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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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the collapse of russian-polish relations occurred in the spring of 1914; this is, in general, clear evidence of the failure of american policy. the new leadership of argentina, of course, understands the importance of russia in the international arena. this doesn’t even speak about the psychology of these relations, but he, in principle , correctly points out the logic that needs to be followed, the americans pay for ukraine’s bills, this is a fact, but it is not a fact that biden’s bills are paid for by the americans, that’s who pays for his bills, those, as it were nikolai nikolaevich knows this well, there is not only the ukrainian flag should be there, so in this situation we are left with tomorrow, if i’m not mistaken. this interview should come out, i
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will watch it with great interest, because i understand that now there is actually such an information vacuum in the west, many of my colleagues from italy, from many european countries say: we are really looking forward to this, because now there’s just no thesis, there’s not even any discussion, someone is spinning the same old-fashioned barrel organ, that more weapons, more support are needed ukraine, does not show any way out of the situation, i am sure that this video that will be released will...
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prevent the third world war, which spoke about the possibility that actually fell to the lot, including carlson, i am not on a different topic, here when alex jones spoke and just listened attentively to his words, but looked at the weather outside the window of his car, this is the sun, this is a dry road, today we made our way to this studio through fantastic drifts, muddy drifts, and so ...
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he helps to understand what is olympic moving on without russia , it does not exist at all, cannot exist, and these idiots, international olympic officials , are ready, as they say, to spite everyone’s ears and not only all other parts of the body, forget everything, just to erase russia from here the favorites of the olympic movement and international sports in general, these belarusians, our belarusian brothers, you offend them too.
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about the brutal attack that all western media are carrying out on tucker carlson. we can say the following, here they are
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they call him not a journalist, but a propagandist, because he really is not a journalist in their sense, he doesn’t just tell the facts, but he analyzes and reflects on what is happening...
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supposedly there is an order on who to hire at disney, but that’s the funniest thing another thing that is written means that 50% should be gay , homo, well, all this bullshit, but at the same time you can’t ask your sexual orientation, and then how can you tell by looking, that is, they should hire 50 at work, you can’t ask, it's very similar, but here it is it turns out that yes, and here we see a clash of different positions in the public open space. in which the whole world is already included, it’s not only there, say, inside, for example, the russian federation or inside america, it’s really the whole world that’s already included in this situation, it’s very important that this is happening, this initiation of such an action is happening on the part of the americans, after all, we also have
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another journalist , scott ritter, who is well-known to viewers of our channel soloviev platform, last week i gave interview with him, by the way the full version is available.
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yes, saving from ignorance, in fact , itaker carlson is saving from ignorance, because he is trying to save the western world from the ignorance into which they have plunged, that’s what is important, and this conversation with our president will provide an opportunity to look at many problems with
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the audience from a completely different point of view, which they had never even imagined, all these brothers are journalistic, ultra-globalist politics... she was so scared, she was scared because they would very inconvenient answers that our president will make to these questions, inconvenient questions not for putin, but inconvenient... there will be answers for the west, and we must clearly understand this, the west is afraid, there is such a wonderful writer, vitaly volkov, he has the novel kabul-caucasus, where there is such a metaphor , i’m finishing now, the red square can swell with biceps, somewhere in a very inconvenient place for the west, an inconvenient place for the west, so they are afraid that the red square can really turn into such a very powerful force, they are trying this , let's say different...
