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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 9, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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education for both girls and boys, so that they can find a place in life, that is , this all continues, we interact with them quite closely, our positions are very close or practically coincide, so i think that here we have enough great, great, great prospects, thank you very much, oleg sergeevich, for the detailed conversation, thank you, thank you.
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does she really read minds or not? the premiere, anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee, she has a special gift, who are you looking at today, well, the girl is standing buried, maybe is this dream of mine somehow connected with this matter? and do you know who the killer is? yes, just watch without doing anything on your own, stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you. anna is a medium, let's look before anyone else. in the application or on the website. in the special operation zone.
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units, which allows us to improve the position of our troops on the front line. shaigu drew special attention to the importance of continuously providing fighters with weapons, equipment and ammunition, as well as everything necessary for the successful completion of assigned tasks. separately, the head of the ministry of defense concluded that reconnaissance throughout the entire depth of the ukrainian armed forces’ defense needs to be carried out more actively. the minister held a meeting at the headquarters of the joint group of forces, received reports from the commanders on the current situation , thanked them for their skillful leadership of the troops, and thanked the fighters for the successful offensive in most directions to capture advantageous positions. the russian military released from captivity by the ukrainian armed forces returned to moscow; 100 people who were in mortal danger in the hands of militants were delivered by the ministry of defense. the plane landed at an airfield near moscow chkalovsky. now all the fighters.
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doctors' examination and rehabilitation are underway. the united arab emirates again became intermediaries in the exchange. the kiev regime also handed over 100 captured militants. a short circuit is one of the main versions of a large fire in the north of moscow. this night , a residential building caught fire in the airport metro area. the fire quickly spread over an area of ​​4.m2. the fire was extinguished using helicopters. they did 10 water releases. residents were evacuated and, as reported by the capital’s emergency services, 160 people are in ten locations temporary accommodation, the rest with relatives and friends. the mayor's office plans to immediately begin repair work; i note that this is the largest fire in a residential building in the modern history of moscow. last year , russia's trade turnover with china amounted to $240 billion. our countries have almost completely switched from mutual trade to national trade. 95% of currencies are the yuan and
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the ruble. russian ambassador to china igor margulov spoke about this in an interview with our channel about other areas. watch the interview immediately after the short commercial. alain, come on, i’ll help, thank you, but you have a whole cashback package here, i’m not sure, banks have so many conditions, yur, alyon with a free vtb debit card, 10% cashback on everything. help, it’s better for me, there’s enough cashback for everyone, vtb, together everything will work out. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year, i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season, and these months passed my
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of history, because, by definition, we are large neighboring states, we have a common border of 4,300 km, we have been communicating with each other for 400 years. therefore, of course, all stages and periods of russian-chinese history are very important. the other day at the beijing grand theater chinese foreign minister wang. he gave a reception and... to ensure that the principle of indivisible security is respected, which means that you
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cannot improve your security by deteriorating the security of the other side, we also actively advocate, together with china, for non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states, against the formation of narrow bloc structures, such as in the world as a whole, so in the asia-pacific region, but keeping in mind first of all such education. on china and calls on beijing to somehow influence moscow in matters of ukrainian
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conflict, and almost threatens with secondary sanctions if beijing continues to help russia. in general, how do the chinese look at all this, look at this pressure and react? if we talk about china's reaction to this pressure, i think the best answer, as far as sanctions are concerned, the best answer is the figures of russian-chinese trade turnover. the second is a reaction to sanctions pressure and the threat of sanctions. i would say the almost complete transition of our countries in mutual trade to national currencies, we we have almost completely abandoned payments in dollars, 90-95% of our trade is now serviced by the yuan and the ruble, and in general, i have already spoken about this publicly, it seems to me that this, frankly speaking, is not very respectful towards china, a great power , a permanent member of the security council, he gives advice on how to build relationships with third parties. countries, here they well understand both the historical background of these events and the real causes
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of the conflict, they know well who the instigator and provocateur are, constantly emphasize that russia's interests in the security sphere must be ensured; this year, russia and china are celebrating such an important date, very symbolic, 75 years of the establishment of diplomatic relations, but it's 75 years.
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kangxi granted this piece of land to the albazinians, and the albazinians wrote a letter to st. petersburg asking emperor peter i to send a priest; the head of the russian orthodox mission lived in this red fanza, as we call it. in fact , in china i have never seen pigeons on the roofs of astronomers’ houses. well, first of all, you you know, yes, why the edges of the roofs of the chinese are curved, because it is believed that evil spirits can only move horizontally and...
