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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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one of the candidates that he did not understand how the computer does it, the program selects everything that was entered into it, folder numbers and so on, and selects 60,000 signatures, none of the people from the working group are involved in this, in this sampling process. next i will say that what was also unclear in this interview is how they check these 60,000 signatures, within, well, literally 7-8 hours, all these signature sheets are scanned, digitized, and work begins with them. the verification period is up to 10 days, and it must be said that the verification i was wearing a watch here, we wrote 162 hours with sergei aleksandrovich and 144 hours with boris borisovich, at this moment , any candidate or member of the working group can make verification procedures in expressing their position in presenting any claims, comments on the work of experts or members of the working group
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... and as for scanning, these standards are also spelled out in a decree or defined by federal law, a software and hardware complex, a scanner that scans, digitizes at a speed of up to 50 sheets, it says 30, in fact up to 50 sheets can be scanned in a minute, but we are never in a hurry, then everything is scanned, all scanned data, passport data and so on are sent.
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in the preliminary, well, i’ll call it according to how everyone is accustomed, in the voter register, two databases are compared, 60,000 from the scanned ones is everything that is about this voter in the preliminary, if these data do not match, if they do not coincide in some way, then a database is formed, which is sent separately for verification to the ministry of internal affairs, that is, there is a double check, even a triple check, because when we form in priura, when we received data from priura, they are also checked by experts of up to 40 people who worked in our room 232, all the candidates were there, they saw the computers, how the work is organized in principle and the request that we send to the ministry of internal affairs is very important for us, please, the next slide, because it makes it possible to check how justified our claims are, how well these claims are substantiated, because the priority works...
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and is updated, updated based on that information that we receive from various sources, it is clear that there is inertia in obtaining data, and the most current databases on passports, at least, are in the ministry of internal affairs, so we believe that those claims that the ministry of internal affairs is already making for which it provides documents that such claims are objective and that they are very difficult to refute, well, impossible, this diagram is shown here: gas elections. i said, the voter register is priority, then, if everything is fine, we put a mark and then send a request for answers from the ministry of internal affairs, which are documented confirmed, invalid, signatures of sergei alexandrovich 583, boris borisovich 858, all this can be checked, since there are documents from the ministry of internal affairs, please, next slide, now for signatures. this is not
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an invention of the central election commission, this is not our fantasy, and this is not something that we want to make the candidate’s work difficult. the form of the signature sheet is approved by federal law, the signature sheet itself is strictly defined, how it is filled out, it is written, i allow myself to read it, but the upper part of the signature sheet is clear, information about voter, the date of signature and signature of the voter are handwritten by him. no one else can do this, these three positions, year of birth, place, address of residence , information about the document, that is, about the passport, are filled out by the voter or collector, i emphasize, the voter or collector, and no third party can fill this out , and this is very important, because someone believes that if not the voter himself, then any other, no, only the collector can fill this out,
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collectors painting the date, the collector’s signature means the list of persons collecting signatures must be notarized. if there is no notarization, then it is a person. does not have the right to collect signatures, to claim that we have a paper that we can print from behind the computer, that our collector is there, means nothing, he must be notarized, so a dispute on this matter is legally meaningless even for me, who does not have a legal education, so, well, it’s the same, i ’ll take it to my heart now, print 500, give it away, say, please go buy me some kefir, it’s clear. something of an intelligent, surviving person, at my age. as for the pro-dead, i have already stated my position on the pro-dead, dear colleagues, well, we all understand that this is generally, well, the height of cynicism of any violation, i do not blame the candidates, i do not
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blame, absolutely, i don’t even make any complaints, because they are forced to work with a large number of assemblers, foremen, and so on, a headquarters that checks all this, but if... dead people appeared, in general i have there was once a legislative initiative , when i was still working in the duma, there was one deceased person on the list, the entire list is being discredited, but it shouldn’t be like that, but you can’t cross the border when we have dead people appearing on the list as signatories, as candidates, then we’ll get there it’s crazy that a candidate can already add to some lists, so these facts indicate that the people who worked on compiling the lists, well , this is clear to me, this is not the first time i collected these lists, this means that the base old data was used to falsify voter signatures, this is an old database, and if we display
