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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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the main work here is carried out by the chamber of commerce and industry, we have authorized them in this part to determine the origin of products, taking into account the fact that they have an extensive network of territorial bodies, we will work with them so that for small enterprises they simply provide direct support, eh... and methodically helping to prepare - all the necessary documents that are already sent to the chamber of commerce and industry, but the ministry of industry and commerce submits this to us in a refined form, we are already automatically adding this to the register, so i am sure that we are with the chamber of commerce and industry on this issue we'll decide. yes, but nothing should be forgotten, we will note this in the decisions of our meeting today. anton
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georgievich, regarding that part that concerns your sphere, including customs, please. yes, thank you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, just today at the government meeting we considered the issue of amendments to law 44 to 223, which provided for the provision of additional preferences in procurement for products produced in our country, russian. will be in effect after the adoption of the relevant amendments 44-23, will the so-called rule of the second wheel applies, when if a foreign supplier and a russian one are involved, a preference is immediately given to the russian product, plus a price preference is also provided, the size of the preference price will be plus 15%. that is, if a russian... er, product is even a little more expensive,
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a little more expensive than a foreign one, an advantage will still be given to the russian, russian - that means russian manufacturer, this naturally applies from the point of view of scientific er products and technologies, this is the first, second, now - the second proposal was the following, let 's make some type of import duty, import duty on imports... uh, that means we will create a mechanism, a mechanism, that means, for accumulating these funds for development, so to speak, also our technologies, well , you can look here, i don’t know about imported pushins , but something like a utilsbor, yes, we already have such experience, i think that together with our colleagues in the government we will work and prepare a proposal, just in the first part what you said can be created financial preferences. and there is 15%, if our
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device is more expensive, then you can buy it, or , on the contrary, you can impose some additional fees on foreign devices for the same amount , direct these funds to the fund that we talked about, there are different options here, you just need to think , just need to make a decision, don’t delay, okay, thank you very much, about schools and lyceums and so on, that’s where it all starts, please, protusevich, maxim yakovleevich.
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is ahead of the legislative framework, and i it seems that legal enforcement of all this would be useful and necessary. now, as for the secondary school, i would like to draw attention to the fact that, unfortunately, there is now a tendency towards a decrease in the choice of students, graduates, natural mathematical and physical education, engineering... this is expressed in a decrease
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in the number of people who choose the unified state exam in specialized mathematics and physics, as an elective unified state exam is needed for admission to institutes, this means that... that they choose specialties not related to scientific and technological development, and it seems to me that in this situation, returning to the legal bulldozer, it is necessary to provide for facilitating and expanding the opportunities for internships and internships for schoolchildren on the basis of universities, scientific institutions, companies, because at the moment this organization is associated with a large number of obstacles, which are certainly important, they are associated with... with responsibility for life and health with some costs and so on, but nevertheless it is important and useful that schoolchildren already at the school level they could join in some kind of scientific and technological work, and the example of what is happening in sirius,
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the big challenges shows that often their developments are quite suitable for going into a wide series, the second point... it seems it is important that we pay special attention, perhaps there should be some kind of state program to attract teachers, primarily mathematics and physics, in schools. this means that things are quite bad in the country now, especially with physics teachers, this is due to the fact that it is quite a complex subject, at one time there were decisions that it could be excluded as separate subjects. and combine the natural science course, not everywhere there are modern physics laboratories and the most important methodological support is also lame, so it seems to me that there should be some kind of systematic history, a systematic program
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throughout the country, designed to ensure a decent level of teaching, natural mathematical disciplines , this is the result of the implementation: the program there should also include an increase in the number of people choosing relevant specialties , increasing the number of people who pass the main state exam after the ninth grade in physics, chemistry, biology, so that we can continue this for a long time, that is, it will give its results only after 10 years, but this must be done. one of the examples that exists now and we considered it , including at the united russia commission on education, is that in order for a future student to become a physics teacher, he needs to pass a unified state exam in russian
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language, specialized mathematics and social studies, physics is not included there, so , accordingly, this is not very good, this can be solved without much expense. and thereby perhaps attract the children of people, graduates who are more prepared for this path, i believe that this is how staffing, plus popularization, plus popularization of people of science, that is, we need, well, i’m not afraid of it , glory, a new film 9 days of one year , which will be dedicated to engineers, modern it specialists, and so on. so it seems to me that it should be like this state program, we will teach the children, it is important for us to pass them on to good hands, and so that they go into these good hands and then you teach them there, thank you very much, yes, maxim yakovich, you, thank you very much, i subscribe
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to every word , which was said here, we all understand that this is very important, this is where it all begins, the question is how can we do this, how can we establish this process?
