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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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help, it’s better for me, there’s enough cashback for everyone, vtb, together everything will work out. the fifth studio is on the air, my name is anton potkovenko, today is february 8, the day of russian science, and this is an occasion to talk about the achievements of our scientists, about prospects and, of course, about international scientific interaction without which, in fact, it is impossible to imagine the scientific world, scientific and educational world, now visiting us here in the fifth studio, the chairman of the coordination council for youth affairs in scientific and educational spheres of the presidential council on science and education. nikita, hello, good afternoon. i congratulate you on russian science day, of course, first of all. on the international agenda, russia
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will host the forum of young scientists from the brics countries this year as chairman. well, starting this year in brix and egypt, and ethiopia, saudi arabia, uae, iran. please tell me how much. it is important for us, for russia, for the russian scientific world , to interact with these countries, what aspects there may be, what priorities are the main points of contact here. yes, today, you know, it's truly international cooperation, as always , is actually the basis for the development of science, because science, in its principle, is so international, so today we really have new focuses of attention, new partners in the international dimension, of course, these are, first of all , the brix countries, cis. is also actively developing cooperation with africa, but if we talk about brix, i want to say that it seems to me that there is a fairly broad prospect for cooperation with these countries, firstly, because this is an association has expanded twice, yes, if before there were only five countries, now there are as many as 10, so i am often asked how
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interesting such cooperation could be for russian scientists, well, just a few months ago i was in the south african republic in cape town, visiting the local accelerator center and i want to say that it is a very high-level... organization there and the production of radiopharmaceuticals is now developing, and accordingly work in the field of accelerator physics, research of some elementary particles, that is, in this in a sense, it seems to me that cooperation is quite mutually beneficial, if we talk about countries that have just now become part of the brix, i cannot help but give the example of iran. iran recently officially joined the international research center based on the peak neutron reactor in gachina in the leningrad region, this is the most the world's most powerful full-flow neutron reactor, it is an international center and is there today. several countries have already joined, belarus, uzbekistan, iran, now this cooperation is expanding, so i think that here the broadest prospects, especially since, as you said, russia is chairing the brix this year, and we are really looking forward to holding a forum of young scientists, we invite our colleagues from the countries that are members of this brix plus association and we will
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actually discuss joint priorities of scientific and technological development , which in the future should become joint projects, because i am convinced that joint science is born where a common scientific interest, a common project, appears. there was a congress of young scientists last fall in sochi with the participation of the president, with the participation of vladimir putin. what results might be the most significant could be named here? yes, indeed, in the past, at the end of last year i came already. the third congress of young scientists, in fact, for us , for scientists, the attention that the country’s leadership, personally our president, pays to science is very important, he comes every year to sochi, holds a meeting with young scientists, it is very important that these meetings always end a list of the president’s instructions from the relevant department based on the results of the initiatives that the guys propose, like since the decade of science and technology, this was one of the proposals of young scientists, which the president supported, today we have just a decade, in this decade we live on...
