he will read the questions addressed to the russian president, no, he will draw conclusions. he will go and work in the field later, he will show how the country lives, how moscow lives, in this sense , zelensky finds himself in the most stupid, mediocre, helpless position, because he openly offers him in this announcement, let’s interview him you, what to tell him, and zelensky is in a complete trap here, because if he agrees, then he agrees to be asked the most inconvenient questions, and the question... formulated extremely simply, tucker says: i am an american,
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americans are participating in this war, americans are paying for this war, please now hold me, as a representative of america, accountable for this, i am here to ask questions, questions of ordinary, completely people , by the way, it is also very important to understand, because now they are trying to grab hold of the straw, and they say that, well, you know, tucker is such a supporter of the zag theory. this is the man whom the rednecks in checkered shirts love there, on large american suvs, but to say that no one needs it, no, no, no, no, no, everyone will watch it, just as everyone always watches fox news, as everyone always watches such interviews, american liberals and american conservatives will watch it equally attentively, and independents, and of course, of course, in the pre-election year, when the topic of ukraine is intertwined with the topic of immigration. key topic for the united states becomes so explosive, the panic of karine
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jeanpierre, who is forced to comment on the words of tucker carlson regarding the fact that 3 for years, the white house did not allow him to go to moscow, including from tucker, there are accusations that almost the national security agency was brought in to rummage through his phone, pull out messages from instant messengers, and now they have to play. into the game that tucker is forcing on them, but returning to zelensky, but zelensky agrees , looks stupid, refuses, looks even stupider, perhaps they will resort to what has been tried for a long time.
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there is also a real professional, human envy of him as a successful journalist, american politicians have already begun to show up here, including inveterate hawks, who, the craziest of them , are calling for an arrest, calling him a traitor, well, that is, this is such a 2:0 witch hunt, this kind of macarthyism comes when, well, complete rejection reality encounters... direct contact with it, as a result of which a state of shock sets in, all higher brain functions are switched off, only the lowest ones remain. valentin, thank you very much, simply brilliant. dmitry, yes, i didn’t want to regarding the arrival of tucker carpson, to say, well, because, well, what is it, it means
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i haven’t read parsnip, yes, that means, but do i approve or condemn it, let’s listen, let’s see, i think that. i think that this will be at least indicative and shocking for our otherwise wonderful western partners, but here i will say, we have been taught for a very long time, this is written in any textbook, i’ll now turn on the media professors, and what are these classical media they leave, everyone begins, that means suslik is the author, everyone is the author there journalist and so on and so it begins. networking, social networks, yes, but what is going on here? here it turns out that only representatives of media conglomerates can take meaningful interviews, and these are media conglomerates, especially for cnn there, nsbc and so on, this, yes, this is what is called the end of the last century,
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they are in the generation before last in terms of technology, in terms of their approaches. and in general, by the way, if you look at how they conduct their television, well, it must be said that this is american television, of course, it sank, this is of course not the same american television that was there in the eighties, even in the nineties, well , i can’t help but say, this is who this girl is, who then presented tucker carlson, which, well, it’s clear, it was written on her forehead , in this place it should have been me, and so on, but i... i don’t know who she is, i’m not very familiar with her work, although i kind of saw the picture, about christiana manpour, i want to say that there is no greater symbol in the american media, absolutely rabid brainless, like this, you know, stupid, stupid,
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liberal globalist propaganda, than aman poor, and everyone knows this, but he kept silent. there’s no place to put marks anymore, excuse me, i lost my temper , but moving on, so to speak, to the serious part , i’ll tell you this, but i feel it all the time, i have some kind of feeling that hasn’t left me, i’m always sitting in this information stream, well, purely professionally, and you know, some kind of political brutalization of the west is happening, so they are saying more
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and more dangerous things? hysteria is aggressive, it is not defensive, it is offensive, they are not going to retreat, in this hysteria they want, as they say, to rush. in this sense, they are in a very dangerous state, and i will tell you this, i look at what is happening in the united states, especially me, not
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only surprised, no, not surprised, so it fixed me in a certain sense of the episode, when representatives, by the way, of our media sent a rude form to a question in the state department about... about the destruction of the il-76 plane with our crew, with our military personnel, but with ukrainian servicemen who were taken for exchange, after they sent me, i have no doubt, i had such light ones, but light ones, now i have no doubt that the american pressed the button, they know it, they know that they also killed these unfortunate ukrainian prisoners, our crew, they killed, it was a man with an american passport and most likely with american shoulder straps who killed. therefore, this is
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hysterical, he killed in hysterics, he killed, most likely , being part of some kind of scheme, which various local forces are swirling around the americans, who are head over heels in the ukrainian sludge, not always connected purely with zelensky. there is already some kind of thing there , by the way, what we missed, we missed the transition in ukraine from petliurism to atamanism, it’s happening right now, but we must understand, this is a dangerous situation, by the way, what they understand, here this one, who is tucker’s partner, he has already said, one of the most important things that the west doesn’t want to hear, he also said that we are stopping, trying to stop.
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how close the situation is to the fact that this will all go to pieces, but i’ll tell you this, it will be a huge achievement, and it will be an achievement not just of media, not just of propaganda, it will be an achievement in the field of strategic stability, in fact, with which in general -that’s how it all began, and the last thing i want to say is that i read information here, i don’t know if it’s true or not, about hamas’ plan for gas. a very interesting plan, but about the withdrawal of israeli troops, about this exchange, i would characterize it as a plan
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of conditional, not unconditional surrender israel before hamas, because it has no other name, and this is a very serious lesson for us, well, of course not a lesson, because here we are, as israel did not act.
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in conclusion, i want to say, the akhusites are great, i watched the film, i flew to this british hub, specifically, well done.
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the gas sector wouldn’t hurt us either - the mediterranean sea is actually eastern, yes , well, that means now, i mean, in the middle east , a number of front issues have been formed, whatever you want to call it, besides the palestinian one, it’s the iraqi-syrian one, let’s say it’s the iranian one, we today they said extremely dangerous things because when they pull out a map about the possible appearance of nuclear weapons in iran, it’s...
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you vote at home, but how is that? if the reason is valid, you can invite members of the commission home, for this you need to submit an application to the precinct commission, in writing or orally, you can do it in person, you can through friends or relatives, by phone on the public services portal, when do you have time to submit an application? from march 7 to 14:00 on march 17, on the public services portal from march 5 to 11, everything will be like at a polling station, yes they will come.
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a ballot, and a ballot box will also be given to the election commission and an observer will be brought, well, of course, for home voting they use sealed portable boxes, that’s good, and i’ll vote.
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i suggest you watch reruns of our original program besagon tv, i hope you will remember them and enjoy them.
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let's start with ansarala, they are expanding their military operations, i even have some doubt that even if a miracle happens and they agree on gas, they will stop striking, why? means, the leader of ansaraly, means,


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