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discussed with the scientific community, with teachers, methodologists, the winners of the teacher of the year competition took part, what did you talk about, secondly, what concerns material and technical base, you are absolutely right, this issue is important, it is being resolved within the framework of a national project, we have created more than 300 quantoriums, regional sirius centers and so on, as for... physics , physics teachers, this is an important issue, that’s
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the choice the unified state exam, i want to say that in mathematics our unified state exam score has increased significantly from 49 to 56 in specialized mathematics, this is very important, in physics we have 55 points, the average score, but those guys who took physics, they didn’t go anywhere, they moved and began to rent computer science, because information technology began to develop and... the guys focused on information technology, today we are conducting a program with valery nikolaevich to attract schoolchildren to universities and federal ones, on your instructions, from september 1, we are holding career guidance lessons from the sixth to the eleventh grade russia my horizons, where we also talk about achievements in the fields of physics, chemistry, and biology. next, we divided what maxim yakolyevich said. was in high school a single subject of natural science, that is
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, well, the incomprehensible chemistry, physics, biology, we returned the separate subject of physics, biology, chemistry by branches of science, this was also done, further, regarding the popularization of science, on monday, a lesson dedicated to the russian academy was held in all schools of the country science , one of the developers of quantum... was just talking about science, about the possibilities of science in our country in order to get people interested in scientific research, and evgeniy yakovevich and i also discussed this issue of popularization, so that the guys understood the importance science, so such comprehensive work is already underway, we will certainly strengthen it and we will definitely discuss all those proposals with maxim yakovlevich again and move in this direction, thank you. yes, everything is correct, and we know what is happening in this area, of course,
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we need to pay attention to all the subjects that form a full-fledged personality, a patriot, a person who loves his homeland, is ready, ready, and we now know, in today’s conditions, this is important, i am ready, even for self-sacrifice, and so on, but we need it. specialists in every field, simply a patriotic attitude alone is not enough for a country to be successful , both are needed, therefore, of course, specialists are needed, that’s what is happening now, namely, more attention is paid to issues of mystery science, there are natural sciences, physics, chemistry, mathematics , they didn’t mention mathematics, this is the basis of the fundamentals, firstly this needs to be continued, and secondly it needs to be...
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done together with the regions, that’s what maxim yakovich said, he says, but how to get from school, somewhere, where they need to go no way, who will pay for an air ticket or even a train ticket, who will accompany the child back and forth, how to do it all, these are all practical things that would seem nonsense, but in practice, when people collide, everything comes up, nothing doesn't move, did you bring sirius? they pay for travel, they pay for
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accommodation, they work there, but this is one center , and even now we are doing it, we are trying to make many such centers around the country, the country is big, that’s it, you can’t do everything on the sirius platform, it needs to be done by the state was doing this at the level of the ministry of departments, and the regions, it is necessary to involve the regions, i don’t have much time now, but the colleagues who are present at our meeting and hear me, and i would like to be heard in the regions, in all regions russia must definitely get involved in this work at the regional level; money must be allocated for this. i ask you to create a program, thanks to maxim yakovovich for raising this issue, the program just needs to be created between the ministries, between regions, relevant higher educational institutions and research centers, as i already said, our large companies, this
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is very important work, by the way, viktor antonovich, how is this work structured at moscow state university, i know that your schoolchildren work quite closely there, thank you , thank you, at moscow university the main task of the faculties is schools for young people, clubs and olympiads, we head 87 olympiads for schoolchildren, we select children from all over the country, and there are mainly elementary paratroop uniforms, and thus the moscow university competition for faculties reach up to 40 people per place.
