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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 9, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

2:30 am
the list of peoples and civilizations of the world ended poorly, but in principle barel got himself a sentence in the new nuremberg tribunal with this speech, because he called for the destruction of the russian original civilization right while in kiev within the walls of the kiev parliament, and this was absolutely no joke, this is a political speech by a political leader, officially, now there is a second political leader, what’s his name about
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sausage, what’s his name right after the advertisement, from time immemorial law has reigned in russia, together chose the people, princes, and governors, this approach of democratic elections of authorities publicly, we keep to this day, filling out, choosing traditionally... onna helps us progress, improving the process. dec is truly a godsend, he votes quickly, clearly, from a smartphone laptop, millions across russia. for people who are without movement, there is a convenient solution to call the elections home by taking a portable box. there is a mobile voter. in a swinging way of life, the traveler is free to vote anywhere, so that we can comfortably make plans freely, we choose a candidate on a date convenient for us. be calm in the area. then the control
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is arranged, except for the cameras at the site, like heroes and fairy tales, observers stand, monitor the legality, in general, everything is technologically advanced, you can see for yourself at the site by looking at the cycle on the website.
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i suggest you watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.
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the second man is a sausage, the second and the second man is a sausage, according to, by the way, also a prominent political figure, ambassador kislov ukraine, it’s not us, that’s what they said, it’s between them. it’s customary for himself, he also
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had an interesting speech, he’s now going to america, with the question, what’s going on, actually, but... the german chancellor to prevent russia’s victory over ukraine, he’s talking about this right from the stands , calls on the entire european community to do literally everything for this. so, the next quote from there, again from memory , is that ger scholz says that
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in order to solve this problem, they must do nothing and do nothing. so many, how much is required, well, so to speak , the costs that they must incur with this , well, they cannot be measured, no investment can compare with this, this is higher than all any investments, which, if, if we allow, yes, these are the long-term consequences of the costs , failure to stop putin’s aggression will overshadow any investments we are making now, that is, in fact, if russia... resolves the ukrainian crisis and wins, the existence of europe will completely become meaningless. by the way, not a bad idea, from where, from where such a cry, and where does this obsession with war come from, but because he looks overseas, where he is going to go, he understands that
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if he now, like ukraine in his time, does not prove to america that he is needed as a consumable material, then.. .that’s all this cunning plan for the americans to give a damn about, and in general, of course , they don’t give a damn about a lot, that’s because the point is not that comrade biden talked with a comrade veteran and a comrade collegue, well, you never know
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who will dream of something, but you see, the danger lies elsewhere, he consulted with them on is going to build on the basis of these tips. now, but based on these conversations and these advices, he said that he would build such a definite american foreign policy line, this is the most, well, the most important and, probably, the most dangerous for the whole world, yes, because it turns out that there are no solutions , are accepted
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by the american president based on the results of communication with otherworldly beings, which he actually states, as if directly, not everyone will be so lucky that the president is a midium. well, here we’ll consider ourselves lucky, but you see, this of course explains in many ways, dmitry gennadievich said the general state of this establishment, but there’s something else to do with another stacker carlson, why did they violate all their manuals, yes, because all their manuals say, well, this should have been ignored , or we were discussing here as a professor about replacing it with some garbage, but that’s why they violated swift’s hour-long concert?
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in the fight against biden, therefore the entire opposing camp attacked this event as an event of their internal enemy, according to what was actually a civil war in the united. states, that’s what this is connected with, if it didn’t hurt and was n’t a powerful tool of internal struggle, they would have ignored, kept silent, replaced, and so on, but when it comes to the personal, this is it, sorry, this is no longer just business, this is already the personal fate of a group of groups, well, this is how we actually live and the last one, that’s what we have, well , you said about science, yes, everything is accurate, but i’ll say one more thing, the president of russia had a conversation today with the chairman of the chinese people's republic, they talked for an hour, an hour
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they said, well, the general tone there was favorable , and all that stuff, but what’s important, let’s note only a few of the most important points, it means that china will come to us in sports competitions and will participate in them, this is hello to everyone who is there, it’s doping, shmoping, moki and everything else, it’s hello everyone, shmoki.
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starting with george washington, this is understandable, but even if they vote, this does not guarantee
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the absence, so to speak, or rather, of unity around, i don’t understand this is your irony, but that the life of the dead does not matter, it does meaning, and what is the voice, and the voice of the dead is no longer important, that is, that because a person died, he was deprived of the right to vote, i now believe the 19th century has returned, you see, that’s what in the 19th century the american voices technologies. ursula especially expects to retain their posts, then barel most likely will not be there, but barel is at least a model, yes,
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the personification, of the fall of europe, the fall in 2 years of the complete final practically, they say what dmitry says about leaving i need panties, no, take them cowards, i’ll go myself, take everything, and we ’ll go naked to the east, expand our living space. to get for themselves, well, in short, for the zepuns, no, well, they won’t get anything for themselves, they are ready to go, because everything, everything goes, well, they always froze, and so, everything goes.
