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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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the news of the series is brief: vladimir putin held a meeting with the country’s chief rovinj , berl lazar, and the head of the federation of jewish communities, alexander boroda. the president said: after the escalation of the conflict in the middle east , russia is doing everything to free the hostages. on the american one. journalist tucker
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carlsonson announced that an interview with vladimir putin will be released tomorrow night, february 9. the popular tv presenter himself was spotted at sheremetyevo airport, apparently he is leaving moscow. the current president of azerbaijan ilham aliyev by a huge margin wins the election of the head of state; according to preliminary data, he gains more than 92%. voting took place a year ahead of schedule and was held for the first time, including in nagorno- karabakh. moscow is eliminating the consequences. well, let’s continue the weather topic: abnormal frosts are returning to moscow, in the next few days it will be very cold in the european part of russia, we’ll tell you how much the thermometers will show when it gets warmer right after the advertisement. good afternoon, my name is victor
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and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the season sales and these months have passed my business by. but this year everything is different. i connected to the megamarket in advance and already broke the record for monthly sales in just one week. the sales season is starting, don't miss it. join the megamarket. megamarket - just grow with us.
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sausage fagot 1299. what is the main thing in business? this is love. sber presents an award for entrepreneurs who are in love with their business. the winners will receive. a whole year of acquiring without commission and free opening and maintaining an account for 5 years, all participants receive bonuses from sber's partner company. participate in the favorite small business award, leave a request on the sber website. i help with liver problems. i, essentials forten is tested and ready for action in 24 hours, available on yandex market. olga does not let up, the european part of russia is in the grip of a powerful cyclone for the third day, where snowstorms will rage today, will moscow fall asleep again, and how will the weather change on the russian plain when the storm passes? time for meteorological news on channel russia 24, i am evgeniy teshkovets, leading
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specialist at the fobas center. hello, the european part of the country is still in the grip of a storm cyclone, olga. they were waiting for it, preparing for it, which is probably why they were in moscow. even at the peak of the snowstorm , airports and railway transport operated normally. alas, things weren't so good on the capital's highways. moscow and the moscow region bore the brunt of the cyclone the day before. in the capital itself, during the day visibility deteriorated to a couple of hundred meters, the wind accelerated to 13 m/s. and the amount of precipitation during daylight hours alone amounted to almost 20% of the total.
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day, this is where the main source of bad weather will shift today. the storm zone will stretch from donbass to northwestern kazakhstan, but in the chelyabinsk, orenburg regions and bashkiria the strongest wind gusts will be over 25 m/sundu. and there the most expected
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intense precipitation. in the listed regions , up to a quarter of the monthly norm can fall in 24 hours, and it would be okay if it’s in the form of snow. as the cyclone circulates, it spreads. atlantic air, so that, for example, in orsk it will warm up sharply from -4 at noon to +2 by the evening rush hour. when the thermometer reaches zero, the snowstorm will turn into freezing rain. from this moment on, the wind in the city will sharply increase to 18-22 m/s. as for the western half of european russia, today it will be in to the rear of the cyclone and here the arctic invasion will begin. cooling will not be able to break through only in the south. atmospheric fronts will hold power there, so that huge temperature contrasts, abnormal frosts in the north and spring in the south will form in the region. at the border of these zones the weather promises to be extreme. there will be a collision of heat and cold in the zone,
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for example donbass. in lugansk today it is still +7 and there are showers, but tomorrow it will drop sharply to minus one plus one. and the rains will become freezing. fortunately, it won't be for long very soon... southern air will break through, by the end of this week, the beginning of next, the temperature will rise to +10-14°. frosts are returning to moscow. today tomorrow, the day after tomorrow in the capital -11-12 during the day and up to -23 at night, due to the drop in temperature an anticyclone will form, the sky will clear, so there will be no precipitation. the next cyclone will hit central russia only on sunday-monday, it will snow again and it will become warmer. that's all for me, goodbye, now there's economic news, good news, food prices in stores are going down. roma, chicken eggs especially fell in price - 2.5%. and now i’ll tell you everything. prices for chicken eggs continued to decline; compared to december, they have already fallen in price by more than 2.5%.
