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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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from a person will be almost impossible, and carlson flew to russia about a day before the publication of the interview with vladimir putin, when it you...
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vladimir putin congratulated ilham aliyev on his convincing victory in the presidential elections in azerbaijan, according to the kremlin website, the head of state talked on the phone. putin wished his colleague new success in his work. the presidents also confirmed their common interest in developing strategic partnerships and alliances. earlier, the head of the russian state sent the azerbaijani leader congratulatory telegram. according to preliminary data from the electoral commission center , ilham aliyev received more than 92% of the votes. residents of nagorno-karabakh participated in the voting for the first time. the electoral commission center today decided on the issue of registering four, four candidates at once as candidates for the presidency of russia . what decision was made in the cycle based on the results of the signature verification. let's find out from our correspondent varvara neskaya. she joins us. barbarian, greetings. what information? georgy, good afternoon,
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the cec meeting lasted more than 2 hours. based on its results it has been decided that the candidate from the civil initiative party, boris nadezhdin, and the candidate from the communists of russia party, sergei molinkovich , will not participate in the upcoming presidential elections of the russian federation. the central election commission of the russian federation refused to register them as candidates due to defects in the signatures that they submitted to the commission. also. registration was denied to the journalist and environmental activist anatoly botashov, a blogger from yekaterinburg for the sake of the russians, they were unable to provide the cec with the entire set of necessary documents and also collected insufficient registration as a candidate number of signatures. the cec working group recognized 583 signatures in support of the russian communist nominee sergei molinkovich and 858 in support of boris nadezhdin as unreliable. the central committee also invalidated 9,147 signatures in support of boris nadezhdin
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and 8,979 signatures in support of malinkovich. this reaches about 15% of defects in the signatures of each candidate. let me remind you that the verification was carried out in relation to 60,000 signatures, which were selected at random, and the permissible percentage of defects by law is not more than 5%. somewhere, as they explained, a series of passports were not removed from the cycle. those who signed these signature sheets , in some places the signatures were similar, the handwritings matched, in some sheets the collectors probably filled out the data with their own hands, which is prohibited by the current law, but some of the sheets that were filled out, which were filled out by the collectors, were not were notarized, the form of the signature sheet was approved by federal law, the signature sheet itself... is determined by how it is filled out,
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it’s written, i allow myself to read it, well the upper part of the signed sheet is clear , information about the voter, the date of signature and signature of the voter in his own hand, no one else can do this, these three positions, year of birth, place, address , place of residence, information about the document, that is, about the passport, is filled out a voter or a collector, i emphasize, a voter or... a borschik and no third party can fill this out, while the cycle stated that in total the commission’s specialists spent more than 300 hours, 152 hours, on checking the signature sheets of nadezhda and malenkovich on malinkovich and 144 on nadezhdin, while it is important to note, as representatives of the central election commission said during the meeting, members of malinkovich’s headquarters were present as part of the verification of the signatures of all...
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russians, they were unable to collect a sufficient number of signatures, batashov had this number only the russian rada has a little more than 313 signature sheets, 476. i’m not going to the elections as a technical candidate, i’m not going to the elections as a beating boy, and i clearly understand that the only thing i have is the law, the law that i must follow, i am very grateful to my team, i have a very well-coordinated team, no one fell off along the way. we have passed a good test of strength, and as you know, we are carrying out a lot of social projects, we will continue to carry them out, as ella pomfilova said, as a result of today’s meeting , there will be four candidates on the ballot for the presidential election, this is
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a self-nominated candidate and the current head of state vladimir putin, this is the candidate from the ldpr party, leonid slutsky, the candidate from the communist party of the russian federation nikolai. be observed, because it is in will ultimately affect the conduct of the elections itself. thank you, our correspondent varvara nevskaya was in direct contact with tsika. two cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese,
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always a smart choice. good afternoon. my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season. and these months passed my business by. but this year everything is different. i connected to the megamarket in advance and already broke the record for monthly sales in just one week. season sales are starting , don’t miss it, join the megamarket, megamarket, just grow with us, i’ve been driving since childhood, everything is fine, i’ve always been supported, everything is fine, now i’m a magnet, i work as a driver, the fleet is being renewed, my salary is a day day, everything is fine, come 8 800 30067, hello, did you find out, what have i told you a thousand times? about sbp, now i’ll come out and tell you about sbpay, download the sbpay application, link your bank account and
