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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure? we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch. free without registration, in
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the application or on the website. st. petersburg state university today celebrates its three hundredth anniversary of its creation. in honor of this event in the city on the neva, just a few minutes ago the torches of the raster columns were lit, well , dmitry akimov, dmitry, we welcome you, tell us how st. petersburg is celebrates this historical date today? yes, colleagues, hello, well, according to the events that are connected today with the celebration of the anniversary of the spdu, today in st. petersburg you can synchronize your watches, so exactly at 17.00 on the spit
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of vasilyevsky island this happens very rarely only for the most important events and, interestingly, the raster the columns were lit today in honor of the university, they were burned younger and completed only in 810, and the university today celebrates its anniversary, that is , it was founded in 1724...
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the university has a very nice, interesting, big story. today is not only the holiday of st. petersburg university, but also the celebration of the tercentenary of the academy of sciences, and well, we can probably say that today is such a day for the development of human intellect, because science and education arose in 1724, in 1724 by decree of peter. these are the organizations,
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since now in my hometown events are taking place that can hardly be called a normal, calm life, so, of course, in st. petersburg, at the university where they accept me, wait for me, welcome me always with a smile, i feel very comfortable, i really enjoy learning, there really is the knowledge that makes me a professional, to say that the celebration... thank you dmitry, dmitry akimov was in direct communication from st. petersburg, and germany after refusing russian energy economy, the economy is degrading.
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the competitiveness of products is falling and prices are rising, all contacts between our countries are frozen. about this on the eve of the day of diplomatic workers, which is celebrated on february 10, ours.
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closed the work of four russian consulates, in hamburg, leibzig, munich and frankfurt am main. this, of course, was very sensitive, moreover, it, of course, was an unprecedentedly unfriendly step, but it had a very sensitive impact, first of all, on the service, consular services of our compatriots, citizens of russia, and all those who
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have a heavy burden on the embassy associated with with the organization of voting? we, of course, are preparing for elections, of course, this is our main political event, and we we approach its preparation with all seriousness,
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if the german authorities, and we, are obliged to ask the consent of the german authorities to hold elections at designated times, in designated places.
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she attended a reception at the embassy on the occasion of the 9th in the media for the fact that may, on the occasion, means, our celebration of our great victory, this is how they treated her, it resulted in the press, but did not cause such mass indignation, well that’s how it is current reality, because accusations against our country are pouring in here from all sides, they... are of such a targeted, coordinated nature , especially now a new element has been added, this is such incitement of hysteria about an allegedly impending russian attack on one of the nato countries, that’s who came up with it, so
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to speak, inflamed brain, i don’t know, but this is done purposefully, this kind of militaristic thing is being introduced into the public consciousness. “well, this is all very sad, because i think that everyone knows, and the world community knows, and knows the statements.”
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then the goals of the special military operation will be fulfilled, and this is inevitable, what does this mean, on the one hand we have a recession in germany, a flight of production, massive bankruptcy, inflation, on the other hand, scholz and his coalition partners are ready, well, to pump money to ukraine, which is generally serious at the present time, in the current situation for germany, this indicates
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that there is not enough money, because prices are rising, the competitiveness of german goods
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is falling, the situation in the industry is deteriorating, this is the past year, judging by official data , again completed with a minus sign, crisis phenomena in industry cannot but affect other industries, because industry is the basis of the german economy. small businesses are suffering because they can’t withstand these additional loads, and so to speak, they’ve ended up in a recession now.
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this is also very sad and natural, those forms of protest activity that you mentioned, this is this week of anger of farmers, these are transport workers, these are railway workers, this is urban public transport, they are grumbling doctors, well, in general, people feel anxiety, a promise that in a few years everything will be fine, they apparently. lightning is not convincing, the german government is launching its biggest attack against political opponents, what is happening? apparently, these are protest sentiments that some opposition parties are using to their advantage, that is, to increase their own
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ratings, especially since this year is an election year, albeit a mini-election. well, naturally, all these arrows are directed against her, we, of course, have no attitude towards this whole process, which is of a purely internal nature, there are protest sentiments in other parties that are now appearing in the party landscape of germany, here you see, here is the union
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of sarah wagen knehit, then some other party , the union of values, appears, all of them somehow... you know, has nothing to do with reality, how do you assess the party you mentioned, the sarah wagengneh union, i would not rush to any conclusions, especially since this party, apparently, is only at the stage of formation and its governing bodies and the formation of the party program,
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this is what i hear in relation to russia, what is published...