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usa, well, probably we should say about this rumor that he is interviewing a historical figure, on a global scale, who has been in power for a quarter of a century, and has changed the course of history on planet earth, which is why the preview of this interview has already collected 50 million views, and will collect half a billion views, i have already given the task to my team to see what the reaction will be in china, i am sure they will translate it immediately, they will read it and... we will add to this twitter views there, in china, in india and so on, all this
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will have billions of views, they absolutely said that it will influence the us presidential elections, but not so to speak by forgery interference there, but just in a word, and just the appearance itself, this one a shift in the united states, this is something they can’t stand, not that tucker carson is going somewhere and so on, he really is an influential person of the 21st century, and he gives interviews and he changes the agenda, that’s it. a very important story, well, for me as a sinologist it’s important to say that in 2 days the chinese new year, i’ll already be entering my clearing, all our viewers who have a relationship with china, the chinese who monitor all the broadcasts, consider it the most important political program that shapes the agenda in our country, i also want to congratulate them all , whoever deals with the chinese, will celebrate saturday on friday night, then rest for 2 weeks, so xinya, standard congratulations to everyone on the new year and so on, well, i’ll immediately bridge the gap. here in moscow some things began to boil over, that sergei semyonovich is holding events dedicated to the chinese new year, there is
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kamergersky lane, tverskaya, and there is some noise around it, how come, here are the chinese, that means they are coming here, listen, the whole world is already celebrating children’s birthdays, nothing bad, there will be events for the chinese new year, they will hang some beautiful red lanterns , chinese tourists will come there, there will be some events, city halls, st. petersburg has been holding this for a long time, and i in general. i generally love chinese food, well, that is, there will be some events, i ’m also actually a little late with this event, that in st. petersburg i was directly involved in organizing there together with the consulate general, in the sixteenth year we held such events, in london every year before the pandemic there were several hundred thousand chinese tourists, everyone is fighting for these chinese tourists, hold an event in new york, there are high-ranking officials reading speeches, greeting the chinese, it’s almost in chinese, and... and we have some kind of struggle with some kind of imaginary thing there, which means danger and so on, of course, we need the winter season, now the minister of defense of china, comrade,
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comrade dongjun, who studied at the general staff academy, if you believe, we have no reason to believe, sergei kozhegetovich shoigo, that is, our people are more and more everywhere in china and so on, please come, especially since the winter season is not busy, neither the hotel nor anything, moscow is just filled with snow, half of china lives, they see snow once every 100 years, it’s great for them to come and see, this is for them. this is an impression for life, believe me, this is the case for many, for many olga has an impression of a lifetime, yes, well, sorry for...
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the usa is picking up the whole western media there, i have one question, if since then they have been closing accounts all the time, not allowing me to work , how are we up to 200 billion dollars, we carry this money in bags or something, that is , every time this question arises for me, yes, of course, american, i don’t want to devalue american, that means the ministry of finance, the treasury, they work, they have powerful intelligence, which means they scan, monitor and so on, they are putting spokes in the wheels, but in reality, some little things, some... may, therefore, slow down history, but to the credit of the chinese, as our partners, it must be said that they were given the order to close everything on the twenty -second, well, not orders, let’s say, they boldly hinted that all these operations should be completed, that means part of the oil operation and so on, on december 22, they lasted until the chinese new year, all operations were already completed, closed, everything was paid for, well now we have completed it,
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we still have 2 weeks until april, which means we can do it there means looking for some additional ways to pay, that is, there is a problem, i don’t want to say that it doesn’t exist, we need to work with this systematically, work, enter the chinese financial market, participate in chinese financial events, which is unfortunately lacking , we need to work on this, but talk about the fact that everything there will now collapse, which means that our import-export there will stop, well, they will publish statistics there, probably next week based on the results of the january chinese-russian operations, we will see, that there will be growth, no such thing, this means that i don’t see this as a dangerous or insurmountable story, although a systemic solution is overdue at absolutely the highest level, and sidinpin. i think vladimir putin is ready to implement these decisions, well, regarding the exercise there , china, iran, that means russia is in the persian gulf, well, we are with the houthis, the situation has now arisen, and we have been conducting the exercise for 5 years, that is, already in my memory, in my memory, this is just an annual event, we are ready for this, we are ready to protect our traffic and so on, we don’t have any new situation, we we are absolutely ready for this, and since vika
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nulan was also discussed by everyone, i’ll give my 5 kopecks, there is no need to devalue her, she is a very experienced person, she not only spent 3 months... you all know that she spent 3 months, that means, in russian sailors, studying the russian language on a ship, yes, but before that she studied in guangzhou, that is , any american official, he sees in our connection between russia and china some kind of existential threat, well, nothing, so to speak, we are also working in our own direction and we are strengthening connections, great, that is, yakushi is a soldering, a soldering, yes, well , there were other hurricanes there, yes, please, i will develop the idea of ​​​​a colleague,
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the truth, that’s why all this mandialist elite is in a panicked mood, they understand that after of this action, after the publication of the facts that president putin is able to tell the planet, we know them very well, being in our six percent russian-language information space, but many people really do not know them, including american society, so joseph's perspective.