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another, another important decision, it seems to me, is the support of the russian science foundation, which this year celebrates its tenth anniversary, and precisely in connection with this there was an order from the president to expand the powers of the russian science foundation, now it supports not only fundamental, but also applied research and development and a corresponding increase in funding the foundation was entrusted by the president, so the third thing i would pay attention to is our project of the coordination council, the mendeleev card, this is a loyalty system for young scientists, a system of discounts, for young scientists like the pushkin card only for young researchers, they told the president about
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how it is today works, they asked for his help in ensuring that public sector organizations become participants in this program, partners of this program, that is , not only business companies, but also museums, cinemas, and the president gave instructions to the relevant departments that it is necessary to attract these partners in order to expand the operation of this loyalty program, you mentioned funding, but of course, without funding, the development of science is impossible. if we talk about what is needed in this regard for young scientists, young specialists and the role of the state here, what is being done in this direction, yes, you know, today in russia there is very large funding, budgetary funding for science, it is commensurate with the leading world countries, in the coming years the volume, the total volume of the sphere of research and development of higher education is, if i’m not hanging around, about one and a half trillion rubles, this is annually, so here, accordingly , i ... would note a whole series of measures to support young researchers, which
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just appeared over the last year, literally in year s for 2023, firstly, the expansion of the russian scientific fund for applied research, and secondly , the mega-grant program supported by the president, which allows today to invite leading scientists from abroad who come to russia, they are creating laboratories here, this time - recently the president announced that these mega-grants will be announced, including under the leadership of young researchers, i would also highlight here a whole... a number of regional support measures, today tools for supporting young people are being developed in the regions researchers, scholarships, grants, awards, housing support tools, also before the new year, the president of russia signed a decree on scholarships for graduate students, 70,000 rubles. postgraduate scholarships available today receive on a competitive basis, this is a really decent level of earnings that will allow the guys to focus on research and not think about some kind of part-time job, and this is really very important when we talk about students, just recently on student’s day the president announced that scholarships will be increased president and government of the russian federation for students up to 30 and 20 thousand, respectively,
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so today, in fact, there is such a, you know, system of support measures from students to the moment when you you already become the head of a scientific center or laboratory. in this sense, i believe that today’s youth have great opportunities for self-realization in science. i can’t help but ask about publications in scientific journals, including international scientific journals; it is known that this is important for scientists. always has a very great importance, this is status, yes, this is fame, this is career growth, everything else, how is the situation here now with the publications of russian scientists, how is the situation with scientific publications in russia in general, what what is being done here, how is it developing, how important is it? i would probably outline two key theses here: first, international cooperation will always develop with those who are leaders in a certain scientific field, that is, in those areas in which russia. now it occupies a leading position, international cooperation is going well, publications, not
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a single one, i was recently told the following statistics, not a single publication on artificial intelligence of russian research has been rejected, everything is taken away perfectly publication, in print, our colleague, for example , maxim nikitin, who is a member of the coordinating council that i represent here, just recently published an article in one of the world's leading journals, where he is the only author with russian, only russian. field of genetics, maxim showed that those genetic chains that previously seemed defective, that is , they were not completely twisted, with breaks somewhere, he showed that they carry a large amount of genetic information, that is, what seemed to be spoiled turned out that nothing happens by chance in nature, here is the second thesis that i want to note, that today in our country it is very important to really develop new
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approaches to examination, to assessing the effectiveness of science, and this approach should be, of course, more complex than simply measuring by quantity. publications, because publications are really important for fundamental science, this is really important and, probably, scientometrics is a key measure here, for applied research, probably, the interest of the market and business is an indicator of success, and this shows an assessment of efficiency, and there are also large government projects, for example, a new aircraft or a new submarine, here the measure of success is a specific product, and funding should be direct, respectively, from the state and the organization that implements it with its head is simply responsible for.
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that is, in all corners of russia large points of concentration of higher education of science were created, where they began to gather, accordingly, young minds began to develop science. further, in order to transfer this into a more serious sphere, into a more serious sphere , scientific and educational centers, world-class national centers were created, also throughout russia, there are about 15, in my opinion, only in the twenty-second year the beginning function in different parts, now the program for the development of mega-class facilities is synchrotron sources. neutron emissions are also created throughout the country in different corners, ensuring connectivity, and i’m already talking about this i said, these are tools for supporting young scientists at the regional level, here is our coordinating council, together with the state duma, last year we asked the regions what support measures you are developing in your region, we received answers from all subjects of the russian federation, we even compiled some kind of rating, but for us the most important thing is that we have collected the best