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the military operation in germany there was a truly unprecedented surge of this russophobia - i will be frank.
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and using legal methods, they try to counteract this. now there’s this barrage, it’s gone to waste, now of course
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it’s an incomparable amount, but discrimination against russians as a phenomenon has not disappeared, and it’s just taking on other forms, now to express some kind of sympathy towards russia, especially in public, it’s as if it’s not accepted here, because of this... you can be subjected not only to, so to speak, public astrocism, but also serious, in general, up to and including criminal prosecution. well, cases of confiscation from our compatriots who were passing through germany, confiscation of cars, personal hygiene items and other things, you have apparently heard a lot, that in itself, in my opinion, well, frankly speaking, it’s absurd, but there are such cases. now bilateral relations are reduced to zero, but at least something something remains, i don’t know, some contacts in the field of science, culture, education,
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are our compatriots there able to study normally in german universities, are they able to work in germany? unfortunately, all bilateral contacts have been reduced or eliminated.
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the fact that we are neighbors, and neither we nor germany will go anywhere from europe, it will be necessary to restore this somehow, but for this it is necessary, first of all, on the german side to abandon the anti-russian policy and think about what is in line with national interests germans, i think that... not only we are thinking about this, but a significant part of the german population is thinking about this, and they understand that they have reaped the benefits from
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this cooperation. thank you very much, happy professional holiday and of course success in the new professional year. new growth points for regional economies, searching for strong ideas for the new time. these days a business mission of the agency for strategic initiatives and the all-russian bank of russia is taking place in the tula region. most recently , president vladimir putin spoke about the power of the russian economy in the city of oruzheynikov. well, today, as part of the business mission , the rbrf and asi teams discussed specific projects that will ensure the development of the country. all of them are aimed at increasing the potential of the domestic economy and ensuring technological sovereignty, which the head of state spoke about. over the past 8 years , we have seen that the economy is becoming stronger literally in all directions. we have powerful, serious clients from the tula
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region that we serve. business community, including the sphere of creative industries, industries hospitality and other sectors of the economy. during the strategic session, key opportunities for development and priority projects of the tula region were presented by regional authorities, experts and entrepreneurs, and the most promising areas for economic development and improving the quality of life of citizens were considered. another session concerned the integrated development of the krainka resort.
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a presentation was also held as part of science week. responsibility for the ki that the region must withstand, which the region must go through in order for this to really happen interaction is effective. as for the forum strong ideas for new times, 205 applications were submitted from the tula region, as axis experts note, most of the ideas are aimed at the quality of life track, this is not surprising, in the region special attention is paid to the social sphere. the tula region is among
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the top ten in quality of life ratings. in total, the forum has strong ideas for the new time; this year more than 30,000 ideas were submitted. the most popular area is, again, quality of life, in second place are effective work and education, in third line - economic development and entrepreneurship. the number of brands competing to win the know ours competition has doubled. and of course, this makes us very happy, because we see, as you know, every time... when you come here, the region is transformed, the city is transformed, this dynamic of change, it, of course, certainly gives, well, such a new life, inspires , of course, everything that is done by the governor, the governor’s team, is reflected in the mood of the residents, i was very pleased to spend time here with the children new year's holidays. also, as part of
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the business mission, experts held a round table with representatives of the creative community of the tula region. the direction is promising, in tula there are many pre-revolutionary estates and country houses that can become points of tourist attraction. to develop the city’s brand, the session participants considered it important to develop tula fashion, creative spaces, as well as artificial technologies. intelligence, identified the main problems in the development of the industry, namely the need to train personnel in the field creative industries, implementation of pedagogical practices. in addition, we agreed to hold regional industry events, as well as gastro festivals in collaboration with major brands. a separate visit by a delegation from the center for the development of creative industries to the region is planned to continue interaction and strategic cooperation. they talked about promotion today.


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