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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 9, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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federation together with the roscongress foundation. over the entire duration of the forum, over 450,000 citizens took part. more than 90,000 ideas were submitted to the forum. the forum is a place for ideas of citizens' initiatives to formulate the strategy and development of the country. on february 19 and 20, the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow the forum news on idea. rosscongress.rf. the kiev regime has finally put an end to the long-running, already boring story with the dismissal of the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces, zaluzhny. it turned out in the best traditions of ukrainian politics: theatrical and absurd. in the office the ukrainian president named several reasons for such a change in personnel, a revision of tactics, a search for new solutions, and so on. about the same thing that lies on the surface: the complete failure of the counter-offensive in the ssu, catastrophic losses and, to put it mildly, difficult relations with zelensky himself.
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has no political ambitions, and he will be ready to carry out any decisions of the supreme commander-in-chief, even if they are far from, so to speak, military strategy, but are politically motivated. syrsky was born in the vladimir region, received military education in moscow, after the collapse of the union, he made a career in the armed forces independent with the beginning of the conflict in donbass in 2014 , he headed the headquarters of the ato, that is, he was directly involved in war crimes against civilians in the region. under his leadership , ukrainian forces. suffered defeat under
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debaltsev, since 2019 he commanded the ground forces, with the beginning of the northern military district, syrsky led the most important sectors of the front for the armed forces of ukraine, for example, he tried to hold artyomovsk, in the bakhmud-ukrainian manner, where the most trained personnel units in the ukrainian military district were burned for months. syrsky is particularly disliked among ordinary soldiers, many seeing him as a soviet-style commander who kept troops under fire for too long in the eastern town of bakhmud when ukraine was about to retreat. syrsky was put in place of zaluzhny, with whom, as zelensky reported. a serious conflict, the now former commander-in-chief torpedoed the politically motivated decisions of his president; according to some sources, he even argued with the pentagon. the pentagon insisted that the ukrainian military carry out the main attack, focused on one area where planners believed a breakthrough was possible. instead, kiev opted for multiple attacks along the entire front, believing that it would be difficult for the russians to strengthen many points at once. the final straw could have been zaluzhny’s public appearances, including in western media. zaluzhny today. for zelensky
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, this is a political competitor, yes, he has not yet expressed his political ambitions, but he has already given an interview, well, to cnn, where he indicated that, anonymously, he indicated that the civil authorities are guilty of not mobilization, that it absolutely did not build the economy for war, in recent weeks there were even reports in the press that a military coup could happen in ukraine due to zaluzhny’s resignation. the sbu began preparing to suppress it. victoria nuland, the us under secretary of state for political affairs, even visited kiev. nulan’s sudden visit before this, some said that it was a consideration of the situation in order to replace zelensky, others , on the contrary, to prevent a crisis, a coup itself. so far it confirms that for nuland, this was an urgent business trip to at least understand the situation that these crazy people are causing, and also the problems that...
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there are already more than enough americans as it is. as a result, apparently not without the support of the americans, zelensky finally decided, although it turned out blurry, first he published a post in telegram with thanks to zaluzhny and a call to stay on the team, then the ex-commander-in-chief himself announced a meeting with the president of the country. neither of them said a word about their dismissal. as ukrainian media note, this does not mean only about the high degree of tension between them, but about zelensky’s team’s fear of possible consequences, but they rushed from the ocean to support their vassal. zelensky is the supreme commander-in-chief, he makes the decision, we will work with whoever he appoints to lead the armed forces, we will continue to work with our ukrainian colleagues. if you are asking whether we had the right to put a finger up or down, this is not true, this is zelensky’s decision, there were no requests from our country. published in maria zakharova commented on the telegram to zelensky and zaluzhny, hinting that the ukrainian country is even out of personnel. as
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analysts note, this statement criticizes the actions of the now former commander of the armed forces of ukraine. after this resignation on zelensky’s initiative, all responsibility for the situation at the front in the rear for mobilization will lie entirely with zelensky, not with the new commander-in-chief of syrsk. nobody will remember about him. all these changes are taking place against the backdrop of the most difficult situation for kiev in the fronts, problems on external tracks on internal ones. ukrainian media are reporting that in a number of regions there are already almost riots against the tightening of mobilization. and the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, who is completely subordinate to zelensky, will now have to deal with this baggage. evgenia nipotana pogonina and nadezhda nefedova. news. the ministry of defense today announced the return from captivity of 100 russian servicemen who were in mortal danger in the territories
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controlled by the kiev regime. all of them will be delivered to moscow by plane military transport aviation to receive the necessary medical care and undergo rehabilitation. as specified. the united arab emirates provided intermediary participation, but in return the ukrainian side also received 100 prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces. it is important for russia not only to maintain self-sufficiency in the field of science and technology, but also to shape the global development agenda. the president congratulated all russian scientists on russian science day. the history of the holiday begins from the time of peter i, by whose decree the first country academy of sciences and arts.
