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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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adamyan, leila vagoevna, academician of the russian academy of sciences. deeply respected president of the russian federation, dear vladimir vladimirovich, today i am receiving an award from you for the fourth time, i am overwhelmed with feelings, a feeling of gratitude and feelings, i would say, of a real worthy award for the entire academy, for everything... for our science,
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which the most humane in the world, for our medicine, which is the most correct, gentle to people, with a human face, for our ministry of health, for every doctor, our doctors are heroes, our great country, i must say, having worked for 52 years in the same institution, the best in the center of our country, the mother and child center. on behalf of all colleagues, on behalf of doctors, nurses, my patients, lives saved, many children, happy families, i am proud that today... i
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can say before our people, before my colleagues, before you personally that i am proud i carry the banner of our medicine. and again, and again, your personal contribution to the development of our healthcare is great, to the development of implementation and development. new technologies, impeccable and absolutely great, in fact, for us today medicine is not only maternal and fetal medicine, it is the medicine of the future, in fact, it is the medicine of the embryo, cells, egg, sperm, and the most important thing is that i am receiving this award, a very symbolic time, 300 ..
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for many years, and i convey to you many thanks for the fact that you believe in our medicine, in our science, this year is not only 300 years of the academy, but this is the year of the family, the year of the family, what could be better, more important, holier, more significant , today we are talking about the fact that we glorify our academy, this order... i, here it is, i will
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wear with great honor, and you know, vladimir vladimovich, i really hope that god will give us great victories, great achievements, good health and happiness to you, thank you very much. kozlov valery vasilievich, academician of the russian academy of sciences. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, dear friends. of course, i am very
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pleased to receive such a high state award from the hands of our president on the day of the russian tercentenary. academy of sciences, and i am grateful to you, vladimir vladimirovich, for such a high appreciation of my work, and of all my colleagues who work with me in the department of mathematical sciences, this high order seems to be in the collection of awards from my home institute, the steklov mathematical institute, russian. academy of sciences, it is famous primarily for its outstanding mathematical achievements and results throughout its almost hundred-year history. we
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mainly study fundamental mathematics at the institute and, of course , we feel responsible. for the level, for the state, and for this, this very important area knowledge in our country, but we also strive to develop - competencies in applied areas that are key to the development of modern technologies, well, here's how - for example, recently, two new laboratories were created at our institute, the subject of one is related to the mathematical aspects of quantum technologies, and serious work on quantum cryptography has already been launched there, the second topic of the second laboratory is related to
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the problems of artificial intelligence, in your speech you emphasized: the importance maintaining continuity in the work of our academy of sciences, it seems to me that this is a very correct, so to speak, idea , looking back, remembering, well, in my case, the history of mathematics within the walls of the academy of sciences, it seems to me that one can even say that one of main tasks of our mathematician colleagues. stands in preserving and developing the traditions that were laid by our great predecessors, well, on this wonderful day i want to congratulate all our colleagues on the holiday who have linked
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their fate with scientific research, everyone i wish you good health, happiness, prosperity and , of course, new bright achievements. for the benefit of our science, for the benefit of our fatherland. mesyats gennady andreevich, academician of the russian academy of sciences. deeply respected vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, i want to congratulate everyone on
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the three-hundredth anniversary of our academy, thank the country’s leadership, the academician. i consider president putin very highly appreciated, which was made thanks to this anniversary. i want to say a few words very briefly about physics, which is developing at the institute where i work at the lebedev institute. the paradox is that although the academy of sciences is 300 years old, the physical institute is just starting. its history then, when 100, 310 years passed , in 714, when the konstkamera was created, under peter , an instrument laboratory was organized, which then turned into a physics laboratory, then it turned into
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a physics office, a physics laboratory, then in 934 it was .. the institute of mathematics, the institute of physics and mathematics was created, which was divided into two parts: the steklov institute of mathematics and the institute of physics named after lebedev. they moved to moscow, and academician kozlov’s previous speech suggests that there really was once a single root from which everything came. it must be said that the creation of this institute was of great importance for the country. the institute produced outstanding achievements. all the works that can be named here are wexler’s work in creating
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the first soviet accelerators, which actually laid the entire foundation of accelerator physics, marked the beginning of the laser era, bass and prochoir, pioneering work was done in the field thermonuclear fusion, the theory was proposed, the takamaka theory was created, tam e. and sakharov, an explanation was given for the phenomenon of high-temperature superconductivity by gainsburg, scientific exploration of space began, fian employees made a significant contribution to the atomic project, the names of our employees, such as there, academicians there, sakharov fok and others, are inextricably linked with the creation of the soviet nuclear calculation, which allowed our the state to develop and defend its interests in different periods.
