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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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the new liven x6 pro crossover - modern design, refined handling, functionality, all this is in the liven x6 pro, from rub 2,479,900. liven x6 pro, give a new start. this is the same smartphone, the top smartphone, the top grill, and also the top choice, top quality discounts up to 50%. ravento hair dryer with 50% discount for only 3.499 in efibirada. oh, where's your lined swallow? i won a new stickermania. owner of the rvs7 car. 29 bought a big special at
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a delicious point, scanned the application code and won a car from blueprints, believe it or not, want a car and 36.5 million other prizes under stickers in the app delicious, period, voting by location, mobile voter. if on voting days you find yourself far from your polling station, you can vote at your location at any polling station in the country. to do this, you must submit an application no later than march 11 to any election commission or to the mfc or to government services. and you can vote at the chosen polling station.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. today we are in moscow, we are here to take interview with russian president vladimir putin, and soon we will take it, obviously, such an interview has its risks, so we have been planning it for many months, that’s why we are taking it, firstly, because it is our job. we are journalists, our job is
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to inform people. when it seems that things can’t get better, penoplex slabs provide a double advantage, provide protection from heat and cold, and help save on heating and air conditioning. penoplex. effective thermal insulation. five actions of aralcept from sore throat for adults and children from 3 years old. yuri and i decided on gifts. and you? my son wants a radio-controlled car, and maxim
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to try it! whoever takes the trophy will rule in both worlds, real and digital! games of the future, subscribe and watch the broadcast on social networks. hello, live broadcast of a legal program, hosted by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. secrets of intrigue and conspiracy in tyumen, police solved a crime that could easily become script for an action-packed detective story. all participants in the criminal business were detained. the initiator of the scam was a previously convicted resident of yekaterinburg. the man, through advertisements, recruited girls for work, whom he trained to sell jewelry from pawnshops and jewelry stores. the gang operated for almost 4 years. olga zhurenkova will tell you how much the scammers managed to earn and how they were discovered.
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spectacular footage of the arrest of the probable leader of a gang of jewelry hunters in tyumen. it is possible that he was ready for such an ending, didn't even turn up. years, special agents recruited girls by advertisement, for the sake of credibility they even trained personnel, although the training centers were located in ordinary apartments, but this did not bother the agents, everything was in the best traditions of conspiracy, the girls even signed an agreement not to disclose secrets protected by some law. what is
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your role in the group? they gave me a phone number, i called them, and then invited girls to study. the last task was to steal jewelry and money, they had to be sent through a delivery service to the specified address, and then leave work, all this was allegedly necessary in order to inspect the security systems of the salons. criminal investigation officers from the russian ministry of internal affairs in the city of tyumen detained four members
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of the organized group. they are suspected of thefts committed on an especially large scale. a resident of novosibi worked under the same scheme some time ago before her arrest. ekaterina kolugina, journalists called her agent kat, however, her special operation failed dramatically, she stole from a store, where she worked for jewelry money, together with her boyfriend, bodybuilder valera. disappeared at dawn, the fugitive was soon found. did you know what was in rosska? i didn’t know that this was a photo of a document about non- disclosure of trade secrets. at some point, agent kat allegedly received a really important task from the secret headquarters: collect gold and diamonds in a backpack and hand it over to her colleagues in the intelligence network, so they would test the vigilance of the store director, and ekaterina would advance up the career ladder. the version, of course, is so-so, sincerity, a self-proclaimed spy. even my parents didn’t believe me, i don’t understand how anyone could believe her, but she believed it, because when
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i asked her katya what happened, how could you do it, she says: i thought it was all legal, they told me that this is legal, the spy series from novosibirsk ended logically, the special agent was sent to a colony for 3 and a half years, as for the high-profile story from the tyumen region, investigators are now finding out all the details, as well they set the number of episodes; there are most likely a lot of them over 4 years. mikhail shirin, olga sukharukova, dmitry stepanov. news, duty department. after our program aired a story about the disappearance of children from a resident of the krasnoyarsk territory , the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, became interested in the situation. he took personal control of the story; let me remind you, the story told that a young mother from minusinsk was kidnapped by her husband’s two children, and was almost run over by a car. the woman also complained of constant bullying from her husband, beatings, anger and aggression, he often...
