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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 9, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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and the agenda itself is formed there by hundreds of professional people from the states who spend their whole lives influencing minds, i personally trained in ips courses, there are chats where tasks are given: today we scare belarusians that the russians will force them to fight, tomorrow against the dagestanis, which means that they took to the streets, remember when they endlessly explained to us that our country is not the same, that we should be infinitely ashamed because we are russians, that was the real thing...
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february 9: a memorable date in military history russia. february 9, 1904, feat of the cruiser varyak. the russian cruiser varyak and the gunboat koreets were blocked by the japanese fleet in chimulpo bay in the yellow sea. the forces were too unequal, but the sailor officers did not lower the glorious st. andrew's shot in front of the enemy. by decision of the officers' council , the sailor was scuttled, and the korean was blown up by the crew. russian
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military personnel released from captivity by the ukrainian armed forces returned to moscow. at night , a ministry of defense plane delivered the fighters to the chkalovsky airfield near moscow. the exchange with the ukrainian country took place according to the formula of 100 per 100. the united arab emirates again became mediators. ahead of the military personnel is treatment, rehabilitation and a long-awaited meeting with relatives. report by evgenia petrukhina. il-76 landed at one of the airfields near moscow, our guys are on board... servicemen returned from ukrainian captivity, they are now probably counting the minutes until they meet their relatives, they will definitely remember this moment throughout their lives, as the plane's ramp descends they are at home, the exchange with the ukrainian side is 100 to 100, the russians really don’t abandon their own, i don’t left in hostile territory. alexander smirnov went to the front as a volunteer, he says, when classmates and friends went to the north military district zone, he just did. i couldn’t do otherwise, when
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i was captured, the connection with my family was interrupted , now it has been restored, yes, my family didn’t even know that i was alive and well, so i called, my sister didn’t even recognize me, because maybe she didn’t believe it anymore , that i’m alive, then i’m like, it’s you, sasha, yes, well, i started crying in russia, we came to russia with such a feeling, and everything is at home in our homeland, in general joy, everything is in our homeland earth, this is the most important thing, well, even the air, probably different in general,
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“two sisters, brothers, a big family in tula, well, yes, i just want to hug my mother, i haven’t seen him for a long time, he carefully takes out an icon from the breast pocket of his military uniform, he says , i read a prayer every day, vladislav andreev from the perm region, from the city of berezniki, a machine gunner, fought in the zaporozhye direction, mother russia saved us, just in general, from this i just want to just be among my relatives and just talk.” hug everyone, of course tight tight. here is footage from the ministry of defense, the first minutes after returning. first, our guys were taken by bus to one of the cities of central russia, then by plane to the moscow region. as soon as they find themselves in their homeland, they call their family, and then they peer at their native landscapes, and it seems they cannot believe that they are already home. the first hours on our native soil, it’s nice, of course, it’s nice that they were already waiting for us here. this is the second prisoner exchange since the salt70 terrorist attack. six, when the ukrainian
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side hit the plane where there were prisoners ukrainian armed forces fighters. bili from the american patriot complex, despite the complex approval procedures, exchanges are preserved, including thanks to the mediation of the oa. we are returning home, they took us, we are very happy , thanks to everyone who took part in this exchange, we are going home, hurray, hurray, hurray, there is a desire to continue serving, yes, yes, yes, everyone should be in their place , i am a career military man, why not, there is treatment and rehabilitation ahead in medical institutions of the russian ministry of defense, and of course, a long-awaited meeting with relatives, which during these difficult months they i imagined it so many times. evgenia petrukhina, yuri marchenko, dmitry matrosov, news. zelensky finally announced the dismissal of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, zaluzhny, so as not to name the main reason, the failure of the counteroffensive, catastrophic losses, the kiev regime decided to get off with routine excuses, the search for new solutions and
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a review of tactics. taking into account the candidacy of a replacement for the appointed one, these words raise questions. alexander syrsky earned the nickname general 200 and the bakhmud butcher in ukraine. this says a lot about his attitude. syrsky, the former commander of the ground forces. in his place, zelensky appointed alexander the troops of ukraine. he has no political ambitions, and he will be ready to carry out any decisions of the supreme commander-in-chief, even if they are far from , so to speak, military strategy, but are politically motivated. syrsky was born in the vladimir region, received a military education in moscow after the collapse. war crimes against civilians in the region. under his leadership, ukrainian forces were defeated under debaltsev, since 2019 commanded the ground forces. with the beginning
