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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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also, as part of the business mission, experts held a round table with representatives of the creative community of the tula region. a promising direction in tula are many pre-revolutionary estates and country houses that can become points of tourist attraction. to develop the city’s brand , the session participants considered it important to develop tula fashion. creative. spaces, as well as artificial intelligence technologies, highlighted the main problems in the development of the industry, namely the need for training in the field of creative industries, implementation of pedagogical practices, in addition , we agreed to hold regional industry events, as well as a gastro festival in collaboration with major brands, a separate visit of a delegation from the center for the development of creative industries to the region is planned to continue interaction and strategic cooperation, they said today... local
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producers told agency experts strategic initiatives on import substitution of equipment for film production, innovations in the production of modern digital devices technologies for poultry farming, also presented ideas on comprehensive training, operation of unmanned systems, creation of a model mutual assistance platform for providing personnel to residents and... kaliningrad, lipetsk and irkutsk regions, veliky novgorod and the republic of tatarstan. all ideas that were noted by experts will be implemented, and the best ones will be presented to the president.
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taking into account new challenges, determine current approaches in the field of fundamental research and applied developments, an updated strategy for the years ahead scientific and technical development
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the technological sphere is of key importance for achieving national goals, and therefore for improving the quality of life of people, the thesis with which the head of state began a meeting of the relevant council this thursday, on russian science day. as the president recalled, at the previous meeting it was decided to make changes to the strategy of scientific and technological development; based on the results of the work done , the time has come to approve this document. at the last council meeting. and we agreed to make changes to the strategy of scientific and technological development, today i propose to discuss its updated version, taking into account our discussion, i ask you to make the necessary clarifications and additions, to submit for signature within a week a draft decree approving this key document, this document is equated to a national security strategy, which is fundamentally important in this regard: the decision to adjust the strategy was... made
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taking into account the deep political and technological transformations that are taking place in the world, as well as the unprecedented sanctions pressure on our country, it is also obvious that the priorities of scientific and technological development should be most closely connected with key challenges in the economy, in the social sphere, in the field of security, aimed at achieving our sovereignty in the broadest sense of the word . taking a special look at the russian scientific foundation, here very high demands are placed on the selection of projects and research results, which means that they will continue to be an effective tool for supporting scientists, including young ones. by the way, about support,
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the head of state considers it necessary to increase funding for applied projects, but not to redistribute resources, and to look for new sources. expenditures on scientific research and development for civil purposes in the next 3 years will exceed 1.5 trillion rubles. in the budget for the current year, we, of course, also added funds for the development of science, but those involved in financing and science understand that in real terms, spending on science is still decreasing a little, decreased a little, i mean the adjustment necessary adjustment for inflation as a percentage of gdp, therefore about...
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the favorable development of your own production, so here you just need to set up these tools, because initially these decisions that you mentioned were aimed at ensuring that, under the conditions of these restrictions, these sanctions are illegal, so that
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we do not have any gaps here, so that the market is filled with the necessary equipment, of course, therefore, favorable conditions are created for our foreign partners. it is clear that raising a great scientist it always starts small, from school, as the president reminded, to grow up to be a patriot of your country is very important, and there has been a lot of talk about this lately, but it is no less important to create a specialist in your field, for the country to be successful, you need both otherwise, there is no other way, you need to pay attention to all the objects that form. a full-fledged personality, a patriot, a person who loves his homeland, is ready, and we now know, in today’s conditions, this is important, ready and even for self-sacrifice, and so on further, but we need specialists in every field, just a patriotic
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spirit is not enough for the country to be successful, we need more, greater communication, a denser connection between... a school, a university, a scientific center and the economy, how to ensure this dense connection, were discussed very lively today, discussing , for example, whether the unified state exam in mathematics should be made mandatory for everyone without exception, or whether, say, an opera singer can do without integrals, or whether it is necessary to focus on physics, since the ability operating with a small number of abstract symbols is the actual basis for the development of thinking. however, both physicists and lyricists. were in one thing, without fundamental research, it is impossible to move forward, as the president reminded, such problems were solved in much more difficult times for the country, and today you concluded the head of state, even more so, alyon, let me help,
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thank you, yes you have here... a whole package of cashback, i’m not sure, banks have so many conditions, legal, alen with a free vtb debit card, 10% cashback on everything, help, better to me, there is enough cashback for everyone, vtb, together everything will work out, langidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue, mangidaza against prostatitis, everyone said, this problem cannot be solved, everything is solved with the national education project. new opportunities regularly appear in russia, it’s good to study. alexey makrushin turned one of the oldest schools in the city of kaluga into one of the most modern. concerned projects of russia by decision of the president and caring people. the first
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rule of hunting is that it starts any second. second rule of hunting: prey goes to the one who pursues it. new game. since i talked about sbp, now i’ll come out and tell you about sбpay. download the sbpay application, link your bank account and you can pay for anything through an nfc sign in one touch or using the sbp qr code, thank you for being easy to find, and if you are too lazy to go somewhere, there is an sbp button for online purchases . well, see you later. good afternoon, my name is victor. and i am an entrepreneur, last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season,
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the rest will be done by a click house, from a dream to a home one click home. when you are driving a car and forget about the level in the gas tank, the assistant will promptly remind you, we also have early detection of a defect, artificial intelligence will replace all jobs and so on, but remember how moscow does not believe in tears that there will be nothing left , there will be only television, this has never happened before.