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the woman told journalists and social activists that her husband often raised his hand against her, she even filmed the beatings and turned for help to the sochi police, where she previously lived with her husband, but there was allegedly no reaction. the investigative bodies of the investigative committee of russia for the krasnoyarsk territory of the republic of khakasi organized a procedural check in connection with the appeal of a resident of the city. against her, as well as about the inaction of police officers. and today investigators established the whereabouts of the children; they are now with their father in a rented apartment. an explanation will be received from the man in the near future, and all the circumstances of the conflict will be clarified. in the moscow region , police are investigating the circumstances of a mass brawl in the warehouse of a large marketplace. remind. happened early this morning, more than a hundred employees came to hand-to-hand combat due to a verbal altercation. 13
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of the most active participants in the fight had to be taken to the department. report by ekaterina likhomanova. in the surveillance footage, at first it’s not entirely clear what’s happening, only if you look closely, it becomes clear what the employees of the warehouse in the moscow region were doing during working hours; they were sorting things out, not with words, but with their fists. everything happened in this large-scale center, where ... the warehouse of one of the largest marketplaces in russia is located, the work of the logistics center was suspended for a while, this will probably affect the supply of goods to delivery points, which means that business owners may suffer losses, but it seems that employees the warehouse did not care at that moment; the fight’s instigators did not fall under the hot hand only colleagues, but also boxes with goods, it all started allegedly because of the resentment of one of the workers, perhaps his professional abilities were not appreciated, he began to complain, and his colleagues for their own...
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12 people, among them mostly foreigners, all in unison they were taken to the department for interrogation, and even there, judging by these images, they behaved casually, smiled and laughed as if nothing had happened, you say that you took part in a fight, and why are you not among us, to remain unpunished in this situation it’s unlikely that it will work out, although it turned out okay without victims, the participants in the massacre will have to not only give an explanation to the police, but also provide documents that confirm their legality of being on the territory of russia, they did not stand aside... the employers of the detained representatives of the marketplace stated that they would conduct an internal investigation, the violators of the order
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would probably be fired before this, they will present an invoice for the damaged goods. ekaterina likhomanova, dmitry vishkevich, lead. duty department. after the poll, the participants of the wedding procession that staged the shooting in cherkessk were sent to the isolation ward administrative arrest was assigned for 13 days. many guests arrived at the court dressed up in white pressed shirts and formal suits. the day before, the young people were in earnest. residents of the city were sprayed with bursts of machine guns and pistols. the procession blocked the road. transport in court, the young people, however, behaved noticeably more modestly. the cherkessk court made a decision against ten participants in the wedding procession who disobeyed the police and presented them to the police department. the offender was sentenced in accordance with part one article 19.3 of the code of administrative offenses, from 5 to 13 days
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of administrative arrest. i would like to note that seven units of cold water were confiscated from the scene and... the experiment left a favorite toy in the subway. vlada egorova will tell you whether she was found. subway passengers leave their personal belongings behind every day, often these are backpacks, spare shoes, handbags, various gadgets, and even... then the station duty officer comes to the rescue; passengers usually report the discovery to him, most often via emergency communications. as part of a journalistic experiment, we decided check how it works. at one of the capital's metro stations, an unremarkable
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package was allegedly accidentally left behind, but the duty officer almost immediately became interested in it; he was forbidden to touch the forgotten item until the police arrived. sokolniki bkl on a bench under the stairs, a black bag, please come in, safety, safety is not a threat , any find is thoroughly inspected, only after that the duty officer puts it on the list of lost things and leaves it at his place to wait for the courier, each item is described in full so that it matched to make it easier for the passenger to find it, hello, bolier for. and then he delivers it straight to the warehouse of forgotten things, and this happens with every find in the capital’s subway, mcd, mcc. you can find your lost item through the moscow metro app; just leave a request in your personal account and wait for a response; it will be sent by email. there are three such points in moscow, at the delovoy tsentr, cherkizovskaya and kotelniki stations. items are stored in warehouses for 6 months and then