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practices of such support, about 200-217, it seems, support tools for... all subjects, awards, scholarships, grants, housing, free travel, something else, some kind orders, i don’t know, well, everywhere they support young researchers in different ways, now we want to extend the best practices to other regions, so that governors look at and accordingly adopt the tools that are already developed today, against this backdrop, it would probably be logical ask a question, i don’t like this expression, brain drain, this is a very painful story, it was there at one time in the nineties, when our russian scientists left abroad, in search of a better life, how are things here now, is there is this a problem in general, or maybe a foreign scientist is already coming to us, please tell us, yes, you know, the issue of the so-called brain drain is very controversial, i am actually very skeptical about the alarmist mood in this area, yes, indeed from time to time some scientists go abroad, but to track and say that
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this person left and he left our country there forever is actually very difficult, some leave for internships, some return regularly, right? please tell us about the popularization of science in russia and to what extent this direction is really developing here, what kind of work can there be in schools in higher educational institutions? yes, in recent years
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, since the year of science and technology in 2021 , now a decade of science and technology in russia, it seems to me, has happened. quite serious changes in the field of popularization of science, firstly, it has become such a mainstream and today on many television channels there are discussions and conversations about science, this is pleasant, this is important, and secondly, we have moved to more, i will say this, active forms of popularization, if earlier it was just lectures or some seminars or some i don’t know something else, today i will probably give three areas that our council is involved in, which it seems to me so promising, the first is scientific volunteering, today scientists are... ready to involve people who are not professionally involved in science in the implementation of their real scientific projects, for example, to help collect some data, i don’t know, to take soil samples , water, photograph birds, for example, during research. there is a lot of distribution of certain species of birds or animals there, for example, you can devote an entire program to scientific volunteering, it’s a very interesting direction, and today
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several tens of thousands of russian citizens are involved and actively help russian researchers get real, i repeat, this is important, real scientific results, the second is popular science tourism, we began to integrate tourist routes , site visits sciences and industrial scientific and technological sites, that is , today a person... traveling to the region can visit an astrophysical observatory, a collider in dubna or the only synchrotron in the post-soviet space at the kurchatov institute, tourist scientific routes, yes, yes, a route of popular science tourism , and the third is scientific playgrounds, today they are starting to build playgrounds in courtyards, which in a non-intrusive form talk about how, i don’t know, magnetic phenomena work or how today, what rockets fly into space, moreover, qr codes and children are placed on these sites, and today our children often already have smartphones, they can go to the qr code and read in more detail about this or that scientific field, today there are already more than one and a half dozens of children's playgrounds like this have been built, there is a very big demand to
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expand this practice further, so that the youngest residents of our country also begin to be interested in science from childhood, and in this way more scientists will become, quite possibly, moving on to high-level physics energies, actually your profile , please tell us, mm, about syncratrons, yes, accordingly, correct me if they are right, e particle accelerator, which creates special radiation that allows us to study matter, in all details, in all details, in novosibirsk the skif synchrotron will be launched, in the near future, in the near future , a synchrotron is still planned to be built on russky island, in the moscow region in protvino there is a synchrotron power called, in zelenograd they also seem to intend to complete the construction, but still it is highlighted funding will also be for a synchrotron, please tell us why there are so many installations of these synchrotrons in the country , what we will study, what are the prospects, why is this direction important in general, this is one of these mega science projects that receive a lot of attention.
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yes, indeed, a synchrotron source is, in simple terms, a bright x-ray flashlight, only it is a million times brighter than the one in the medical office; we need it in order to see in detail down to the atomic level how things work those or other objects, that is, this is a large microscope, in fact, in simple terms, a large bright microscope that allows... to see individual atoms, why is this needed today? today, all technologies go to the atomic level, to the level of individual atoms. in order to develop such technologies, you need to see these atoms, because if you don’t see, you can’t operate with them, you don’t see how technologies work, you don’t understand, for you it’s a black box, you just fly out of the technology market, so today only a few countries in the world can create and operate such installations, our country is one of them, and why create many of these installations, the fact is that today , again, due to the fact that both ... the electronics industry and the chemical industry , biomedicine, all this goes to the atomic level, today the number of requests for such installations is qualitatively increasing,
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for example, at the kurchatov synchrotron, where i am working today , the time of all fifteen laboratories that consume is scheduled for several months in advance this x-ray light, this is how the reef installation is being created on russky island, this is a synchrotron, and there regional specifics will mainly be focused on marine biology, processes will be studied. that occur in the ocean, in the sea, these are regional specifics, for example, the process of biomineralization, how super-light, super-strong shells are formed in the depths of the sea, and how this process can be used to create new materials. novosibirsk, there is a chemical industry and there is a vector nearby in koltsovo, which develops medicines, hence the specificity of this synchrotron is medicine and chemistry, and the kurchatov synchrotron will be completely modernized in moscow, this is the basis for the development of nature-like technologies, the president signed a decree of the second. 2023 about the development of nature-like technologies, we see how certain mechanisms work in nature, we copy, create new technologies that are more environmentally friendly and energy efficient.
