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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 9, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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live in this territory, especially the military, they themselves will think out for the zaluzhny, what the zaluzhny would have done and what zelensky would not have done, all responsibility for this dismissal will actually lie solely with zelensky, whoever he appoints as the future chief commander, all zelensky will be directly responsible for all the defeats that will happen in the future; everyone will point a finger at him and say, it’s your fault. now, regarding the statement of stoltenberg and sullivan, this... the story is not about the independence of ukraine, not about a sovereign who has the right to make decisions , not about the supreme commander, who certainly has such a right to make a decision, this is a story about the west’s desire to dissociate itself from this decision and not take responsibility for the future course of events, which will occur, including at the front. this is zelensky’s personal responsibility, and let him bear responsibility for this. now i want to say a few words about the law adopted in the first reading. about mobilization, firstly, i want
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to say that there is already such a stir around this law, you don’t need to imagine all this in such a way that not today, tomorrow, conditionally, at the end of february they will pass a law on mobilization, and this will provide them with 500 thousand bayonets, which they can easily mobilize there, this is not at all the case, i i think that bondarenko’s braid is not far from the truth, that resistance to mobilization will only intensify, by the way, this is again.
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make a decision and that is limited in terms of 10-15 days, and they will not provide consular services, we literally discussed this yesterday or the day before yesterday, the principle applies like this: first they block your accounts, and then you are obliged to resolve this issue yourself, including in court, you can decide, but this is your problem, that is, you fry, there will be fish, you block the accounts, and then we will deal with them to understand, besides, there are sbu officers in the consulates, and i do not rule out that there is corruption in this .
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zelensky does not have any majority in parliament, his faction gave 178 votes , just 178 votes, and apparently there were some more or less adequate people there, i don’t know how they justified their non-presence or non-voting, but they were found, which cannot be said about the opposition platform, which used to be for life, but now it is for life for peace, so i want these uh nomadic gypsies led by
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... you have become, you will never become their own for them, but for us you have long become strangers, and you will achieve nothing with this cunning policy, and you will have no political future, none of you, everyone who sits there today in the rada legitimizes this power and always supports this government, they declare their opposition, in fact, in the most difficult moments they support, lend a shoulder to this government and pull out anti-people laws,
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the shells should have arrived by march of twenty-four, march comes in a month, there are no million shells, the deadlines are delayed even before end of the year, in general, this is just another symbolic carrot that is traditionally dangled in front of the donkey of ukrainian statehood as a whole, at this time we have more positive news, today in saudi arabia has ended, today is the closing day of the international forum world defense show 2024, the second... the united arab emirates are holding two such venues in dubai and abu dhabi, here is saudi
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arabia, perhaps the recent visit of our president to the leadership of the kingdom of saudi arabia greatly influenced after which our representative arrived.
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we arrived with new opportunities for export use, showed our new systems, including in the middle east, many were shown for the first time, here is the system, let’s say our knight s-350, the only anti-aircraft missile system in the world, which was shown in the donbass, shoots down enemy planes and aircraft in full automatic mode, while only the only one who can do this is the best medium-range air defense system in the world, the beech m3. a mobile multi-channel complex, which received the export name viking, and also with great interest, so we observed the ministers of defense, the heads of the general staff of various countries with very great attention, of course, kalashnikov came, brought two export drone, cube and the new ska-350, a very
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promising model, very much interest abroad, and we can be sure that what we sell will not fight against us later, you know, i approached it myself. with this question to the head of rosoboronyexport at the last exhibition in the fall just in dubai and he answered like this, you know, now the world has lost a little of the international business foundations and on... on which it was previously based, and we moved on to some conversation on concepts, well, roughly speaking, yes so we have identified a certain circle of our allies, and sometimes some countries can violate these concepts, thereby signing up for something, in their low-cost ability, in their business incompetence, dishonesty, so all this ultimately affects them, you correctly mentioned ecuador, you can’t do such things without the approval of the supplier, but they do this, so they get an embargo and sanctions? economic problems, just a few words about the ukrainian exposition, who has, but can’t use the explosion button, it’s too
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it’s just that our global system is probably not needed, this is the same idea that the roman legionnaires had, that is, engineering and other various weapons that were used at that time, there were complex military machines, they had details.
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to think up some specific methods in which our weapons would not be able to shoot at us, yes, and you know who says the arms manufacturer, this machine, which has now been pumped up in 2 years, this is the accelerated production of various and new types of weapons, which are created directly now, then it will become a very attractive product in foreign markets after the end of the northern military district, i will literally spend another 30 seconds about the ukrainian site, because it is important to note the state that everywhere claims to be the most combat-ready. the second most powerful or third army on the planet brought a small pavilion, you can look at my
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telegram channel or the air defense bulletins of the vks, somewhere on the 10 m pavilion there are four unmanned vehicles and three models, that is, the complex is alha, that is, our modernized soviet tornado complex, neptune, our rocket x35, in fact, they used to bring everything, i remember back in china, in india, they brought large, so to speak, airplanes, large models, nothing...
