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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? all resources must be mobilized. could you please give me the recipe, in general, how to achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you're on top of the world? he got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change ? evolution occurs in any structure.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, for free, without registration, in application or website. and now it’s time for economic news: kamaz’s net profit at the end of the year increased 2 and a half times, exceeding 12.5 billion rubles. this is stated in the report on russian standards. revenue for the same period is more than 350 billion. an increase by a third compared to last year. this dynamics is associated with an increase in sales across almost the entire model range. the czech republic has sharply increased purchases. russian gas in january our
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country accounted for 62% of the republic’s total gas imports, local media write about this with reference to the operator company net forgas, while last year the country's authorities announced that they were overcoming dependence on russian gas, then it accounted for only 2% of all supplies, but this year the situation has changed. the troubled american bank new york community is negotiating the sale of mortgage assets, bloomberg writes. thus: in this way, the bank plans to attract financing to stay afloat. since the end of january, the shares of the american company have plummeted by 60%, and the moody's agency downgraded its rating to junk. and the us national debt to thirty-fifth year will grow to a record 116% of gdp will continue to increase. this forecast is given by the congressional budget office. as for the budget deficit, the department expects a value of $2.600 billion. the current level is higher.
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i’ll give you a life hack, come on, buy a gift with a free vtb credit card, as many as 200 days without interest and 20% cashback on everything, i arrange it, buy it, well, what a surprise, vtb, together everything will work out, many tasks, meat sauce, sytin hot, they fill life with joy.
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it’s easy to imagine the ideal home, here it is it’s not always possible to build, so just imagine, everything else, from selecting a site to choosing a contractor, trust the section to build a house for a house click, what’s good for you? car, mileage , condition, comfort, and smells like new, everyone has their own good car, find it on the author, one of my friends can do everything, but what can you do, and i get gigabytes from a megaphone just like that, naked charisma, megaphone takes care of its subscribers and gives up to 20 gigabytes every month, the petrovs have holidays ahead, valentine's day for repairs, bites and international
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wallpapering day. don't limit yourself. cash loans from post bank with comfortable payment from 1.0 rub. enough for what is necessary and what is pleasant. come in. for money, post office bank, two big hits at a bargain price, only delicious, period, this sign is modestly hidden behind loud victories at the new stadium, it will support the sports spirit at the new grounds near the house in any weather. this sign does not stand out against the backdrop of great talent in the renovated cultural center; it will certainly fade into the background at such a solemn moment. sign russia's national project is easy to miss. but it is impossible not to notice the changes that he brought to our lives. national project of russia by decision of the president. hello, we found out that i told you a thousand times about sbp, now i’ll get out and tell you about sбpay. download the sbpa app, link your bank account and
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you can pay for anything via a one-touch nfc sign or via the sbp qr code, thanks for being easy to find. well, if you are too lazy to go somewhere, there is an sbp button for online shopping. well, see you later. kind day, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year, i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season and these months passed my business by. but this year everything is different. i connected to the megamarket in advance and already broke the record for monthly sales in just one week. the sales season is starting. let him in, join the megamarket, megamarket, just grow with us, yura and i decided on gifts, and you son wants a radio-controlled car, and maxim
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hints at a smart watch, and you hint, i want a robot vacuum cleaner, i’ll give you a life hack, come on, buy a gift with a free vtb credit card, for 200 days without interest. 20% on everything, i register, buy , well, what a surprise, vtb, together everything will work out, public control, how many cameras, are they filming a movie here, no, cameras are needed so that voting can be observed. there are observers working at the site, and all important places are under constant video surveillance: desks of members of the election commission, places of issuance, storage, movement of all ballot cancellation packages, voting boxes and
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places where ballots are counted, and the completed ballots are all sealed in bags and stored in separate safes or metal cabinets. i wonder who watches these videos? the broadcast can be watched by candidates, parties, public observers, and if necessary, the recording can be rewinded and watched again. everything is transparent and under control. russian academy of sciences - 300 years. during this time, the ras has become the world's largest center where fundamental and applied research is carried out on problems of natural, technical, humanitarian and social sciences. sci. scientists... on the side of modern challenges, large-scale projects in the field of microelectronics, artificial intelligence, genetics and cybersecurity, report by zinaida kurbatova. more and more scientific and design research organizations are coming under the scientific and methodological leadership of the russian academy of sciences. recently there was
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a government decree on such a transition of the kurchatov institute to the turn of nis zhukovsky. last year , the ministry of science of iran began holding operational meetings in order to... research, because often in order to conduct high-quality research, such a symbiosis of many directions is needed.