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scholz is now giving to ukraine, he is taking loans, because it is already necessary to borrow, well, from whom, well, who, scholz has seen his mutual, seen, seen, i don’t know what he will give back with. "well, well, yes, they, in short, they will print, now, now they are discussing questions in general that are disastrous for any connections in europe, disastrous for the euro, if they really transfer this mechanism that belgium is proposing to russian, no, russian assets are being discussed, they have already refused, they said that not, they say,
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not at all, something , he says, it’s somehow a leftist idea, it absolutely smacks of theft, so what , they say, of course, tells you the belgians?
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and the fact that europe now, you say nato, trump will refuse nato, and what difference does it make if trump refuses from nato, even whether he refuses or not, he can refuse that, in fact , guys, you have your european strategy, no, you have your european strategy, you are defending europe, you can fight with sticks, after all, bows and arrows still exist. by the way, i didn’t understand this demarche about the fact that now we will go to protect the ships, from seriously, well, the europeans said that we are going to go now, but who are we? well, we assumed that the british would go, no, that’s not the point, but who are we? this is stated by the european union, england is not part of the european union, england is not included, well, that’s why we are, the european union has at least one warship, nato
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has, no, the european union has one, no, no, no, it’s france, france, france, that’s why, that’s included the european union, by the way, is number 42, the bezovan treaty. there is also a nuance here, but the european union does not control the nato fleet. no, well, the point is that the european union is a political structure and an economic structure without its own military component, so how can it send something that it does not have, this is true, volodya, so now the question has arisen, which has become, no, why he existed in their military now.
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that’s why you don’t like americans, you don’t want to talk about what money, you’re afraid to get caught, i ’m just saying that you shouldn’t underestimate americans, even...
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this shows me what i think we all already know, that’s that he is a useful idiot, if you actually read the translations of what is said in the russian media, they make fun of him: he is like a puppy, you know, somehow, after being fired from so many publications in the us, i would not be surprised, if he gets a contract with a russian publication, because he is a useful idiot, he is not talking about...
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republicans cast their lots, why other americans mostly believe putin, why trump believes putin more than 11 of our intelligence agencies, this is more than just the advantage of political parties. there is a desire for leaders who can kill and imprison their opponents, destroy the press, and lead a life of complete impunity and subject to any laws. here hillary knows exactly what she’s talking about, let me remind you, murders and crimes, who accompanied her family , let me remind you, an attempt to throw trump into prison, who
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is now coming from his grandfather, who is still president biden, well, the level of corruption that this evil grandmother showed, which was swept by the american voter, is generally off the charts, a lying, vile creature, guilty let me remind you personally in ghiberi of the ambassador of the united states of america to libya.
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it’s unlikely that they will have time to accept it, but it hits too hard on the current administration, on the entire structure that was built since obama, tucker carlson is destroying the america that hillary clinton defends, and which, in general , was built by both the clintonites and the obamaites, now it will collapse, the clintonites of the whole country, and even if it collapses, it will all be raised by, well, trump, and trump for this one.
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.. the state is red, the state is red, red , so they are all 26 states red, you see, this is the red influence, here, i ask, gregor abut will really be difficult to rise above the armored car, they will raise it, i would like to return to this here to the long-suffering performance of giuseppe barrel. this is the one at the same time, a good person will not be called a jazep russia russia.
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today we are in moscow, we are here to interview russian president vladimir putin, and soon we will do it, obviously such an interview has its risks, so we have been planning it for many months, that's why we are doing it in the first place, because this is our job, we are journalists, our job is to inform people. my dad and i went here as children, we also lay like this, silent, you’re a gurlist, don’t let me push you, just skate, focus for training, you dreamed of this cup, you can jump, but why don’t you believe it yourself,
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i will prepare myself.
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annual forum of strong ideas for new times. the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens' initiatives for the development of the country. the forum is implemented by the agency for strategic initiatives by decree of the president of the russian federation together with the roscongress foundation. during the entire forum participation received over 450 thousand citizens. more than 90,000 ideas were submitted to the forum. the forum is a place for ideas of citizens' initiatives to formulate the strategy and development of the country. february 19 and 20. the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow the forum news on idea. ross
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congress. rf. yes, that’s for sure, it means, well... in his head, or rather his speechwriters, it’s a complete mess, he simultaneously accused russia of imperialism and nationalism, he paid attention to this, yes, well , this is really completely incomparable, it’s time to remember that barel - a man of no education, yes, but it is felt, here is russia, as our prime minister is the minister, well, your prime minister has a high level of sexual education.


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