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sent for disposal. among the most unusual. after discovery, they are immediately handed over to the police, but let’s return to our experiment, a bag of soft goods forgotten at the station. we decided to find it through the application, after a couple of hours we went to the nearest collection point, this is exactly the place where they give out forgotten things, first, of course, the employee must find them, if after all it was delivered here, it was found, then they owe me idea to provide it now, but i lost it at the metro station, sokolniki bkl, on the big key line, a toy in a bag
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in black, i wanted to know if it’s already here you or not, please look, your , oh yes, my very dog, when a person comes to us for a lost item, for example, from a bag, we ask him to describe as pain, as accurately as possible, the thing itself, everything that was in it’s inside, so it’s easier for employees to determine the owner, but it happens that the lost item wasn’t in any warehouse, in such cases it’s better to immediately contact the police, most likely it was stolen, but if you didn’t lose anything yourself, on the contrary, you found someone else’s item on your own look for the owner and dispose of by her? it’s not worth it, first of all, this is someone else’s property, in case of its theft , the criminal code and article so-called 158 theft will clearly apply here. and there are a lot of such stories, for example, one of the soldiers was captured by a cctv camera. the recording shows how a certain citizen, having noticed a bag forgotten in a subway car, seemingly casually takes it and leaves the train. as law enforcement officers later found out, inside there was a laptop
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worth 300,000 rubles. the businessman was detained, but the expensive gadget was no longer with him. and on these. young man in the footage decided to appropriate a lady’s handbag, which contained documents worth more than 100 thousand rubles. he, too, was caught, like this desperate guy, risking his life, he jumped onto the rails and stole a smartphone that had fallen there, while its owner went for help, but fortunately for the owners, most of the finds still end up in the good hands of metro workers. over the past year alone , over 50 thousand forgotten items arrived in warehouses. vlada egorova, vitaly melkov, conductor, duty department. almost 4.500. criminal cases were opened by employees of the investigative committee during his work in donbass, as well as zaporozhye and kherson regions. the figures were also announced during a meeting held in lugansk by the chairman of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin. the main topic of the event was the investigation of crimes committed by ukrainian military units against civilians and russian military personnel. alexander bastrykin focused on
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the need for every investigation to be thoroughly documented. we still need to slowly create archival materials of our work. yes, we can give something to the museum to the committee, create archives, our participation in a special operation, photographs, then we use it in educational work in our academies, in buildings. following the meeting , the chairman of the investigative committee presented awards to particularly distinguished employees of the department. his contemporaries called him mister law. the ministry opened an exhibition dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the outstanding figure.
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narrator is a separate part of his career. meetings on cases, investigations, which he led, they were overcrowded, and his speeches were subsequently distributed in printed publications;
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they say that this is how he entered not only the history of culture and jurisprudence, but also of russian life. kone concerned all classes of the russian empire, which he defended. he came in, of course, as a great humanist. he proved that justice and humanism are not about... so anatoly koni is known for unprecedented decisions, in particular for his extremely extraordinary position in the story of vera zasulich, who wounded the capital's head fyodor trepov with two shots from a revolver. famous case especially in the soviet union, it was heavily promoted. in 1878, he presided over the court that acquitted the man who shot the st. petersburg man. then the lawyer, relying on his experience, questioned the fact that the attack was intentional, and trepov died precisely from zasulich’s shots,
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his speeches were amazing, they were always filled with great legal logic, humanity, man is equal to man, low crime, but man worthy of regret, said anatoly felovich koni. feel the spirit of the times when kony worked, here you can fully fill the stands. artifacts from before revolutionary st. petersburg, some of which belonged to the famous lawyer. a knife for cutting paper, glasses for postcards and even a french device for fastening documents straight from the end of the 19th century. all these exhibits were carefully collected from private collections and state museums, and anatoly koni’s workplace was recreated here. perhaps the main thing that catches your eye at such exhibitions is the small details. look at elaborate carvings on shiny metal.