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predatory animals that drive away evil spirits, on the same house, surprisingly, we see pigeons, and i want to note, that all this was hundreds of years before pavel picasso painted his dove of peace, that is , they already understood that the dove of peace was a spiritual mission, and that the dove of peace was from the russian spiritual mission, that...
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10 days after his re-election to another five-year term as head state made a state visit to russia. last october , president putin was very warmly received here. vladimir vladimirovich was the main guest at the high-level forum within the framework of the belt and road initiative. and despite the fact that at the same time as the head of our state there were leaders of other countries here, nevertheless , special attention was paid to president putin; as part of this event, the leaders of the two countries communicated separately for several hours, which was perhaps unusual for last year , what the head of the russian government, mikhailovich mishustin, visited china twice, we have a mechanism for regular meetings, the coordinated work of this mechanism, among other things, allowed us to achieve
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a record result last year in trade, according to chinese statistics, this is 240. billion dollars, i’m looking at the fountain, you are fish, for the chinese it’s not just like that, it’s a symbol, prosperity, yes, since the word - fish coincides in sound with the word prosperity, that the chinese and i have plenty, oh, well, we have everything in abundance, and before just friendship, and trade and economic ties , and political dialogue, cultural exchanges, and human exchanges, so we have plenty of everything, china is now the main one, well, really... energy raw materials remain the basis of our exports to china and we have been for many years we are talking about the formation of an energy alliance, but i want to draw your attention to the fact that we are not talking about just
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trade in crude oil, gas, liquefied gas, electricity, coal and so on, we are talking about... what we have been doing together in recent years there are many joint ventures with the chinese industrial production projects in the field of energy , including high-tech projects, but besides energy there are other areas where i see very great prospects, this is the chemical industry, these are the products of the pulp and paper industry, fertilizers, various kinds of metals and ores, but ... perhaps the most promising, i would say, is the export of russian food; recent years in china have been an absolutely incredible boom, literally at the end of january, at the beginning of february, the russian export center spent two northeastern cities, china in shinyang in dalian, or as we call it in russian, in the distant one, an exhibition of russian goods, which was attended
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by about 130 of our manufacturers.
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look at the import-export structure, what is china now actively starting to supply to russia? now we see a really significant increase in chinese exports to russia, and this is not surprising, since it is known that a number of western companies, for political reasons, left the russian market, and these places are now very active are being replaced by chinese manufacturers , we are talking about computer equipment, about smartphones, about various kinds of machines and... equipment, well, probably the most striking example is cars, including thanks to this fact, china last year overtook japan for the first time in history and became the main one.
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pay special attention to chinese electric cars, which are extremely popular here in china and are also gaining popularity throughout the world. china is a generally recognized world leader in the production of electric cars and both quantity as well as quality. at one time you studied in beijing, but how many students from russia are studying in china now? now there are 12 thousand russian students studying in china, about 40 in russia
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. the leading masters of art from russia and china performed at the event, the success was absolutely stunning, by the way, i want to say that the leaders of the two states declared 2024 this
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year next year as the years of cultural exchanges between russia and china, so i’m sure we still have a lot of bright, memorable cultural events ahead of us. i heard that you are football love, well, i love football more as a fan. unfortunately, than, than as a player , well, the head of the people's republic of china also loves football, but, but, but this is not, this is not on purpose, in general , russia and china today play on the same team, of course, on the same team, and this is a very powerful team , in general, this team , you know, i would even call the global majority, even so, that is, we are uniting around ourselves other equally serious players, absolutely, chinese friends have recently been using the term global south very often, yeah.
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the hieroglyph dragon in its full spelling, because in china the dragon is generally a special sign, first of all, because in chinese culture the dragon symbolizes nobility, strength, intelligence, greatness, it is no coincidence that only the chinese emperor could afford to wear the image of a dragon on his clothes, and in general the chinese associate themselves with the dragon, this is the national symbol of china and... so i wrote this hieroglyph with a brush, i wished our chinese friends a good prosperous year, well, i would like to take this opportunity to congratulate
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all my colleagues, russian diplomats, i want to wish everyone good health and new successes for the benefit of our beloved homeland, in my opinion, these are the very characteristics that the chinese rewarded us when they describe the dragons. wisdom, in my opinion, this is all about you diplomats, thank you, thank you very much for such an assessment, thank you that the main thing in business is love, sber presents a prize for entrepreneurs who are in love with their business, the winners will receive a whole year of acquiring without a commission and free. opening and maintaining an account for 5 years, all participants receive bonuses from sber partner companies. participate in the favorite small business award, leave a request on the sber website. one of my friends has complex ones.
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will remember them and enjoy them; the situation in ukraine has become one of the main ones.


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