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academic institutes will be able to receive 11 billion in grants to improve their instrument base, a very important decision, the abolition of categories for institutes, introduced 5 years ago, this is direct... crimean scientists are ready to share their experience of joining the ras. there are many other
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problems that need to be solved, for example, there are a huge number of abandoned mines in the donbass. because of this, the structure has changed groundwater, and now wound specialists will take up this issue. another important topic is school textbooks. iranian specialists will now participate in the examination of textbooks. now, for example, work is in full swing on history textbooks for fifth and ninth grades. it was decided that... in the fifth grade on the history of the ancient world, to pay attention to the territories that became part of russia, this is siberia, this is the black sea region, and these are mainly archaeological bezuskami, and the text is prepared for the fifth grade, and prepared by the academy of sciences, the institute of archeology, and sent to us by the institute of archeology, its director and... with the president of the academy of sciences nikolai andreyvich makarov. the russian academy of sciences began to initiate large-scale
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government projects on microelectronics. these are new technologies that are important, for example, for the aviation industry. these include composite materials, aerodynamics, and new genetic technologies. much attention is paid to artificial intelligence issues. the academy of sciences has created a cyber ​​security council. you see now i am against the background, so to speak, of an exotic brick in history. what is now being actively discussed is the draft concept of the digital code of the russian federation, where one of the key sections could be the category of cybersecurity. the traditional general meeting of the russian academy of sciences will be held in may, and an offsite meeting is planned for june.
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the russian academy of sciences, created by peter i, created the needs of scientists for people, golden brains, yes they are called by the people, everyone has their own science, but this is a single organism that is controlled from a single center, what was yesterday it seemed impossible to solve this, it is being solved here, we are competitive in the most complex high-tech fields, the academy of sciences is good because it creates... an environment in which a scientist actually lives, you see alexander, what he was talking about,
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russia’s ally is the army and the fleet, i would add science, our time has come, hello , we found out, this is what i told you a thousand times about sbp, and now i’ll get out and tell you about sбpay, download the sbp application, link your bank account. and you can pay for anything through the nfc sign in one touch or sbp code, thank you, it’s easy to find, but if you’re too lazy to go somewhere, there’s an sbp button for online shopping, well, see you later, good afternoon, my name is victor and i’m an entrepreneur, last year i i didn’t have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season and these months. mime of my business, this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance, i have already broken the record for monthly
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sales in just one week, the sales season is starting, don’t miss it, join the megamarket, megamarket, just grow up with us, when you rush along the highway, you will easily fly past this sign, in the new children's clinic there is something to see, besides it, this sign is modestly hidden behind the loud victories at the built stadium, you will certainly not be interested in it against the backdrop of great talents in the renovated cultural center. national sign. the russian project is easy to miss, but it is impossible not to notice the changes it has brought to our lives. national projects of russia by decision of the president. yura and i decided on gifts, and you? my son wants a car with radio control, and maxim hints at a smart watch. and i’ll give you a hint, i want a robot vacuum cleaner.
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i'll give you a life hack. come on, buy a gift with a free vtb credit card. a full 200 days without interest. 20% on everything, i register, buy, well, what a surprise, vtb, together everything will work out. high technologies make business more efficient and the country's economy stronger. how does the state help create and implement them and where has artificial intelligence already replaced humans? let's see in the program there is a solution with marina gromova. when you drive a car, you forget about level in the gas tank, then the assistant will remind you in a timely manner, we also have early
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detection of the defect, artificial. intelligence, over the past 2 years the average level of its use in sectors of our economy in public administration has increased by one and a half times. a little about personal things, where to start writing the text? for us journalists, this is one of the most difficult stages of work: we print, erase, print again, this time i decided to ask for help.
