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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 9, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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but how can you then uproot ideology, culture, some feelings, history in a country that you do not control, how to achieve this? you know, as strange as it may seem to you, during the negotiations in istanbul we nevertheless agreed that - it’s all there in writing, that neo-nazism will not be cultivated in ukraine, including that it will be prohibited at the legislative level.
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yes, but he's funding the war you 're fighting. well, yes, he finances, but when i talked to him, it was before the start special military operation. naturally , and by the way, i told him then, i won’t go into detail, i never do this, but i told them then, i think that you are making a huge mistake of historical proportions, support everything that is happening there in ukraine, push russia away, i would tell him. said this more than once, by the way,
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here i think it would be correct, i’ll limit it to that, but what did he say? please ask him, it’s easy for you, you are a citizen of the united states, go and ask, it’s inappropriate for me to comment on our conversations, but since then you haven’t talked to him after february of twenty -two, no, we didn’t talk, we have...
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the director of the central intelligence department, mr. burns, he was then the ambassador to russia, well, in my opinion, he was a very successful ambassador, they are all witnesses to these conversations, ask them, the same thing is here with
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and then you can negotiate some conditions before doing this and stop, which is easier, what should i call him, oh what to say or what to ask for, you are going to put such and such such and such weapons in ukraine, oh-oh-oh, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, please don’t supply them, what can i talk about? how do you think? in any case, they talk about it, they try to intimidate their population with an imaginary russian threat, this is an obvious fact, and thinking people, well, not ordinary people, but thinking
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people, analysts, those who are involved in real politics, well, just smart people, understand perfectly well that this is fake, it's being blown out of proportion.
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send regular troops, this will, of course, put humanity on the brink of a very serious global conflict, this obviously, the united states needs this
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, why, thousands of kilometers from national territory , you have nothing to do, you have a lot of problems at the border, problems with migration, problems with external...
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you know, uh, i won’t go into details, but in such cases they always say: look for someone who is interested, but in this case you need to look not only for someone who is interested, but also for someone who can do it, because there can be many interested, but to climb to the bottom of the baltic sea to accomplish not everyone can do this explosion, but these two components must be connected, whoever is interested who can.
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surprises, it also surprises me, but today ’s german leadership is not guided by national interests, but is guided by the interests of the collective west, otherwise it is difficult to explain the logic of their actions or inaction, because it’s not just about the nord stream 2, which blew up in the nord stream one, which blew up, nord stream 2 was damaged, but one pipe is alive,
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why don’t you tell the germans, listen, guys, we’re giving you money and weapons, a valve
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please open the gas for us from russia, we buy liquefied gas in europe at three times the price, this drops the level of our competitiveness, the economy as a whole to zero, you want us to give you money, well, let us exist normally, earn our economy, we give you money from there, no, they don’t do this, why, ask them. that’s what’s here, what’s in their heads, they have the same thing, then, you know, people are very incompetent. maybe the world is now divided into two hemispheres, one hemisphere with...
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how doctors work, maybe it will be possible to somehow connect all this, well, i’ll give one example: the american dollar has united the whole world in many ways and what do you think, will the dollar disappear as a reserve currency, how have sanctions
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changed the place of the dollar in the world ? you know, this is... the grossest, one of the grossest strategic mistakes of the political leadership of the united states, the use of the dollar as an instrument of foreign policy struggle. the dollar is the basis of the power of the united states. i think everyone understands this perfectly. no matter how much you type dollars, they fly all over the world. inflation in the usa is minimal, how much is there?
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dollar as an instrument of political struggle, they dealt a blow to this american power, i don’t want to use any unliterary expressions, but this is stupidity and a huge mistake, look what’s happening in the world, even among us allies dollar reserves are declining now , everyone is looking at what is happening.
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uh, we pay in rubles and about the same 34% with a little in yuan, why did the united states do this, i can only explain by arrogance, they probably thought that everything would collapse, but nothing collapsed, moreover, look, other countries, including oil-producing countries, are starting to say that they are already paying for the sale of oil? in yuan, well, do you understand what this is happening or not, does anyone understand this in the same united states, what are you doing, cutting your own hair?
