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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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science, from childhood they are accustomed to copying, with a small number of abstract symbols, and this is our competitive advantage, we are talking about creative people, well, we have a lot of creative people, because everyone studied in our school, it’s another matter that nikolai mikhailovich expects that i will support him for the unified state examination, it is necessary, i would think the following, it is necessary to enter, take mathematics, take it when entering, say, a conservatory.
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here he is engaged in such abstract science, it would seem, at first glance, that specialists in your profile need to pass mathematics or study judo, no , well, i have a special relationship with judo, so to speak , very respectful, but there is no need for a specialist in our profile, probably everyone should study judo, now it concerns the urgent needs in mathematics and physics, of course the science that i i’m working on this... climate theory and all sorts of applied aspects, of course i can’t move without mathematics, so i very much agree with what was said here by maxim yakovlevich, who was sitting next to me, and i especially liked the proposal regarding this such cinematic release, i think that the romanticization of this whole matter is extremely important; it can be much stronger than even open lessons there on a nationwide scale. thank you, thank you.
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i fully support, i have already recalled many times the conversations with our outstanding writers, including daranin, my last conversation with him, he also spoke about this, of course you are right, yes, but nikolai mikhailovich, i understand that today you can generally allow yourself everything, because it ’s your birthday. and we are all together for you congratulations to you on this wonderful date , the university has its anniversary today, too, in my opinion, so we congratulate you all, thank you very much, and colleagues who would like to add something, i ask you to say a few words to golikovana alekseevna, i ask you , good afternoon, vladi. good afternoon, dear
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colleagues, there are literally three points that i wanted to note in addition to what my colleagues have already said, the draft strategy that we are considering today is more focused, well, it turned out that the technical branches of science, and unfortunately, the humanities, here in this updated strategy are mentioned only in passing, it’s a pity, of course, that we... here perhaps we did not pay due attention to such branches that, in general, also influence safety and quality of life of the population, like education, which has been talked about a lot now, culture, there is practically nothing about this, but i would still like the strategy, since it is comprehensive, to reflect these points, the second direction, about which i wanted to say, this is how the cream is made here. in the direction of selecting promising
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areas of scientific and technological development, well, it is clear that, probably, you cannot define everything in the strategy, since it is such a top-level document, but there is... a passage in which it is written that only for promising areas that have been selected , we are restructuring the education and training system, it seems to me that this approach needs to be adjusted, because we are restructuring the education system not only for promising areas, of course this is a priority, but we cannot miss everything else, so we just talked there about physics, mathematics and other natural sciences...
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which we talked about in very serious studies, including some approaches to changing the unified state examination, i i won’t get ahead of ourselves while we are now discussing them with experts, and what ’s important, vladimir vladimovich, the rectors of universities probably won’t like this, but valery nikolaevich and i have repeatedly talked about the fact that we have additional tests in higher educational institutions, along with the results of the eg. these additional tests do not always contain the subjects that we need in order for students to focus on those natural sciences and those professions that we need in the future, so this topic is very subtle; the expert community, as a rule, is divided
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into several parts, some are supporters of one, others are supporters of another, the rector of st. petersburg university quite rightly said that... we get not only in scientific laboratories, we get it in healthcare institutions, because any scientific developments, in order to check their quality and effectiveness, we must come to a healthcare institution, conduct clinical
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studies, clinical trials, and if they are confirmed on a specific person, then this drug, medical device and technology we can apply. and it is very important for us that there is no gap between fundamental developments and what later becomes applied science and is introduced into practice, and this is an absolute feature medical science, because it works with a specific person and a specific patient, and we understood this very clearly in the genetic program that we are implementing, which we will tell you about very soon. next week at the forum of future generations for the future of medicine, in this regard, i wanted to make a final point: there are parent organizations here, it is registered as an institute, it is clear that there are also no criteria for selecting these parent
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organizations, probably they can be are used only for some areas , but i again turn to the same medicine, and we, as you well know, in the system of the ministry of health, in the system of the ministry of education and science, in the system of the federal medical and biological agency, there are leading institutes that work one at a time direction, they achieve certain fundamental and applied successes, but how to choose a leading institute for a specific direction or a leading scientific organization is a big question, these are authoritative institutions, and it’s very difficult, but... i’m just i know this well, it is very difficult to carry out such a selection, so why am i for it? and we have specific features, there is a need for additional elaboration of such sensitive issues, as you said , this should be done within a week, but