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and energy, i would like to emphasize that the point is not to catch up with someone or simply copy someone else’s, in science, as in all other areas, we are obliged to be proactive, to be among the leaders, taking into account what we have received from ours , from your predecessors , we can of course do this, by the way, i’m sure you know that in those scientific and technological areas where we have significant, unique competencies, our foreign partners, in quotation marks, as we have always said, they don’t even try to introduce against we understand any kind of sanctions, restrictions, here they understand that this is useless, meaningless, so i repeat, we need to be strong, self-sufficient and
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competitive in all key vectors of progress. and one more statement: patriotism alone is not enough for the success of the country, with these words vladimir putin addressed russia in accordance with the requirements of the time. i reminded you that this is a key document, which in its significance is equal to the national security strategy. at the last council meeting we agreed make changes to the strategy of scientific and technological development. today i propose to discuss.
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given the unprecedented sanctions pressure on our country, it is also obvious that the priorities of scientific and technological development must be closely related to key challenges in the economy, in the social sphere, in the field of security, aimed at achieving our sovereignty in the broadest sense of the word, state , value-based, industrial and certainly technological. 100,000 patients per year, and also the possibility of treatment in all areas of outpatient and surgical care. a new high-tech clinic, beloostrov, has opened in the leningrad region. the work of the medical center was inspected by the speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko, the regional governor alexander drozdenko and the head of st. petersburg alexander beglov. all
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the details are in the report by sali mazariev. doctors show off their medical center with a great sense of pride, from the intensive care unit to the rehabilitation department. there are only a few in the world, if they exist at this level, this is medicine tomorrow, but here it is today, this, in my opinion, is such convincing confirmation that despite any sanctions, russia does not stop its development. this is the largest medical complex in russia , built with private funds and equipped with the most advanced equipment to date. here is the biplane angiograph, which makes it possible to examine the affected area. here is a linear accelerator
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that allows for external beam radiation therapy. this is a huge multi-ton machine that works, you see, in concert, synchronously, checking every step. here is a locomotor therapy device, with its help people learn to walk again. it is a great happiness when you can tell a patient, and we can do this. here are operating rooms where domestic, space and digital solutions are used, putting on glasses we see a virtual model, a virtual model of this patient, which accurately reflects what the surgeon is operating on, the surgeon can rotate this image, the surgeon can look at this anatomical object from any side , doctors themselves took part in the design center and inspected the progress of construction, the result was not even a building, but an entire medical city, with an area of... 30 hectares, thought out to the smallest detail. one of them is a pneumatic mail system, which allows you
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to send a blood test to the laboratory in a couple of seconds. the other is domestic air purification technology, which virtually eliminates the spread of hospital-acquired infections. all departments, including the oncology center, are in a single architectural connection, which allows its patients, without leaving the ward, to quickly receive help with related disease. i wish i could bring all the patients here that i couldn't. i once couldn’t help you before in this clinic and tell them boldly: today i can help you. in the future, it will be possible to use such an innovative method as flash therapy, which is when almost any tumor is irradiated in one session with the greatest efficiency and safety. the emergency room was built according to the most modern international standards, then the ambulance arrives, then the so-called medical traffic light. green zone for the most light patients, yellow for... those who are conscious but cannot move independently, red for the most severe
