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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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saffron milk caps, for which he later received a letter of gratitude, the whole letter, the whole letter, is dedicated to the fact that the saffron milk caps arrived, the saffron milk caps were eaten, the delicious saffron milk caps were brought to the tsar’s table. peter i introduced a notebook of production, this impressive code is an analogue of the modern cadastre, information about forests, rivers, beaver ruts, arable lands, and a separate parting in which the hive was kept. all these documents contain human destinies, terrible and funny. diversity, this is the era in which documents have not yet been invented by man, scientists are helped explore completely different sources of information. research center for genetics and life sciences at sirius university. here , archaeological materials are literally dismantled down to their molecules. for several years now, researchers within the project have been working on real genomic research.
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federal research center for biotechnology iran and many, many others. elizaveta rozhdestvenskikh, a junior researcher at the center, who has been involved in paleognetics for 23 years, says that the process of obtaining information from ancient tissues is associated with a serious technological chain. when the genome is compared to a book, but if we read a book on modern dna, we would see, for example, whole sentences, paragraphs, whole pages of text. at that time, if we opened the book. with ancient dna we would
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have seen fragments of phrases, words and individual letters. on the basis of domestic laboratories , a genomic analysis of the neanderal man from the mizmayskaya cave in the krasnodar region was carried out. the team is studying dna fragments extracted from the famous scythian burial mounds. they conclude that the territory of russia from ancient times was multinational, genetically diverse, but united by a common culture. the global goal of the project is to study the dynamics and changes of the population from a genetic point of view, that is, what people lived there. where, perhaps, some of them disappeared, which ones contributed to the ancient russian slavic population, from which the ancient state was formed, and what traces of these ancient peoples can we trace back to us, that is, we are trying to understand who our ancestors are, so the samples, found at the site of the ritual planting, helped scientists better understand how the migration of ancient people took place, the sample is a relative on the maternal side of the hungarian king... it is already known that
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his mother was the daughter of the grand duke of kiev, eurosinyamstislavna, there is a difference of about 6 centuries between these samples, and the complete coincidence of mitochondrial sequences indicates a relationship on the maternal line, that is, these are direct relatives , and even this would seem to be an insignificant feature of ancient people, the tolerance of milk in... the territory of europe during the period of neotilization, these are the descendants of those people who settled on they had a mutation that allowed them to eat dairy products, this is because
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agriculture developed. a significant part of the manipulation of samples takes place in sterile rooms, in special protective suits. we protect our samples and our ancient dna from contamination by modern dna. since the contamination is modern, it may cause some problems in data analysis. to obtain such information, scientists do a tremendous amount of work. now we have added bone powder special reagents so that our bone tissue cells are destroyed and dna is released into our solution. to do this, we place these samples on a thermal shaker, and this is how it will shake. we are about 3 hours away, after 3 hours we
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remove this, it turns out that we have dna floating in the liquid, which we will subsequently purify. ancient modern. are distinguished by special modifications that occur after the death of a person. carefully tested, prepared samples are sent for analysis to sequinators, at the disposal of scientists truly unique equipment, which is available to at most a dozen laboratories in the world, and thanks to the national project science and universities, the research center has the opportunity to receive grants for the most modern, advanced equipment. this science allows you to study everything at once, that is, due to the fact that it is multidisciplinary, and of course, when you research...
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vladimir putin spoke on the phone with the chairman of the people's republic of china shizen pinn, they summed up the development of the russian-chinese partnership and strategic interaction for the last period. the heads of state noted with satisfaction that russian-chinese relations, comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction in the twenty-third year continued to develop progressively and are now at an unprecedented high level.
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our countries hold similar positions on key foreign policy issues, and the leaders have confirmed the common course for our countries towards the formation of a fair, multipolar world order based on international law. mutual rejection of the us course was expressed, aimed at interfering in the internal affairs of other states. and most importantly, the leaders of the two countries understand that the united states is practically implementing a policy of dual
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containment of both russia and china. current international issues, the situation in ukraine, and the exacerbation of the palestinian-israeli conflict were discussed in detail.