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a little about personal things, where to start writing a text, for us journalists, this is one of the most difficult stages of work: we print, erase, print again, this time i decided to ask for help. please write a program, there is a solution for the journalist marina gromova. of course, the program is a decision for journalist marina gromova. hello, dear viewers, today we will talk about how to solve the problem. lack of time. the neural network very accurately noticed one of its
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strengths: lack of time, large volumes of data are extremely complex and dangerous tasks, something that artificial intelligence helps to cope with today. according to government estimates, the economic effect of its implementation for the country is already about a trillion rubles. and by the end of the decade it will exceed 10 trillion. the number of products and artificial intelligence technologies is growing steadily. from 2021 to 2022 , this market increased by 18% in just one year. these pedals, that is, they directly react pedals - this is approximately a gas brake, here they control a drilling machine that is working at a field in peru, i can sit down and imagine that, yes, by the person who is now drilling rock at an altitude of 4-5 m several thousand kilometers from
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moscow, a solution for industrial enterprises here... has been published for 6 years. another development is a digital advisor for a thermal power plant in yekaterinburg. artificial intelligence helps prevent accidents at tpp. if something goes wrong, the signal goes to moscow, to the station. for us, this is an emergency stop - these are , of course, social risks, and also penalties sanctions for the company. in 2023 alone , 13 defects were recorded in this system, which began with such anomalies.
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as the best people do, the best in their class machinists, engineers, industry - this is understandable, an extremely conservative industry, especially heavy industry, but one way or another with the advent of a huge amount of data from equipment, from production processes, people can no longer process this information. the use of artificial intelligence is an important condition for achieving technological sovereignty and development countries. the implementation of digital solutions in key sectors of the economy is also the responsibility of the ministry of economic development. the more complex the production, the greater the opportunity to introduce artificial intelligence. artificial intelligence makes it possible to catch these microscopic , maybe efficiency issues, which are half a percent, a tenth of a percent, but considering the hundreds of billions of rubles of products
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that these industries produce, yes, these are immediately tangible effects. business connects to the artificial process intelligence is in the lead in the financial sector, smart assistants simplify the work of more than 55% of companies, 54% in telecommunications and 37 in healthcare, the effect has already been calculated in agriculture, harvesting and production volume in livestock are increasing by 5%, in industry, time to completion is reduced by up to 40%. the market for final products, well, in medicine up to 95%, the accuracy of detecting oncological diseases on... medical images, this is my image, my x-ray, data needs to be collected, as i said, large, in general, data during training there is never too much artificial intelligence , so everything goes into the piggy bank, everything goes into the house, in general, you gave your project a part of yourself, absolutely, soul and heart, absolutely, yes, that’s how it is, anna mishcherikova, co-founder of the company where
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they are developing a solution based on artificial intelligence for medicine, corporate color... it is necessary, we are doing well, but i must say that this was before the pandemic, how is it different the first reaction that was, why do we need artificial intelligence, it doesn’t sleep, doesn’t eat, doesn’t get tired , does not go on vacation, minimal the threshold at which an algorithm is generally allowed to, so to speak, already gain its reputation, but on a wide market, this is 81% accuracy, we must... always be more than 81% accuracy. by analyzing the images, the program signals violations and draws the specialist’s attention to sometimes not the most obvious pathologies. the module currently helps doctors in eighteen regions of the country. here we include a picture that was evaluated by artificial intelligence and we see the pathology, this is a decrease in pneumatization in both lungs. you can't stay in medicine
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behind progress, and if you don’t introduce new technologies into your daily work. you just can’t remain the best, enter the market , and then become self-sufficient, the company that developed the module was helped by the state, part of the costs of purchasing programs for clinics was compensated from the budget, the customer is not always ready, right here now it’s possible to get money from the budget instead of some planned to undergo very important repairs, to purchase such an innovation, this is where such a support program comes to the rescue, we need to overcome the threshold, so to speak, of faith in you, i understand correctly, here, as you know, in a mountain river, that is, this is not one threshold, it is such a whole chain of thresholds without the support of our regulators, including the ministry, probably. oh yes, the topic of technological sovereignty and the topic of limiting access to technology on the other hand, it generally made companies move, before they bought all this, they were used to taking the best on
