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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 8, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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the so-called front-line internet , which we also need and improves noise immunity and cryptographic security, this is all, in principle, complemented by our existing communication systems, that is, if ukraine essentially has no other options besides starlink, we still have many of our own options, but if complement the systems of the same starlink, this is already a good , let’s say, addition to the combat control system, batches of starlinks are purchased in certain... countries, and then delivered to russia, then you just need to transport the equipment to the zone svo, where it quite easily receives the signal from satellites in the starlink network. according to official data, coverage includes the entire territory of the kherson and zaporozhye regions, as well as a significant part of donbass. unofficially, terminals operate even in crimea; elon musk cannot simply turn off the signal in these areas, because then they will be left without communication.
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one more thing: build electromagnetic forges for enemies. vysushniks have already experienced all the delights of a communal apartment with a single wi-fi, they complain that on the front line there is sharply internet connection speed has dropped. in this sense, everyone has problems. in the spring we had the same number of people on starlinks, everything was fine, but for several months now the system has been working intermittently, and for the last week it’s been a total disaster. the fact that the quality of communication in the ukrainian armed forces has dropped sharply right from the beginning. the massive
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supply of starlinks to the front can hardly be considered a coincidence; the opportunity to properly study and put enemy technology into practice undoubtedly helps to fight it. more and more are coming from the front line these are the shots: landed or shot down drones with american terminals, the satellite shield did not save them. and, of course, rap technologies continue to develop, making it possible to turn off starlink in a certain territory, leaving vssushnikov blind and deaf under the fire of russian weapons, it is known and elon musk publicly commented on this, that the russian army has learned to suppress work in starlin precisely on the combat territory contact, that is, it turned off for 2-3 hours, this is a very difficult task, and if we solved it really in practice, then we have very, very good engineers, because the problem on the shore was seen as unsolvable for... western analysts continue to rivet
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articles on the topic of confrontation between russia and nato, increasingly a key factor for success, they call the adaptive ability of each side to the maximum answer calls quickly. apparently, we managed to subjugate even starling. now it’s kiev’s move, let’s see how they adapt, i would suggest switching to messengers from twenty years ago modems, not many. the american media are writing about this with reference to the vague wording of the us law on the transfer of information abroad; according to me, lawyers, the tv presenter’s interview with vladimir putin may well become the reason for starting a criminal trial. tucker carlson's program should be published today on the social network x. amidst expectations, this resource has become the most popular free application in the united states. the number of downloads increased immediately after the announcement of the conversation with the russian. president,
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details in the material by anna voronina. announcement this interview has already made so much noise that there is no doubt left. the united states this evening, regardless of political views, will watch tucker carlson's conversation with vladimir putin at 6 pm washington time. the main thing is that the journalist’s website does not collapse due to the influx of viewers, because the release of the interview is announced not only by the tv presenter himself, but also by his colleagues; they promised to publish it on the kremlin website.
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we haven’t looked at the principle yet, but we are already condemning it; carlson himself has been dubbed a right-wing extremist, a kremlin propagandist, and chief in spreading disinformation among the american population, but... i haven’t heard, just like from the american media, accusations against tucker carlson have been heard over the past years, including because of his criticism of the white house, but without response attacks on the journalist did not remain. twice failed presidential candidate hillary clinton calls tucker carlson a quote: a useful idiot and a puppy.
