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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 9, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

7:30 am
suddenly he said, you know, this is interesting , i think so, and in the evening, when we met with him, already for dinner, he said: you know, i talked with my people, with my team, no, this, this is now this impossible, you can ask him, but i think he will hear our interview and confirm, i would never have said something like that if it hadn’t happened, okay, now it’s impossible, were you sincere then?
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so we tried to build relationships in different ways, for example, events took place in the middle east, in iraq, which means we are very gently, calmly built relations with the states, and i repeatedly raised the question that the united states should not support separatism or terrorism in the north caucasus, but would still continue to do so, and political support, information support, financial support, even military support came from the united states of their satellites in relation to terrorist groups in the caucasus, i once raised this issue with my colleague, also the president of the united states, he said, well, he can’t maybe you have proof, i say, yes, i was ready for this conversation, and i gave him this proof, he looked, you know what he said, but... i'm sorry, yes, but that's how
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it was, i'll quote, he says : well , i’ll kick their ass, so we waited, waited for an answer, there was no answer, i’m telling the directors of the fsb, well , you write in tsiruto, as a result of some kind of conversation with the president, i wrote once, twice, then we got an answer , we have the answer in the archive, the answer came from the cia, we worked with the opposition.
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this is the second moment, the third moment, very important, very important, this is the moment of creating a system about the usa, that means. created unilaterally, threatens our security, despite the fact that the local pro system, which, as we believe, was officially stated by the united states that it was being created against missile threats from iran, was also justified for its creation, i invited them to work three of us,
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russia, usa, europe, very interesting, they asked me, are you serious, i say, absolutely. economically, even politically, but we will radically change the situation in the world, he says, yes, they asked me, are you serious , i say, of course, we need to think, they told me, i say, please, then here, in this office where we are talking,
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secretary of defense gates, the former director of the cia, came, and secretary of state rice, right here, at this table, right opposite, here you are... what, they sat on this side, me and the minister of foreign affairs, the minister of defense of russia on the other side, they told me, yes, we thought and we agree, i say, thank god, great, but with some exception, that is you twice described how american presidents made some decisions, and then their teams derailed these decisions... exactly like that, exactly like that, in the end they sent us a pitch, i won’t tell you the details, because i think it’s incorrect, well, after all, it was a confidential conversation, but the fact that our proposal was rejected is a fact, then, it was then that i said,
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listen, well, then we will be forced to engage in retaliatory measures, we will create such strike systems that they will certainly overcome the pro system , he says, the answer was: “we are not doing it against you, but you are doing what you want, we proceed from the fact that it is not against us, not against the usa. i say, okay, let's go. and we have created hypersonic systems , and intercontinental range. and we continue to develop them, we are now ahead in the creation of hypersonic systems, strike systems, we are ahead of everyone, both the united states and other countries, they are improving every day. well, but not us , sorry".
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and you will agree again, well, some kind of nonsense, with who to talk to, i just don’t understand, we are ready to talk, well, with whom, where is the guarantee? in 2008, suddenly the doors or
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gates to nato were opened for her, here’s an interesting movie, we didn’t agree like that, but that’s it, all the presidents who came to power in ukraine, they relied on the electorate, one way or another good attitude towards russia, this is the southeast of ukraine, this is a large number of people. and it was very difficult to kill this electorate, which had a positive attitude towards russia, which means that viktor yanukovych came to power, and how, the first time he won after president kuchma, they organized a third round, which is not provided for in the constitution of ukraine, this is a coup d’etat, imagine, someone didn’t like it in the usa, well, there was a dispute between, in the fourteenth year, no?
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that in the usa, someone didn’t like something, they organized a third round, which is not provided for in the us constitution, but nevertheless they did it there, okay, viktor yushchenko came to power, who was considered a pro-western politician, good, but we’re with him established relations, he went to moscow on visits, we went to kiev and i went, met in in an informal setting, well, western is western, let, let people work, think. let the situation develop internally in independent ukraine
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itself, which means that after he led the country, the situation worsened, viktor yanukovych still came to power, maybe he was not the best political president, i don’t know, i don’t want to give assessments, but the question of association with the european union arose, but we have always been very loyal to this, please, but... when we read this association agreement, it turned out that for this is a problem for us, because we have a free trade zone with ukraine, open customs borders, and ukraine, according to this association, should have opened its borders to europe, everything would flow into our market, we said: no, well then it won’t work, we ’ll close then i declared my borders with ukraine, customs borders, how much ukraine would gain and how much it would lose ,
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the ukrainian economy, cooperation ties between enterprises have been very tight since the times of the soviet union, there is one enterprise produced components for final assembly in russia and ukraine, on the contrary, there were very close ties, so they carried out a coup d’etat, although we, because of the united states, i won’t say in detail now who they consider incorrect, but still it was said, you there you will calm yanukovych, and we will calm him down. opposition, let everything go - along the path, along the path
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of a political settlement, we said, okay, we agree, let's do it this way, yanukovych did not use, as the americans asked us, not, not the armed forces, not the police, but the armed opposition in kiev carried out a coup d'etat, how to understand this, who are you anyway, i wanted to ask me.