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of the northern military district, syrsky led the most important sectors of the front for the armed forces of ukraine. for example, i tried to hold artyomovsk. bakhmud in the ukrainian style, where the ukrainian armed forces burned the most trained personnel units for months. among the ordinary soldiers is syrsky. particularly reviled, many see him as a soviet-style commander who kept troops under fire for too long in the eastern town of bakhmud when ukraine should have retreated. syrsky was put in place of zaluzhny, with whom, as it was reported, zelensky had a serious conflict; the now former commander-in-chief torpedoed the politically motivated decision of his president; according to some sources, he even argued with the pentagon. the pentagon insisted that the ukrainian military carry out the main attack, focused on one area where planners believed a breakthrough was possible. instead, kiev opted for multiple attacks along the entire front, believing that it would be difficult for the russians to strengthen many points at once. the final straw could have been zaluzhny’s public appearances, including in western mass media. zaluzhny today is a political competitor for zelensky. yes, he has not yet expressed his political ambitions, but he
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has already given an interview, well, to cnn, where he indicated that, without a name, he indicated that the government is civilian. is to blame for the lack of mobilization, for the fact that it absolutely failed to build the economy for war. in recent weeks , information has even appeared in the press that a military coup may occur in ukraine due to zaluzhny’s resignation, and the sbu has begun preparing to suppress it. victoria nulland, deputy us secretary of state for political affairs. nulland’s sudden visit before this, some said that it was a consideration of the situation in order to replace zelensky, others, on the contrary, to prevent a crisis. and... in fact, the aka coup confirms that for nuland it was an urgent business trip to at least understand the situation, that these crazy people are causing problems that the americans already have more than enough of. in the end , apparently not without the support of the americans,
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zelensky finally made up his mind, but it really worked out vaguely, at first he published a post on telegram with thanks to zaluzhny and calls to stay on the team. then the former commander-in-chief himself announced a meeting with the president of the country. both are not...
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all these castlings are taking place against the backdrop of the most difficult situation for kiev at the fronts, problems on the external tracks and on the internal ones. ukrainian media are reporting that in a number of regions there are already almost riots against the tightening of mobilization. and the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, who is completely subordinate, will now have to deal with this baggage zelensky. evgenia nipot ana pogonina and nadezhda nefedova, lead. now we’ll tell you in more detail about what the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine is like. the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, alexander syrsky , was born on july 26, 1965 in the village of navinka,
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vladimir region. he studied at the moscow higher combined arms command school. he moved to ukraine in 1980 and began his service as a commander of a rifle platoon. in 2014 , after the coup in ukraine, tsirsky was appointed first deputy head of the main command center of the ukrainian armed forces. be the commander in chief gave criminal orders, as a result of which. it was under his leadership that in 2015 , ukrainian troops fell into the cauldron in debaltseve. syrsky was nicknamed general 200 due to the large human losses and failures on the battlefield. in the spring of 2023, it was syrsky who gave the order to surrender artyomovsk. they urge prizhtenoy belgrade to avoid unilateral steps and participate in dialogue with the assistance of the european union. this statement was made by the representative of the secretary general. kosovo, caroline ziady at a security council meeting. serbia calls on the international community to take action regarding
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with the decision of the central bank of kosovo to introduce the euro as the only currency. olga ponomareva found out what other statements were made. outbreaks of violence in zvecin and banjsk, arbitrariness of the kosovo police, which should not exist at all according to resolution 1244, about 200 attacks on serbs in 2023 alone, deprivation of voting and other rights to food. serbia and finally, the confiscation of 4 million that belgrade sent for salaries, pensions and benefits. un special representative korolina ziady listed the scale of lawlessness in kosovo at length point by point. scary, no i know how i will live without a pension, this is my only source of income, this is my house, but i don’t know how to live. srbi has two elections in kosova. serbs in kosovo have two options.
