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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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sherme, they headed to belgrade. according to carlolson, he will now seek a meeting with vladimir zelensky. as the reporter noted. all previous interviews with him, which were published in the american media, have nothing to do with journalism, but are propaganda. victoria koroleva will continue. takger karloson flies from moscow. journalists caught him at shremetyevo airport. but very soon carloson promised to return. he said on his social networks. the interview will be published tonight us time. it will be in moscow. 2:00 am. however, the sensational the announcement of the interview managed to ignite the imagination of the west. the day before, the wall street journal stated that the publication was supposedly scheduled for that night, and the world community, without sleeping a wink, monitored the journalist’s website and social networks, increasing traffic significantly. the interview has not yet been released, but many have already formed their opinion about it. i haven’t read the principle, but i condemn it, it was not only european officials who decided to adhere to it.
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freedom to you and god bless tucker carlson for doing this interview. in the meantime, independent journalism sends knocked out by the white house with statements about their readiness to record an interview with zelensky for the purity of the experiment, tucker’s way to ukraine has already been barred. the american journalist was accused of manipulating socially significant information and was added to the list of enemies of the country. however, the kiev regime has other concerns; european guests arrived again with bad news. head of european diplomacy. stated that
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the european union, unfortunately, cannot magically give kiev shells. our armed forces emptied their reserves to give the ammunition they had in stock to you. our armed forces are delaying the replenishment of their own warehouses so that they can fill yours first. western colleagues have repeatedly explained to zelensky that they do not have magic. earlier , the american state department said that washington does not have a magic pot of money, and they were right, no one really has any money. german chancellor olaf scholz indicated in his article that kiev may soon face a serious shortage of weapons, because financial possibilities have already been exhausted, and the new bill presented in the states to allocate money to ukraine is not passed the vote and drew strong criticism from republicans. no member of congress should support sending another $60 billion to ukraine, which exceeds the entire budget of the us marine corps. nevertheless, the west does not cease to give hope to kiev, and kiev does not... cease to harbor illusions
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. in brussels, they are again discussing ukraine’s small steps towards joining nato, strengthening the country’s defense capability and financial support, but they delicately add: everything is in the hands of the ukrainian government, and we are we not solving anything? from the point of view of the united states, we are going to continue to support both the ukrainian government and the ukrainian military in their efforts to continue to make the progress that the secretary general has talked about, but we will leave personal decisions to the ukrainians. it’s not for us to decide from washington or from here in brussels. however, the west is ready to save on shells, but apparently not on the ukrainians. the day before, the country adopted a law on mobilization in its first reading, so that there would be something to compensate for the shortage of ammunition. victoria koroleva, news. in several regions of ukraine at night it was announced air raid alert. reports of powerful explosions came from odessa and nikolaev. there was a fire at an industrial enterprise in nikolaev. in addition, there were reports that in the vinnetsk region...
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the kiev regime will not receive $60 billion from washington, the bill on military assistance to ukraine did not pass a vote in the senate, in addition to funding the armed forces of ukraine, the document implied israel’s support for strengthening border control with mexico, representatives democrats have already announced that... they will propose a new draft law that will not will include costs to combat illegal migrants. however, as the american media write, a document in this format will also be blocked, since republicans oppose additional assistance to ukraine. in orenburg today they say goodbye to the crew of the l-76 plane, shot down in the belgogorod region. in the morning, metropolitan peter of orenburg and soraktash served a funeral liturgy for the dead. now live broadcast. participants of the forum
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of national achievements, today at the russia exhibition we are talking about environmental achievements in recent years, despite the difficulties it faces.
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is a national ecology project, colleagues, 20-30 years ago no one thought about the environment, it was not customary to fine businesses for emissions, we had no idea about environmentally friendly transport or the circular economy. the best packaging was paper; plastic bags were a fashion accessory that you still had to try to get. today society demands from the state. industry in compliance with high environmental standards, solutions are needed that are adequate to modern challenges, and thanks to the unwavering support of the president, the government has managed to achieve positive changes in many environmental and environmental areas. i’ll start with clean
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air: now the federal project of the same name is being implemented in 12 cities, mainly large industrial centers of siberia.
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31 old coal boiler houses have been opened; in terms of transport , 698 new units of environmentally friendly transport have already entered routes in cities. the most significant contribution to the total emissions comes, of course, from industrial enterprises. more than 545 billion outside budget funds have been invested in modernizing the production of such enterprises. due to this, the total volume of emissions has been reduced. at 292,000 tons. the implementation of all federal project activities made it possible to reduce the volume of pollutant emissions in participating cities by almost 13%. the geography of the clean air project will be expanded.
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the government has approved a list of twenty- nine new cities where it is necessary to reduce hazardous emissions in order to achieve the parameters of the national goal. and start implementing it. we are planning measures to reduce emissions in new cities from 2025. another problem that particularly worried the residents of our country concerns unauthorized dumps of old industrial waste sites. some landfills have been accumulating waste for decades, for example, the chelyabinsk landfill, which has been in operation since the fifties of the last century. another example is an industrial waste landfill.
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successfully completed. to date , 128 landfills and 80 objects of accumulated harm have been eliminated. thanks to the events i will return the clean country project to economic circulation.
