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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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farmers are going out to mass protests against the environmental policies of the european union. increasing fuel prices for duty-free import of ukrainian products. kristina kuruma studied the opinion of analysts whether europe could be left without bread and meat. farmer protests have spread to almost half of the european union. farmers are outraged by the agricultural policy of the european parliament. 12 countries have already joined the strikes. people. they block roads with special equipment, block access to airports, throw away food, and set fires. and now broadcast on our channel. thanks a lot.
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dear friends, today is a special day for our country, the russian academy of sciences celebrates its anniversary, it turns 300 years old and... this event is certainly not only national, but also truly global in significance and scale, which is why it is deservedly included in the unesco list of memorable dates. it is also symbolic that on the academy’s birthday we celebrate russian science day. congratulations on this holiday. unites the entire
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research community of our country, i would like to congratulate everyone on the anniversary of their wounds citizens of our country and of course academicians , corresponding members, employees of the academy, all scientists of the country, and i will add our foreign colleagues, who, despite all the restrictions, prohibitions and barriers that are introduced by people who are clearly not of an academic mindset, who do not understand that... it is impossible create barriers of absolutely iron jealousy, as it once was, well, even in the times of iron it was not possible to completely ban communication between scientists, let's remember how the nuclear project was created, let's remember the outstanding, outstanding physicists, fermi, there boron and so on, well then it was impossible to prohibit communication, today it is simply ridiculous, yes, but nevertheless these attempts.
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continue, at the same time , the fruitful scientific cooperation of our colleagues and contacts with russian scientists continues, i would like to emphasize that we will always be open to partnership in the interests of all humanity. i wish the academy, at a new historical stage, as before, to faithfully serve russia, our people, preserving its history, traditions, to always move forward, to be at...
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throughout its history, the academy has been engaged in fundamental science, and its role in the life of the country, i would like to emphasize this, is also absolutely fundamental. the contribution of members of the academy of researchers, discoverers, pioneers in the formation of russia as a state of civilization is truly priceless. it was with the study of our native fatherland that the development of our endless lands began, according to the great scientist and academician. scientists, collections, research results are natural, ethnographic, archaeological real property of russia, serves to preserve our identity and historical truth, the preservation of our great multinational people, our culture, literature, the original traditions of the peoples of russia, who for centuries lived on...
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the cause of education, the education of the younger generation, we will definitely have to turn to it when forming our long-term plans in the economy and social development in demography. let me remind you in this regard that it was the academic commission for the study of natural productive forces that was the first to systematically engage in strategic planning for the development of the country, in this sense the growing participation of the academy of sciences in the development
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of biology, physiology and medicine is deeply symbolic; the developments, discoveries, and scientific audacity of our scientists made a huge contribution to the victory over nazism, and in the second half of the 20th century it was the achievements of the academy that made it possible to create a nuclear missile shield and ensure the country's primacy in study and exploration of outer space. with their ascetic, heroic work, soviet scientists made our fatherland one of... the greatest scientific powers in the world, this foundation still serves us today, helps maintain continuity, which means moving towards new frontiers and setting the most ambitious goals. dear colleagues
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, dear friends, today we are implementing the development agenda, increasing our potential in very difficult conditions, it is obvious that the academy of sciences is operating in difficult conditions, its responsibility for the results obtained is increasing significantly in today’s conditions. it is your discovery, scientific achievement, that will allow you to solve problems in all areas, in the field of security, healthcare, industry, in infrastructure, in ecology and energy, at the same time i emphasize that the point is not to catch up with someone or just like...
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restrictions, they understand, here they understand that this is useless, meaningless, so i repeat, we need to be strong , self-sufficient and competitive in all key vectors of progress, self-sufficient in terms of meeting their own key needs, competitive in order to shape the global development agenda and occupy strong positions in world markets, both today and...
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these are the principles that will be enshrined in the updated strategy of scientific and technological development, which today. given at a meeting of the council for science and education. the role of the academy in its implementation is one of the central ones. at a recent meeting with the president of the russian academy of sciences, gennady yakovlevich krasnikov, we discussed in detail the direction of the further work of the academy, the expansion of its powers taking into account the requirements of the time. at the same time, they once again confirmed the need for the unconditional preservation of all deep historical traditions. i have.
