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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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help for ukraine, the democratic party is preparing a new version of the bill, while even more serious costs threaten in europe. the russian academy of sciences is celebrating its three-century anniversary with what achievements and plans. less than a day is left before the publication of tucker carlson’s interview with vladimir putin, the american journalist reported. the full recording of the conversation will appear online at 2:00 a.m. moscow time. in the west, opinions on this matter are divided; many approve of carlson’s action and are looking forward to the interview ; others, having not yet seen the conversation, have already criticized her. victoria koroleva understood the mood of the public. takger karloson, it seems, is flying away from moscow, journalists caught him at shremetyevo airport, the film crew, judging by the footage, loaded the equipment into a black minivan and also left moscow. but very soon
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carlosson promised to return, he said on his social networks that the interview would be published this evening according to american time, in moscow it will be 2:00 am. however, the sensational announcement of the interview managed to ignite the imagination of the west. on the eve of publication, the wall street journal stated: that the publication was supposedly planned for that night, and the world community, without sleeping a wink, monitored the journalist’s website and social networks, increasing traffic significantly. i haven’t read the principle, but i condemn it; not only european officials, who managed to threaten the independent journalist with sanctions, but also colleagues in the profession decided to adhere to it, but still, in the fight for the inconvenient truth , tucker mostly expresses support, calling on legislators to remember the freedom of speech that how important this is for modern society. everyone who attacks him, little ones.
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however, the kiev regime has other concerns, european guests arrived again with bad news, the head of european diplomacy, borel , said that the european union, unfortunately, cannot magically give kiev shells. our armed forces emptied their reserves to give the ammunition they had in stock to you. our armed forces are delaying the replenishment of their own warehouses in order to fill yours first. western colleagues have already explained to zelensky more than once that they used magic earlier in the american
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the state duma was told that washington does not have a magic pot of money, and they were right, no one really has money, german chancellor olaf scholz indicated in his article that kiev may soon face a serious shortage of weapons, because financial possibilities have already been exhausted, and the new bill presented in the states to allocate money to ukraine did not pass a vote and caused heated criticism from republicans, not a single member of congress should support sending yet...
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there is, we, of course, first of all draw attention to russian citizens, but not only to citizens of the russian federation, but to citizens of other countries, including older people and members of their families who went through the holocaust, as i already said, there are certain results, but i understand, i know about that it is necessary to continue these efforts, this is what we are doing, and i wanted to discuss the details of this work with you. the roar of explosions was heard that night by residents of several regions of ukraine, messages came from nikolaev, local publications have not yet provided details, there is information about explosions in odessa, while citizens write online that they did not notice the work of air defense, an air raid alert
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was announced in ten regions of ukraine, as well as in the territories of zaporozhye and kherson regions controlled by the kiev regime. in orenburg today they say goodbye. with the crew of an il-76 plane beaten up in the sky over the belgorod region. at these moments , a ceremony is taking place in the city with the participation of the military transport aviation command and the regional leadership. and early in the morning , a funeral liturgy for the military was held in the city church of st. pemen of ugrezhsky. divine service headed by metropolitan peter of orenburg saraktazh. let me remind you that on january 24 , as a result of a terrorist attack on the ssu , the l76 crew at the head was killed. with commander stanislav bezubkin, the transport worker was transporting 65 captured militants for exchange, all of them also died. the ukraine funding bill failed to pass a vote in the us senate. the advantage was minimal, but still very significant. republicans opposed the rational distribution
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of the $118 billion amount. details about maria filippova. maria, greetings. oh what were you talking about the amount for ukraine? greetings. dollars - this is the largest item of expenditure in the bill, and then all the details. the us senate rejected a bill that included aid to ukraine linked to other spending items. the document envisaged more than $60 billion for kiev. by comparison, israel, a key ally of the states in the middle east , has four times less planned. today the democratic party will prepare a new version of the bill, which will be submitted for discussion. and here is the money that he allocated kyiv. the european union is unlikely to change the situation in ukraine, the american publication politika writes about this. the amount is said to be insignificant compared to the scale of the requests. in addition , they gave less money than they had allocated before. here 's what it looks like in numbers: until 2027, europe
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has sent ukraine 50 billion euros, which works out to 12.5 billion per year, or just over a billion per month. in 2023 there was much more, eighteen billion dollars in support per month . the international monetary fund also says that kiev does not have enough money. according to him is the funding gap estimated to exceed $40 billion this year? according to world bank estimates, in 2024 alone , ukraine will have to spend about 40
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billion dollars to maintain its economy. that is, this package, which is designed for 50 billion dollars, has a horizon until the twenty-seventh year, it. completely inadequate to the real needs of the country. helping kiev is too expensive, particularly for germany. half of what the country sends comes from taxpayers. sad against this background support for various sectors of the economy. agricultural workers, who have staged strikes throughout the european union, are especially vocal about this. in europe, they collect money for ukraine and take it away.