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hillary is angry that the journalist is doing journalism and doing his job. you know tucker is doing everything right since this woman is angry with him. i'm on the side. the european union, the ukrainian leader, zelensky , american liberals can go to hell . everyone is criticizing tucker carlson for interviewing putin before they even saw the interview. journalists' job is to ask tough questions of interesting people, not just interview people they like and agree with. i support tucker. it is worth noting that some colleagues, after the announcement of the interview, began to seriously fear for the fate of tucker carlson, and as for his. physical safety, so for his freedom , but he is unlikely to become the second julian assange, he of course very sensitively understands the current current agenda, yes, that is , now, as we see, fatigue is growing in america as a whole in the west from the conflict in ukraine, so i think that after this interview, well, the number of those who advocate
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ending the war with russia will only grow in the united states in the west, i think that tucker carlulson understands, yes, where things are going, in advance and adapts to this agenda, helps her promote, experts. i believe that the republican wing will protect carlson from sanctions in the united states, precisely because the journalist is working with them in the same direction, and the european union is not yet going to impose restrictions on the former fox news host. anna voronina, anna pogonina, anna nikulaesh, news. the first waves came mainly from post-soviet and english-speaking countries, but now the recruitment network has to be expanded, this is the revelation of the coordinator, the so-called foreign... personnel, therefore, the more clearly the complaint is read about the shortage of ukrainian
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soldiers of fortune who will come from abroad, the better for zelensky and the company, although there is still the question of who is coming and why? in words, they are looking for ideological ones, those who are ready to selflessly fight some kind of russian aggression. however, in reality, the absolute majority seems to be interested in purely material benefits, this is just a striking example, in the same note this press mentions a very large contingent from latin america, specifically colombians who were promised a quick and supposedly easy income, but what they will actually receive, stanislav bernwald is ready to predict. they promised mountains of gold, an easy walk in the fresh air, honor and respect - this is in theory, but in fact they just cheated me out of money. thrown to the front line, thrown to die on the battlefield. seasoned professionals from colombia, an entire article dedicated to latin american mercenaries who came to fight for ukraine. according to the author, hundreds of former colombian fighters have recently joined the ranks of foreign fighters. military. military pensioners bought into
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the promise of a sweet life and military romance. one of the colombian mercenaries with the call sign checho did not hide the fact that he, like hundreds of his fellow countrymen, came to ukraine to earn money, they say. nothing personal, business is business , we need relatively cheap professionals, as we understand, the money they are going to be paid significantly exceeds the overall income in this country, so it is natural that at the moment it is cheaper to import colombians than europeans. the publication conducts a comparative analysis of military salaries in colombia, for example, corporals there receive a basic salary of about $400 per month, and experienced sergeants can earn up to... $900, while in ukraine militants are promised a monthly salary of $3,300, depending on rank and type of service, as they say, feeling the difference, but as checho admits, the realities turned out to be much more prosaic. in fact, it’s not uncommon
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for situations where they refuse to pay, when the time comes to pay the money, the mercenary is simply removed, well, it’s like military operations, the person died, then of course yes on the territory of the former ukraine, corruption exceeds colombian, this is a diagnosis in itself. here he is, the brave colombian warrior, still vigorous, cheerful and healthy, but everything changed in a moment. when it's time to receive your first salary. he was unexpectedly sent to the most difficult section of the front, where he successfully settled down. the flair of military romance was blown away by the wind when his squad came under massive artillery fire from the russian army. wounded in the jaw, chicho no longer hoped to get out alive. i thought i was going to die, the guys and i got up and decided to run away with position to save his life, because there was nowhere to hide. end of quote. according to the publication. there will be mercenaries in colombia through messengers and entertainment platforms, experts believe that the recruits
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are american intelligence services, which have become significantly more active recently, namely in latin american countries, cheap meat so necessary for the ukrainian army, as we all the time called it a scam, that is, a certain the art of deception in order to simply get someone else's blood for free, in latin america it is clear, demographics galloping, in the sense that there are a lot of young people, the mood of people who do not understand anything about our specifics, just as we probably do not understand what is happening in the amazon jungle, can also be very easily programmed. the publication tells the story of colombian diego epelia. he lost contact with his cousin oscar, who went to fight in ukraine and disappeared in august twenty-third. he has still tried to find out about his fate, but everything is clear, since there is no ukrainian embassy in bogata, he turned to the ukrainian embassy in peru and the consulate in colombia, but no one
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has yet responded to written requests, there’s no one to even bury here anymore. not long ago, in the kupinsky direction , a large group of mercenaries who came to ukraine from colombia was effectively defeated. only on february 4, it became known about the death of three more militants from this latin american country. it's worth waiting for the sequel. the us supreme court today began hearing another case against donald trump, who wants to be banned from participating in the primaries for alleged sedition. however, the ex-president himself has already stated that this process only adds political points to him. but the current owner of the white house is probably alarmed by his ratings. about how they continue to fall, why there is an increase in support, or rather, support for biden cannot be counted on during the horium, a report from our staff correspondent in the united states , valentin bogdanov.