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in this logic, a decree has already been signed on the inclusion of the president of the russian academy of sciences in the security council of the russian federation. obviously. and i assume that this will be an informal act. it is also obvious that all significant initiatives of the academy must undergo a deep, objective scientific examination, including our national projects , plans for the development of infrastructure in industries and regions, scientific and technological programs, primarily in such key areas as space, microelectronics, quantum and biotechnology, genetics, carried out under the leadership. the role of the russian academy of sciences. i will also add that
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textbooks for universities and schools must undergo mandatory academic examination. also, the ran must take charge of the activities of dissertation councils, examine their decisions, and analyze dissertations put forward for defense. i agree that the academy needs, well, the academy needs to directly participate in the formation of new approaches to the awarding of academic degrees and... titles in the certification of scientific scientific and pedagogical personnel. in this regard it is logical and expedient that the further development of the higher attestation commission and the organization of its activities should be carried out under the auspices of the academy of sciences. and according to status, the vac should be headed by one of the vice-presidents of the ras. it is also necessary to strengthen the role of the academy in the formation and coordination of fundamental
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research, to significantly strengthen the scientific and methodological management of wound research centers and universities in our country. they must meet the high standards of our time, the standard of the 21st century, the speed of technological changes that are taking place in the world. here i would like to especially say about scientific organizations that have the high title of academic. they are from... organizations, changes in the jurisdiction of such scientific organizations, of course, their main goals must be preserved,
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the loss and ineffective use of their research infrastructure is unacceptable, as well as any decisions, especially bypassing the academy, on the allocation of the composition of institutes for pilot production and medical base necessary for training, conducting experts and tests, of course working with... scientific publications and research, provides conditions for the search, exchange and
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dissemination of scientific information, for promoting the results of domestic scientists for the popularization of science, both in russia and abroad. in this regard, i think it is correct to include in the structure of the russian academy of sciences the russian center for scientific information, which contains a huge array of research publications, other data in demand by scientists, as well as the nauka publishing house. which is almost the same age as the academy of sciences and dates back to 1727. let me emphasize that the academy is called upon to become a real intellectual headquarters for the development of domestic science, to solve the most important problems of the country’s development, but support for wounds, as for science in general, from the state should also increase. this year's financing costs.
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i can tell the audience the numbers, an academician will have to receive 2000 monthly, a corresponding member - 100,000 rubles. i would like to note that the total volume of... state spending on scientific research and development for civilian purposes in the next 3 years will exceed 1.5 trillion rubles. i already said today at the council on science and education that, taking into account new tasks, it is necessary to increase the amount of funding for domestic science. at the council, we agreed that the government would look into this issue and report on its decision in
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the very near future. at the same time, i would like to recall the words of an outstanding geneticist. academician nikolai ivanovich vavilov. the share of science in the country is determined not only by the funds allocated from the state budget, the number of research institutes, but, above all, by the outlook of scientists, the height their scientific flight. well, of course, this flight must be supported by financial resources. we will definitely work on this. scientific teams for outstanding achievements in such promising areas as microelectronics, artificial intelligence, new materials in other important areas for effective solutions to issues of defense capability and security of our state. i wish you and all your teams new large-scale, significant
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scientific achievements, so that the results of your work, your research... dear colleagues, the key to present and future achievements at the academy of sciences is continuity and continuity of research. throughout its history, the academy developed outstanding domestic scientific schools, not only advanced knowledge was passed on from scientific mentors, but also a sense of responsibility to science and to the country, while each generation of scientists not only continued the work of their predecessors, students constantly moved forward, discovered the unknown,
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achieved new breakthroughs, raised themselves for myself already... a worthy change. according to tradition, on february 8, on the founding day of the academy of sciences, on the day of russian science, we reward researchers who are just beginning their great professional journey. but i believe that today, on the anniversary of the russian academy of sciences, we should celebrate not only our young generation and young recruits, but also great, honored scientists who have achieved great scientific achievements. results, i would like to announce with pleasure and pride the names of colleagues who received high awards, the title of hero of labor of the russian federation was awarded academician yuri sergeevich osipov, who devoted his entire life to the service of science,