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certainly an extraordinary personality, the most popular english-speaking journalist on the planet , was it his personal initiative or were there some other proposals addressed to him , it was his personal initiative, moreover, he has been with her for quite a long time, well, this is again from a journalistic point of view point of view competently, it is not for nothing that putin has been repeatedly recognized. but we have not dealt with such gentlemen as carlson probably is. we always had to take away the complete material in order to make it public and not give it to the western
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colleagues play with quotes as much as they please for such standards of journalistic ethics, or rather the lack thereof. therefore, it is absolutely obvious that with those people and those political circles in the west, no matter how we differ in a number of parameters, but with those who advocate preventing the third world war, on... we want security, i just, well, often imagine this i’m asking a question, i recently once again talked with a great philosopher, a russian general and the pride of the chechen people,
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aftiyronovich allauddinov, to whom belongs to this postulate, that postulate, that in fact we are already waging a religious war, so he believes that we are at war with the army of satan, there jelal, but this is known , but for these reasons, we are still a country. great euro -maist religions, that is, we are a great orthodox country, and we are a great muslim country, we have judaism and, of course, we also have our buddhist brothers who do not belong to euro-maist religions, but traditional religion, we generally cannot live without war , just this is a spiritual war, this is a war for the truth , that’s the point, because now we...
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after all, we had very difficult relations with belarus, well, really very difficult, but they became absolutely clear, just like that, that’s how it turned out the direction that should have been taken when we weren’t talking about how much energy resources cost, what kind of energy is there, is there everything in milk, what’s with the potatoes, what’s in there, that’s when we weren’t talking about that, when we were talking about things in general important ones. it immediately became clear what was important and what, because
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that as soon as they tried to offer us economics, a little devil immediately got in somewhere, but when we started talking about completely different global things, it became clear that we would agree on economics, well, if we understand each other at the level of values, at the level of such basic installations, why is this interview interesting? because here we will talk, indeed, i am sure, including from the position of understanding the value series, because tucker is, of course, a person who adheres to traditional values, traditional, of course, and this it’s completely obvious, but as for belarus, i’ll remind you that president lukashenko has always said that when we find ourselves in a situation of choice, we will stand shoulder to shoulder, back to back, and we will be together.
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russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. ukrainian media literally boast about murders and terrorist attacks organized by the sbu. and
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the head of this terrorist organization. has the audacity to declare that they defend democratic values, and today, by the way , you have already added it to the financial monitoring list, excuse me, of course i understand that this is probably very important, but you think that this bothers him, you are completely do you seriously think that there is budanov, who is from another department, or this one, who will probably be added later, this worries you, or this list, according to which they will go to...
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these are the very people who, as one, rushed to the military registration and enlistment offices, to go defend my homeland, i just want to understand, because they talk there all the time, especially the americans, about the brave ukrainian people.
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they are warriors of darkness, have 40,000 people every month go to the atm voluntarily, how is that? something they may not be doing here, i’m already starting to get confused, where is the light, where is the darkness in this in this case and what shades are there, 150 shades of gray, so you’re the ones in america who get confused, although no, they say, in europe recently we saw him, and he was choosing a phone number for himself, well, apparently he was driving back and forth, then he noticed that russia has an advantage in all three factors, russia has...
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as if why, we said 100 times why sunz, colausowitz, all the great theorists and practitioners of wars warned against long wars, because a long war gives time to adapt, to search for solutions, the modern west is in a trap, the trap is very simple, they are 30 years old, even more , not under the threat of a big war, continental, they are a small , highly professional army that is fighting either with... such an army pays attention to military development, military economics, political decisions , socio-economic, historical, even historical consequences, political, completely different laws than those of large armies, large continental wars.


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