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the conversation also took place over the phone. the head of the victory in the presidential elections in azerbaijan. of the russian state wished his colleagues new successes in their work. the presidents also confirmed their common interest in the development strategic. partnerships and alliances. earlier, vladimir putin sent a congratulatory telegram to the azerbaijani leader. according to preliminary data from the central election commission, ilham aliyev received more than 92% of the votes. residents of nagorno-karabakh participated in the voting for the first time. in orenburg today they said goodbye to the crew of the il-76 plane, which was shot down in the belgorod region. in the morning , a funeral liturgy was served for the dead, and a civil memorial service was organized at the orenburg sports and cultural complex. they gathered there. hundreds of people, including representatives of the command and leadership of the region. the ceremony was accompanied by a company
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of honor guard. the commander of the russian military transport aviation personally presented the relatives of the victims with the order of courage. report by oksana boricheva. the funeral ceremony takes place at the orenburg sports and cultural complex. this site can accommodate everyone who came to the civil memorial service today. photos of crew members, people carrying flowers in an endless stream. they came to lay flowers to honor the memory of the heroes today. relatives have never been forgotten by us, in
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in this case, i can say that there will be no other, they will always be with us, this is our responsibility, our moral responsibility, our, our future, the future of our country, probably these children who today are left without fathers, without breadwinners, well, also wives widows of the dead guys, the whole country, together with orenburg, mourns the dead pilots, their names are now forever in the pantheon of russian heroes. stanislav bezubkin, ship captain vladimir chemirev, assistant commander alexey vysokin, navigator, andrey piluev, flight engineer, sergey zhitenev - flight engineer, igor sablinsky is a flight attendant; they fulfilled their military duty with dignity until the last second, trying to save all the passengers who were on board, including ukrainian prisoners of war. courage awarded. they, like professionals, fought to the end for the lives of their passengers. we don’t simply divide into our own and strangers, it’s in our blood at the level of instinct, let’s say,
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so i’m sure and know that they did everything possible in order to first of all save their lives. a great loss for our city, for our country, for all the russian armed forces in memory of the courage and feat of the pilots, a minute of silence. the pilots of the orenburg 117th military transport regiment have thousands of completed missions under their belt. on january 24 , their last flight took place; on approach to the airfield in belgorod, the il-76 was shot down by a missile from the american patriot anti-aircraft missile system. on that day , there were 65 prisoners of war in the ssu on board the plane, who were being transported for exchange. the pilots were able to take the plane in distress away from residential buildings, preventing another major tragedy. after the official part the crew aircraft will be buried in different places, depending on their place of residence and the wishes of the relative. oksana boricheva, dmitry nefedov, news of the orenburg region. the structure of the russian economy has proven to be resistant to
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external pressure. this conclusion was reached at the sberbank financial analytics center. they noted that the sanctions not only did not bring the planned result, but even had a positive impact on the development of certain industries. we’ll find out all the details from maria slobodyanskaya. mash, greetings, but what positive factors are experts talking about? a welcome message, for example, about the growth of our own production in aviation mechanical engineering. agro-industrial complex and food industry. sanctions don't work. the russian economy recovered and began to grow much faster than western countries expected. a study on the reasons for this reverse effect was carried out at the sberbank financial analytics center. among the main reasons that experts highlight is the low dependence of the russian economy on external capital. this is due, among other things, to the successful establishment of domestic production and rapid reorientation of imports. here, alternative supplies from third countries came into play. in addition, it is russian. there is a high foreign trade surplus and a relatively low level of external debt. according to preliminary estimates by the bank of russia
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, last year the trade surplus exceeded $118 billion, and although the figure is lower than in the 22nd year, when a historical maximum was recorded, the reserve remains. at the same time, due to restrictions on the withdrawal of capital, investments remained inside countries and gave impetus to many industries. infrastructure sectors and industry , which recently... seem to have suffered greatly from, let's say, competition in the domestic market, it turned out that entire segments were given over to it, the second thing is, strictly speaking... if we are talking about exporters , then almost everyone adapted quite quickly, switching to new buyers in new markets. another significant factor is the west’s underestimation of russian exports, for example, according to the czech gas operator, gas supplies to the country from russia amounted to 62% of the total volume of fuel purchased in january. at the same time, back in the summer, the czech authorities