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your support and the ministry was important economy, which allocated this money to us. today it is truly an outstanding
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sphere conductivity center that is actively working. now it is conducting research on the most advanced edge of science, a unique created by fian, a unique proton accelerator was also created at fian, precisely on those ideas. which were once developed by wexler, new methods of treating oncological diseases have been implemented, which are used by our doctors, work is actively developing together with leading medical centers and the kurchatov institute, treatment hundreds of patients are being treated, fianov's development of the first full-size magnetic tomograph has been transferred to rospatom, where it will be implemented. after the successful completion of radiostron's space mission, it is outstanding. work when the largest earth-space radio telescope was created. fianos is now working on creating a project for the
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mitkron station, which should become a worthy competitor to the american james baby. as part of the roadmap for quantum computing, in fiani, in my estimation, in any case, the strongest, most powerful in russian quantum computer, work done in the laboratory. corresponding member kolachevsky, our director, by the way, i think you won’t, won’t blame me if i say, this is a brilliant young scientist who works great and keeps the institute in very good condition, although i also did a lot of this, i was there for almost 12 years director, but it is a rare case when the new director praises the new one who has arrived. work is underway on scientific refurbishment, designs for laser technology,
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microelectronics and sensors are being created to ensure technological sovereignty of russia , i think it is very important that in the implementation of these works a lot of attention is attracted by young scientists, students, the institute has very good connections and creates... created its own departments at moscow state university, the physico-technical institute, in mythology, and which already today it is a locomotive for the development of young scientists for the development of the institute, a huge resource for attracting new ones. and two more words: now for our society’s successful development, more than ever,
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consolidation in scientific, technical and social areas, we are making every effort to... constructive interaction and maximize the use of our potential, i would like to say that this fall marks the 90th anniversary of the real fian, which was created and as i said in the thirty-fourth year. vladimirevich, on behalf of the team i invite you to this anniversary, you really look and see what the national institute has done, how it has re-equipped, thank you very much for this, because we constantly... receive your support, support from the outside ministries and other organizations. thank you so much for everything you do for science. prizes in the field of science and innovation for young scientists were awarded for 2023 and the honorary title of laureate of the president of the russian federation was awarded for the development of models and
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technologies of neuromorphic artificial intelligence based on biophysics. artificial intelligence will surpass existing technologies in a variety of areas, from driverless transport systems to neuroimplants in medicine. neuromorphic
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artificial intelligence technologies replicate the principles of how the brain works. this is what allows them to work. the award i received is recognition not only of my personal merits, but of the merits of my colleagues from nizhny novgorod state university, whom i wanted to thank in the person of the rector oleg vladimirovich trofimov. i would like to say special words of gratitude to my scientific supervisor viktor borisovich kazantsev and our entire team for supporting scientific research. thanks to my family, my loved ones and my parents for help. in the work i have done. in conclusion, i want to say that i am absolutely convinced that such neuromorphic, nature-like technologies are the future, and we are in no way inferior in such developments in the world. thank you very much, happy holiday. for the discovery of new mechanisms for regulating outbreaks
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of mass reproduction of insect pests of agriculture and forestry. senior researcher at the institute of systematics and ecology of animals, siberian branch of the russian academy of sciences. deeply respected vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, thank you very much for the opportunity to be here today, it's a great honor. i thank the presidential council of the russian federation for science and education for such a high assessment of my work. but of course, without close cooperation with other teams, not only in novosibirsk, but also in other cities, it would have been impossible to obtain such significant results, so special thanks to all our colleagues. i would like to express special gratitude
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to natalia viktorovna bogomolova, unfortunately she passed away recently, but it was thanks to her was largely formed. supported, believed, supported , thank you, happy holiday to us, for the development of the isotope-geochemical method as an effective tool for... searching for deposits of strategically important metals, gold, platinum, olga valentinovna yakubovich, candidate of geologists of mineral sciences, associate professor
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of st. petersburg state university . receiving this award is an honor for me, i would like to thank all those who were with me along this path, from school teachers, university teachers, colleagues from academic institutes and specialized geological organizations. this work is the result of many years of close collaboration between st. petersburg state university and the pre-cambrian aran institute of geology and geochronology. thank you for this cooperation. separately, i would like to thank my scientific supervisor, yuri aleksandrovich shukalyukov, who, unfortunately, has not been with us for a long time. for inspiration, faith for teaching me a lot, for me this award is recognition and his merits, including the merits of the st. petersburg school of flood geochemistry. today
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it is especially pleasant to receive this award, given that today is the tercentenary of the russian academy of sciences, but today is also the founding day of my native university , st. petersburg state university . thank you and happy holidays. for a set of works that ensures the strengthening of the country's defense capability, georgy pavlovich gagaev, candidate of technical sciences, leading designer of the lyulka experimental design bureau, branch of the ufa uec engine-building production association. dear vladimir vladimirovich. first of all, i would like to thank you, as well as the presidential council on science and education, for highly appreciating the work done and creating conditions for the realization of young specialists. receiving such an award
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is a great honor and a great responsibility, which motivates us to continue working with double efforts. the achieved results were made possible thanks to the contribution of a large number of people. i would like to take this opportunity to thank them: these are teachers in the person of arts in the city of vladikavkaz, teachers at the moscow aviation institute, mentors in the scientific company. air force and colleagues at the enterprise, i would especially like to mention my scientific supervisor, general designer, director of the experimental design bureau named after arkhip mikhailovich, evgeniy yuvenalievich marchukov, the person who nominated the work for the prize, vice-president of the russian academy of sciences sergei leonidovich chernoshov , their mentors from the strength management mikhail anatolyevich bogdanov, igor arkadyevich shubin and nadezhda ivanovna demkina. of course, the results achieved would have been impossible. without the support of my family. in conclusion, i join in the congratulations and wish the academic researchers perseverance good luck in achieving their goals. thank you. dear friends,
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congratulations to the recipients, congratulations to all those present, all russian scientists on today’s event, on the tercentenary of the academy of sciences, the completion of this part of today’s solemn event. i would like to say this if failures of russian scientists, and at all times, both in the pre-petrine era, and after the creation of the academy of sciences, and of course, in modern history, before the great patriotic war, after it, and today, if not for the achievement of our scientists, it is not known how history would have turned out and the fate of the russian... this is something we should all understand clearly, i must honestly say, at some time in society there arose, well, such an everyday, everyday idea
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that we don’t need sovereign science, why are they there somewhere they sit in laboratories, soldering something, twisting something, burning something, yes, that's it, the world is open, you can get it. and this, and the money must be directed to some other goals, but if we want russia to be russia, to develop, to have a future, to stand firmly on its own two feet, of course, of course, we must support fundamental science, without which there is no future for applied science, and applied research, and we will definitely do this, happy holiday, congratulations on the three hundredth anniversary of the academy of sciences.
