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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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let's show this video! well, and at the same time, you know, that’s when they discuss it. now in ukraine
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it’s really just terrible what’s going on, and in ukraine in western social networks there is an interview between carlson and putin, you know that they are shouting with one voice, apparently someone started some kind of flash mob, in english, in ukrainian, it doesn’t matter, here let him ask putin such a word butch , butch, constantly repeating, i think they will probably ask, well, i really want, in fact i really hope that he will ask, but we will see, yes, but you understand, they really are there in the west for...
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the delivery of parliament, we have a time difference in canada, you hardly know, everything that we said here in the studio was repeated by the leader of their opposition, remembering trudeau’s responsibility for calling this very nazi, i really hope , that this would be the last, that’s how it sounded from the lips of the leader of the canadian opposition, mr. speaker, for several months the prime minister maintained that he had nothing to do with and was not aware of the invitation of the former nazi soldier.
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the question is extremely important, and we can say of course about values, remember european values, very different, there is a state and so on, they tell us a lot, but if you look at the essence, for what today, well, probably, it determines how politics today is primarily the head of state, yes, that’s it the further, the more, i personally get the impression that ordinary ukrainians today are dying en masse for their rating. zelensky, precisely for
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zelensky’s rating, by the way, this is what is connected with today’s promised reboot of the government, the conflict is connected with this zaluzhny with the security forces, because well, they’re not finalizing it, the government isn’t finalizing it, the rating is falling, instead of zaluzhny securing victories there, yes, ensuring the victory of the counter-offensive, he begins to explain that the resources there
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are nothing else behind their self-sacrifice somewhere- then it’s not worth it, while it seems that today more and more people in the world in europe and america understand. this is exactly where it comes from, by the way, i think that games with the same zaluzhny, but if we return to takir kalson’s interview and with the effect that we have today we observe all over the world, not even from an interview, yes, yes, even just from reproach, for a long time we constantly talked about how, it’s fair, he returned after 50 years, well, approximately. the cartoon is 50 years old, yes, yes, and i also recorded it on the roof, i also recorded it on the roof, we remembered that - ukraine is an important political factor, an internal political factor in america, and today in the election campaign this is obviously manifested, forgive me, i
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immediately remember classic joke, do you remember when they say to leonidoch: here leonidovich, this is carlson, i see that carlson and engelson are somewhere, excuse me, this manifests itself in different ways.
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strong russia, this, of course, adds to his rating, this is somewhere a break in the patterns, and this is extremely important, every extremely important step towards the further victory of a possible trump over biden, in this regard, breaking the patterns here, both trump and carlson, and of course elon musk, here have a very strong impact on the overall perception of russia, and here of course. it seems to me to understand that, of course, the interests of the fbi, but for us, accordingly, today it is important ours coincide, this is very
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great, this is all, this is all very wonderful, but we must not forget that of course, trump, trump’s interests and the interests of russia, they, of course, do not coincide at all, because for some reason very many. .. they may still be sitting and silent, but there are quite a lot of them, we know this, we know this , so this is very important, it just seems to me that now there are no naive people anymore, that is , everyone understands well that we are interested in coming to trump's power is exclusively in the same way that we are interested in biden's dissatisfaction with this,
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we are rightly satisfied, relatively speaking, with civil fuss on the territory, not even war, fuss on american territory, so that they can take care of their internal affairs.
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i hope nothing will be born, that is, i hope this project is forever under the asphalt, but we still don’t fully understand europe today, well, i just can’t escape the collapse of america, i wouldn’t. underestimate europe, europe is just a much more traditional enemy of russia than america, europe has hated us for millennia, europe has always been at war with us, and it is no coincidence that now these european traditional fears emerge as if from oblivion, this hatred and thirst for revenge, because look, well, the attitude towards russians is like this, well, at some point time just begins to seem like...