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to support ukraine as long as it is needed, and at all costs, after a meeting with zelensky, who asked for additional weapons, first the svo for the military needs of ukraine, europe sent 28 billion euros. this is a third of total funding, in the united states they are rubbing their hands, because for them this, as the senators put it, is a profitable investment. the damage that they cause, from their point of view , to the economy and the state of the russian federation , without losing a single citizen of their country, without losing a single human life, from their point of view is absolutely incomparable with the penny, let’s say, as they say, amounts, which they allocate to ukraine for it to fulfill. and geopolitical tasks, and the lives of ukrainians and their well-being do not concern them at all. for the benefit
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of the ukrainians, rising inflation is putting pressure on them. the national bank raised its forecast for price increases for 2024 year from 8.5 to almost 10. the allocated 50 european billions still exist only on paper. the approval of each tranche is ahead. when and in what volume the money will arrive actually remains a question. alyon, let me help, thank you, but you have a whole cashback package here, i’m not sure, banks have so many conditions, yur, alyon with a free vtb debit card, 10% cashback on everything,
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contact. hello leila, how was the election overall, how did it differ from the previous ones? vera, greetings, it is obvious that they were more transparent, several innovations at once, for example, surveillance cameras with sound were installed. as for the results, the electoral commission center processed more than 93% of the ballots, and ilham aliyev became the undisputed leader of the presidential race in azerbaijan. current the elections were distinguished by a record turnout, according to the central election commission, it amounted to almost 77% of... at present, protocols from more than 400 voting points have been processed, according to the current result , 92.5% of voters voted for ilham aliyev, which is more than 4 million people.
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in second place is the member of parliament and self-nominated candidate zakhitoruch with 2.2%. in third place was fazil mustafa, the candidate from the great creation party of voters voted for him with 2% of the votes. the voting process was followed by journalists, local and international observers from almost 90 countries, including russia, in their opinion, the elections took place calmly, without incidents. today, in the coming hours , there will be a press conference at which foreign observers will express their opinions, and a speech is expected.
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higher, about 90%, but the election results i voted honestly expected that the turnout would reflect the mood of the azerbaijani people. president, we showed him that we support our lands have been liberated and this is the merit of our politician. the head of state has already been congratulated on his re-election for a fifth term by colleagues from turkey, uzbekistan, belarus, hungary, serbia, iraq, iran and pakistan. these were the first elections that took place throughout. internationally recognized territory of the republic, that is, polling stations worked in karabakh, which since september 2023 has been under the full control of baku. the azerbaijani people are passing the electoral baton to the russians, who will elect the president in march, this is also symbolic. the relationship between our leaders has been the foundation for the progressive
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development of relations between russia and azerbaijan for many years. to for example, trade turnover only.