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that is why, together with parliament , the government ensured the development of the necessary legislative framework. key laws have been adopted: owners will no longer be able to abandon industrial sites with accumulated waste. the areas for using overburden host rocks for the purposes of mineral extraction and reclamation have been expanded. a basic law has been adopted to launch a new economy, a circular economy . it established requirements to prohibit the disposal of useful fractions from waste from 2030. and finally, the reform of extended
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producer responsibility has been legislatively completed, and business responsibility for the disposal of packaging products has been established. the adoption of these important laws for the country would have been impossible without the support of the head of state. the key task in the waste block is the construction of the necessary infrastructure to launch a circular economy . created during the years of reform. now 53% of msw is sent for processing, and the share of recycling has exceeded 12%. the next direction of our work is related to improvement of water bodies. water is one of the advantages of our country, influencing the development of agriculture and energy. shipping, industry and, of course, necessary to create a comfortable environment for
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the lives of our citizens. within the framework of the national ecology project, tens of thousands of measures have been implemented to improve the environmental health of water bodies. this allowed almost 17 million people to improve their living conditions. one of the main achievements is the construction of 105 wastewater treatment plants in the volga basin. as a result. the volume of untreated waste has been reduced by almost half. the most important area of ​​our work concerns the reform of the forestry complex. thanks to the support of the head of state , historic decisions were implemented to decriminalize the forestry complex and ban the export of round timber, coniferous and valuable deciduous species. we have moved to a model of deep wood processing within the country to create goods with high added value. stopped supporting the economies of other countries with russian timber raw materials. due to the development
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of digital technologies, a system has been created traceability of wood at every stage of its movement, from cutting to processing and export. the departmental information system ensures registration of all timber warehouses and production of forest products. for each batch of wood, an electronic accompanying document, a kind of passport, is issued. without which transportation of any batch is impossible. the system has already generated 15 million such documents. digitalization of industries, together with a new type of supervision, has made it possible to increase the transparency of wood circulation. as a result, prevented illegal export of timber from the country, and the volume of illegal logging decreased by 58%. thanks to the reform, it was possible to increase the revenues of the budget system from the use of forests by...
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the necessary conditions for the implementation of all positive initiatives. thank you for attention. victoria valerievna, thank you. this was a broadcast of a report by deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko at the ecology day of the forum of national achievements, which takes place as part of the russia exhibition at vdnkh. the winners of the district finals of the fifth season of the leaders of russia competition are preparing for the tests super final. it will take place at the end of february at the moscow manege. by decision of the supervisory board , 302 managers who have passed all previous stages will take part in the final tests. the super final includes evaluation events, a business educational program, as well as a meeting with mentors and partners of the competition. leaders of russia flagship project of the presidential platform russia country of opportunity.
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10% cashback on everything, help, it’s better for me , there’s enough cashback for everyone, vtb, together everything will work out. now it's time for economic news. kamaz’s net profit at the end of the year increased 2-fold, exceeding 12.5 billion rubles. this is stated in the report on russian standards. revenue for the same period is more than 350 billion. an increase by a third compared to last year. this dynamics is associated with an increase in sales across almost the entire model range. iraq invited gazprom to participate in the development of the enna syria field. this is stated in the resolution. government of the republic, the total oil reserves there are estimated at 4 billion barrels, it is possible that the fields will be developed by gazprom neft, which has long been working at
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the badr asset in iraq. in 2023, the united states purchased uranium from russia for a record $200 million, which is 40% more than in 2022, rionovosti reports. the largest contribution was made by december sales. the fact is that the united states approved a ban on the import of low-enriched products. uranium of russian origin, it will operate from 2024 until 2040. against this background , purchases increased sharply in the last month of last year. and protests by farmers in the european union have already covered 12 countries, which account for more than half of the meat production and about 40% of the grain in the entire european region. ria news writes about this with reference to the un food and agriculture organization. protests in the eu have been going on for several years, among the reasons struggle. authorities with climate change and the decision to open the market for cheap products from ukraine. it was economic news. short. yura and i decided on gifts. and you?
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the sber website. holiday discounts on your favorite products in a magnet briquette 48 kopecks. 99.99. magnet - the price is what you need. now there is a live broadcast from the center of the election committee. our screen, this one, please bring it to us. no, for me, because what, here, here, thank you. concerning.
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satisfied by the court, the positions of the central election commission were recognized as justified, reasoned and legal, i would like to emphasize, i want to knock, we did not lose in the supreme court, i don’t remember when we didn’t lose, or rather, never, i don’t remember such a case when we had some comments addressed to us, justified, which would allow us to cancel the decision of the central election commission; five candidates submitted
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a full package of documents. reached the last stage of registration for candidate vladimir vladimirovich putin, the decision was made , you know, registered, 31,500 signatures were submitted, they, like everyone else, were subject to sampling for verification, 60,000 signatures in accordance with the resolution of the central election commission, 60,000 signatures are taken for verification, from all four, for all of them, to be more precise. two candidates did not submit a sufficient number of signatures, as for the verification of vladimirovich putin for the presidential candidate, 91 signatures were declared invalid, and this is in my opinion the look suggests that the group, the headquarters that organized the collection of signatures, of course did a very high-quality job, and as for the random sampling, i read a comment from one of the candidates that he did not
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understand how... this is done by a computer program that selects everything that is in they entered it, folder numbers , and so on, and select 60,000 signatures, none of the people from the working group are involved in this, this sampling process, then i will say something that was also unclear in this interview, but how do they check these 60,000 signatures, in well, literally there are 7-8 hours all these signature sheets are scanned, digitized , work begins with them, the verification period is up to... days, and it must be said that the verification was here, here i am in the clock here, we wrote 162 hours for sergei alexandrovich and 144 hours for boris borisovich, at this moment in the verification procedures any candidate or his...


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