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patients, the anti-suture unit is a hospital in miniature, so here we have almost all the most modern equipment for resuscitation and emergency operations, and several floors above there is a children's department , like an adult one, it works both in outpatient and inpatient modes, single rooms, folding chairs for mom, and also a classroom, a playroom... a relaxation room it doesn’t look like a hospital, regardless of the insurance program, whether it’s iud, vhi, or on a paid basis, these conditions are provided to children for comfortable treatment while staying in our clinic. it is planned that the clinic will receive about 100,000 patients a year; it is included in health insurance programs, both voluntary and compulsory, for treatment, including free under the compulsory medical insurance policy, here. residents of all regions of the country will be able to, but first of all, of course, st. petersburg and the leningrad region,
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where the clinic is located. we have already made calculations, and we see for sure that our leningraders will be able to receive that part of the medical care that our budget institutions cannot provide, and this is very important. this is a flagship project, a useful experience that can later be distributed throughout the country, a movement towards medical sovereignty, its own high technologies on its territory. our country will choose from four candidates, this is self-nominated vladimir in the upcoming presidential elections, citizens putin, candidate from the communist party of the russian federation nikolai kharitonov, leonid slutsky from the liberal democratic party and vladislav davankov from the new people party, four other candidates. declined the central election commission. varvara nevskaya has all the details. to
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refuse registration, such a decision regarding all four contenders for the post of head of state, boris nadezhdin, sergei malinkovich, rada of the russians and anatoly batashov, was made unanimously by the center of the electoral commission. the commission met for more than two hours, only considering the issue of registering a nominee from the boris civil initiative party nadezhdin took more than 30 minutes. the cik's verdict is disappointing. 9,147 signatures out of almost 105,000 provided, that is, about 15% were declared invalid. according to the law , the total... number of defects cannot exceed 5%. despite this, nadezhdin asked to postpone the commission's consideration to february 10, citing a lack of time to study the identified errors. the errors that exist, uh, indicate that, uh, people, people for collecting signatures were still recruited
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quite randomly. and i can say that because of the number of comments that handwriting experts.
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8,979 signatures in support of russian communist leader sergei malinkovich were also declared invalid. the mistakes are the same as nadezhdin’s, most of them of a technical nature. we received a decision from the election commission to refuse registration. and as many of you probably heard, i said that we will not challenge it in court for the reason that now, during the period of a special military operation, my party and i do not consider it possible to organize internal political disputes in the country. also dropped out of the presidential race
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journalist and environmental activist anatoly batashov and an outrageous blogger-stylist from yekaterinburg. russians, the nominees simply could not provide the central election commission with all the documents necessary for registration and did not collect the required number of signatures. in support of his candidacy, the green candidate batashov provided only 313 signature sheets, russians 476. thus , there will be four candidates on the ballot for the presidential election. self-nominated and current head of state vladimir putin, candidate from the communist party of the russian federation - nikolai kharitonov, leader liberal democrats - those candidates whom the central election commission registered are actively conducting their election campaigns; the candidates visited different regions and spoke on topics important for the country, meetings with factory employees,
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discussion of personnel shortages in the regions and support for participants in the special operation. yegor grigoriev is monitoring the progress of the election campaigns. ulyanovsk perinatal center mother maryana losenko, co-chairman of the central election headquarters of russian presidential candidate vladimir putin, is shown the latest equipment. over the course of several years, it has helped save hundreds of babies and rescue children from extremely low body weight. the doctors here are experienced, but they are always in touch with colleagues from all over russia, telemedicine works. lysenko herself is a great specialist, the head physician at the fifty -second moscow hospital, understands the requests and problems of her colleagues well, collects orders for...