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this is evidenced by rosstat data. if we talk about the weekly period, then as of february 5, eggs fell in price by 7%. consumer prices for... chicken, buckwheat, sunflower oil, sugar and a number of other food products have also decreased. the ukraine funding bill failed to pass a vote in the us senate. the advantage was minimal, but that’s all. mexico, which is stormed daily by 20 billion illegal immigrants, but distant ukraine has 60. in fact, the aspirations of the us dim party are clear, strengthening the border with mexico from the current american point of view. the program for accelerated issuance of citizenship was created in order for yesterday’s illegal immigrants to vote for
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biden in the fall, and the kiev regime has another important mission - to destabilize all of europe. the damage that they cause, from their point of view , to the economy and the state of the russian federation, without losing a single citizen of their countries, without losing a single human life, from their point of view is absolutely incomparable with pennies, let’s say. as they say, with the amounts that they allocate to ukraine so that it fulfills their geopolitical tasks, and the lives of ukrainians do not care about their well-being, that’s not at all. the us national debt will reach a historical record by the thirty- fourth year, it will increase from 99 to 116% of gdp. this was predicted by the congressional budget committee. the conclusion is this: if current laws are not changed, the national debt will continue to grow 54 years old. will already be 174%. last june , joe biden signed a bill to
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raise the debt ceiling, which is expected to be reached in early 2025. let me remind you that over the past year, the us debt grew by more than 4 trillion and exceeded the $34 trillion mark. and at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 91 rubles 15 kopecks. euro - 98 rub. 9 kopecks novel. thank you. now let's take a break for advertising, and then we'll tell you the instructions in the program. how to get into the resettlement program from emergency housing? sesame bun, two knock cutlets, special sauces, cucumber salads, legendary
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appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. there is a beastly appetite, a snack won't hurt, there is a beastly appetite. sausages, dad can. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season. and these months passed my business by, this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance has already broken the record for monthly sales in just one week, the sales season is starting , don’t miss it, join the megamarket, megamarket - just grow with us, i’ve been driving since childhood, everything is fine , i’ve always been supported, everything is fine, now, i work in a magnet, i work as a driver , the fleet is being renewed, the salary is same day, everything
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of additional energy and helps cope with stress. elcar - you can fight stress. two beats. at a favorable price only tasty, period. the country has programs for the resettlement of emergency housing stock. in this issue of instructions , we will tell you in 5 minutes how to include your house in one of them and what kind of housing you can count on in return for the one that is subject to demolition. first of all , you need to understand that dilapidated and dilapidated housing are different things. speech must. not about aesthetics, but about the threat to human life and health. housing in disrepair and subject to demolition is a legally enshrined term, and appropriate decisions are made to recognize such residential premises or apartment buildings, namely emergency ones and subject to demolition. the term dilapidated is an everyday term
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that essentially means there, but there is a deterioration in the characteristics there, non-compliance with the regulatory requirements of residential premises, but here only... an assessment of the technical condition of the object itself can answer the question of what can be done next with this dilapidated housing, yes, that either it should still be recognized as unsafe and subject to demolition, or it can be reconstructed, brought to a standard state. emergency may recognize housing in the following situations: when building structures are damaged or deformed and this threatens to collapse, there are tilts that affect the stability of the house, the environmental situation has changed in terms of... the level of radiation, noise, vibration and other factors. sanitary and epidemiological standards have been violated, which could lead to an emergency situation, including annual floods, heavy flows, landslides and avalanches. incidents, as a result of which the house cannot be restored. in addition, emergency responders can recognize a structure that is located in
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a place where destruction is possible during man-made accidents. what to do if? do you have any reason to worry about safety? where should you go? for owners and those living under a social tenancy agreement, the procedure is different. if a person lives under a social tenancy agreement, then he can apply directly to the interdepartmental commission created in each constituent entity of the russian federation with a corresponding application, the procedure for assessing the technical condition of the object is launched, based on the results of which it should already to make - this or that decision, if a person is the owner of this residential premises, yes, then he must also submit a corresponding application to the interdepartmental commission, but with a report on the technical assessment carried out by a specialized organization attached. specialized organizations are organizations that are members
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of the relevant teams that have the right to carry out survey work; the application can be sent to: the state services portal or the mfc. the appeal must be considered within 30 days. but what to do if you receive a refusal? if a person is denied recognition of a house as unsafe, yes, he can first of all file a corresponding complaint with the housing inspectorate, first of all, yes, or an administrative claim in court about the inaction of local government bodies, in this case, if a court decision. the next important question is where do they move from emergency housing? under social rental conditions, residents receive premises of equal size in the same municipality. if a person owner, he may be offered monetary
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compensation or new housing. the size of both will depend on the redemption market. the cost of an emergency apartment, this assessment of the market value includes not only the cost of the residential premises itself, of course, taking into account its wear and tear, taking into account its emergency condition, yes, but also the cost of its share in the common property, land plot, as well as the costs associated with moving, we have a complete list provided by current legislation, if an emergency house, recognized as emergency and subject to... resettlement is included in the regional targeted resettlement program, yes, then the owner has the opportunity, in addition to the redemption value in cash, yes, and also to receive... other residential premises of equal value, and here we are talking specifically about cost parameters, yes, that is, residential premises with the redemption value at which
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the assessment of his emergency apartment was carried out. as for the timing of relocation from a dilapidated house, it is important to understand that there are no rules. the schedule is formed by local authorities, the priority is determined by the date of recognition houses are in emergency condition, but priority is given to houses in which a threat has been identified. let's look again at what needs to be done to move out of emergency housing? first, you need to submit applications and the necessary documents to the interdepartmental commission. please note that the owner orders the examination at his own expense. then you need to get a decision based on the results of the commission’s work; if the house is recognized as unsafe, it will be included in the regional resettlement program, then you will receive a notification about the seizure of the land plot and a draft agreement on seizure of real estate. for state or municipal needs, the agreement must be signed, if you have no objections, and sent back within 90 days, the housing will be accepted and the corresponding act will be drawn up,
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all that remains is to get a new one and sign a social tenancy agreement or register ownership in the russian register, or receive monetary compensation and purchase real estate yourself. if you have any questions, if you want to know about other rules that work in the housing market, subscribe to... the channel, ask, and we we’ll talk to experts and be sure to tell you everything in one of the next issues of the manual. further on our broadcast is a selection of the most important and interesting events of this day in different years and eras. how do you remember this day in history? we'll tell you right now. hello. exactly 300 years ago, on february 8, 1724.
