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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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the share of payments in the national currencies of eu countries has reached 90%, deputy prime minister alexey overchuk announced this during the russian business week. my colleague dmitry morocco works at the forum. dmitry, he is joining us now. dmitry, greetings. do i understand correctly that, in principle, the transition to national currencies is extremely bad news for the dollar, and what other topics were discussed at this event? yes, that's absolutely right.
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after the introduction of sanctions, the share of the european union in our trade turnover decreased by more than half, but the share of friendly countries increased to 70%. active negotiations are currently underway on the creation of new free trade zones, in particular with the united arab emirates, algeria and egypt; this common market will amount to about 700 million people. now we have a market volume that is open in a free trade regime - this is 350 million people, but of course, we need to move on, we set the task for the united arab emirates, negotiations are underway with egypt, with indonesia, algeria, we offered to enter into negotiations on free trade zones , ultimately due to the expansion of the network of zones, we have to reach a market of 700 million people.
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in 2019, businesses were granted customs benefits worth 550 billion rubles, these are the data announced today at russian business week. thank you, my colleague dmitry morocco works at the rsp forum. the future of russian science became the main topic of the meeting of the head of the ministry of education and science valery folkov with young scientists and researchers who work in youth laboratories. such centers created on the basis of university institutes make it possible to promote fundamental science in a variety of fields: microelectronics, medicine, energy, agriculture , climate. this year, about 200 such centers will be opened, and 30 of them will be in new regions. it is important to ensure their normal, further dynamic development, if yes, so that this will contribute to such a good, well, personnel renewal in the institutions. the second is the groundwork, because applied
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research for the needs of the day is very important, it is clear that industry needs it here now, but youth laboratories, as i hear you, are just the groundwork, and if we take it... say yes to technology trl the so-called it may not be six or seven , but even earlier, in continuation of the topic, immediately after the advertisement, a special report by evgeniy nipot. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. bionic prosthetics, this is very difficult, but you didn’t listen. after all, you 're doing everything wrong. continue. register a business for free with alfabank and open an account with free service. alfabank is the best bank for business. good afternoon. my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i
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did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the season sales and these months passed my business by. but this year everything is different. i connected to the megamarket in advance. has already broken the record for monthly sales in just one week , the sales season is starting, don’t miss it, join the megamarket, megamarket, just grow with us, alyon, let me help, thank you, but you have a whole package of cashback here, i’m not sure, from banks so many conditions, legal, alen. with a free vtb debit card, 10% cashback on everything, help, it’s better for me, there’s enough cashback for everyone, vtb, together everything will work out, this is our usual ivanovo
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morning, i want there to be more of us, these are my best evenings, pokrovsky evenings, and i want there to be more of them. in germany there was a truly unprecedented surge of this russophobia. the collapse of russian-polish relations occurred in the spring of 1914; this is, in general, clear evidence of the failure
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of american policy. russia in the international arena. the second year of the decade of science and technology, in 2023 alone over 2 thousand events were held, the main characters of which were russian researchers, enthusiastic, talented, inspired, we will talk about them in our special report. in the snow, we arrived at the institute of chemistry of st. petersburg university, where professor irina timofeeva works and immediately noticed the contrast: there was a snowstorm outside, a winter garden inside. this kind of oasis is a point of attraction for both students and teachers who develop the ideas of green analytical chemistry. green analytical chemistry, what is this
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direction and what are its main features? green analytical chemistry - it is aimed at protecting our environment environment, including the analyst performing chemical analysis. use a minimum amount of reagents to create less waste, automate methods to the maximum, use as many natural ingredients as possible, even in the laboratory there is a smell of menthol, employees say they get sick less often because of this, but the main thing is that they make effective solvents based on it, a mixture of two or more components that melt at a minimum temperature and help to isolate substances of interest to researchers from samples of food, fuel, building materials, soil and even air. that is, we are developing methods that will allow us to determine a variety of substances in various objects. irina timofeeva is now mainly involved in food products; together with her colleagues, she has developed methods to determine the dangerous content of pesticides. in vegetables and fruits, phenols in sausage, antibiotics in milk, increased content of preservatives in baby food, the result of
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one of the projects in which she participated was the creation of safe materials for housing construction. in 2010, in order for work to proceed year-round, developers actively used concrete mixtures with frost-resistant additives, most of them... based on urea, which decomposed in warm weather and emitted an unpleasant odor. my colleagues and i developed two methods, thanks to which dangerous concrete could be detected right at a construction site and the truck could be turned back to production. then they worked day and night, including in frosty weather. we sat in the vans and determined all this on our knees, one might say, it’s still a technique was not developed, we had a lot of chemical reagents and cones with us. thanks to these methods, the problem at the moment... has been leveled, because naturally, no one wants to produce mixtures that will later be disposed of.