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the world market, now they need their own, everyone has understood this and is actively investing, and the main thing is to what to invest, there are people, there are teams, in general, and the national project has moved a lot here, yes, because we purposefully finance personnel training in this area, plus, in principle, we have a serious education in mathematics. in the country, to develop the implementation of artificial intelligence technologies in the digital economy national project, there is a separate federal project with total funding of more than 31 billion 600 million rubles, and since 2021, the annual amount of funds for the development of artificial intelligence has increased from 5.5 to 9.5 billion. within the framework of the national project developers receive grants. thus, through the innovation promotion fund and skolkovo , the state has already supported more than that.
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sixth or world, generation of images, text, up to entire dissertations and art books, not only do processes speed up, efficiency increases, artificial intelligence is a tool that is already paying off. in the twenty-fourth year, we expect an economic effect of about 350 billion, and if we look at the horizon of our new strategy, the twenty-fourth year, twenty- year, then according to our expectations it will exceed a trillion rubles. that's why investing in artificial intelligence remains the foundation, the locomotive of our technological. the playing neural network performs routine work. this is where we highlighted the main theses, the strategy for the development of artificial intelligence until
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2030, it took us less than 15 seconds. and perhaps soon a digital secretary will be able to compete with a human secretary. artificial intelligence will not replace humans, but we always say that people who use technology, especially the latest technologies in their work, they will definitely ahead of those people who refuse technology, in february twenty -third, according to statistics, we could see that approximately 5.5% of employees of corporate companies regularly use generative neural networks in their work, then by the end of 2023 this figure had already grown to 10-8%, that is, twice. and what effect does the country’s economy feel globally from the introduction of artificial intelligence? well, listen, these are the assessments there, of course, they can be there - plus or minus, yes. that means, well, the minimum grades are for last year about half a trillion rubles, that is, well , consider it 0.3 0.3% of a point of gdp, this is what artificial
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intelligence directly provides, it is already used in a fairly large volume of products, we don’t even seem to understand, but the whole form of video analytics is machine vision, this is recognition, the future lies with artificial intelligence, but what about the future of artificial intelligence itself, it has been extended to the entire education system, knowledge about it is given... to schools in 76 regions of russia. for training specialists universities have launched more than 100 undergraduate and graduate programs. leaders in education in the field of artificial intelligence have graduated more than 17,500 specialists. 12 research centers have been created at higher educational institutions. many people want to see the end result. and moreover, he will feel some social significance. not all cats in the pictures are processed. cats are good too, no, cats, without cats life is not life at all. skoltech is one of twelve educational platforms that train specialists in the field of artificial intelligence, without science, theory, no practice,
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but a finished working product, the main demand of the industry. thanks to this financial and, in general, organizational support, the way it all works, we are now really able to improve the quality of student training, their number, and funding, it is not the simplest in the sense that there is part... there is a solution for business, forecasting ice movement in the kara and barints seas, this module is used by the largest oil and gas company.
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add 6% to the country's economic growth. by according to the forecast, this could happen in 2030. in just a few more years, an artificial system may acquire the ability to think and recognize itself as an individual, for example, to understand its own thoughts, but in a completely different way from a person. i found a solution for myself, freed up some time for myself for a cup of tea and cake. in the studio, because of me , my digital double worked, of course, he doesn’t yet know how to laugh as sincerely as me, but who knows, maybe soon it will be almost impossible to distinguish a digital copy from a person.
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