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what distinguished the russian academies from european academies was the combination of scientific research and teaching; it also included a university and a gymnasium, as well as full government funding, all academy employees received salaries, scientists and scribes and bookbinders carried it out. the st. petersburg academy, right from birth , rose to the outstanding heights of science, which the academies of paris and london reached only after 60 years of hard work. the first great russian scientist, mikhail lomanosov, played a huge role in the history of the academy and russian science. the academy of sciences also had its own printing house, which sold them. literature in the country, except for church literature, therefore the academy of sciences began to play a leading role in the overall development of russian culture. on february 8, 1817
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, the army of josé san martin completed the historic crossing the andes. there was a war of independence waged by the peoples of latin america against the spaniards. and the liberation of chile became its important stage. the leader of the rebels, josé san martin, was argentine. he studied in spain and had great military skills. he had already defeated spanish troops more than once, forcing them to retreat. after the liberation of the capital of chile, santiago, san martin was offered to become the supreme ruler of the country, but he ceded this post to his comrade-in-arms, the chilean bernard ohiggins. and he himself began to fight armed gangs in mountains to establish stability within chile. but during this time higgins was able to form the chilean fleet. after this , the chilean military helped the neighboring country of peru get rid of spanish rule. in general, the armed struggle of chilean creoles against spanish colonial rule lasted a decade and a half. spain officially recognized the independence of chile only in 1844 and
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diplomatic relations were established between the countries. on february 8, 1915, the premiere of one of the most controversial films of all took place in the united states. times pictures of the birth of a nation by american director david griffith. this is the first one like this. the staff silent film lasts 3 hours, there are many innovative film techniques, for the first time up to a thousand people in the crowd, but the film caused scandals due to its pro-racist view, provoked the revival of the ku klux klan, an american organization of far-right racists, here its members are shown as heroes, and subsequently joined it about 7 million people entered. the film is based on the novel by thomas dixon the younger, a member of the clan. this is history the lives of two americans. white families from the north and south of the united states during the period before and after the civil war. there are a lot of black characters here
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, almost all of them so far. at a screening in the white house , president woodrow wilson said that all this , quote, is a terrible truth, even for 1915 it was extremely unpolitically correct, but the film recouped its budget hundreds of times, with the advent of sound films, the birth of a nation was voiced and released again, on the centenary of the film in... in 2015 , it was already named the most disgusting in the history of hollywood. february 8, 1988 mikhail gorbachev, general secretary of the cpsu central committee, announced the withdrawal of soviet troops from afghanistan. this was before the start of the next round of negotiations in geneva, between afghanistan and pakistan, mediated by the usa and the ussr. we agreed that the withdrawal of troops would be completed within 10 months, and
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the corresponding agreements were signed in the spring. the ussr fulfilled its part of its obligations, but the usa and pakistan did not. the president of pakistan, zia ulhaq, even called these agreements a fig leaf. during the ten-year operation in afghanistan, the soviet union lost only according to official data, more than 15 thousand people were killed and 5,300 wounded, without achieving peace on this land. and washington and islamabad continued to support the opposition in afghanistan. the us actively sent money. a few years later, the government of the democratic republic of afghanistan fell, power was captured by majahed. this is what this day in history was like. is she really reading the mind or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you still looking at? well
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, there the girl is standing in a scratch, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, watch only without doing anything on your own, stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or online.
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forgiveness to the il-76 crew. the ceremony begins at these minutes in orenburg, the pilots were carrying captured militants, the plane was shot down by the ukrainian armed forces. russia is doing everything to free the hostages in the gas sector, the president spoke about the settlement. american tucker carlson announced the release of an interview with vladimir putin is already being awaited in the west, judging by the reaction , with impatience. he wins by a large margin, as much as ilham aliyev gained in the presidential elections in azerbaijan. and the three-century anniversary. what achievements and plans does the russian academy of sciences celebrate?


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