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the president said that helmut kohl was with him during his first trip abroad as head of state, they discussed the events of january 6th happened to him. in 2021 , angela merkel was chancellor of germany. angela merkel 's joint photographs of the leaders of the seven at that meeting in st. ifs, england, although she stood on the opposite side from biden, still could not help but catch the eye, she was wearing red. it’s hard not to notice, especially since the president of the united states is with her, now turned into
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meteran from germany, i mean from
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france, looked at me and asked: well , how much has she returned, it’s scary to live in such america, americans, judging by according to sociological data, they are becoming more and more frightened, and biden is not even thinking about calming them down. as president, biden will convince the 3/4 of voters who are worried about his physical mental state that he is fine if he recently talked about a conversation with a frenchman.
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presented on the ballot, the decision, which must be made before march 5, before super tuesday, when several states vote at once, may determine the outcome of all presidential elections in the united states. supreme justices will have to decide whether trump can be disqualified for event 6 january during the storming of the capitol. the plaintiffs consider him a rebel, taking into account the fact that
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the law in america is precedent, and there is also civil harmony in the country, even to barack’s former adviser. i 'm trying to imagine what would happen if the supreme court ruled that we were taking the leading republican candidate off the ballot, essentially telling the american people you wouldn't have the opportunity to vote for him, and i think that would be very- very destructive for the country, it will cause a huge reaction, that's what i am concerned, and the negative indignation at the double standards of american justice is increasing. republicans in congress. received new evidence of corruption of the biden family, hiding behind the name of his older brother joe, james biden earned $600,000 from the medical company ameericor health, which was experiencing problems, but biden, as usual, smooth bribes are reliably covered up by the prosecutor general's office, the investigation into his storage of secrets was completed without a fuss
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documents in the estate in delaware. this is about the boxes that were in the garage next to vintage corvette. trump will be tried in criminal court for the same thing in florida in may; in biden’s case, no criminal cases are expected even against his assistants, and the report of special prosecutor robert hood will be published only after it is first checked and then double-checked in the white house. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and evgeny samsonov, lead the usa. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. look, russians, she's not herself. why does the young lady who brags about household items from the usa to our citizens collect hundreds of thousands of views, and what is hidden behind the naive nonsense? good afternoon, my name is
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victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season. and these months have passed my business by, this year everything is different , i connected to the megamarket in advance, i have already broken the record for monthly sales in just one week, the sales season is starting, don’t miss it, join the megamarket, megamarket - just grow with us, hello , i am your stress, and this is your energy. i love it when you're exhausted like a squeezed lemon. stress leaves you exhausted. elcar contains elcarnitine, a source of additional energy and helps cope with stress. elkar - you can fight stress with holiday discounts on your favorite products in the magnet pasta makfa spaghetti 499. magnet - the price is what you need.