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the provisional institutions of self-government in pristina have created a territory in which it is impossible for serbs to live, and they are now carrying out systematic attacks against the serb civilian population. this situation can cause irreparable damage in terms of survival. b population in kosovo and metohija. the russian foreign ministry has already made an official statement about what is happening. illegal searches are being carried out. documents and cash are confiscated, employees are detained, and criminal cases are fabricated. the criminal regime of prime minister albino kurti has finally moved to the active phase of anti-serbian ethnic cleansing, the expulsion of serbs from their ancestral lands. the representative of self-proclaimed kosovo, albin kurti, in his response speech to the security council, changed tactics before our eyes and quoted biden. with his criminal past, he called the serbs terrorists who allegedly supply their
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mafia in kosovo under the guise of salary pensions, so it turns out that kosovo forces confiscated them in general, however, then kurti himself got confused in his testimony and denied that he was interfering with the supply of serbian dinars to the region. as for the ban on transactions with dinars, this rule does not in any way prohibit the serbian government from providing financial support to the kosovo serbs; any indication to the contrary is simply political propaganda. but someone may have had such plans, so today they came to the forum of national
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achievements specifically in the agriculture section within the framework of the exhibition, huge, large exhibition of achievements in russia. since the beginning of the century, our agro-industrial complex, with the enormous support of the president, has managed to transform itself, well, at the beginning, essentially from import dependence, then we went through the stage of self-sufficiency. the adoption of the federal law on the development of agriculture, later in 2010 the doctrine of food security was developed and approved, which over time and with changes in our status was transformed to meet current goals. today we work
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systematically, we work within our four state programs, all of them are aimed at... the development of agricultural production and regulation of agricultural markets, they are aimed at the development of the fishing industry complex of our country, the development of rural areas, and just recently we have our new state program for the effective involvement of agricultural lands in the turnover. well, in addition, we, of course, are a participant in two national projects, this is an international export cooperation. as well as the national project for small and medium-sized businesses. colleagues, thanks to a systematic approach to the development of the industry, to the way we do all this, thanks to stable state support, and of course, most importantly, thanks to the honest work of our farmers, those who
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work in the agro-industrial complex, since 2000 , agricultural production in russia in... has almost doubled, well, now it’s hard to imagine that we once depended even on grain exports, and today we are already among the world leaders in its production, and we are also one of the leaders in exports grains, we also have growing indicators for other agricultural crops, including sunflower , rapeseed, soybeans, vegetables, sugar beets,
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developing land reclamation and, of course, using advanced technologies from our colleagues. let me digress a little and say that today we would like to talk about the development of various areas of the agro-industrial complex, but i would like to say that it would probably be wrong if only i did this, but we have invited speakers, we have invited respected people who have proven their viability in the agro-industrial complex, and of course, we all of them today too...
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you know perfectly well, he is an honored person, he was also the minister of agriculture, well, in fact, he created one of the most effective businesses in the field of crop production, well, in general in the field of the agro-industrial complex. and i will continue and, dear colleagues, i will say a few words about animal husbandry. it is no secret that this is one of the most complex sectors in the agricultural sector. many of you.
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said, dear colleagues, we build our work based on our main four state programs and their financing ours is growing every year, well, just a few figures for example: the agricultural industry in 2000 received only 18 billion rubles as part of support. in the eighteenth year , the level of this support was already 266.
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well, here i would like to emphasize that the profitability of our agricultural enterprises is also increasing from year to year, in principle, for example, the share of profitable enterprises, the share of profitable
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companies in our country was 47% in 2000, and today there are already 86 of them, that is, the figures here have also been doubled. i’ll add that within the framework of the state agro-industrial complex program there are the most popular support tools, including, of course, whom you all know very well, he runs the rosagroleasing company. let's move on. our president pays great attention to improving the quality of rural
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life, therefore, on his instructions, we have been implementing a separate state program since the twentieth year. this is a program for the integrated development of rural areas. during this time, almost 4.00 social facilities have been updated and...
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enough for both the domestic market and for the development of exports, in principle, in terms of supplies for the export of fish products, we are among the leaders in the world market, and of course, all this is thanks, among other things, to the support of the president and the organization of systematic work in this direction. i would like to note that it is being carried out within the framework of the state program to preserve aquatic biological resources. measures for their artificial reproduction. in addition, we stimulate the development of aquaculture. for 10 years, this direction, thanks to state support, has been successful.
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to double its indicators, i will add that almost 157 billion rubles have been allocated to this state program over the past period. finally, already our youngest program, it started in the twenty-second year, it is associated with the effective introduction of agricultural land into circulation and the development of land reclamation. about 100 billion rubles have already been allocated for its event. well, what i want to say here is that everything is probably true.
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how work is being done to implement them at the regional level, this topic is also extremely important, and of course, without assistance from the regions there would not be such effectiveness in these state programs, but today the governor of the altai territory, viktor petrovich tamenko, the one who is directly on the ground, will tell us , understands what needs to be improved or how to improve the management of our
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agriculture, including at the federal level... what i would also like to note is that the production system allowed us not only to fully meet our own needs. russia's role in international markets has also changed dramatically. to understand, in the twentieth year, export revenues amounted to 1.4 billion dollars, in the twenty-third year it already exceeded 45 billion dollars. colleagues, a 30-fold jump, that is, we...
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in the trade of sunflower and rapeseed oil, well, we are in third place in barley supplies. as i have already said, since the twentieth year, russia has maintained the status of a net exporter of agricultural products, and for many, i emphasize, for many of our partners, for many states, russia is a very reliable partner, which consistently fulfills all agreements within the framework of its
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obligations. despite external pressure, we consistently support the food security of a number of countries, and this remains one of our main priorities. dear colleagues, yes, certainly has been done, a lot of work has already been done and i would like to emphasize that team work has been done here, but this does not mean that we have achieved everything we wanted, there is a lot ahead. in our country, they are primarily associated with increasing the import of independence, which for us is inextricably linked with the development , first of all, of selection and genetics, this is the direction in which we are now very actively working. together with the ministry of education and science , we are building an order system from farmers to domestic seed companies, public and private breeding institutions. such.


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