9:20 am
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gifts, and you son wants a radio-controlled car, and maxim smartwatch hints, and you hint, i want a robot vacuum cleaner , i’ll give you a life hack, come on, buy a gift with free vtb credit card, as many as 200 days without percent and cashback 20. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur, last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season, and these months passed my business by, this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance and already broke the record for monthly sales in just one week. the sales season is starting. don't miss it, join the megamarket. megamarket, just grow with us. russian academy of sciences
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300 years. during this time, the ras has become the world's largest center where it conducts fundamental and applied research on problems of natural, technical, humanities and social sciences. they stand apart from modern challenges, large-scale projects in the field of microelectronics, artificial intelligence, genetics, and cybersecurity. the academy is actively working on this now. naran created an association of southern regions, which included scientific institutions of crimea, donbass, kherson and zaporozhye. the foundation stone for two new ice rinks was laid in sochi, the ceremony was held to mark the tenth anniversary of the sochi winter olympics. about other events dedicated to an important sports date, report by inna nikishina. a sports festival exactly like 10 years ago in sochi, the winners in the mogul freestyle skiing discipline are congratulated by the minister of government of the russian federation dmitry chernyshenko, the champion of
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the 2014 olympic games alexander tretyakov and the head of the krasnodar territory venyamin kondratyev. the deputy prime minister notes how important it is that the younger generation hones their skills at the sports facilities of sochi, which were called reference facilities back in 1914. and now there is nothing more joyful. live, from the point of view of events, it lives, there are a lot of plans , from the point of view that new sports facilities are being built , and a gymnastics palace, and a sambo-judo palace, look,
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once upon a time... the olympic site, today this is the territory of sirios, krasnaya polyana, she continues, i emphasize again, live their promising sports life, and boys and girls train here, who are definitely the pride of the country already, but the opportunities, opportunities that have been created today in krasnaya polyana, including in sirius, we say, are opportunities that primarily recognized by the efforts of our president vladimir vladimovich putin, but today we are the krasnodar territory, of course we won, we won that we have such a site, this... this is actually a world-class site sochi and a world-class mountain-climatic resort . the development of sports infrastructure is confirmed by the opening of new facilities. one of these complexes is in matsesta. it will be presented by our olympian ilya overbukh. the resort has long been committed to high-quality social sports development. sochik is transforming from quantitative development in high-quality, because a lot of housing has been built, everything that today, of course, is called modern sochi. but today, thanks to
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the president’s approach. schools, kindergartens are being built , these are national projects that are actually making sochi different today, and of course, sports facilities of this level, the highest level. it is planned that the new complex will be built in a year. the head of the region is confident that future students will glorify kuban and the country more than once in their disciplines. today we are not talking about great sports past sochi. we are talking about the present, sporting sochi, and i am confident about a great sporting future. sochi , because today, right now, the foundation stone for the construction of a future sports complex will be laid here, here will be the site where boys and girls will take their first steps on the ice, where they will improve their professionalism every year, or maybe this very playground,
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figure skating academy? will reveal great sports names to the world, and it is really very important for us when respected athletes, people who understand what needs to be done, how to turn such wonderful young sochi residents into wonderful athletes who will defend in honor of our region, our country, on the territory, in all competitions. at the end of the visit , there was a presentation of the book the attraction of sochi, dedicated to the anniversary of the olympic and paralympic games. a copy of the book with words of gratitude from all sochi residents will be given to the president. this olympics will remain not only in the memory of the athletes, participants, volunteer builders, but on the pages of the book. today from based on the past, we are writing the history of the sport of the future. inna nikishin, alexey komarov, lead. my dad and i went here as children, we also lay like that, silent. yes, i’m not skating
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, just skate, focus on training, you dreamed of this cup, you can jump, but why don’t you believe in it, i’ll prepare myself, the thirst for victory is in her blood, go ahead, why take such risks, don’t you understand this, i want to be like my mother, ice three, soon, investment rating, economics, through specific stories we...
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