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please write a program: there is a solution for journalist marina bromova, of course, here it is the program is a decision for the journalist. hello, dear viewers, today we will talk about how to solve the problem of lack of time. the neural network very accurately noted one of its strengths: lack of time, large volumes of data, extremely complex and dangerous tasks, things that artificial intelligence helps to cope with today. according to government estimates, the economic effect of its implementation for the country is already about a trillion rubles, and by the end of the decade it will exceed. number of products, artificial technologies intelligence is growing steadily from 2021 to 2022, in just one year this market has increased by 18%. these pedals, that is, they directly
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react, roughly the gas brake, here they control a drilling rig that operates ... several thousand kilometers from moscow. the solution for industrial enterprises has been created here for 6 years. another development is a digital advisor for a thermal power plant in yekaterinburg. artificial intelligence helps prevent accidents on the road, if anything. not so, the signal goes to moscow, to station, for us this is an emergency stop, this is , of course, social risks, and penalties for the company. in 2023 alone , 13 defects were recorded in this system, which began with such anomalies; four defects could lead to the rest of the block. with this system we have prevented
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millions of dollars in damage. predictive analytics is a case where prevention is much better. cheaper and easier than eliminating a digital assistant, a great help in increasing labor efficiency in industry intelligence is used not only to help a person process big data and advise what to do, but also to make artificial intelligence help others do as the best people, the best in their class machinists, engineers, industry do - this is understandable, extremely a conservative industry, especially... heavy industry, but one way or another, with the advent of a huge amount of data from equipment, from production processes, people can no longer process this information. use of artificial intelligence is an important condition for achieving technological sovereignty and development of the country ;
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the ministry of economic development is also responsible for the implementation of digital solutions in key sectors of the economy. the more complex the production, the greater the opportunity to introduce artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence allows you to catch these microscopic, maybe efficiency issues, which are half a percent, a tenth of a percent, but taking into account hundreds of billions of rubles of products. which these industries produce, yes, then these are immediately tangible effects. businesses are connecting artificial intelligence to processes. among the leaders in the financial sector , smart assistants simplify the work of more than 55% of companies, 54% in telecommunications and 37 healthcare. the effect has already been calculated in agriculture: harvesting and the volume of production in livestock are increasing by 5%. in industry, time to market is reduced by up to 40%.
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they are allowed, so to speak, to already gain their reputation, but on the wide market, this is 81% accuracy, we must always give out more than 81% accuracy. by analyzing images, the program
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signals violations and draws the specialist’s attention to sometimes not the most obvious pathologies; the module now helps doctors in 18 regions of the country. here we include a picture that was evaluated by artificial intelligence and we see the pathology, this is a decrease in nematization in both lungs in medicine. you can’t stay behind progress, and if you don’t introduce new technologies into your daily work, you simply won’t be able to remain the best, enter the market, and then become self-sufficient, the company the developer of the module was helped by the state, part of the costs for purchasing programs to clinics was reimbursed from the budget, the customer is not always ready right here, right now , to get money from the budget instead of some planned, maybe very important repair. to purchase such an innovation, this is where this support program comes to the rescue, we need to overcome the threshold, so to speak, of faith in you, i understand correctly, as you know, in our mountain river, that is, this is not just one threshold, this such a whole
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chain of thresholds, without the support of our regulators, including ministries, the topic of technological sovereignty and the topic of limiting access to technology on the other hand, it generally forced companies to move, but before they bought all this, they got used to it. take the best on the world market , now we need our own, everyone has understood this and is actively investing, and the main thing is that there is something to invest in, there are people, there are teams, in general, and the national project has moved a lot here, yes, because we purposefully finance personnel training in this area, well, plus we basically have a mathematical education serious in the country. to develop the implementation of artificial intelligence technologies, the digital economy national project has a separate federal project with total funding of more than. 31 billion 600 million rubles, and from 2021 the annual amount of funds for the development of artificial intelligence has increased from 5.5 to 9.5