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they told me that you will dance with this house of culture. well, let’s dance together and dance, everyone who wants to sing in the renovated cultural center in the city of orekhovo-zoevo, and another thousand2 renovated and new recreation centers throughout country. concerned projects of russia. in just one week, the sales season begins, don’t miss it , join the megamarket, megamarket -
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just grow with us, what men are silent about, painful urination, erection problems, these are symptoms of prostatitis, langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis , langitis against prostatitis millions. prizes in the magnet mobile application, download , buy with a card from the application, play and get instant prizes, win smart home appliances and give time to your loved ones magnet, this is the same smart speaker, the top smartest speaker, and also top quality discounts up to 50% with a 50% discount for only 3.499, which is a good car for you, mileage, condition, comfort, dads are like new, there is a good car for everyone, find it on the car. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. wake up and sing, i
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see someone needs energy, fly in, where it comes from in the milk, from bashkiria, where nature itself fills the milk with energy, this is where belebeevsky is made, and where so much comes from energy, from cheese, belebeevsky cheese, this is how it begins, good day, good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season, and these months passed my business by, this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance, i have already broken the record for monthly sales in just one week, the sales season is starting, don’t miss it , join the megamarket, megamarket, just grow with us, this night our friend... has already been forced to get up several times to admire stars. my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, afalaza. at the first symptoms
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of the prostate, afalase. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. looks somewhat contemptuously at the camera, and then looks confidently at the demonstrator. what kefir actually is , well, it’s important to clarify here, we are, of course, not talking about a real story about the benefits of fermented milk products that are not available in the usa, it’s just a parody and quite accurate to
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a character whose videos are very popular in the ukrainian segment of the network, lives in the states and regularly tries to tell russians about certain benefits and civilizations that are supposedly absent in our country; they use anything for content, from reviews of toilets to paper napkins, it’s there. she is not ukrainian yet, but she is no longer russian, as she says, she didn’t really want to, most of our viewers will probably answer when they see this madam, the corners, you know, that can be lifted and cut.
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the tones of the delusional message are read immediately from your this slurry, such a kefir mustache will not happen, the same thing is shown to the americans by the russians dense, although in fact she is one if she is trying to surprise you and me with plastic plates with a postcard, russians, look, i bought of plates, well, i won’t even bother where it was made because i know that it was not made in russia, why don’t we have such basic things as thank you for being with us, the educator's name is victoria razumova, she is from voronezh, but has been in the usa for 20 years, and pretends that russians live in the last century, but she herself is surprised at the assortment in the store, let's have potatoes, potatoes, look how many types, one, two , red, this one, this one, you see, it’s long, they post all their amazing observations on tiktok, she’s already gained tens of thousands
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of subscribers, of course, almost everyone...
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brags about her all over tiktok, but not everything is as harmless and playful as it may seem ; such messages are being spread on social networks, asking parents to be more attentive to the content their children are watching, because victoria is calling on schoolchildren to donate to the armed forces of ukraine, run to ukraine and more. you drink juice from the refrigerator, there is ukrainian blood on it children, maybe, on the contrary , i’ll call before the border, and what do you say, that’s what you
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say, mom, i’ll say. maybe my mother will agree to go with me, i can give you the coordinates of the girl who crossed the border, she’s amazing, she ’ll teach you everything, and they behave like clowns, well, this can be compared to trash streaming, specifically this woman from voronezh and so on, but then they begin to lay down these deep, let’s say, messages, ask questions, somehow find a common language with the child, for example, i want to have fun, he says: oh , listen, there, for example, there will be a cool festival, but you won’t be able to get there, because this is russia and so on and so on and so on, there is only one way out for such characters, through in a couple of weeks they will go away from trends with their content, the main thing is that children are not lured to their side.
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it is important for russia not only to maintain self-sufficiency in the field of science and technology, but also to shape the global development agenda. the president congratulated the russians on russian science day. the history of the holiday begins since the time of peter i, by whose decree the country's first academy of sciences and arts was created, the prototype of the modern academy of sciences. this year the russian academy of sciences turned 300 years old. on the anniversary day, vladimir putin personally met with the wound staff and presented state awards and prizes. in the field of science and innovation for young scientists, support for both fundamental and applied science will continue; without it, russia would not be the same as it is now, the president is sure. vladimir putin thanked the scientific team, including for the effective resolving issues safely.


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