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a synchrotron for microelectronics will be launched in zelenograd, this synchrotron will focused on industry, and will be fully loaded by companies developing microelectronics. we understand that today, under conditions of unprecedented sanctions pressure, microelectronics is critically important for our country. and the last thing is our flagship project sila, this is a synchrotron-laser complex. which will be called upon to solve problems in all these areas, but where super-bright radiation is required, that is, it will be several orders of magnitude brighter than all other installations will be used for unique single experiments that will truly be at the forefront of science, there are no direct analogues to this installation in the world today, the process of designing geodetic surveys on the ground in partvino is already underway, in general, completing this thesis, i would like to say that it is important today to develop these territories with an increased concentration of intellectual potential. these are science cities, innovative scientific and technological centers, territories of rapid development, a lot is said about this today, and i am sure that in in the near future, the state will actively
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develop such territories , there are quite a lot of them, several dozen all over russia, so i often visit the party as part of my duties, and indeed now it seems that in the near future a wonderful scientific center will appear there, and such centers will appear in other places in our country, but please tell me, after all, we are talking not only about not only, maybe not so much about fundamental science, or it is very closely interconnected, but these are quite applied things, what are we talking about? you speak, sea ​​shells are essentially new medicines, i understand correctly, that is, when this constructor is compiled, yes, when the formula of a new medicine can be formed by learning how to... yes, you know, they often say that in general, in fact, fundamental science is extremely important, they say that not every fundamental research is born into an applied development, but not a single applied development appears without fundamental science, therefore, of course, the development of fundamental science is important, but it is important with an understanding of those potentials technological applications that may appear in the future, so today, literally just yesterday, we announced the winners of the presidential prize for young scientists, three works, today will be
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on... birth, the president will present these awards, all three of them have a deeply fundamental character, one work in the field of artificial intelligence, and a girl from nizhny novgorod, showed a new memory mechanism that astrocytes are cells in the brain that were previously assumed to have service function, they feed the brain , they actually still remember the memory, on the basis of this today she is already proposing to develop new artificial intelligence systems, that is, from the fundamental to the applied, the second work is studying the spread of the gypsy moth, a forest pest. the young man showed that this pest moves 40 km to the north every year, spreading in the forests, he immediately found a natural virus that affects this pest and proposed means to combat this spread this pest. the third work, olga yakupovich from, respectively, from novosibirsk, it seems, she respectively showed how to determine the location of platinum gold deposits, also a fundamental
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physical method, which is natural. nikita marchenkov, chairman of the coordination council for youth affairs in the scientific educational spheres of the presidential council on science and education. see you.
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american tucker carlson announced the release of an interview with vladimir putin in the west , judging by the reaction they are eagerly awaiting it. senate the us rejected a bill that included aid to ukraine. the democratic party will prepare a new version of the bill, while europe faces even more serious costs. tricentenary anniversary with which ones. the russian academy of sciences celebrates a big date with its achievements and plans. there is less than a day left before the publication of tucker carlson's interview with vladimir putin; the full recording of the conversation will appear online at 2:00 a.m. moscow time. the american journalist himself reported this and today he and his entire film crew left russia, early in the morning they
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headed from shermetyev airport to belgrade. according to carlson, now he will seek a meeting with vladimir zelensky; as the reporter noted, all previous interviews with him that were published in the american media have nothing to do with journalism, but are propaganda. victoria koroleva will continue: tager karloson is flying from moscow, journalists caught him at shremetyevo airport, but very soon karloson promised to return, on his social networks, he said: the interview will be published tonight, american time, in it will be 2:00 am in moscow. however, the sensational announcements at the interview managed to ignite the imagination of the west. the day before, the wall street journal stated that the publication was supposedly planned for that night, and the world community, without sleeping a wink, monitored the journalist’s website and social networks, increasing traffic significantly. the interview has not yet been released, but many have already formed their opinion about it. i haven’t read the principle, but i condemn it; it was not only european officials who had time to do so who decided to adhere to it.


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