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together with fellow students, the department is creating a large database of compounds from which eftactic solvents can be made, essentially chemical constructors. some are better at detecting preservatives, others, for example, heavy metals, sources from which dozens of solvents can be obtained thousand. my student and i had a task: we needed a specific substance and needed to understand whether this tactical solvent could be made from it or not. we opened this base, yes, we spent there. minutes, they found these other substances with which you can collect it, and get a solvent, and instead of going on the internet, looking for these articles again, downloading articles, reading articles, and so on. for their achievements, irina andrey received the presidential prize in the field of science innovation for young scientists, today the topic of green analytical chemistry, which helps ensure, among other things , food safety, attracts dozens of novice researchers. everything that is being developed can one day help people , and well, just researching something, it seems to me, is always...
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to essentially make people aware of the scientific areas that are developing in our country, to give impetus to new directions and talk about those people who do science. young scientists are also inspired by great contemporaries, truly legendary predecessors, such as dmitry ivanovich mendeleev. in his periodic table, dmitry ivanovich predicted the existence of new chemical elements. nowadays, young researchers, thanks to modern technologies, are able not only to predict the appearance of new materials, but also to model them. alexander and dmitry kushnin are working on different projects in different
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institutes, working on creating compounds that no one else in the world has ever achieved. about his group at the emmanuel institute of biochemical physics ras says leading researcher dmitry klashnin, doctor of science, laureate of the moscow government prize. we are engaged in computer modeling of nanostructures , that is, using methods, well, either quantum chemistry or classical methods of molecular dynamics, we... save resources for experimenters, that is, these are reagents, this is their time, i don’t know, electricity, what to say that among these thousands of experiments that can be done to synthesize the material there, in order to find out whether the reaction will go or not, we can choose conditionally 10 that you need to concentrate on, and the rest that you don’t need to touch. in 2009, dmitry and alexander , together with scientific supervisors leonid chernozatonsky and pavel sorokin, predicted the possibility of the existence of the thinnest diamond film several atoms thick, it was called diamane; in 2021
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, the first work was published, where, using an electron microscope, they still saw the connection between these layers of carbons. the main focus of dmitry’s scientific group is on the study of low-dimensional objects, obeying the laws of the quantum world. all the beauty of this nano world is that it greatly changes all structures, greatly changes its properties depending on. er of our structure, we will change it, we will take out one atom, replace it with another, it will be a completely new object. scientists use these features to apply new materials to existing electronics. the difficulty is that fastening the contacts... can destroy the unique properties of nanotubes, here we see this nanotube, such a dumbbell, here we have a nanotube of one diameter, ours is metallic, here the tube is of a different diameter, it is semiconductor, this is a property of tubes due to the fact that quantum effects are at work here, the quantum limitation effect, depending on the diameter of the nanotube, well, i’m just saying either it’s due to their chirality
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or helicity, properties can change, the idea was to create such an intramolecular connection inside one tube, continuous between its metal and semiconductor parts, this was done in one of our joint works with colleagues, it was all this was published in the journal science. now a group led by a scientist, within the framework of a grant from the russian science foundation , is studying hetrastructures based on molipdenum disulfide. in the future, what is the project aimed at? the project is aimed at, firstly , predicting the future creation of new structures for flexible electronics, for flexible.