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they didn’t leave, staff shortage is the main problem. entrepreneurs turned to the presidential candidate from the new people party, vladislav davankov, with questions, asking subsidize travel expenses for vacations
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for small business employees. we discussed logistics issues, that it would be easier to fly from khabarovsk to moscow, and then to yakutsk. based on the results of the last meeting of large hearings in the state duma, many decisions were made, which are now being discussed with the first deputy. prime minister andrei belousov, support for entrepreneurs, the focus of attention and presidential candidate from the ldpr party, leonid slutsky inspected the production of agricultural machinery in barnaul. altaic the research institute of technology and mechanical engineering has a small area by the standards of competitors, but brings in profits of a billion a year. the region is also famous for its dairy products. the local plant also produces high-quality baby food, but we need to fight unscrupulous producers. what trick do they use in the story?
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artyom zhogo, co-chairman of the central election headquarters of russian presidential candidate vladimir putin, hero, met with young people, volunteers and social activists in vladikavkaz the dpr, of course, talked about the northern military district about the donbass about our military, there was also a meeting with their families, they raised issues of payments to mobilized and contract soldiers, providing benefits to their families. i said that i was going to the region, i would meet with the guys at the forefront, i would visit the guys who. i am undergoing rehabilitation and treatment in hospitals, i will meet with the relatives and friends of the mtr participants, i asked to convey words of support, words of gratitude, there were many proposals for
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patriotic education, perpetuating the memory of soldiers, we want to make our children, visochniks, the initiative was supported , quick problems at the local level are being resolved, issues of federal significance are separately systematized with the help of the defenders of the fatherland foundation, they are always... under special control, the election race is gaining momentum, it is effective and competitive, representatives of the expert institute for social research note that the struggle for second place will be serious, we have a rather interesting and informative campaign ahead of us, it’s the fight for second place, the candidates are going, well, they’re using sports terminology in spite of themselves to spite, they are breathing down each other’s necks and the finish is not yet obvious, political scientists have already come to a consensus regarding the leader, as noted...
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vtb credit card. as many as 200 days without interest, 20% cashback on everything, i buy, but what a surprise, vtb, together everything will work out, a powerful fire broke out in the permensky region due to a leak in a gas pipeline, after the explosion there was fire covered residential buildings. according to the latest data , eight people were injured, including two children. the local ministry of health reported a woman with burns over 70% of her body. the man is in serious condition. one victim refused hospitalization; there were no deaths as a result of the emergency. a criminal case has been initiated into the incident. in the west, they eventually admitted that the il-76 was shot down over the belgorod region from the american patriot air defense system. according to the new york times, the accuracy of this information
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was not immediately confirmed... thousands of fellow countrymen came to pay their last respects to the heroic pilots who took the downed plane away from residential buildings. oksana in orenburg, meanwhile, asked borichev to continue the topic. it is difficult for everyone to contain their emotions on this day. hundreds of townspeople attend the funeral ceremony. the family of pilots accepts everyone who comes as one of their own. our orenburg crew flew with such a peaceful mission, in which the officers and warrant officers are all the same, these are real fighters. orenburg sees off its heroic crew on their last flight, to the portraits pilots whose feat will forever be remembered are brought flowers. almost in memory of the heroes, relatives, friends and colleagues came today.
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the last journey is seen off. six pilots who died as a result of a terrorist attack by the kiev regime. their last flight was interrupted in the sky over the belgorod region. the il-76 crew was on a humanitarian flight, transporting 65 captured military personnel of the ukrainian armed forces. an exchange was supposed to take place on the border with ukraine, but militants of the kiev regime shot down the plane with two missiles from the american patriot system. the strikes were carried out from the village of elliptsia kharkov region. the pilots managed to take the liner away in flames at the last moment. the situation when there is an exchange of prisoners is not the result of one day’s work, the other side , if you can call them people, did not know that their own military personnel were being taken for exchange, well, it’s wrong to say that, these are vile actions, vile actions , the actions of scoundrels, all six pilots served in the orenburg military transport regiment, this crew was considered one of the most experienced, the commander, thirty-six-year-old stanislav be


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