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the date when he died, we will see that all these people died in december and january, the database was new, and people paid correctly, they found a new and... similar signatures in one classer, and there are not so many such signatures, the handwriting expert has one task left: to analyze the quality of the machine’s work and make a verdict whether or not he trusts this machine’s offer
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to consider these signatures collected by one person, and he draws this conclusion, that's right him, because he has the necessary qualifications, and there were not three, not five, or 10 such handwriting experts. there were 20 of them, so they easily coped with the work, which was the primary work, they all made a machine, there is writing, there is writing surnames, patronymics by one person, there are numbers written by one person, all this was done by a handwriting specialist. nikolai ivanovich, complete the regulations, yes, they are finishing now, thank you, please, if possible, 2 minutes, thank you, i’m here today. i looked at the regulations saved yes good yes lyudmilana saved please we see how many signatures were actually recognized 1548 9516 a considerable number of these signatures please continue and
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as for notarized collectors, this is basically a problem with boris borisovich, nadezhda and a whole list of the moscow region of his native moscow region was lost. boris, well, of course, i believe that in my region everyone signed up, i signed up myself, the headquarters that lost, please deprive them of the bonus, the money for collecting signatures, they continue to collect, so, as one person on the stream, a representative of the headquarters, said, we will collect money to collect signatures, well, you don’t need to beat us back with anything, we just need to prove it, and the money, by the way, continues to come, 1,700 came in this day, yesterday the account almost went to zero, today it’s back again became, therefore i believe that the claims that we are making today... are making to our colleagues, they are completely justified, well-reasoned, we can argue about the details, we argued in the working group for 3 days, representatives of boris borisovich worked, representatives of sergei alexandrovich worked, 62 signatures, the working group admitted
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that they need to be returned, our claims there are dubious, we could instruct, but we believe that why, everything that is is quite enough, as for more or less, it could, could have been and. .. more complaints, but why? therefore, i believe that this election campaign is proceeding quite calmly, in my opinion, from the country, so far we have not seen any -
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it was a live broadcast from a meeting of the election committee centers. now on to urgent messages from the news agency feed. vladimir putin in in a telephone conversation, he congratulated the president of azerbaijan, ilham aliyev, on his convincing victory in the early presidential elections and wished him new successes in his work at such a high government post. the kremlin press service also reports that vladimir putin is in conversation. absolute mutual interest in the further development of the russian-azerbaijani
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strategic partnership and cooperation was confirmed. according to the kremlin press service, it was agreed to continue personal contacts. a message of congratulations was also sent to ilham aliyev telegram. in the near future, russia will receive its highly pure materials, which are necessary for the development of domestic microelectronics. she told us about other tasks of the russian academy of sciences, including artificial intelligence. president gennady krasnikov, today the academy turns 300 years old. gennady yakovlevich, hello, good afternoon. today marks the very significant anniversary of 300 years since the founding of the russian academy of sciences; this figure is even more impressive if we take into account that this is 300 years of continuous such continuity of the russian, then soviet, and again russian academic community. firstly, of course, how do you plan to celebrate in what direction the russian academy of sciences will develop this year, what areas will you give
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priority attention to? thank you very much for your congratulations, this is indeed a very important holiday for us, and i would like to note that this is a holiday not only for our academic, scientific community, for our population of the country, but it is an international holiday, because this date is included in such unesco dates. for the world heritage, and here this holiday is celebrated by scientists from many countries of the world, from the point of view of how the academy feels and how it sets priorities, well, i would say in such a way that for fundamental exploratory research, of course, we do not set priorities, because this research always proceeds on a broad front, it is designed for up to... a period and there is a moment for research when the so-called
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accident, and we often do not know in which areas, in which directions it can happen another discovery of such a global scale, so our scientists, on the one hand, hope to get decent results, on the other hand, if some kind of discovery happens somewhere other than here, we have specialists who can... your meeting took place at the end of january with
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president vladimir putin and just during the meeting they talked about the formation of a unified scientific space in russia, so the kurchatov institute came under the scientific and methodological leadership of the russian academy of sciences. what are the results of the transition to the scientific and methodological leadership of iran? for institutions and for russian science as a whole , the advantage of such a unified scientific space.