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these were shots from the state kremlin palace from the ceremony of presenting state awards on the occasion of the tercentenary russian academy of sciences. well, we continue. so, the dismissal of valery zaluzhny did take place. here is a brief chronology of today's events. first, an interesting post appeared on zelensky’s social networks, saying he met with the commander in chief. the armed forces of ukraine, to thank for the joint work and discuss the new composition of the leadership of the armed forces , well, that is, the hint was quite transparent, although there was no direct talk about resignation yet, then the minister of defense, independent umerov, also spoke about the need to update the command, but also did not confirm that zaluzhny is written off, and only later did the news come that the ukrainian army is now led by general syrsky, the same one who failed the defense of artyomovsk, but has repeatedly received praise from washington and brussels, although it is still unclear.
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is the conflict between the top of the kiev regime settled by the same zaluzhny, let me remind you that it dragged on for several months in a row in a public format, the ex-commander-in-chief criticized zelensky for unrealistic demands during the ill-fated counter-offensive, wrote essays on this topic in the western media and received counter-attacks claims for allegedly failing to properly manage nato military assistance. in addition, it has been repeatedly suggested that valeriy zaluzhny is capable of providing political competition to the current ukrainian authorities, so it is interesting. watch what his future fate will be. within 24 hours, russian troops again improved their positions and occupied more advantageous positions in the krasno-limansky and donetsk directions of the special operation. in these sectors of the front, up to 540 enemy personnel were destroyed. more from above 150 were eliminated on the southern donetsk front as a result of massive fire damage inflicted by our soldiers near ugledar and makarovka. stanislav nazarov's frontline report on the situation. the crews of the tanks
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of the 150th division are sent out on an urgent combat mission. drone operators unload on the way to the firing position in order to quickly begin aerial reconnaissance and provide accurate coordinates. in sight of our drone operators. an american m37 howitzer hits. the footage shows how the artillery crew of the ukrainian the militants move in their position, preparing the gun for firing. i arrived and exhibited. the gunner aims the alcohol, and i’m already turning the machine so that it stands up clearly, well, that’s it, we’ve worked on it further, and the main thing is to get away from there, this t-72 b3m tank works on the principle of an artillery gun, about 5 km to the target, well, 15 seconds , that is, i fired, the gun is being reloaded, it’s loaded, that’s it, i checked the coordinates, we ’re working there, tank strike groups... working
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under the cover of our artillery, it falls itself in different ways, mostly they throw reserves into battle , they are not trained, well, this is what they rotate randomly, mainly those who are more powerful, stronger, they retreat to more fortified, protected points of defense, and leave the young ones in front, the young stand for slaughter while the tank crews of the 150th division of the southern group of forces are preparing to attack the american infantry installation against... 8 years, fought first in the northern military district, just recently returned to duty, after a tank explosion he tank commander with the call sign terminator in the army received a concussion, compression fracture spine, shrapnel and bullet wounds.
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the most important main goal is that the infantry is pushing, we first level it so that they cannot infantry, our infantry is trying to advance, that’s just how we work together. after the second strike on the positions of ukrainian militants, the american m37 installation was destroyed. the crew is informed of new coordinates; the tanks, under the cover of electronic warfare systems, are moving to other firing positions. stanislav, andrey rudenko, news, donbass. minovorona announced his return today. from captivity 100 russian military personnel who were in mortal danger in the territories controlled by the kiev regime. all of them will be delivered to moscow by military transport aircraft to receive the necessary medical care and undergo rehabilitation. as specified, the united arab emirates provided mediation, and in return the ukrainian side also received 100 prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces.


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