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declared complete independence from russian energy resources. the united states increased its purchases of uranium based on the results. last year they purchased $1.2 billion worth of raw materials from russia, a record figure, the american statistical service reports. in addition, russia is actively developing the export of agricultural products and mineral fertilizers, and, what is especially important, is occupying new markets. the main ones today are countries of the asia-pacific region. among the developing countries are the largest economies, and such an economy as china, with which we are actively developing trade and economic ties. last year, another trade turnover record crossed the $200 billion mark and this trade turnover continues to grow, naturally, this is trade turnover going in both directions, so there are quite a lot of imported goods coming from china, which means that sanctions do not work, their authors understand,
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how bloomberg writes that the g7 countries are looking for an opportunity to limit the use of the shadow fleet is oil tankers. under the flags of neutral countries that transport russian oil bypassing the price ceiling. now they want to return the volume of transportation of these ships back to the g7 fleet. according to analysts, western carriers and insurance companies lose at least $2 billion a year due to their refusal. at the same time, as previously reported by the russian government , oil exports to the east grew to 85% last year. overall growth the russian economy last year turned out to be significantly higher than expected. according to rosstat's first estimate, gdp increased by three. this is the highest figure in the last decade, except for the post-pandemic recovery year 2021. the main surprises of 2023 are that the economy performed significantly better than most experts expected. on the one hand,
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gdp has grown quite strongly and the budget deficit has decreased. positive dynamics, as experts expect, will continue this year, their forecast for the russian economy even the international monetary fund improved its estimate of gdp growth in 2024 to 2.6%. back in october, this figure was estimated at 1.8%. thank you, extremely important information for the european union, which is preparing the next package of sanctions. thank you, maria slobodyanskaya spoke about the resilience of the russian economy to external pressure. farmer protests have spread to countries that produce more than half of the eu's food supply. farmers demand changes in europe's agricultural policy, stop imports of ukrainian grains crops, reduce taxes and increase wages. farmers in germany were among the first to set an example; france took up the baton in a more aggressive form with fountains of manure and seizures of foreign lances.
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belgian farmers joined them, blocking the border with the fifth republic. improved working conditions and changes in tax policy are required in the netherlands; greek agricultural producers are not satisfied with high energy prices. romania, bulgaria and the czech republic are in road blockades, farmers are unhappy, dissatisfied with excessively high transport tariffs and lack of financial support from trade unions. in spain they oppose european policy in the agricultural sector. they support their industry colleagues in italy, portugal and ireland. protesters in the baltic countries oppose rising fuel prices and preferential foreign access. groups of middle eastern countries have appealed to the international football federation with a request to remove israel from world football due to events in the gaza strip. according to media reports, a letter demanding sanctions against israel was signed by 12 associations of federation members
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football of western asia, including the palestine federation of saudi arabia. qatra and the uae. the letter was sent to all 211 national football federations and six regional confederations, including uefa, of which israel is a member. commenting on the letter, the executive director of the israeli federation said that fifa should not mix politics with sports. let us recall that in october 2023, the matches of the israeli national team in the euro 2024 qualifying tournament were postponed to other dates and took place on a neutral field. based on the results of the qualifying tournament from... in in the semi-final of path b, the israeli team will play against the icelandic team on march 21. if the israeli team advances to the playoff finals, it will have to play with the winner. ukraine, bosnia and herzegovina. today is the day of national science, an all-russian holiday, but very special for st. petersburg. on this day, by decree of peter i, not
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only the academy of sciences was created, but also st. petersburg university, the first in the country. about how the university lives today and what today's holiday means for students, a report by dmitry pishchukhin. founded back in the times of peter the great, it is considered the oldest university in the country.