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still there is a top-level strategy document, and there are already applied things that need to be implemented, and here we need to somehow... then go through it very carefully so as not to '. now everyone is discussing what maxim yakovich said about this legal bulldozer, two words, which means, in fact, of course, we need to act carefully, but the mentioned problem of regulating unmanned vehicles, the need to regulate this area as a high-tech one was clear already in 1919, and judging by what i just heard, there is still no document, of course, a complex story from the point of view. .. supported the mood
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to act more decisively in the field of regulatory regulation of advanced technological developments, because 5 years, if we cannot solve such a problem, of course does not make us in this sense strong country, we need to act much faster here and i would also like to... fully support what you said in terms of maintaining the level of funding, it is clear that the time is very difficult now, the tasks that states are solving are really, well, so fundamental from the point of view from the point of view of preserving even our country, but we still need to take into account inflationary processes and a lot of other issues that are related to budget formation, and still try to provide our science with the proper level of funding , taking into account these factors, as you said in at the very beginning. well, the documents that we are considering today, they were reviewed several times at the presidium of the science council and in
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other organizations, they need to be finalized and, of course, supported. thank you, thank you, of course, i have already spoken about this , i want to say again, even, well, i’ll add, even in very difficult conditions - the great patriotic war, we resolved issues of a fundamental nature and thought about the future, but today moreover, we... must not lose sight of these issues, and we will certainly work, we are still with colleagues from the government will talk about this, we will return to these issues, i want to thank everyone, our meeting today was quite lively, at the same time meaningful, useful, i will ask andrei aleksandovich fursin to prepare draft final documents, thank you very much, and this evening we i'll see you again with many colleagues, all the best, thank you. these were footage from a meeting of the council on science and education, which vladimir putin held
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cancer. and in terms of the scale of infrastructure. according to the latest modern medical technologies, many of which are domestic developments and other areas, the beloostrov medical center has no analogue in russia, to be honest, and i think there are only a few in the world, if they exist at this level, this is the medicine of tomorrow, but here it is the clinic opens today and... the emergence of such world-class medical centers is, in my opinion, such convincing confirmation that despite any sanctions, russia does not stop its development. plate is an unusual
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enough cashback for everyone. vtb. everything will work out together. the electoral commission center has determined the number of participants in the upcoming presidential elections. registration of the candidate from the civil
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initiative party, boris nadezhdin, took more than 30 minutes. the cik's verdict is disappointing. 9147 signatures, out of almost 105 thousand provided, that is, about 15% were declared invalid. by law, the total number of defects cannot. referring to the lack of time to study the identified errors, it is important to note here that specialists of the central election commission spent a total of 144 hours checking these signatures, but it is not hoped that members of his headquarters personally did not join the procedure, as the nominee explained, from such a possibility, despite his solid experience in politics, neither his team simply did not know, the main boris borisovich’s hope is that, after all, well, probably too late, he decided to go to the elections, and the team as such,
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which would be the headquarters as such, which would ensure professional work for everyone stages, i didn’t see it, so the errors that exist indicate that people, people for collecting signatures were still recruited quite randomly. and i can say that because of the number of comments that handwriting experts, experts, and other signatures, well, such fictitious ones, there are quite a lot of them, behind the podium in a lively discussion with members of the commission, nadezhden insisted on his registration, but the central election commission cannot and should not adapt to each specific candidate, we cannot violate any regulations.
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the fact is that tens of millions of people really wanted to vote for me, we will continue to build our plans based on the court’s decision, but in any case, i will not go anywhere from politics. 8,979 signatures in support of the russian communist leader, sergei malinkovich, were also declared invalid. the mistakes are the same as nadezhdin’s: most of them are of a technical nature, in some places the series of passports did not match,
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in others the notarial documents were not submitted.
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also dropped out of the presidential race were journalist and environmental activist anatoly botashov and the flamboyant blogger-stylist from yekaterinburg rada russian. the nominees simply could not provide the central election commission with all the documents necessary for registration and did not collect the required number of signatures. in support of his candidacy, the green candidate batashov provided only 313 signature sheets, russians 476. thus , there will be four candidates on the ballot for the presidential election.
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russia ready to change? we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch.


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