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but isn’t there enough chinese business in the us? yes, the political decisions are such that they are trying to limit cooperation with
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china. you are doing this to your own detriment. by limiting cooperation with china, you are harming yourself. this is a delicate area, and there are no simple linear solutions here, just like with the dollar.
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well, as for brix as a whole, russia has become the chairman of brix this year , then the brix country is developing at a very
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fast pace, look, god forbid, so as not to make a mistake, but in 1992, in my opinion, the share seven countries in the world economy was. well, 47%, so this is in the ninety-second year, in 2022 it fell somewhere to, in my opinion, a little thirty, the share of the brics countries in 1992 was only 16%. now it exceeds the level of seven, and this is not connected with any events in ukraine.
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how the united states adapts with the help of force, sanctions, pressure, bombing, the use of armed forces, this is due to arrogance, people do not understand in your political elite, the elite , that the world is for the elite, that the world is changing due to objective circumstances, and it needs to be done competently, on time, make the right decisions in a timely manner in order to maintain... your level, excuse me, even if someone wants a level of dominance, such rude actions, including in relation to russia , say, other countries, they lead to the opposite result, this is an obvious fact, it has already become obvious today, you just asked me, another leader will come and something will change , it’s not about the leaders, not about the personality of a particular person, i had a very good relationship with, say, bush and
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in the states he was portrayed as... there, uh , a country guy who doesn’t understand much, i assure you that this is not so, i believe that in relation to russia he too spent enough, also made a lot of mistakes, i told you about 2008 and the decision in bucharest to open the doors to nato, ukraine there and so on, but this happened under him, he put pressure there on - on on the europeans, but but in general i had very kind, good relations with him on a human level, he... he is no worse than any other american or russian or european politician in general, i assure you, he understood everything that he was doing, just like others, i have trump had such a cash relationship, it's not a matter of personality leader, it’s a matter of the mood of the elites; if the idea of ​​domination at any cost, and with the help of forceful actions, prevails in american society, then nothing
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will change, it will only get worse. and if in the end the realization comes that the world is changing due to objective circumstances and we must be able to adapt to them in time, using the advantages that the united states still has today, then perhaps something can change, and look, the chinese economy has become the world's first economy in terms of purchasing power parity by volume, it overtook the usa a long time ago, then the usa, right? and then india, one and a half billion people, then japan, in fifth place, russia, russia last year became the first economy in europe, despite all the sanctions and restrictions, this is normal, from your point of view, sanctions, restrictions, impossibility of paying in dollars, shutdown from swift, that means sanctions against our ships
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transporting oil. sanctions on aircraft, sanctions on everything, everywhere, the largest number of sanctions in the world that are applied are applied against russia, and we have become the first economy in europe during this time, the tools that the united states uses do not work, but we need to think about what to do, but if this awareness comes to the ruling elites, then yes, then and then the first person of the state. will act in anticipation of what both voters and people who make decisions at various levels expect from him, then something may change, you describe two different systems, you say that the leader acts in the interests of voters, but at the same time some decisions by the ruling ones classes are accepted, but you have been leading the country for many years, but what do you think with
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your experience? who makes the decision in america? i don’t know, america is a complex country, very conservative on the one hand, and rapidly changing on the other, it’s not easy for us to figure out who makes decisions in elections, how can you understand this when each state has its own legislation, each state regulates itself, someone can be excluded from elections at the state level, which means it’s a two-stage process. electoral systems there it’s very difficult to figure this out, and of course , there are two parties in which, which are dominant, republicans and democrats, and there, within the framework of this party system, the central decision-makers, preparing decisions, then look, that’s why in relation to russia after the collapse of the soviet union, they were, in my opinion, such an erroneous,
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rude, completely unfounded nothing. the policy was carried out under pressure.


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