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brodsky, nine nobel laureates, two fields medal winners, olympic champions, pioneers, political figures and many outstanding scientists. when
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you walk along this phenomenal , huge corridor, you look at the portraits, then there were still people walking around who looked like these portraits, and you felt that you were in a highly intellectual environment, an environment with huge... this is a very important sign, he is not something that concerns st. petersburg university, he is very important sign, and people, of course, are divided by where they studied, just as by where they were born, caring for the scientific
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heritage and expanding the horizons of knowledge spbu has remained a classical university that combines tradition with innovation. dmitry pishchukhin, sergey ishchenko, alexey sasyrin, galina orlova, vesti st. petersburg. now it's time for economic news. managers. after restructuring they will receive 35% of the company and become its largest co-owners, rbc writes about this. also, managers will have veto power, their fund will be able nominate two out of ten members of the future board of directors. other co-owners include infinity management, a quarter of the company’s shares, 15% each from the agronaut and it development structures, another 10% will go to the meridian (service) organization. the capacity of russian metallurgy has reached 70 million tons. as the company previously noted , metal consumption in russia in 2023 increased by
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7%. the largest contribution was made by the construction industry, which added 9% over the year. domestic consumption is growing, thanks to all the programs that support it, but we we consume only 40 million tons, which means that, accordingly, we... must export 30 million tons, and this is such a good illustration of the fact that on the one hand we have established ourselves as global players, we are, of course, not only ferrous metals, russian business, the russian economy as a whole and are capable of withstanding the most serious , fair competition. on the other hand, we are ready to take on the most serious challenges, but for this we need to have access to markets. kamaz’s net profit at the end of the year increased 2.5 times, exceeding 12.5 billion rubles. this is stated in the report on... the czech republic sharply
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increased purchases of russian gas; in january , our country accounted for 62% of the republic's total gas imports. local media write about this with reference to the operator company "no forgas". at the same time, last year the country’s authorities announced that they were overcoming dependence on russian gas. then it accounted for only 2% of all supplies. however, this year the situation has changed. it was economic news. short. kostram region with the support of the fund. proud of you, sent to zone for a special military operation , a new batch of equipment. today , the regional governor sergei sitnikov, vice speaker of the federation council nikolai zhuravlev, secretary of the general council of united russia andrei turchak handed over the keys to ten uaz pickup trucks to the military personnel. four quad bikes and four car trailers. in the near future they will be sent to the 331st guards parachute airborne attack kostroma regiment.
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kostroma region. victory, low bow to our comrades in arms, comrades who gave their lives, defending the independence of our large, common homeland. now an information agent has attacked a bus with civilians in belgorod novaya tavolzhanka with drones from kaze of the armed forces of ukraine. one person received shrapnel wounds, governor vyacheslav glodkov reported. russian.
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the troops took more advantageous positions in the donetsk direction, and also inflicted fire defeat on the enemy in the areas of kleshcheevka and andreevka, the ministry of defense reported. in addition, units of the center group improved the position along the front line on krasno-limansk direction. in the donetsk direction, a unit of the southern group of troops occupied more advantageous positions, and also inflicted fire damage on the manpower and equipment of the twenty-second and ninety-second mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the regions. settlements kleshcheevka and andreevka of the donetsk people's republic. in the krasno-limansk direction, a unit of the center group of troops improved the position along the front line, artillery support repelled two attacks by assault groups, the sixtieth mechanized brigade and the twelfth special forces brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the area of ​​the village of yampolovka, donetsk people's republic, as well as serebryansky forestry.
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she definitely reads minds or not, prime minister anna ostrovskaya investigative committee, she has special gifts, who are you all looking at, well , the girl is standing in the zaraban, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case and you know who the killer is, right? watch only without amateur performances, layer on the spot, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch before anyone else, in the app or online,
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