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expositions, this is usually not taken out from under the glass without unnecessary reason, for us there is an exception, onyx, copper alloy, silver, an elegant blotter, made especially for the fiftieth anniversary of the horse’s creative activity, has been preserved almost like new, and yet it is more than a century old, this is genuine paper , it’s his, yes, it’s his, she even smells. yes, yes, yes, yes, there is his dna, yes, here is the workshop mark, shiny letters in the corner of the page marking the products of the factory of the swiss
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entrepreneur bechli, it. worked in in petrograd before the revolution , business folders with a unique design were considered quite a significant gift in the business circles of those times, you will rarely even see this in any museum, in the building of the ministry of justice you can, but of course, only on a special occasion for the 180th anniversary of the birth of an expert, for skill which lawyers navigate even after a century and a half. maxim shevchenko, mikhail artyukhin and mikhail emelin, conductor, duty department. don't miss it this weekend on russia tv. former head of the ramensky district of moscow region andrey kulakov was accused of reprisals against his mistress evgenia isaenkova. we managed to restore the correspondence, which contained numerous threats, including those of kulakov and saenkov. i'm not a murderer, i didn't kill anyone. the official spent 2 years in pre-trial detention, but in the end the jury reached a verdict. not guilty. he also
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dealt so cruelly with the deputy head of the district’s public chamber , including her husband. i asked you not to bother me or my daughter with this topic. i also have an assumption that she was with kulakova like a gray coordinate. we took over this case and conducted our own investigation. the company has developed a new algorithm for the action of conductors in case animals without an owner are found in the composition. now our brothers will travel less in the staff car to the nearest large station, where they will be met by specialists who will determine the further whereabouts of the furry ones. it is prohibited to disembark such passengers. changes in approaches are not accidental. in january, the whole country was stirred up by the story of twix the cat; while traveling on a train, he got out of his carrier and wandered around carriage. the conductor didn’t take long to look
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for the owner and you... came for a free procedure and now still owes money, the heroine of our next story was deceived by going to a private medical institution, where they imposed paid procedures on her and even forced her to sign an enslaving contract, which the woman could only terminate after our film crew intervened in the case. report by sultan zeganov. smooth movements of the legs in a lying position. chumachenko is needed: the pensioner has arthrosis of the knee joint, periodically she terrible pain occurs, this is what brought the woman to one of the private clinics in moscow. she looked and said: yes, yes, you have such a knee, but we can save it, treatment here is expensive, but we will help you. doctors and financiers of the medical institution surrounded natalya sergeevna, allegedly by hook or by crook they began to persuade her to use their
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services. so unbearable, the pensioner recalls, that she agreed to all the conditions, and that’s when she assured her that they handed her a loan agreement for more than 200,000 rubles. they put me on the couch and injected my right knee and proceeded to the left one, i also wanted to say, but then i think, well, maybe this is some kind of preventative? what exactly was carried out in the knee area natalya chumachenko is not truly known, according to the certificate of work performed, it was collagen as a substitute for synovial fluid, after the procedures the pain really... receded, however, only for a couple of days, then the pensioner again went to the clinic with specific questions, but the previously polite schoolboys allegedly became rude and pointed to the door. the chief doctor refuses to treat you, and you are too scandalous woman. its clients have already spoken about the morals of the medical workers of this clinic on our program; people , mostly pensioners, complained that they were first forced to use useless and sometimes absurd procedures, but were guaranteed to do it quickly.
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complained of pain in the hip joint , as the woman says, she was given one injection, the work completion certificate indicated a whole range of procedures, which she allegedly did not... it was possible to set up at least some intelligible dialogue only in the presence of our film crew group, although it still didn’t work out without emotions. what is your name? i don’t want to talk to you, scold you, it’s not interesting, you can talk to the wall , you can talk to the wall, why are you being rude? nina drantusova , no matter what, intends to return the money spent on useless treatment. she filed a complaint with rospotrebnadzor and is now awaiting trial. what about the pensioner, natalie kchumachenko?


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