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point of view, this is a colossal mistake, and here, of course, the political leadership did not complete the work; they should have seen the political leadership see what this would lead to. so, in 2008 , ukraine’s doors to nato were opened, in 2014 they carried out a coup d’etat, while those who did not recognize the coup d’etat, and this is a coup d’etat, began to be persecuted and created a threat to crimea, which we were forced to take under our protection. started the war in donbass with in the fourteenth year, using, using aviation and artillery against civilians, because this is where it all began, because there was video footage of planes striking donetsk from above, they undertook one large-scale military operation, another, failed, were still preparing, and
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still background of development, military development... of the territory and the opening of the door to nato. well, how can we not be concerned about what is happening. on our part, it would be criminal carelessness, that’s what it would be. just political state leadership approached a line beyond which we could no longer cross. because it was destroying russia itself. and then we could not abandon our co-religionists and , in fact, part of the russian people under this military machinery; this was 8 years before the start of the conflict, but what provoked the conflict when you decided that you still needed to take this step? well, it provoked the conflict,
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the coup d’etat in ukraine initially provoked the conflict, by the way, representatives of three european countries came. and about the guarantors of the three guarantors, who instead in order to return this entire process to the political field, no, they supported the coup d’etat, although there would have been no point in this, believe me, because president yanukovych completely agreed, was ready for early elections, in which he did not have there was no chance to win or to be honest
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, there was no chance, everyone knew this, why the coup d'etat, why the sacrifices, why the threat to... crimea, why the beginning, then the operations in donbass, in general, i don’t understand this, this and a miscalculation, the cia completed its job with implementation of the coup d'etat, and in my opinion, one of the deputy secretaries of state said that even those who spent this large amount, almost 5 billion, but it was a colossal political mistake, why did this have to be done, everything could have been done, in fact, the same thing, only legally, without any...
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implementation, they are difficult for ukraine, there are a lot of elements, as if independence for donbass was
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provided for these territories, this is true, but i was absolutely sure, i will tell you now, i sincerely believed, what if you still manage to persuade those people who live in donbass still had to be persuaded to return, as it were, to the framework of ukrainian statehood, gradually.
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for the final signing of the documents, my colleagues in france and germany said, well, how can you imagine how they will sign an agreement with a gun
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pointed to their head, to their temple, it is necessary to withdraw troops from minsk. well, we withdrew our troops from minsk, as soon as we, excuse me, from kiev, as soon as we withdrew our troops from kiev, our ukrainian negotiators immediately threw us out.
7:55 am
i have already said that at the beginning of the 19th century, when theorists of independence and sovereignty of ukraine appeared, they proceeded from the fact that an independent ukraine should have very good, good relations with russia, but due to historical development, due to the fact that when these territories were part of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, poland, ukrainians...
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when the second world war began, part of this extremely nationalist, well, let’s say, nationalistically minded elite, they began to collaborate with hitler, believing that hitler will bring them freedom, and the german troops, even the ss troops, they are the most...
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that’s the problem, we are told all the time: well , nationalism, nationalism and neo-nazism exist in other countries, yes there are roskis, but we we are crushing them and in other countries they are being crushed, not in ukraine, in ukraine they have been made into national heroes, monuments are erected to them, they are on flags, they, their names are shouting, crowds that walk... with torches, like in nazi germany, these are people who destroyed poles, jews and russians, it is necessary, this is necessary practice and theory to stop means, of course, any nation , it has grown, believes that there is part of the people there, so we say that i say that this is part of the common russian people, they say: no, we are a separate people, okay, it’s good if someone considers itself a separate people, has the right to this, but not on the basis of nazism, that’s right,
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nazi ideology, look, the parliament fought against the russians during the second world war, but who fought against the russians during the second world war, hitler and his minions? it turned out that this person served in the ss troops, he personally killed russians, poles, and jews, ss troops formed from ukrainian nationalists, they did this dirty work, the president of ukraine stood up with...
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but how to do this? now listen to me, your question is very subtle, and can i tell you what i think, but you won’t be offended? of course, it would seem subtle, he is very disgusted by this question, you say there is no hitler, for so many years, yes 80 years, that means, but...
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