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the word is industrially oriented, because although we search for materials on a computer using modeling methods, we are looking for materials that directly could find their application in industry. one of the projects is devoted to high-temperature superconductors, ordinary ones, let's call them that, can only work at extremely low temperatures, hundreds of degrees celsius below zero, electronic equipment,
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medical equipment, the same mri machines and so on, there are superconducting magnets so that they worked, they are needed. wait, accordingly, you have an mri machine, it’s in your office, in the next office, so to speak, there’s a giant refrigerator there, which consumes tens of times more electricity there in order for the whole thing to work, the scientist and his team predicted a new material, stable under extreme pressure, which will work if it is simply cooled even in an ordinary freezer, they synthesized it, studied it at the synchrotron in greenoble, alexandra’s colleague went there, and i’m sitting at home, he’s in grenoble, there you have to measure it around the clock, he sends me defractograms, spectra at night, i check them on the computer, check them with my own and at some point i saw that they were superimposed like this, one on one, what we predicted and what we synthesized, you grabbed your head, like in films about scientists or something happened, well, not quite like that, it was already night , everything seemed fine there, closed it, went to bed, one of alexander’s most successful projects is related to the creation of a particularly strong
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material for drill bit cutters, in collaboration with colleagues from different scientific centers, the project was implemented, as they say in metal, the customer was the largest resource mining company in the country. and we predicted a material based on tungsten and boron, this is the highest tungsten boron, which turned out to be harder than the materials that are currently used. tungsten pentabarite also opened up a new direction for the group, dedicated to the catalyst. an idea arose to replace expensive precious metals with cheaper ones in automobile catalytic converters. and now, together with tomsk polytechnic university and in general, we are studying nanoparticles that roughly look like this , which... we assume used in the form of catalysts, where various gases, such as carbon monoxide or co2, will be adsorbed onto the surface. on the wall in alexander’s office hang reprints of two magazines, on the covers of which there are illustrations from his articles. in organizanikry posted an installation diagram developed at tomsk polytechnic university, with the help of which tungsten boride thresholds are obtained. siberian scientists
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have developed a unique synthesis technique that speeds up and simplifies the process of obtaining new materials. need to be done regularly testing hypotheses, respectively, and the technique that we use is the electric arc synthesis method, it is characterized by ease of implementation and the dynamics of the temperature set is very high, achieved by generating a direct current arc discharge, and this, in general, helps to cope with this task testing hypotheses about the possibility of obtaining this or that material. alfram pentaborides powders, as planned by scientists, will be able to replace the expensive palladium-based catalyst. by the way, one is connected with him interesting.
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olga kamanina, leading researcher at the biokhimtech research center, associate professor at the university, is leading two large projects. under my leadership , two directions are now being implemented, one direction. this is the development of new nanocatalysts based on palladium nanoparticles, the second is the development of antiseptic materials that can be used in medicine or industry. according to olga, as part of the decade of science and technology, the state is paying more attention to scientists. for the young there are various lines of grants for candidates and doctors of science, but when a researcher goes on maternity leave or maternity leave and then returns to work, support for young scientists ends when they reach the age of 35 for candidates and 40 for doctors of science. olga, at a meeting with the president at the third congress of young scientists, proposed extending the practice of stopping the clock, not only to rsf grants, but to other forms of support. the initiative
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is truly important for the community, and the head of state has already given the appropriate order. for a candidate of sciences this is up to 35 years old, and for a young doctor of sciences this is up to 40 years old. accordingly, a young scientist, if he wants to be a young candidate or a young doctor, must defend his candidate's thesis before the age of 35 and his doctorate until the age of 40. and there are grant groups. and where only young scientists apply, respectively, these are only people under 35 years old, or only young doctors, for example, there was a presidential competition, a grant from the president of the russian federation for young doctors of science. one of olga’s projects was supported by presidential grants. we are talking about creating biosupports for catalysts. nowadays , for example, charcoal is used as carriers, the composition of which depends on the geographical location, and impurities can affect the quality of the reaction. and microorganisms reproduce all the time with the same genetic makeup. material, therefore we can be sure that our substrate is the same all the time. the research team uses microorganisms isolated from precise photographs of cleanup facilities. we saw that nanoparticles are formed in our country
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inside the cell of microorganisms, and then 24x7 - this thought is spinning in your head, how to understand what is happening there? the riddle is being actively discussed with colleagues; when the answer is found, it will be possible to create a kind of biogenerators of nanoparticles. microorganisms also help develop a new generation of long-lasting antiseptics for... a cavity of given sizes, and then at this time, in this hole we place our antiseptic, which is released in a controlled manner, depending on what kind of antiseptic it is, we can pick pores of various sizes, and you feel like an architect, and i think yes, this is a youth laboratory of biologically active compounds and biocomposites, created thanks to the national project science and universities. olga says that together with her colleagues she thought through where and how to place tables and equipment, now working here, making a discovery, i will quote, is a pleasure. and we learn something