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there is no other way for such a person to come to power, really in the ukraine that existed, there was not a single chance,
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so they destroyed that country only in order to get the opportunity to govern, to steal that same money, what probably outrages him most is precisely the fact that he actually does not have easy access to these financial resources, here i am about this incident with lynching, you know, on the one hand, well, of course, it’s a terrible picture, but i think, remember and think, but... there was a period of covid, remember, when the bus with they threw stones at people, vasiliyvich , what kind of values ​​are we talking about, can these people even talk about any values ​​in principle, well, for example, i can say 100%, in the donbass, i can’t imagine this at all , well, i can’t imagine this at all, but can these people talk about some kind of values? but to me it seems that this is even funny, i will not speak out as openly as elon musk, but i
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agree with you that all the journalists who interviewed zelensky kissed him before the effective completion of this process, let’s say, yes, i have this there is absolutely no doubt that what will happen now, i can even predict what will happen next, they are of course outraged by the fact that tucker carlson is interviewing putin. an offer to zelensky to give an interview, he will never give one in his life, what will he do now, i think there will be sanctions against tucker kalson and he will simply be prohibited from entering the territory of ukraine in order to protect him altogether, i think the europeans are already threatening the europeans, perhaps, but there will be no access, because firstly, he is not capable of such, well we understand yes tucker kalson's interviewing style, i think for 2 hours of interview. relatively speaking, there is putin there, he will have a place for bucia and for all other questions, the questions, i am sure, will be
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extremely tough, to which there will be answers, absolutely verified, absolutely accurate and you know, like arguments and facts, so in this regard, of course, they are outraged by this, they are very worried about this, this attack that began today on tucker calson in ukraine, yes, but not a single publication actually passed by, well, not ... one edition it will continue further, so this interview can play, well, in my opinion, it can have the effect of exploding bombs, it seems to me, we’ll see, we’ll live, we’ll see, we’ll listen, we’ll see. now about this mr. aristovich, i don’t know about you, but to be honest, i find him so unpleasant listening now, even much more unpleasant than during the period when he said some nasty things, but then it was, he was then well, more natural, you know, why i ’m talking about this, because we remember people there,
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yes, the most terrible people who were nearby , walked around here somewhere, we somehow communicated with them there, well, like... normal people, then in such a situation, yes, bam, that’s it, the person in it dies, some animal wakes up, you think, lord, how were we even close to these people, we all lived there with them all? ukraine, well, well, well, at that moment i couldn’t even imagine in my worst nightmare, even my self-perverted fantasy couldn’t give, well, even to any adequate person to imagine that this could have happened in ukraine, this perhaps it is all happening before our eyes. this country has changed in 10 years beyond recognition, beyond recognition, regarding the last one and the intrigue around zaluzhny, it still hasn’t been removed, but the intrigue, you know, the intrigue is not whether zelensky will remove zaluzhny or not, i’m sure what will take off, the intrigue is that if he takes it off, he’s a fool, if he doesn’t take it off,
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he doesn’t have any good solutions here, and the fact that he will have a loss of rating is all clear, the intrigue is what will happen next? in fact, that government should pay attention to one small detail, in general, of course , you can praise the americans, that the americans of the events in this regard, i would like in place , not the russians, they do not interfere in the personnel policy of ukraine, they, they said that this the sovereign right of the president to make a decision, well, it’s just that a person may not sophisticated politicians think so, in fact, the americans simply abdicated responsibility for the further course of events that may occur as a result. of these personnel decisions, all responsibility will actually be on zelensky. do you want to compare with the russians? let's think about what is more honest, yes, to appoint a person and take responsibility for him, or to pretend that we are not the ones appointing, in fact we are appointing, and not taking responsibility. the americans, of course, act very sophisticatedly in this regard, and i think that this
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in all, there will actually be the most serious political consequences, but that’s history. will end, vasiliyvich, regarding values , when there was the maidan, the thirteenth or fourteenth year, i often went to, well, the maidan itself, and spoke with the same people from the ivano-frankivsk region, from the ternopil region , in simple language, when i asked, well, it doesn’t matter there mary, i say, mary, and you understand that this is, for example, the value of the rule of law, she says, well , it sounds nice, i say, but you would like it to be in your body, in your area, that’s all by law, comes from the heart, says: maria , do you understand what yours is, i’m taking it off, the supremacy of law, child, it was necessary, i’m keeping an eye on you, listen, well, i’m saying, here he says, if it affects you or yours
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if it touches a relative, you won’t go to court, you won’t give a bribe to free him, of course i will. i say, how do you want the rule of law on the one hand, on the other to bribe judges, but this is wrong, i ’m speaking conditionally, yes further, therefore, volodya, of course i understood that those people who the maidan and the slogans that hung on the maidan are two parallel ones that do not intersect in the ukraine that was, but i wanted ukraine, and i still want it even now, to have these main principles: the rule of law, the right to freedom of vote, press freedom right. i would like this, these are real values, in principle, by and large, why do you need to wait for this, volodya, look, but for your values, why ukraine, you can’t just have values, but ukraine won’t exist, and now about real things and values ​​and real things, vladimiruch solovyov on one of his programs, and on the last programs he says very reasonable words, reasonable words
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for today, in fact, everything that is announced from the interview, you say that the main narrative that now exists in the west is unmotivated and unprovoked russian aggression, brutal russian aggression, yes, this, this narrative has been in effect for more than two years, more specific narratives are strung on it, and to stand with ukraine to the end, further ukrainian narratives: go to the cordon ninety lanes...