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you know, at 6 pm, today washington time, 2:00 am, we will have a nuclear explosion in america, an information nuclear explosion, since kralson releases his interview with vladimir vladimirovich, well, as already said, he is not the first journalist, it’s true, there he is simply the first journalist who will show the entire interview, they are pieces that are taken out of context, and there is panic has already gone into full swing and full... the press went from all over the media, there is already one senator, well, a retired senator, shouting
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that he needs to be arrested, he is a traitor who is collaborating with our military enemy , which is what i think, this is such a recognition, that the americans are directly at war with us, if we are already a direct military enemy, and not an opponent or such softer words, and politics described this, the two most disgusting men in the world sat down at the same table. what could happen, you are not there, that is why cnn is the main propaganda organ for the american criminal... regime announced that in general carlson is not a journalist at all, that he has no right to accept any interviews or speak at all, well, they dictate who is a journalist and who is not a journalist, hillary clinton, the most corrupt politician for sure in the history of america, one of the most corrupt people in general in the history of this world, and announced
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that he is like a little dog who is a loser because he was fired from various... media campaigns and in general he is a useful idiot of the russian regime and him of course there is no need to listen to the eu , they are going to put him on a black list altogether so that he does not enter, well, of course, the complete world elite, this liberal elite is in complete panic, why, because two people are discussing something about freedom of speech, all that, well let's forget about this, of course, when germany is for freedom. he is now releasing this in parallel, as the new bill passed the senate, goes to the house of representatives, which returns 60
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billion to ukraine, 14 billion to israel, and there is about 20 billion for...
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he confused kole with merkel, well, in general it’s similar, we saw here, but no, well, this is the highest level of political correctness, to confuse kolya with merkel, yes, well, well, at least not a shepherd colle, that now boris nikolaevich will catch up, he will tell you there, yes, yes, so he will now tell you how he is getting ready, yes, the gromyk man, in my opinion, still saw him, and he saw everyone. well, again now it will be very interesting next week what the reaction will be, it will be interesting, that’s for sure.
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he published it, he published it twice, the last time in sufficient detail about how many people he needed, what equipment he needed is needed, well, in general, what does he need as commander-in-chief for further, in order to defend himself and launch a counteroffensive, that’s what i understood from this statement, but something else.
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zelensky writes like this, and zaluzhny writes like this, because well , you know, to say clearly that we reconciled there, by the way, the photograph is old, it’s not a recent photograph, but that is , you know, take yourself zelensky is not capable of having the courage to say that i made such a decision, but on the other hand, again, some ukrainian experts say that the further we get closer...
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for example, for avdiivka, which is about to happen, and the event will also fall on zelensky’s shoulders. spetanu pavlovich absolutely correctly says that betrayal, well, it’s even , you know, betrayal - this is such a national sport in ukraine, yes, that is, betrayal, so i mean the ex, yes boyko, all these, there is such a cheap fraer , yura pavlenko, i was once an adviser to ministers in 200, in my eighth or ninth year , the ministry of youth family affairs. sports i wasn’t there for long, it’s such a yushchenko weathervane, yes a yushchenko weathervane, and he voted the same thing: let ’s all die, let’s all go to war, let’s
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all go to war, listen, you said about father makhno, let’s remember oleksa dobusha, there pentyu and so on, the opryshki that acted in the carpathians, these are the events when vladimirovich showed yesterday, and in the ivano-frankivsk region.
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i said at the beginning of the program that a certain butusov, the head of censor no, released a video and he addressed the head of the sbu, i didn’t i’m saying there for some reason, but the point is, the point is that butusov turns to the ukrainian authorities with the question, what are we fighting for, what are the ukrainians fighting for, for what? and the essence is that yes, you are hiding behind the war, but the fact that you are corrupt, that you steal, that you lie, that you shut everyone’s mouth and so on and so on, this is obvious. perhaps, well, this, you know, the first
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public challenge or the idea that the ukrainians themselves should answer for themselves what we are fighting for. that's all, see you on sunday. my dad and i went here as children, too they lay there, silent.
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the kiev regime has finally put an end to it. the long-drawn-out story that everyone has already become tired of with the dismissal of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny. it turned out in the best traditions of ukrainian politics, theatrical and absurd. the office of the ukrainian president named several reasons for this change of personnel: a revision of tactics, a search for new solutions, and so on. about the same thing that lies on surface, the complete failure of the counter-offensive in the ssu, catastrophic losses and, to put it mildly, difficult relations with zelensky himself in the administration of the ukrainian president
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to mention. of course they didn’t become like that.


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