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you can pay for anything through an nfc sign with one touch or using the sbp qr code, thank you that it’s easy to find, but if you ’re too lazy to go somewhere, there’s an sbp button for online shopping, well, see you later. touch the croque star burger here on fire tastes better before the publication of tucker carlson's interview with vladimir putin is less than a day away. night moscow time, the american journalist himself reported this, and
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today he and the film crew have already left russia, early in the morning from sheremetyevo airport, they headed to belgrade. according to carlson, he will now seek a meeting with vladimir zelensky and, as noted reporter, all previous interviews with him that were published in the american media have nothing to do with journalism, but are propaganda. tucker carlson's arrival in moscow and conversation with vladimir putin caused... usa and russia. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov shared this comment with reporters. carlson’s persona itself, his arrival in russia and interview with putin, is an event that caused such a special resonance, not only in america, but in our country. to be fair, resonance sometimes, well, let’s say, it’s off the scale, it’s obvious that this is an interview that is being expected, it’s obvious that this is an interview that will be read and analyzed. not one day, it is important for us that as many people in the world as possible become familiar with the worldview and from
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the point of view of the head of the russian state, it will be published on friday morning on the president’s website, as usually happens with any interview with the president of the russian federation, and a video, and the full transcript in russian in english will be published too. of course, this will be after this will be published on carlson's resources. explosions occurred that night in several regions of ukraine at once, messages came from nikolaev, local publications have not yet provided details, there is information about explosions in odessa, while citizens write online that they did not even notice the air defense work. another area where explosions occurred was vinnitsa, where an infrastructure facility was damaged and a fire broke out. in orenburg today they said goodbye to the crew of the il-76 plane shot down in the belgorod region. in the morning , metropolitan peter of animburg served for rest in peace liturgy for the dead. a civil memorial service was organized at the orenburg sports and cultural complex. hundreds
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of people gathered there, including representatives of the command and leadership of the region. the ceremony was accompanied by a company of honor guard. the commander of the russian military transport aviation presented the relatives of the victims with the order of courage. after the farewell ceremony, all those gathered went out into the street in a funeral procession. let me remind you that the tl-76 transport plane, which was transporting ukrainian prisoners for exchange, was shot down on january 24. as a result of the investigation, it turned out that that the militants opened fire on him from the american ptr system. everyone on board died. whoever takes the trophy will rule in both worlds, real and digital , games of the future, subscribe, watch the broadcast on social networks in life’s whirlwind of successes and failures , hope fills you up, viblanch in the rhythm of a worker, many tasks, your break fills up
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yandex search and compare offers from different stores. on one page, good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur, last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season, and these months passed my business by, this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance and have already broken the record for total monthly sales in one week, the sales season begins, don't miss it, join the megamarket. megamarket, just grow with us. sesame bun, two cutlets, special si sauce, salads, cucumbers, legendary vibiki.
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sesame bun, two onion cutlets, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers. the legendary pete is a big hit bit only at a delicious point , holiday discounts on your favorite products in a magnet briquette flogbeer 48 kopecks. 99.99. magnet - price, what is needed, but everyone told me that this problem cannot be solved, everything is solved with the national project education. in russia , new opportunities to study well appear regularly. alexey makrushin made from one of the oldest schools in the city of kaluga. but from the most modern, caring projects of russia by decision of the president and caring people. now it's news of the last minute. vladimir putin had a telephone conversation today with the representative of the people's republic of china, sidin pinn. the leaders of the two countries summed up the development of a comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction
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over the last period. putin and svidzimping stated that good neighborly ties between russia and china are located in... in the kremlin. the incident is at a high level, this is now reported by footage from the government house. good afternoon, dear colleagues, today we celebrate russian science day. and the tercentenary of the russian academy of sciences and st. petersburg state university, i would like to sincerely congratulate our scientists, researchers, laboratory staff, graduate students, everyone who works in this area that is significant for the country; today the level of our
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technological development directly depends the competitiveness of our companies, economic sectors as a whole, and of course, the well-being and quality of life of our people. in the coming years, we will have to, including as part of implementation. megaprojects to intensively increase the creation of our own critical developments in industry and in the information technology sector in agriculture in medicine and in many other key areas in order to quickly achieve technological sovereignty, one of the goals that the head of state set for us. and for this we have a big one backlog: strong schools that continue traditions and increase.