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for institutes, what does this mean, here is the transition under the scientific and methodological leadership of the wounds , it turns out that they get access to such more unhindered communication, to the transfer of technologies, achievements, well, for institutes - this of course, first of all, it turns out in such a way that they can safely participate in all scientific discussions in various fields of science and technology. i can say that we have 13 in our academy now we have many thematic departments, ranging from mathematical, physical, information sciences, and ending with philology, history, archeology, approximately a little more than 40 scientific councils work under the presidium alone, and there are even
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more thematic departments, and of course, these are institutes,
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there are plans in this, when it becomes open, more effective work results. according to the instrument base, within the framework of the national project, this year alone about 200 scientific organizations will receive more than 11 billion rubles in the form of grants, just for updating the instrument database. it seems like a very large amount, 11 billion rubles per year, but is this amount enough, taking into account the cost of modern equipment that is necessary for high-tech research.
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i want to say that in this regard, since this year we have resolved the issue of categorization of institutes; not all academic institutes that were under scientific and methodological leadership could claim to submit their applications for improving the instrument base, say, institutes of the second , third category, they couldn’t even submit applications, this is a barrier... we, together with the ministry of education and science , decided this year, so there will be fewer barriers to...
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on import substitution in science and new technologies, you previously made a statement that we will feel the results import substitution in russian microelectronics in 3-4 years, how will we feel this, is 3-4 years really enough for us to be able to exist in the field of microelectronics without imports, what does this phrase of yours mean, well firstly, we never... i don’t put import substitution, i don’t like it, that is, we don’t have the task of replacing everything with imports, yes, we seem to be taking a very correct, sober approach, where
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there is no need, and there are proposals and there are other topics if there is any competition, then of course we need to take advantage of it, it’s just that there are fundamental things that we must have. at home, let’s say, there are certain positions on high-purity materials, on electronic equipment that is used for microelectronic production, so we have highlighted these areas, which are very sensitive and work has actually been carried out there, and we see that they will be completed in the near future.
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4 years, maybe even earlier in some respects, we will have our own high-purity materials that production needs, we will have electronic equipment, also, which today is not only under sanctions, but impossible to purchase here for our russia, such things will already begin , such equipment is produced on our... industrial enterprises, well, this will affect the number of integrated circuits that we will make based on, say, the complexity of the integrated circuit.
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how can we ensure the security of neural networks and what work is currently being carried out within the structure of the russian academy of sciences so that our... networks are protected from external attacks, from cyber attacks? well, of course, this is an important question, we are talking about the fact that our population and many researchers have already begun to feel the capabilities of neural networks, machine learning methods, which help solve many tasks and problems, including for our, say, the average person, for
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our population. this is, first of all, recognition of an image, what kind of sound , video image, and the further, the more opportunities there will be for, say, these technologies to make the lives of our people easier, but so far this has been evolutionary, that is, approximately evenly every decade , the power there has increased thousands of times and production. computer performance, then now we see that this decade that awaits us will be so revolutionary, then there will be, say, new achievements in many areas that will truly provide performance tens of times, and we tens of thousands of times the performance of neural networks, and we may not even notice how very quickly we
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sending spam, text messages there , when this is at a higher level, this will of course be a big problem, and we even in the academy of sciences have created a cybersecurity council that will comprehensively consider this issue in advance, because this is not only a technical issue, it is also legislators must change laws here very quickly, adjust them. laws for new existing situations, in the academy of sciences , of course, we are doing a lot of work in the field of neural networks, and not only in the field of, say, saftu mathematics, new algorithms that allow us to solve, this is also physiology, which is working on the
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main problem for us is how neurons work. the president discussed such a question there, on the one hand, it seems far from science, on the other hand, it is very important, examination school textbooks, from the footage of the meetings that were distributed, the impression was created that on this topic, you and the president have absolutely the same point of view, that the examination of school textbooks by the russian academy of sciences needs to be returned, does this mean that the question is already over?


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