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but he says: well, look, houses are burning in kiev, but you want to interview the person from whom these houses are burning, in general it’s better not to interview this person interview, but if you already take it, ask him why houses are burning, well, like this, because your air defense is fighting, what am i talking about, you know, volodya, that is, he can’t. he can’t say in a direct word, yes, listen, carson , how can you understand this, like this, like this , like this, everyone else in ukraine, like this they lined up lined up under this phrase and
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they think, well, with their eyes on the output it’s impossible , so it’s in ukraine in the european union, what do you think, they don’t carry out sanctions , they carry out because today is the day or anniversary of the creation of the european union, how can it be officially noted as ignorance of sanctions, of course yes, i why what if.
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president of ukraine, what will they do , how is this, this, this, wait, there is a narrative, this is where they will be, that they understand what is different, and how differently, volodya, you know, this is not only that, they are sitting there you see, in america they say whether to give money to ukraine or not to give it, so i felt, vasilivich, i went to the district for so long, but in the end, in the end i broke down.
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tourist, yes, i’m not trying to skate, just skate, focus on training , you dreamed in this cup, you can jump, but why don’t you believe in it, i’ll prepare myself, the thirst for victory is in her blood, go ahead, why so take risks, don’t you understand this, i want to be like my mother, ice you, soon, investment rating, economy, through specifically.
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we watch to explore the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, for free, without registration, app or website, there is a great sport. artificial intelligence will replace all jobs and so on, this never happens, please write the program, the solution is for journalist marina gromova. hello, dear viewers, today we will talk about how to solve the problem of lack of time. in the studio, my digital double did the work for me, of course, he can’t laugh as sincerely as i do, but who knows, it’s possible soon to distinguish a digital copy from a person will be almost impossible. what
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happened here on february 24-25? social networks, calls, sending fake news, go to a rally. all western-linked pr agencies got involved to encourage regional local rebellion. the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically, to bring confusion and confusion into their souls. this is the surest path to victory in the war. the content and the agenda itself are formed by hundreds of professional people from the states who spend their entire lives influencing minds. i personally went through training in ipso courses, there are chats where assignments are received, today we scare belarusians that the russians will force them to fight, tomorrow against the dagestanis, which means that they will take to the streets. remember when they endlessly explained to us that our country is not the same, that we should be endlessly ashamed because
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we are russian, that’s what happened. a real hybrid war, and nato lives according to the cold war models, why the united states needs this is understandable. in germany there was a truly unprecedented surge of this russophobia. collapse of russian-polish relations happened in the spring of the fourteenth year. this is, in general, clear evidence. failure of american policy, the new leadership of argentina, of course, understands the importance of russia in the international arena.
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several countries in the world are capable of producing a line of modern aircraft. russia, including us, has impressive plans in this area. new domestic airliners became one of the main topics of the meeting between the president and the government. vladimir putin instructed to monitor their timely transfer to airlines and not allow unjustified increase in ticket prices. we also discussed social support measures, which should at least partially compensate for the rise in prices. alexey will continue.


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