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works and about 10 regions of the language want to join this program, so working with schoolchildren is certainly important, but there is one proposal, it has not been heard, we have taken up raising the concepts of mathematical, biological, physical and chemical education, i have created groups methodological, there are hundreds. scientists , these concepts that we want to update the concept of this education should take into account what you said, it is necessary from the first class, and maybe from preschool age , monitor how children can get what they want, or even what they don’t want,
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but teach them how to get it, so here’s my request, how can we speed up the adoption of these... concepts at the government level, this includes the recommendation of textbooks , what was said, and the recommendation of programs, standards, this applies not only to schools, but to higher educational institutions, here is mathematics, where we have sagged a little in recent years, the reason is mainly that we had no requirement for these standards, then everyone read mathematics as they thought necessary, so i wanted to make one more proposal, at a meeting of the public chamber in 2022, you said that the ranking is a tool of global competition, and it is really important for us now, when approving a new program, to take into account our international position and compete globally, you accepted our idea of ​​​​creating a ranking of three university missions, this was 5 years ago,
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now 2 universities in the world participate in this ranking, this is the largest ranking in the world, and it covers 112 countries, 154 russian universities, which showed that our education system has a good base, for example, in terms of the number of participating universities, we are ranked third in the world, and in terms of the number of leading universities, well worthy universities, ranked fifth in the world. thus, the ratings need to be maintained, but a new idea has appeared: the brix countries, they turned to us, they are not covered by these studies, create a rating for the brix countries, we are developing now the methodology, in the coming days at the council of the union of rectors we will adopt this methodology,
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at the brixlonish summit in october, i think it will be you...
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proposal, we are chairing this organization this year, discussing with colleagues issues of our cooperation in 2024, just today i spoke with our, with my, with our friend, with the president of the people's republic of china, on this occasion, we also touched upon cooperation in the field of brix, a good idea, thank you for saying this, because we need to see you before the meeting, the summit meeting what is called needs to be worked out.
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therefore, the proposal that i wanted to leave, i will still express it, it is managerial, it is simple, i think that it will not be supported, but it should be voiced, at
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the meetings that have already taken place, for example, with rossat, it was supported, i remember , as known to the whole world, fetisov said, yes, this should be done, without referring to him, referring to the experience of st. petersburg university, i will say, mathematical education, it is, of course, its quality, the quality of training and engineers and the quality of training of specialists in the natural sciences, but believe me, and the quality of training of specialists in the field of social and social sciences. all of us in our late 30s and 40s went to university with a common curriculum in which we all took math at the same level. today's student.
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that at school you should take the unified state exam in mathematics, and then the unified state exam in mathematics in all educational programs, i would even emphasize in all, otherwise they suggest.
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programs related to the arts should not be included in the number if he sings beautifully, but is a mathematician very low level, without a good mom, dad or manager, this singer will not get a job in this life, he needs to put his brains in place, in general, you asked me how we work with schools, we work very actively , we are happy, the deans work well and physics... faculty and chemistry faculty, but if we want stronger graduates to come to us and for overall education in russia to become more fundamental, higher education , among other things, mathematics should be compulsory for everyone, thank you, uh-huh, thank you very much , a i think that if we, as a mandatory exam for admission to the conservatory...
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st. petersburg university, discuss this request at the scientific council at our university. we discussed it, discussed it, do people agree? do you agree? yes , you said that your, your daughter agrees to take mathematics when entering the law faculty, you will still talk to her not as a junior partner, but as an equal partner, then we will discuss this
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issue again. the idea itself, but it is so promising, yes, i’m listening to you, vladimir vladimirovich, it’s very interesting, i think that when everyone hears this, when we discussed this with rossatom, fetisov was sitting next to him, and i took such a risk, but i turned to him, so i say, i’m sure that your mathematics is at a good level, he replied , yes, not bad, and then we talked one on one, and he tells me the following, i come to my native school, and the school director says to me, fisov, where did you go, you would be a great mathematician, why do you need this, this hockey, he says, well, i achieved some good things there too, he started telling me about how mathematics helps him in hockey, here is our dean of the faculty of arts gergiev, i assure you, he is an excellent mathematician, you know him well, he knows how to count, he knows how to
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analyze, make decisions. vladimirovich, thank you very much, i literally have a very short remark in pandan with what was just said, you know, we once discussed, because creative people all have one thing in common: a composer has seven notes, an artist has seven colors, a writer -a poet has two or three dozen letters in the alphabet, and a scientist has 10 numbers, that is, people who create the universe of music, painting, scientific literature,
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from childhood... they are accustomed to copying a small number of abstract symbols, and this is our competitive advantage, we are talking about creative people, well, we have a lot of creative people, because everyone studied at our school , another thing is that nikolai mikhailovich expects me to support him for the unified state examination, it is necessary, i would think the following, it is necessary to introduce, take mathematics upon admission to, say, a conservatory, this is one question, but here we are for the last time...


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