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the latest achievements of our science, representatives of science, we are grateful for fundamental and applied research for creative work that is very important for the whole country, because it is they who lay the foundation for further movement forward. the state also continues to create favorable conditions for russian researchers. so recently, at a meeting of the head of state with young scientists in sochi, they discussed the issue of increasing presidential scholarships for... graduate students who conduct research in technological field, a government decree has been signed, which specifies the rules for receiving them and the monthly
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amount, it will be 75,000 rubles. depending on the duration of full-time study, they will be appointed for a period from one year to 4 years. candidates for such payments are nominated accordingly by the scientific supervisor, and the winners are determined based on the results. competitive selection, we hope that the measures taken will support talented young scientists at the beginning of their careers, will help them demonstrate their abilities, show professional achievements, and so that even more advanced developments find practical application in industry, science, medicine, electronics and other critical areas. the president signed a decree that expands support for families raising children with disabilities, amendments to
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the current legislation necessary for its implementation have been prepared, and from january 1 of this year, working parents and guardians are provided with social benefits for the care of a disabled child under 18 years of age , a also disabled people from childhood of the first group, subject to part-time employment, remotely or at home. the amount of assistance is 10,000 rubles monthly. previously, it was only available to mothers and fathers who were not employed; now it is available if a person works part- time. he will then be provided with benefits and, accordingly, a salary. citizens will have more opportunities to combine caring for loved ones and professional activities, but at the same time, what is important, to maintain state support. let's move on to today agenda. we today. let's consider the issue of improving the mechanism of public procurement, the rules for conducting them and the election of the winner should become as simple as possible , understandable for all parties, and be based on
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the unconditional priority of russian brands. this approach is of utmost importance for the development of industries and allows us to stimulate the creation of new in-house production facilities, including in radio electronics, metallurgy, railway agricultural engineering, and the automotive industry. machine tool industry, textile, furniture, pharmaceutical industry and in many other areas that are significant for the country’s economy and people’s lives. on instructions from the president, the government has prepared amendments to the legislation to optimize all procurement procedures; they, accordingly , establish a unified procedure for providing advantages to domestic products. first of all, we are talking about legal grounds, such as a complete ban on participation in certain auctions. foreign goods or services, and to impose restrictions under the second wheel condition when there is a russian bidder. another protective
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a measure that we will actively take. this is the use of a so-called conditional coefficient, which improves the price offer of our companies by 15%. in the case of competition between several products that are manufactured within the country, preference will accordingly be given to products with a higher technological level of localization of production. we will also decide on additional support for the donetsk and lugansk people’s republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions, as the president noted. it is necessary to bring all these indicators to all-russian indicators regions, the government will allocate funds to ensure the balance of their budgets, which is important for improving the quality of life of people there. 5 billion rubles we will use it to improve the situation in the housing and communal services sector, including to supply citizens with water and heat, as well as to implement other popular measures in this industry. the provision of such services and timely updating of infrastructure is an important part
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of our agenda. we will also finance agricultural producers in these republics and regions to increase production volumes milk, potatoes and vegetables. and carry out agrotechnical work to obtain good grain harvests. provides support for organizing the baking industry. we have already actively used all the tools before. last year , more than a thousand agricultural enterprises in new regions took advantage of these opportunities. and these by the way. tools have proven their effectiveness, we expect that such measures will allow us to increase the volume of agricultural products, and of course, obtain them of high quality; the government will continue to provide the necessary assistance to these regions, including restoring destroyed infrastructure, creating jobs and ensuring normal living conditions for russian citizens. it was footage of a government meeting. vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with
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chinese president sidin. as reported in the kremlin, the leaders of russia and china summed up the development of a comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction over the last period. they stated that good neighborly ties between the two countries are at an unprecedented high level. also heads of state placed special emphasis on the fact that close interaction between moscow and beijing helps stabilize the situation in the world. vladimir putin reaffirmed russia's commitment to the one-china principle. we’ll take a break now, but we’ll definitely continue in a couple of minutes.
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