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led applied research in the interests of the country's defense capability, for more than 20 years. headed the russian academy of sciences, brilliant scientists and doctors, academicians leila vagoevna adamyan and alexander nikolaevich kanovalov, were also awarded high state awards. in their clinical practice, they boldly propose, implement the most advanced approaches, set high standards of modern medical care, and contribute. significant contribution to the strengthening of all domestic healthcare. academician valery vasilyevich kozlov, a prominent scientist and organizer of science. he made a significant contribution to the development of russian mathematics, mechanics and mathematical physics. outstanding physicists, academicians gennady andreevich mesyats and alexander nikolaevich with skrinsky. thanks to
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their efforts, our country confidently holds the leading bar. scientific world power, including in the region, has advanced scientific installations of the megasaience class. and, of course, i would like to announce the winners with pleasure state awards in the field of science and innovation for young scientists, thanks to their discoveries of energy, in the good sense of the word , drive, courage, domestic science takes new heights. this is georgy pavlovich gogaev, who made a significant contribution to improving security and defense. the country’s ability to strengthen our technical potential, technological potential in the most advanced areas, and what is important in the areas most needed for us today, mathematically.
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they are already used in russia to search for deposits of strategically significant metals dear friends, i once again congratulate all colleagues on the tercentenary of the russian academy of sciences. i wish you success in serving the progress of our fatherland and the people of russia. i am pleased to give the floor to president akadimir. please. gennady ekovich, please,
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deeply respected vladimir vladimirovich, respected members of the russian academy of sciences, dear guests, today we all have a very important day, we are celebrating 300. it has always united leading researchers, real seekers of truth who have helped the country to develop, studied its natural resources, made breakthroughs...
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domestic scientists laid a solid foundation for the development of mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, geology, biology and many other areas of scientific thought. they made a huge contribution to the understanding of history and the role of man in the world, and contributed to the preservation of the richest historical cultural heritage. without their fundamental works.
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our scientists managed to tame the atom, created nuclear energy, a nuclear fleet, it was they who stood at the origins of the conquest of space, namely
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they brought the soviet union into the leader of world science. today, our country, and therefore russian science, faces truly large-scale epoch-making tasks, and of course, they impose on us a huge responsibility that...
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the soviet union. russia, 13 full holders of the order of merit for the fatherland, 378 state prize laureates. the academic community also includes teams of scientific institutes across the country that work under our scientific and methodological leadership. in total , the russian academy of sciences forms topics scientific research of 746 non- and 3388. universities, and of course, separate words of gratitude for the decisions you voiced, at this truly historic moment for the country, they not only strengthen the authority of the academy, but create new opportunities for the effective participation of scientists in the state decision-making system, this will allow you to correctly set priorities in scientific work, wisely manage resources, build a unified
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academy of sciences will definitely cope with the assigned tasks, write new, bright pages in the history of world science and our fatherland. dear friends, happy holiday to you, happy anniversary of the russian academy of sciences. thank you.
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by decree of the president of the russian federation, for special services to the state and outstanding contribution to the development of science, the title of hero of labor of the russian federation was awarded to yuri sergeevich osipov, academician of the russian academy of sciences. for me, of course, it is a great honor to receive this award, to receive it on a historical day, the day of the thirtieth anniversary of our academy, i
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just... remember that this is one of the oldest academies in the world, it is by birth fourth, and here it was correctly said that the history of the formation of the academy, the history of its development, is inextricably linked with the history of russia itself, with the history of its people, therefore it has always been and remains a support. state in many of its fundamental affairs. thank you very much for the honor. for his great contribution to the development of domestic science and many years of fruitful activity, he was awarded the order of merit for the fatherland, first degree. adamyan, leila, vagoev.
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russian federation, dear vladimir vladimirovich, today i am for the fourth time i receive an award from you, i am overwhelmed with feelings, feelings of gratitude, and a feeling, i would say, of a real worthy award for the entire academy, for the entire ministry.


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