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new that we didn’t plan to get, but we got it, it’s so cool, it’s so cool, and that’s probably what we are for here in the laboratory, it’s for the sake of this buzz that we get from research. and this feeling of new knowledge, the answers obtained, equally captivates researchers who work in completely different fields, from chemistry. to historical sciences. the st. petersburg institute of history of iran has hundreds of thousands of ancient documents in its funds and collections. senior researcher, doctor of historical sciences, nikita bashnin, keeper of the russian section of the scientific and historical archive. i am engaged in research of the vologda bishopric houses. antiquities of the north, seaside, monasteries, monastic archives, studies the russian middle ages, northern lands where there was no serfdom and residents
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paid taxes directly to the capital. they can be characterized by this community, a large one, probably , in a few words, and first of all , this feeling of freedom, that is, these are the people who actually created, for example, the fleet in the pre-petrine era, these are the famous karbas, this journey in mangaz. this is generally the conquest of the white sea. still a student inspired by the stories of his supervisor, nikita began to study the history of the monastery, which was founded in the vologda region by dionysius glushitsky at the beginning of the 15th century. among the documents of the institute there is a contribution letter from the local prince, who donates the land to the monastery in memory of his parents who died from the plague. and so he writes the word after his father, prince yuri ivanovich, after his mother, princess elenia seyas, prince semyon. yuryevich puts in pozhny, the varzha river, and at the end he writes that to remember them, that is, he wanted to take care
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about souls. his deceased parents, the researcher first wanted to visit the monastery as a student, deciding to ride 70 km on a bicycle, it was in the spring, there were 10 kilometers left to the goal, but the ground then became soggy, he had to return, the second visit was more successful, the train was 5 km on foot through the swamps , when i arrived, that is, this is the first feeling that there really is some kind of miracle, because it is a small island, surrounded by a swamp, there is tall grass, basically water, and the remains of buildings.
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it is now being revived, under construction and wooden two-domed church, for his contribution to the study of church-state relations, monastery construction and the study of ancient documents, nikita in 2017 was awarded the presidential prize in the field of science and innovation for young scientists, thanks to grant support from the russian science foundation, researchers published a work on the history of the vologda bishop's house and kirillo - belozersky monastery, the latter is visited by more than 200,000 people a year, excursions for museum visitors, they are prepared just... on the basis of these documents, indeed, yes, here it is on the basis of these documents that scientific restoration is carried out; in documents and books there are so-called marginalia, marks in the margins, greetings from time immemorial; among church books there are, for example, handwritten apocalypses, they were preparing just for the end of the world, which was about to take place in 1492, that is, 7,000 years from the creation of the world, this flannel was written in
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1473, and there are: features, for example, these bookmarks that are pasted right on the page, traces of delivery, they read it by candlelight, and the person who copied this book, left a number of reminders about himself, well , for example, his name, antsif on the last page, where there were samples of the pen, and also left a small message to those who will read this book, there is a book that is wise, if, for example, in the 19th century there were a lot of documents, then this... the middle ages have to be collected like a mosaic, most of which has been lost, which is why ancient letters and scrolls of that era are worth their weight in gold, some were decorated by him. this is a rough wax seal, hung, suspended from a document on a silk cord, and the cord, as you can see, it is attached to the document in a special way; if you look closely, we will see the first letter of the title: bishop, letter e. in the collection of the institute there are, for example, examples of ancient
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facsimiles, the autograph of the philologist father mich. romanov, the first of the royal dynasty. the seal, by the way, is already red, not black, san is taller. it is interesting that the tsars especially favored one of the vologota products - salted saffron milk caps. the most politically significant character of the 16th century is the vologda ryzhik. when they went to moscow, they always took with them a vessel with saffron milk caps. and that's it brought to the boyar's table, to the patriarch's table, to the tsar's table. and according to the documents. we know that at some point the solicitor of the vologda bishop's house did not have ryzhikov, and he ordered similar mushrooms to be bought at the moscow market and tinted to match the color of the ryzhikov. in general, not only alexey romanov, but also his son, peter the great, had a passion for these mushrooms. peter the great repeatedly passed through vologda, yes, going to arkhangelsk, and was familiar with archbishop gabriel kichigin. gabriel sent the ryzhiks to the king, for which he received
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then a thank you note. the letter, the whole letter, the whole letter, is dedicated to the fact that the saffron milk caps have arrived, the saffron milk caps have been eaten, the saffron milk caps are delicious, and the king came to the table. peter i introduced notebook production, this impressive code is an analogue of the modern cadastre, information about forests, rivers, beaver ruts, arable lands, and a separate parting in which the hive was kept. all these documents contain human destinies, terrible and funny. diversity, this is the era in which documents have not yet been invented by man, scientists are helped to explore completely different sources information. research center for genetics and life sciences at sirius university. here , archaeological materials are literally dismantled down to their molecules. for several years now, researchers within the project have been engaged in a real genomic census of those who lived in vast spaces.
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in the period from the stone age.


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