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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 9, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

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she definitely reads minds or not, the premiere, anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee, she has a special gift, who are you all looking at. well, girl, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, just look without amateur performances, stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch it before anyone else, in the app or on the website. it is clear that
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in conditions when such a large city is located so close to the line of military contact, closer only to donetsk, in fact, of such large cities, it is not always possible for the military to completely eliminate all risks, but i know for sure that all the attention of both the country’s leadership and the leadership of the ministry of defense is now directed to this direction, but the enemy is absolutely understanding.
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that with us in general, no country in the world will succeed in a land war due to, well , i mean the western countries of the world, due to modern sensitivity to losses, only with the slave hands of others and not very smart heads, as they are doing together now with criminals who are sitting in kiev, only using traitors who...
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they throw the state people's interests under the table, they are busy making money, protecting the interests of the americans, the british, only at the expense of those traitors who can not give a damn about the graves of their grandfathers and fathers, and well, everything is clear what, who am i talking about what people. therefore , in this sense, military science, western, is now at a dead end, and yet the forces and means that were spent, for example, on organizing a counter-offensive are considered the formation of the kiev regime in the southern zone of the special military operation, despite all the talk of the politicians of the kiev regime there.
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there, on the former commander -in-chief of these bandits, reset everything to the new one, give some kind of credit of trust, nothing will change, what awaits us , that’s what is important, what awaits us is that the enemy will saturate the line of combat contact with unmanned systems, and the black sea, as mikhail mikhailovich said , may this be the goal in terms of the use of unmanned systems, unmanned boats.
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that aviation will reach the enemy, i personally i hope that we will reach kiev sooner than it would be natural to ask for aviation, it is not a fact that western aviation will reach the armed forces of ukraine, in terms of combat use, of course. in the west, everyone understands perfectly well that this will be a huge reputational spit on western aviation, as happened with german tanks, for example, why don’t we see abrams on the front line, well, because the americans really don’t want everyone to see
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the burnt abrams, already we've all seen enough of the burnt humvees and, in general, various american technology, i’m not saying that it ’s bad, i’m saying that everything that can...
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mikhail mikhailovich, do you seriously think that it’s important for us how zelensky formulates this transition? it seems to me that in this sense , zelensky once again, but although this should always be noted, demonstrated, firstly, the complete absence of a power vertical from the enemy, this... valo, you said correctly, a gang, well, a gang, yes , serious, this is not a condescending formulation, gang, serious gang, secondly, now is the moment when the enemy's armed forces, who
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now find themselves in a rather difficult situation, well, i mean from the other side, but there is no idea, a huge number of personnel found themselves on the front line at gunpoint, they... know that we have the majority of people - these are people who voluntarily came to defend their country, well, there is such an ideological imbalance, it is felt even in the conditions.
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ah-ah, i’ll say this thing now, and save the enemy’s people, because against the backdrop of what the kiev regime is doing, we even there is no need to say anything, here is a huge number of people, even there, poisoned by propaganda, beaten down - and, as they say, with their mouths sewn shut, they are beginning to understand that russia is liberating ukraine, and we don’t talk about it, we don’t talk about this thesis quite often in fact, we use it and maybe it’s good
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, because sometimes actions are louder than words, and we now see that in this confrontation it is once again ideological and we have huge advantages, because we are liberating the russian land, we are liberating ukraine from absolutely crazy people , crazy criminals, there’s no other way to put it, another one.
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unites the russian people, the west will continue to use this formula, because to great regret and even surprise, for some reason there are enough political figures and public figures and people around us who do not appear in public space, i mean around russia, which... has this crack of betrayal that is ready to let into itself, this is
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an absolutely nightmare state, when you have to sell your own, make it as bad as possible for themselves and their people, and at most they will pat you on the head and maybe even take you away by helicopter someday, and how the last afghan president before the taliban was from afghanistan, and in general this is an afghan lesson for all those uh traitors. we will never send, these are people , because we live in a different time, when we
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fought, unfortunately, against russia in 1853, we sent 315,000 soldiers, 95,000 died, then, well, society was different, we can, we could tolerate it , even the usa sent to fight in vietnam, there are 3.5 million young american, but now we can’t do that, we even have 3,000 people, we can’t find in...
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it’s them, it’s the elite, it’s the western elite, it’s the people who have set up here now, especially now this coalition - in germany, that's why they're afraid, they're afraid, why? because they have no solutions, they , well, as i say, this is hitler, but they are like hitler, we will have a miracle weapon, we will have b2, we will have aimas, we will have atacoms, we will have everything, nothing doesn't work, we don't have any more supplies and we can't send people, so yes, they are panicking, and we are seeing this, for example, that everything that is happening, and secondly, there were two promises to the european union, these were, prosperity and peace, we do not have prosperity, we do not have peace, we also had a dream that we were the strongest, the richest, in any case, who could fight against nato, against the european union, and the result is that one country, russia, is fighting, they imposed 17
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sanctions, nothing works. on the contrary, we have a recession in both france and germany and therefore , why are they afraid there, because they understand that in any case, i hope that the russian and european people will understand that the european union does not give anything good, it does not give anything good, in the end, i think that now the question is what we will do with victory russia, because russia, well...