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billion. as part of the national project, developers receive grants, thus, through the innovation promotion fund and skolkovo, the state has already supported more than 850 projects . business is actively acting as a partner of the state, from 21 to 23, he has already invested about 28.7 billion rubles in artificial intelligence technologies. today you can just take a document, give it to gigachat, instead of reading it in its entirety, just ask him questions, ask him to highlight the main thing. war and peace in brief? war and peace, i recommend reading it in the original. neural networks have literally taken over the world, generating images, text, even entire dissertations and art books, not only do processes speed up, efficiency increases, artificial intelligence is a tool that is already... purchased. in the twenty-fourth year, we expect about 350 billion economic effect, and if we look at the horizon of our new strategy in 24-26, then according to our
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expectations it will exceed a trillion rubles. that is why investments in artificial intelligence have remained the foundation, the locomotive of our technological development. the playing neural network performs routine work. this is where we highlighted the main theses, the strategy for the development of artificial intelligence until 2030, it took us less than 15 seconds. and perhaps soon a digital secretary will be able to compete with a secretary person. artificial intelligence will not replace humans, but we always talk about the fact that people...
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well, listen, these are the estimates there, of course, they can be plus or minus, that means, but the minimum estimates for last year are about half a trillion rubles, that is , well, consider it 0.3 0.3% of a point of gdp - this is what artificial intelligence directly gives, it is already used in a fairly large volume of products, we don’t even seem to understand, but all in the form of video analytics , this is machine vision, this is recognition, artificial intelligence is the future, but what about the future? artificial intelligence itself, it has been extended to the entire education system, knowledge about it is given to students in more than 1,500 schools in 76 regions of russia. to train specialists , universities have launched more than 100 undergraduate and graduate programs; leaders in education in the field of artificial intelligence have graduated more than 17,500 specialists ; 12 research centers have been created on the basis of higher educational institutions. many people want
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to see it. without cats, life is not life at all. skoltech is one of twelve educational platforms where specialists in the field of artificial intelligence are trained. without science, theory, there is no practice, and a finished working product is the main demand of the industry. thanks to this financial and, in general, organizational support, we are now really able to improve the way it all works. and the quality of student training, and their quantity, and financing, it is not the simplest in the sense that part is given by the state, part is given by industry, you must prove to this industry that what you you do, but on the one hand it has a fundamental basis, on the other hand it brings benefits. for example, based on the analysis of satellite image data, skoltech has learned to predict the spread of fires; the technology is already being successfully used in the ministry of emergency situations. there is a solution for business, a forecast
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of ice movement in... and the barints seas, this module is used by the largest oil and gas company. if the captain of the titanic had such a program, the ability to access such data, he would have met the iceberg. hardly . artificial intelligence can add the country's economic growth is 6%. according to forecasts, this could happen in 2030. in just a few more years, the artificial system may... gain the ability to think and realize itself as an individual, for example, to understand its own thoughts, but in a completely different way than a person, i found a solution for myself, freed up some time for myself for a cup of tea and cake , in the studio my digital double did the work for me, of course, he can’t laugh as sincerely as i do yet, but who knows, maybe soon it will be practically possible to distinguish a digital copy from a person
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impossible. so carlson flew to russia about a day before the publication of the interview with vladimir putin, when it will be released and where it can be watched. ilham aliyev gains more than 90% of the votes in early elections for the post of head of azerbaijan, this will be his fifth term. vladimir putin congratulated aliyev on his landslide victory. the us has blocked $60 billion for ukraine. other aid packages are also in doubt. the project to support kiev to the end is coming to an end. the russian academy of sciences is celebrating its anniversary.


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