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that’s what i wanted to say, it’s beautiful, now i’ll continue advertising after it with a new composition. russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes.
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if i didn't hold this position, i'll leave it for ukrainians have the right to decide for themselves the future of any member of the armed forces, this is a sovereign decision that must be made by a sovereign country, it is obvious that the elected leader must make a choice as to who will occupy the highest positions in military leadership. all i can say is
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that from the perspective of the united states, we will continue to support the ukrainian government and the ukrainian military in their. you're crazy, so, look, write down who your president, prime minister will be, what happened, and imagine,
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biden is watching this now and is giggling straight up, speaking seriously, and shokhin, when i came to remove the prosecutor general, even while he is talking, he’s talking about clowns, he’s talking, and i think that stoltenberg is looking like that, scared, dirty just. it burns, that is, he says, it’s funny to him, and he thinks, well, of course, now i’ll tell you the truth, that i sent vika noland in order to decide who to appoint, who to leave when, now i ’ll tell you the truth, but the whole world understands that these two, politely speaking, scoundrels, and in general they saw ukraine in a coffin, and, unfortunately, in a completely literal sense, not figuratively, this is, well, just amazing, not enough, they understand that... that ukraine has there is nothing, but why think about it, right? so they say: we will stand with ukraine to the end, now they say,
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after 2 years they stand with ukraine to the end, they are the people who decided for ukraine that they should go to die, tore down the istanbul agreements, they say: yes, by the way, but there is no ammunition, and, by the way, there are no weapons either, and there are no people, do you want us to give you colombians, only colombians... this is not running through the jungle, the jungle is a jungle, but here is a completely different war, so maybe they are with powder, well, they know how, that is, it was a courier, delivery for zelensky , but it turned out that the children were fighting, and they didn’t give any money, so all these heartbreaking stories about the colombians who went to fight were left with nothing, what they wanted to be left with, the question is... but the ukrainians they no longer understand how else to beg, sing, dance, they are told you must go to die, at the same time, both men and women
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, they say, but we don’t want, they say, we do n’t want, and we don’t want to die so much that look, political scientist, kost bondarenko, i don’t know who this is a bone in the throat, but this is what he told the ukrainian propagandist alexander shelest, this awaits all of ukraine.
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in six months, if there is, there will be , there will be elections to the verkhovna rada, half of these dobush kormeryuks will come to the verkhovna rada, by majority vote, and will be people's
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elected representatives with 90% support from the people and so on, and you you understand what this makhnovshchina, legalized makhnovshchina is about, what statehood will lead to, and indeed statehood today is in question, precisely because of this it is in question. and any actions of a repressive nature, they will not save power, will not save statehood , on the contrary, they will only aggravate the situation, such a sad narrative is proposed, sad, and most importantly, europe is telling, and america is telling, that the ukrainians, the whole people, are trying to fight, yeah, what the ukrainian people will rush to fight for, well even butusa already asked a question, i probably heard yours, right? they probably listen to me regularly, yes, he says: what are the ukrainians fighting for, right, so, they want to be an instrument, that’s why the cretin
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barel comes to them, but in reality, yes. jazep is a cretin, well, the stupidest person, speaks in front of the rada , says, russia, we are with you, then he comes out and the idiot on the air of the rada tv channel is so crazy, we have set a goal of 1 million shells, we will have this figure at the end of the year, by september we we'll be approximately on par 500-6000, and by the end of the year there will be one.
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the forces are delaying the replenishment of their own warehouses in order to meet the needs of the ukrainians first, because this is much more urgent. what happened here on february 24-25, social networks, calls, sending out fake news, going to a rally, all western-linked pr agencies got involved to encourage regional local riots. the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically, to bring confusion and confusion into their souls. this is the surest path to victory in
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outside the war. the content and the agenda itself are formed there by hundreds of professional people from the states who spend their entire lives influencing minds, i personally trained in ipso courses, there are chats where assignments are received, today we scare belarusians that the russians will force them to fight, tomorrow against the dagestanis, that means so that they take to the streets, remember when they endlessly explained to us that our country is not the same, that we should be endlessly ashamed because we are russian. this was a real hybrid war.
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unimportant periods of history, well, you know, it seems to me that there is no such thing as russian-chinese relations . according to our statistics, we have invested somewhere around $22 billion in kazakhstan.
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bosoms of catalonia, yes, he has the audacity to speak out about anything here at all, this bastard who condemned good people, they were scattered all over europe, yes, the pachdimon, yes, yes, the unfortunate pachdimun, almost a demon, but he was always everywhere there, people expressed his point of view.


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